/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton * * david@bluehaze.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "colorcombo.h" #include "diode.h" #include "ecled.h" #include "ecnode.h" #include "ecsevensegment.h" #include "libraryitem.h" #include "simulator.h" #include #include #include Item* ECSevenSegment::construct( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) { return new ECSevenSegment( (ICNDocument*)itemDocument, newItem, id ); } LibraryItem* ECSevenSegment::libraryItem() { return new LibraryItem( "ec/seven_segment", i18n("Seven Segment"), i18n("Outputs"), "seven_segment.png", LibraryItem::lit_component, ECSevenSegment::construct ); } ECSevenSegment::ECSevenSegment( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) : Component( icnDocument, newItem, id ? id : "seven_segment" ) { m_name = i18n("Seven Segment LED"); m_desc = i18n("A seven segment display with a decimal point. This can be configured to either have a common cathode or a common anode."); m_bDynamicContent = true; QStringList pins = QStringList::split( ',', "g,f,e,d,"+QString(QChar(0xB7))+",c,b,a" ); createProperty( "0-color", Variant::Type::Color ); property("0-color")->setCaption( i18n("Color") ); property("0-color")->setColorScheme( ColorCombo::LED ); createProperty( "diode-polarity", Variant::Type::Select ); property("diode-polarity")->setCaption( i18n("Configuration") ); property("diode-polarity")->setAllowed( QStringList::split(',',"Common Cathode,Common Anode") ); property("diode-polarity")->setValue("Common Cathode"); for ( int i=0; i<8; i++ ) { m_diodes[i] = 0L; m_nodes[i] = 0L; avg_brightness[i] = 0.; last_brightness[i] = 255; } m_nNode = 0L; lastUpdatePeriod = 0.; initDIPSymbol( pins, 64 ); initDIP(pins); m_nNode = createPin( width()/2+offsetX(), height()+8+offsetY(), 270, "-v" ); for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) m_nodes[i] = ecNodeWithID( QChar('a'+i) ); m_nodes[7] = ecNodeWithID(QChar(0xB7)); m_bCommonCathode = false; // Force update } ECSevenSegment::~ECSevenSegment() { } void ECSevenSegment::dataChanged() { QColor color = dataColor("0-color"); r = color.red(); g = color.green(); b = color.blue(); r /= 0x100; g /= 0x100; b /= 0x100; bool commonCathode = dataString("diode-polarity") == "Common Cathode"; if ( commonCathode != m_bCommonCathode ) { m_bCommonCathode = commonCathode; for ( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) { removeElement( m_diodes[i], false ); if (commonCathode) m_diodes[i] = createDiode( m_nodes[i], m_nNode ); else m_diodes[i] = createDiode( m_nNode, m_nodes[i] ); } removeElement( m_diodes[7], false ); if (commonCathode) m_diodes[7] = createDiode( m_nodes[7], m_nNode ); else m_diodes[7] = createDiode( m_nNode, m_nodes[7] ); } update(); } void ECSevenSegment::stepNonLogic() { double interval = 1./LINEAR_UPDATE_RATE; for ( int i=0; i<8; i++ ) { avg_brightness[i] += ECLed::brightness( m_diodes[i]->current() )*interval; } lastUpdatePeriod += interval; } void ECSevenSegment::drawShape( QPainter &p ) { CNItem::drawShape(p); initPainter(p); const int _width = 20; const int _height = 32; const int x1 = (int)x()+offsetX() + (width()-_width)/2 - 1; const int x2 = x1 + _width; const int y1 = (int)y()+offsetY() + (height()-_height)/2; const int y2 = y1 + _height/2; const int y3 = y1 + _height; const int ds = 2; // "Slope" // QPen pen; // pen.setWidth(2); // pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); // p.setPen(pen); if ( lastUpdatePeriod != 0. ) { for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) { last_brightness[i] = (uint)(avg_brightness[i]/lastUpdatePeriod); } } double _b; // Top _b = last_brightness[0]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x1+3+ds, y1+0, x2-3+ds, y1+0 ); // Top right _b = last_brightness[1]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x2+0+ds, y1+3, x2+0, y2-3 ); // Bottom right _b = last_brightness[2]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x2+0, y2+3, x2+0-ds, y3-3 ); // Bottom _b = last_brightness[3]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x2-3-ds, y3+0, x1+3-ds, y3+0 ); // Bottom left _b = last_brightness[4]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x1+0-ds, y3-3, x1+0, y2+3 ); // Top left _b = last_brightness[5]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x1+0, y2-3, x1+0+ds, y1+3 ); // Middle _b = last_brightness[6]; p.setPen( QPen( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( x1+3, y2+0, x2-3, y2+0 ); // Decimal point _b = last_brightness[7]; p.setBrush( QBrush( QColor( uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-r)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-g)), uint(255-(255-_b)*(1-b)) ) ) ); p.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); p.drawPie( x2+3, y3-2, 3, 3, 0, 16*360 ); lastUpdatePeriod = 0.; for ( uint i=0; i<8; ++i ) { avg_brightness[i] = 0.; } deinitPainter(p); }