[KSplash Theme: Architecture] Name = Architecture Description = Fading splash screen based on the Moodin engine, for widescreens Version = 1.0 Author = TDE team Homepage = trinitydesktop.org Engine = Moodin BeginOpacity = 0.1 BaseResolution = 1280,1024 UseIconSet = false Image1 = kcmsystem Image2 = kcontrol Image3 = kcmpci Image7 = kmenuedit Image8 = kmenu LineUpImages = false IconSetSize = 64 Image1 = 1.png Image2 = 2.png Image3 = 3.png Image4 = 4.png Image5 = 5.png Image6 = 6.png Image7 = 7.png Image8 = 8.png ImageCoords1 = 105,578 ImageCoords2 = 240,610 ImageCoords3 = 385,610 ImageCoords4 = 530,610 ImageCoords5 = 675,610 ImageCoords6 = 820,610 ImageCoords7 = 960,610 ImageCoords8 = 1100,610 Labels = 1 Label1 = Welcome to TDE LabelFont1 = Trebuchet MS,32,-1,0,0,0 LabelCoords1 = -1,35 StatusCoords = -1,750 ImageOffset1 = 0,20