/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by David Saxton * * david@bluehaze.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "oscilloscope.h" #include "oscilloscopedata.h" #include "oscilloscopeview.h" #include "probe.h" #include "probepositioner.h" #include "simulator.h" #include "ktechlab.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //BEGIN Oscilloscope Class TQColor probeColors[9] = { TQColor( 0x52, 0x22, 0x00 ), TQColor( 0xB5, 0x00, 0x2F ), TQColor( 0xF9, 0xBA, 0x07 ), TQColor( 0x53, 0x93, 0x16 ), TQColor( 0x00, 0x66, 0x2F ), TQColor( 0x00, 0x41, 0x88 ), TQColor( 0x1B, 0x2D, 0x83 ), TQColor( 0x55, 0x12, 0x7B ), TQColor( 0x7B, 0x0C, 0x82 ) }; Oscilloscope * Oscilloscope::m_pSelf = 0l; Oscilloscope * Oscilloscope::self( KateMDI::ToolView * parent ) { if ( !m_pSelf ) { assert(parent); m_pSelf = new Oscilloscope(parent); } return m_pSelf; } Oscilloscope::Oscilloscope( KateMDI::ToolView * parent ) : OscilloscopeWidget(parent) { m_nextColor = 0; m_nextId = 1; m_oldestId = -1; m_oldestProbe = 0l; // b_isPaused = false; m_zoomLevel = 0.5; m_pSimulator = Simulator::self(); horizontalScroll->setLineStep(32); horizontalScroll->setPageStep( oscilloscopeView->width() ); connect( resetBtn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(reset()) ); connect( zoomSlider, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotZoomSliderChanged(int)) ); connect( horizontalScroll, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int )), this, TQ_SLOT(slotSliderValueChanged(int )) ); // connect( pauseBtn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotTogglePause()) ); TQTimer * updateScrollTmr = new TQTimer(this); connect( updateScrollTmr, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(updateScrollbars()) ); updateScrollTmr->start(20); TDEGlobal::config()->setGroup("Oscilloscope"); setZoomLevel( TDEGlobal::config()->readDoubleNumEntry( "ZoomLevel", 0.5 ) ); connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL(probeRegistered(int, ProbeData *)), probePositioner, TQ_SLOT(slotProbeDataRegistered(int, ProbeData *)) ); connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL(probeUnregistered(int )), probePositioner, TQ_SLOT(slotProbeDataUnregistered(int )) ); } Oscilloscope::~Oscilloscope() { } void Oscilloscope::slotTogglePause() { // b_isPaused = !b_isPaused; // pauseBtn->setText( b_isPaused ? i18n("Resume") : i18n("Pause") ); // const ProbeDataMap::iterator end = m_probeDataMap.end(); // for ( ProbeDataMap::iterator it = m_probeDataMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) // (*it)->setPaused(b_isPaused); } int Oscilloscope::sliderTicksPerSecond() const { return int(1e4); } void Oscilloscope::setZoomLevel( double zoomLevel ) { if ( zoomLevel < 0.0 ) zoomLevel = 0.0; else if ( zoomLevel > 1.0 ) zoomLevel = 1.0; TDEGlobal::config()->setGroup("Oscilloscope"); TDEGlobal::config()->writeEntry( "ZoomLevel", zoomLevel ); // We want to maintain the position of the *center* of the view, not the // left edge, so have to record time at center of view... We also have to // handle the case where the scroll is at the end separately. bool wasAtUpperEnd = horizontalScroll->maxValue() == horizontalScroll->value(); int pageLength = int(oscilloscopeView->width()*sliderTicksPerSecond()/pixelsPerSecond()); int at_ticks = horizontalScroll->value() + (pageLength/2); m_zoomLevel = zoomLevel; zoomSlider->setValue( int((double(zoomSlider->maxValue())*zoomLevel)+0.5) ); updateScrollbars(); // And restore the center position of the slider if (!wasAtUpperEnd) { int pageLength = int(oscilloscopeView->width()*sliderTicksPerSecond()/pixelsPerSecond()); horizontalScroll->setValue( at_ticks - (pageLength/2) ); oscilloscopeView->updateView(); } } void Oscilloscope::slotZoomSliderChanged( int value ) { setZoomLevel( double(value)/double(zoomSlider->maxValue()) ); } ProbeData * Oscilloscope::registerProbe( Probe * probe ) { if (!probe) return 0l; const uint id = m_nextId++; ProbeData * probeData = 0l; if ( dynamic_cast(probe) ) { probeData = new LogicProbeData(id); m_logicProbeDataMap[id] = static_cast(probeData); } else { probeData = new FloatingProbeData(id); m_floatingProbeDataMap[id] = static_cast(probeData); } m_probeDataMap[id] = probeData; if (!m_oldestProbe) { m_oldestProbe = probeData; m_oldestId = id; } probeData->setColor( probeColors[m_nextColor] ); m_nextColor = (m_nextColor+1)%9; // probeData->setPaused(b_isPaused); emit probeRegistered( id, probeData ); return probeData; } void Oscilloscope::unregisterProbe( int id ) { ProbeDataMap::iterator it = m_probeDataMap.find(id); if ( it == m_probeDataMap.end() ) return; m_logicProbeDataMap.remove(id); m_floatingProbeDataMap.remove(id); bool oldestDestroyed = it.data() == m_oldestProbe; if ( it != m_probeDataMap.end() ) m_probeDataMap.erase(it); if (oldestDestroyed) getOldestProbe(); emit probeUnregistered(id); } ProbeData * Oscilloscope::probeData( int id ) const { const ProbeDataMap::const_iterator bit = m_probeDataMap.find(id); if ( bit != m_probeDataMap.end() ) return bit.data(); return 0l; } int Oscilloscope::probeNumber( int id ) const { const ProbeDataMap::const_iterator end = m_probeDataMap.end(); int i=0; for ( ProbeDataMap::const_iterator it = m_probeDataMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { if ( it.key() == id ) return i; i++; } return -1; } int Oscilloscope::numberOfProbes() const { return m_probeDataMap.size(); } void Oscilloscope::getOldestProbe() { if ( m_probeDataMap.isEmpty() ) { m_oldestProbe = 0l; m_oldestId = -1; return; } m_oldestProbe = m_probeDataMap.begin().data(); m_oldestId = m_probeDataMap.begin().key(); } void Oscilloscope::reset() { const ProbeDataMap::iterator end = m_probeDataMap.end(); for ( ProbeDataMap::iterator it = m_probeDataMap.begin(); it != end; ++it ) (*it)->eraseData(); oscilloscopeView->updateView(); } void Oscilloscope::slotSliderValueChanged( int value ) { Q_UNUSED(value); oscilloscopeView->updateView(); } void Oscilloscope::updateScrollbars() { bool wasAtUpperEnd = horizontalScroll->maxValue() == horizontalScroll->value(); const float pps = pixelsPerSecond(); int pageLength = int(oscilloscopeView->width()*sliderTicksPerSecond()/pps); llong timeAsTicks = time()*sliderTicksPerSecond()/LOGIC_UPDATE_RATE; llong upper = (timeAsTicks > pageLength) ? (timeAsTicks - pageLength) : 0; horizontalScroll->setRange( 0, upper ); horizontalScroll->setPageStep( ullong(oscilloscopeView->width()*sliderTicksPerSecond()/pps) ); if (wasAtUpperEnd) { horizontalScroll->setValue( horizontalScroll->maxValue() ); oscilloscopeView->updateView(); } } ullong Oscilloscope::time() const { if (!m_oldestProbe) return 0; return ullong( m_pSimulator->time() - m_oldestProbe->resetTime() ); } llong Oscilloscope::scrollTime() const { // if ( b_isPaused || numberOfProbes() == 0 ) // return 0; if ( numberOfProbes() == 0 ) return 0; if ( horizontalScroll->maxValue() == 0 ) { llong lengthAsTime = llong( oscilloscopeView->width() * LOGIC_UPDATE_RATE / pixelsPerSecond() ); return m_pSimulator->time() - lengthAsTime; } else return llong( m_oldestProbe->resetTime() + (llong(horizontalScroll->value()) * LOGIC_UPDATE_RATE / sliderTicksPerSecond()) ); } double Oscilloscope::pixelsPerSecond() const { return 2 * MIN_BITS_PER_S * std::pow( 2.0, m_zoomLevel * MIN_MAX_LOG_2_DIFF ); } //END Oscilloscope Class void addOscilloscopeAsToolView( KTechlab *ktechlab ) { KateMDI::ToolView * tv; tv = ktechlab->createToolView( Oscilloscope::toolViewIdentifier(), KMultiTabBar::Bottom, TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "oscilloscope", TDEIcon::Small ), i18n("Oscilloscope") ); Oscilloscope::self(tv); } ProbeData * registerProbe( Probe * probe ) { return Oscilloscope::self()->registerProbe(probe); } void unregisterProbe( int id ) { Oscilloscope::self()->unregisterProbe(id); } #include "oscilloscope.moc"