/*************************************************************************** sq_previewwidget.cpp - description ------------------- begin : ??? Mar 13 2007 copyright : (C) 2007 by Baryshev Dmitry email : ksquirrel.iv@gmail.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ksquirrel.h" #include "sq_previewwidget.h" #include "sq_iconloader.h" #include "sq_imageloader.h" #include "sq_libraryhandler.h" #include "sq_config.h" #include "sq_downloader.h" #include "sq_utils.h" #ifdef SQ_HAVE_KEXIF #include #include #include "sq_utils.h" #endif SQ_PreviewWidget * SQ_PreviewWidget::m_inst = 0; SQ_PreviewWidget::SQ_PreviewWidget(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name, TQt::WNoAutoErase), all(0), small(0), m_ignore(true) { m_inst = this; rereadColor(); down = new SQ_Downloader(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); connect(down, TQT_SIGNAL(result(const KURL &)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDownloadResult(const KURL &))); connect(down, TQT_SIGNAL(percents(int)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotDownloadPercents(int))); popup = new TDEPopupMenu; popup->insertItem(i18n("Background color..."), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotBackground())); popup->insertItem(i18n("Text color..."), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotText())); popup->insertSeparator(); popup->insertItem(i18n("Go to first image")+"\tHome", TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(first())); popup->insertItem(i18n("Next image")+"\tSpace", TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(next())); popup->insertItem(i18n("Previous image")+"\tBackSpace", TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(previous())); popup->insertItem(i18n("Go to last image")+"\tEnd", TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(last())); popup->insertSeparator(); popup->insertItem(i18n("Execute")+"\tEnter", TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(execute())); multi_pix = SQ_IconLoader::instance()->loadIcon("application-vnd.tde.tdemultiple", TDEIcon::Desktop, TDEIcon::SizeSmall); setMinimumHeight(20); setFocusPolicy(TQWidget::WheelFocus); } SQ_PreviewWidget::~SQ_PreviewWidget() { delete popup; delete small; delete all; } void SQ_PreviewWidget::load(const KURL &_url) { if(SQ_LibraryHandler::instance()->maybeSupported(_url) == SQ_LibraryHandler::No) return; if(!percentString.isEmpty()) { percentString = TQString(); update(); } down->kill(); if(m_forceignore || m_ignore) { pending = m_url = _url; return; } else pending = KURL(); m_url = _url; if(m_url.isLocalFile()) slotDownloadResult(m_url); else { KFileItem fi(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, m_url); down->start(&fi); } } void SQ_PreviewWidget::fitAndConvert() { if(!m_ignore && fit()) pixmap.convertFromImage(small?*small:*all); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *) { fitAndConvert(); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *) { TQPainter p(this); p.fillRect(rect(), color); int x = 4; if(!percentString.isEmpty()) { TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setBold(true); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(colorText); p.drawText(x, 4, width(), height(), TQt::AlignLeft, percentString); } if(!m_ignore && !pixmap.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap((width() - pixmap.width()) / 2, (height() - pixmap.height()) / 2, pixmap); if(multi) { x = x + multi_pix.width() + 4; p.drawPixmap(4, 4, multi_pix); } if(dim) { TQFont fnt = p.font(); fnt.setBold(true); p.setFont(fnt); p.setPen(colorText); p.drawText(x, 4, width(), height(), TQt::AlignLeft, dimstring); } } } bool SQ_PreviewWidget::fit() { if(!all) return false; // image is bigger than preview widget - // scale it down if(width() < 2 || height() < 2) return false; delete small; small = 0; if(all->width() > width() || all->height() > height()) { small = new TQImage(); *small = SQ_Utils::scale(*all, width(), height(), SQ_Utils::SMOOTH_FAST, TQImage::ScaleMin); } return true; } void SQ_PreviewWidget::saveValues() { SQ_Config::instance()->setGroup("Sidebar"); SQ_Config::instance()->writeEntry("preview_background", color.name()); SQ_Config::instance()->writeEntry("preview_text", colorText.name()); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::rereadColor() { SQ_Config::instance()->setGroup("Sidebar"); bool b = SQ_Config::instance()->readBoolEntry("preview", true); m_forceignore = !b; setShown(b); color.setNamedColor(SQ_Config::instance()->readEntry("preview_background", "#4e4e4e")); dim = SQ_Config::instance()->readBoolEntry("preview_text_enable", true); colorText.setNamedColor(SQ_Config::instance()->readEntry("preview_text", "#ffffff")); m_delay = SQ_Config::instance()->readNumEntry("preview_delay", 400); m_cancel = SQ_Config::instance()->readBoolEntry("preview_dont", true); if(m_delay < 50 || m_delay > 2000) m_delay = 400; } void SQ_PreviewWidget::slotBackground() { KColorDialog dlg(KSquirrel::app(), 0, true); dlg.setColor(color); if(dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { color = dlg.color(); saveValues(); update(); } } void SQ_PreviewWidget::slotText() { KColorDialog dlg(KSquirrel::app(), 0, true); dlg.setColor(colorText); if(dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { colorText = dlg.color(); saveValues(); update(); } } void SQ_PreviewWidget::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { e->accept(); if(e->button() == Qt::RightButton) popup->exec(e->globalPos()); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::loadPending() { if(pending.isValid()) { KURL tmp = pending; load(tmp); } } void SQ_PreviewWidget::slotDownloadResult(const KURL &url) { percentString = TQString(); TQString path = url.path(); fmt_info *finfo; RGBA *bits; // load first page bool b = SQ_ImageLoader::instance()->loadImage(path, SQ_CodecSettings::ImageViewer, true, 2); finfo = SQ_ImageLoader::instance()->info(); bits = SQ_ImageLoader::instance()->bits(); // memory allocation failed in SQ_ImageLoader::loadImage() if(!b || !bits || !finfo->image.size()) return; delete small; delete all; all = small = 0; pixmap = TQPixmap(); int w = finfo->image[0].w; int h = finfo->image[0].h; dimstring = TQString::fromLatin1("%1x%2").arg(w).arg(h); const int wh = w * h; unsigned char t; for(int i = 0;i < wh;i++) { t = (bits+i)->r; (bits+i)->r = (bits+i)->b; (bits+i)->b = t; } all = new TQImage((uchar *)bits, w, h, 32, 0, 0, TQImage::LittleEndian); all->setAlphaBuffer(true); #ifdef SQ_HAVE_KEXIF KExifData data; data.readFromFile(path); int O = data.getImageQt::Orientation(); if(O != KExifData::UNSPECIFIED && O != KExifData::NORMAL) { // copy original image TQImage img = *all; // rotate image SQ_Utils::exifRotate(TQString(), img, O); // transfer back *all = img; } else #endif *all = all->copy(); multi = finfo->image.size() > 1; SQ_ImageLoader::instance()->cleanup(); fitAndConvert(); update(); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *e) { e->accept(); int key = e->key(); if(key == TQt::Key_PageDown || key == TQt::Key_Space) emit next(); else if(key == TQt::Key_PageUp || key == TQt::Key_BackSpace) emit previous(); else if(key == TQt::Key_Return || key == TQt::Key_Enter) emit execute(); else if(key == TQt::Key_Home) emit first(); else if(key == TQt::Key_End) emit last(); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *e) { if(e->delta() < 0) emit next(); else emit previous(); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { e->accept(); emit execute(); } void SQ_PreviewWidget::slotDownloadPercents(int p) { percentString = i18n("Downloading...") + ' ' + TDEIO::convertSize(p); update(); } #include "sq_previewwidget.moc"