/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by David Saxton * * david@bluehaze.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "delay.h" #include "libraryitem.h" #include "flowcode.h" #include Item* Delay::construct( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) { return new Delay( (ICNDocument*)itemDocument, newItem, id ); } LibraryItem* Delay::libraryItem() { return new LibraryItem( TQString("flow/delay"), i18n("Delay"), i18n("Functions"), "delay.png", LibraryItem::lit_flowpart, Delay::construct ); } Delay::Delay( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const char *id ) : FlowPart( icnDocument, newItem, (id) ? id : "delay" ) { m_name = i18n("Delay"); m_desc = i18n("Delay the program execution for a fixed period of time."); initProcessSymbol(); createStdInput(); createStdOutput(); createProperty( "delay_length", Variant::Type::Double ); property("delay_length")->setCaption( i18n("Pause Length") ); property("delay_length")->setUnit("sec"); property("delay_length")->setValue(1.0); } Delay::~Delay() { } void Delay::dataChanged() { double delay = dataDouble("delay_length"); setCaption( i18n("Delay for %1 sec").tqarg(TQString::number( delay / getMultiplier(delay), 'g', 3 )+getNumberMag(delay)) ); } void Delay::generateMicrobe( FlowCode *code ) { const double delayLength_ms = dataDouble("delay_length")*1e3; code->addCode( "delay "+TQString::number(delayLength_ms) ); code->addCodeBranch( outputPart("stdoutput") ); // code->addVariable("COUNT_REPEAT"); #if 0 // Code for pauses less than 769uS if ( pauseLength < 769 ) { code->addCodeBlock( id(), "movlw " + TQString::number(pauseLength/3) + "\n" "movwf COUNT_REPEAT\n" "call count_3uS\n" + gotoCode("stdoutput") ); code->addCodeBlock( "count_3uS", "decfsz COUNT_REPEAT,1\n" "goto count_3uS\n" "return" ); } else if ( pauseLength < 196609 ) { code->addVariable("COUNT_LOOP_1"); code->addCodeBlock( id(), "movlw " + TQString::number(pauseLength/(3*256)) + "\n" "movwf COUNT_REPEAT\n" "call count_768uS\n" + gotoCode("stdoutput") ); code->addCodeBlock( "count_768uS", "decfsz COUNT_LOOP_1,1\n" "goto count_768uS\n" "decfsz COUNT_REPEAT,1\n" "goto count_768uS\n" "return" ); } else if ( pauseLength < 50331649 ) { code->addVariable("COUNT_LOOP_1"); code->addVariable("COUNT_LOOP_2"); code->addCodeBlock( id(), "movlw " + TQString::number(pauseLength/(3*256*256)) + "\n" "movwf COUNT_REPEAT\n" "call count_200mS\n" + gotoCode("stdoutput") ); code->addCodeBlock( "count_200mS", "decfsz COUNT_LOOP_1,1\n" "goto count_200mS\n" "decfsz COUNT_LOOP_2,1\n" "goto count_200mS\n" "decfsz COUNT_REPEAT,1\n" "goto count_200mS\n" "return" ); } else/* if ( pauseLength < 12884901889 )*/ { code->addVariable("COUNT_LOOP_1"); code->addVariable("COUNT_LOOP_2"); code->addVariable("COUNT_LOOP_3"); code->addCodeBlock( id(), "movlw " + TQString::number(pauseLength/(3*256*256*256)) + "\n" "movwf COUNT_REPEAT\n" "call count_50S\n" + gotoCode("stdoutput") ); code->addCodeBlock( "count_50S", "decfsz COUNT_LOOP_1,1\n" "goto count_50S\n" "decfsz COUNT_LOOP_2,1\n" "goto count_50S\n" "decfsz COUNT_LOOP_3,1\n" "goto count_50S\n" "decfsz COUNT_REPEAT,1\n" "goto count_50S\n" "return" ); } #endif }