0#Unknown statement#You have started a line with an unrecognised word. Check the statement is not misspelt, or consult the documentation for a list of available statements. 1#Missing until statement after repeat statement.#After the closing brace of a section of repeated code, there should be until <expression> on the next line 2#Port not supported by target PIC#The port referred to is not recognised for the target PIC. Most port names will be of the form PORTX. Check which ports are supported by your PIC.PORTA 3#Pin identifier was not followed by '='#The pin can accept values of high or low.porta.3 = high
portb.6 = low
4#Pin state can only be set to 'high' or 'low#A pin cannot be set to a number. Use high or low instead of 1 or 0 respectively.porta.3 = high
portb.6 = low
5#Port identifier can only be followed by ' = '#A port can be assigned a value between 0 and 255. "PORTA = 6" would output the number 6 on PORTA of the PIC. 6#Unexpected statement before '{'#There is a mistake in the syntax. 7#Mismatched brackets#Make sure that every opening bracket ( has a corresponding closing bracket ). 8#'=' in expression, did you mean '=='?#Use the operator == to test for the equality of two variables. Use the operator = for assignment. Incorrect: if x = 2 then ...
Correct: if x == 2 then ...
9#Reserved keywords must not be used as a variable name#The word used is a Microbe statement and therefore cannot be used for variable names. 10#Nothing between operators, did you miss an operand out?#There are two operators in a row, without anything inbetween them. Remember that negative numbers can not be used in this version. Incorrect: 3 + + 5 11#Missing operator or space in operand#You may have accidentally placed a space in a variable name, or missed an operator such as plus from between two expressions. 12#Unknown variable#Make sure that the variable is initialized before first use. Initialising a: a = 0 13#Missing 'then' in 'if' statement#The correct syntax for an 'if' statement is:
if then
14#Missing argument(s) from 'alias' statement#The alias statement takes 2 arguments: the targetted expression, and the alias name, respectively.

alias PORTA led

creates the alias led for PORTA
15#Too many argument(s) in 'alias' statement#The alias statement takes 2 arguments: the targetted expression, and the alias name, respectively.

alias PORTA led

creates the alias led for PORTA
16#Could not open included file#Check that the file exists at the path name given in the include statement. 17#Number too big#Numbers must be integers in the range 0 to 255, this is because Microbe only supports 8-bit numbers. 18#Unexpected statement after '}'#There is a mistake in the syntax. 19#A constant expression must follow step#In a for statement, if a step is specified, it must be a constant expression. for i = 0 to 10 step 3
for i = 30 to 0 step -(10 * 7)
20#Delay argument must be a constant expression#delay takes a single argument, the length of delay required in milliseconds. The length of delay must be a constant expression.delay 7 * 3000
delay 1
21#High or low expected after pin expression#An expression involving a pic pin should be of the form PORTX.n is high|low.PORTA.3 is high 22#Comparison operator was not recognised, perhaps you meant <=, >=, or != ?#Be careful to write comparison operators correctly, they should be <=, >= and !=, not =<, => or =!.if a >= 3 then call mysub 23#Subrountine definition before end of program#Subroutines must be defined after the end statement, and called from the program with call subname. 255#Internal compiler error#The Microbe compiler has encountered an internal problem. Microbe is still very much in development, and it is likely that this is a genuine bug. Please report this to the authors, as detailed in the Help->About Dialog, so that it can be fixed.