path: root/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/scriptexamples/tutorial')
8 files changed, 1218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..914e3823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# KVirc IRC client Makefile - 16.12.98 Szymon Stefanek <>
+EXTRA_DIST = *.kvs
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper1.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper1.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4f5f5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper1.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 1
+# First of all we create the main game widget
+# The minesweeper widget inherits from the widget class
+ # The constructor sets the basic widget properties
+ # and creates the child widgets
+ constructor()
+ {
+ # Set the widget caption
+ $$->$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ # We will have a variable number of rows , columns and mines
+ # For now we hardcorde it , later they might become user definable parameters
+ $$->%rows = 10
+ $$->%cols = 10
+ $$->%mines = 10
+ # The child labels will be put in a layout that will manage automatically their geometries
+ $$->%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ # Time to create the child labels
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ # We use a dictionary to simulate a two dimensional array
+ # The label references are stored in the dictionary associated to a key
+ # that is build from the row and column index
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}=$new(label,$this,"%i_%j")
+ # Each label must remember its position
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ # We add the labels to the layout grid
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ # Time to initialize a new game
+ $$->$newGame();
+ }
+ # We need no destructor for now : the child widgets and the layout will be
+ # destroyed when the user will close the main widget
+ # Here we start a new game
+ newGame()
+ {
+ # We set the labels
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ # KVIrc is parsed on-the-fly so we use the following line as optimisation.
+ # parsing %l is really faster than parsing a $$->%label{%i,%j}
+ %l = $$->%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel); # raised labels are "unpressed" buttons
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0 # for now it is NOT a mine
+ %l->%numMines = 0 # number of adiacent mines , for now 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0 # this label has been pressed ?
+ %l->$setText("") # set the text to an empty string
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Create an instance of the minesweepermain object
+%m = $new(minesweepermain)
+# /parse this file
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper2.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper2.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16eb3172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper2.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 2
+ constructor()
+ {
+ $$->$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ $$->%rows = 10
+ $$->%cols = 10
+ $$->%mines = 10
+ $$->%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}=$new(label,$this,"%i_%j")
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ $$->$newGame()
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = $$->%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->$setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ # Here we drop the mines around: it is a bit complex problem:
+ # We want to have a fixed number of mines placed randomly in our grid
+ #
+ # So .. for each mine that we have to place...
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ # Choose a random position for this mine
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ # Ensure that we're not placing this mine over an existing one
+ while($$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ # If there was already a mine, then choose the position again
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ }
+ # Ok.. this is a mine then
+ $$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ # increase the mine count for the adiacent cells: this is again a bit complex thingie
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ # There is a row over our mine: the cells above must have their mine count updated
+ # The cell just above us
+ $$->%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ # The cell above on the left (if exists)
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ # The cell above on the right (if exists)
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ # There is a row below our mine: the cells below must have their mine count updated
+ # The cell just below us
+ $$->%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ # The cell below on the left (if exists)
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ # The cell below on the right (if exists)
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ # Now the cell on the left side (if exists)
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ # And on the right side (if exists)
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ }
+%m = $new(minesweepermain)
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper3.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper3.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7522c390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper3.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 3
+# We want the labels to report us the clicks thus we will use
+# a class derived from label
+ # We ovverride the implementation for mousePressEvent()
+ # and we signal the mouse press to the parent minesweeper widget
+ mousePressEvent()
+ {
+ # We could check that $$->$parent() is a minesweeper in fact...
+ # but well... let's keep it simple :)
+ $$->$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this)
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ $$->$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ $$->%rows = 10
+ $$->%cols = 10
+ $$->%mines = 10
+ $$->%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ # we change label to minelabel then
+ #$$->%label{%i,%j}=$new(label,$this,"%i_%j")
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j")
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ $$->$newGame()
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = $$->%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->$setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ # drop the mines
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ while($$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ }
+ $$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ # increase the mine count for the adiacent cells
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ $$->%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ $$->%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ }
+ # A mine label was pressed!
+ # This function is called by our children minelabel objects
+ # and the parameter passed is the minelabel reference
+ mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed)
+ {
+ # Is is a mine ?
+ if($0->%bIsMine)
+ {
+ # Yes , a mine :(
+ # Game over
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $0->$setText("*")
+ } else {
+ # Not a mine.. discover the adiacent cells
+ # We pass the minelabel reference
+ $$->$discoverCells($0)
+ }
+ }
+ # This function is recursive: it discovers the adjacent cells
+ # that are not mines
+ discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered)
+ {
+ # If it is a mine ,then do not discover it
+ if($0->%bIsMine)return;
+ # If it is already discovered , return too
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return;
+ # Ok.. this is discovered
+ $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ # If this cell has adjacent mines then show their number and return
+ if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines)
+ else {
+ # There are no adjacent mines : discover the cells recursively
+ # This block of code is similar to the one used in dropping the bombs around
+ if($0->%row > 0)
+ {
+ # Discover the cells in the row above
+ $$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ # Discover the cells in the row below
+ $$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ # Discover on the left and right
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ }
+%m = $new(minesweepermain)
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper4.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper4.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0013736b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper4.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 4
+ mousePressEvent()
+ {
+ $$->$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this)
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ # This is no longer needed here : we move it to the container widget
+ $$->%rows = 10
+ $$->%cols = 10
+ $$->%mines = 10
+ # is there a running game ?
+ $$->%bGameRunning = 0
+ $$->%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j")
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ # Let's set the minimum size of the labels: they look better this way
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumWidth(26)
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumHeight(26)
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->$setAlignment(HCenter , VCenter)
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ # We remove this call, $$->$newGame() will be called from the container widget
+ #$$->$newGame()
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = $$->%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->$setText("")
+ # Set enabled !
+ %l->$setEnabled(1)
+ }
+ }
+ # drop the mines
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ while($$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ }
+ $$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ # increase the mine count for the adiacent cells
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ $$->%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ $$->%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ # A game is running
+ $$->%bGameRunning = 1
+ }
+ mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed)
+ {
+ # When the game isn't running we don't care about the mouse press events
+ if(!$$->%bGameRunning)return
+ if($0->%bIsMine)
+ {
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $0->$setImage(82); # 82 is a bomb
+ # We emit the gameOver signal so the container widget knows
+ $$->$emit(gameOver)
+ # And disable all the cells
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->$setEnabled(0)
+ }
+ }
+ # leave the bomb image enabled :D
+ $0->$setEnabled(1)
+ # Game finished :(
+ $$->%bGameRunning = 0
+ } else {
+ $$->$discoverCells($0)
+ }
+ }
+ discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered)
+ {
+ if($0->%bIsMine)return;
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return;
+ $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines)
+ else {
+ if($0->%row > 0)
+ {
+ $$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ $$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ }
+# We want a bigger window around our minesweeper widget
+# we want to provide some output and user menus...
+# Thus we create a container widget class , that will be also our new toplevel widget
+ constructor()
+ {
+ $$->$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ # we need a layout to manage the children
+ $$->%layout = $new(layout,$$)
+ $$->%gamepool = $new(minesweepermain,$$)
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%gamepool,1,0)
+ connect $$->%gamepool gameOver $$ gameOver
+ $$->%output = $new(label,$$)
+ $$->%output->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%output,2,0)
+ $$->$newGame()
+ }
+ gameOver()
+ {
+ $$->%output->$setText("Game Over :(")
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ $$->%gamepool->$newGame()
+ $$->%output->$setText("Ready")
+ }
+#We substitute the old creation call with the new container object creation call
+#%m = $new(minesweepermain)
+%m = $new(minesweeper)
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper5.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper5.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bda6c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper5.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 5
+# First of all we convert all the $$-> to @ : this is faster both to write and for KVIrc to process
+ mousePressEvent()
+ {
+ # We also pass the mouse button pressed
+ @$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this,$0)
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ @%rows = 20
+ @%cols = 20
+ @%mines = 60
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ @%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j")
+ @%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ @%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumWidth(26)
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumHeight(26)
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setAlignment(HCenter , VCenter)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = @%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->%iState = 0; # In state 0 it doesn't show anything
+ %l->$setText("")
+ %l->$setImage(); # show no image
+ %l->$setEnabled(1)
+ }
+ }
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1))
+ while(@%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1))
+ }
+ @%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ @%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < (@%rows - 1))
+ {
+ @%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ @%bGameRunning = 1
+ }
+ mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed,$1 = the button that has been pressed)
+ {
+ if(!@%bGameRunning)return
+ # We add the right button handling : the user can mark the cells discovered
+ if($1 == 1)
+ {
+ # Right button was pressed
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return; # does nothing
+ # we loop the state thru 0->1->2->0
+ switch($0->%iState)
+ {
+ case(0):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage(58)
+ $0->%iState = 1
+ }
+ case(1):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage(28)
+ $0->%iState = 2
+ }
+ case(2):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage()
+ $0->%iState = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if($0->%bIsMine)
+ {
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $0->$setImage(82); # 82 is a bomb
+ @$emit(gameOver)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setEnabled(0)
+ }
+ }
+ $0->$setEnabled(1)
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ } else {
+ @$discoverCells($0)
+ }
+ }
+ discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered)
+ {
+ if($0->%bIsMine)return;
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return;
+ $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ if($0->%iState != 0)$0->$setImage(); # ensure that no image is shown
+ if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines)
+ else {
+ if($0->%row > 0)
+ {
+ @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%row < (@%rows - 1))
+ {
+ @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ @$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ @%layout = $new(layout,$$)
+ @%gamepool = $new(minesweepermain,$$)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%gamepool,1,0)
+ connect @%gamepool gameOver $$ gameOver
+ @%output = $new(label,$$)
+ @%output->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%output,2,0)
+ @$newGame()
+ }
+ gameOver()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("Game Over :(")
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ @%gamepool->$newGame()
+ @%output->$setText("Ready")
+ }
+%m = $new(minesweeper)
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper6.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper6.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f03ffb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper6.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 6
+ mousePressEvent()
+ {
+ # We also pass the mouse button pressed
+ @$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this,$0)
+ }
+ # We accept constructor parameters now
+ constructor($0 = rows,$1 = cols,$2 = num mines)
+ {
+ # We should check the parameters passed here, and maybe return 0
+ # if the params are not positive numbers
+ echo $0,$1,$2
+ @%rows = $0
+ @%cols = $1
+ @%mines = $2
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ @%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j")
+ @%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ @%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumWidth(26)
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumHeight(26)
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setAlignment(HCenter , VCenter)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = @%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->%iState = 0; # In state 0 it doesn't show anything
+ %l->$setText("")
+ %l->$setImage(); # show no image
+ %l->$setEnabled(1)
+ }
+ }
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1))
+ while(@%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1))
+ }
+ @%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ @%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < (@%rows - 1))
+ {
+ @%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ @%bGameRunning = 1
+ # We keep track of the number of the discovered cells
+ @%iTotalNonMineCells = $((@%rows * @%cols) - @%mines)
+ @%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells = @%iTotalNonMineCells
+ }
+ mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed,$1 = the button that has been pressed)
+ {
+ if(!@%bGameRunning)return
+ # We add the right button handling : the user can mark the cells discovered
+ if($1 == 1)
+ {
+ # Right button was pressed
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return; # does nothing
+ # we loop the state thru 0->1->2->0
+ switch($0->%iState)
+ {
+ case(0):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage(58)
+ $0->%iState = 1
+ }
+ case(1):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage(28)
+ $0->%iState = 2
+ }
+ case(2):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage()
+ $0->%iState = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if($0->%bIsMine)
+ {
+ @$gameFailure($0)
+ } else {
+ @$discoverCells($0)
+ if(@%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells == 0)
+ {
+ # Finished!
+ @$gameSuccess()
+ } else {
+ @$emit(userMoved)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ discoverAllCells()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = @%label{%i,%j}
+ if(!%l->%bIsDiscovered)
+ {
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ if(%l->%bIsMine)%l->$setImage(82)
+ else {
+ %l->$setImage("")
+ if(%l->%numMines > 0)%l->$setText(%l->%numMines)
+ else %l->$setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ %l->$setEnabled(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gameFailure($0 = the game cell that had the bomb)
+ {
+ @$discoverAllCells()
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $0->$setImage(82); # 82 is a bomb
+ $0->$setEnabled(1)
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @$emit(gameOver)
+ }
+ gameSuccess()
+ {
+ @$discoverAllCells()
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @$emit(success)
+ }
+ discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered)
+ {
+ if($0->%bIsMine)return;
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return;
+ $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ @%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells--
+ if($0->%iState != 0)$0->$setImage(); # ensure that no image is shown
+ if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines)
+ else {
+ if($0->%row > 0)
+ {
+ @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%row < (@%rows - 1))
+ {
+ @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ @$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ @%layout = $new(layout,$$)
+ # Create a 10x10 game pool with 10 mines
+ @%gamepool = $new(minesweepermain,$$,myGamepool,10,10,10)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%gamepool,1,0)
+ connect @%gamepool gameOver $$ gameOver
+ # We connect the two new signals
+ connect @%gamepool userMoved $$ showState
+ connect @%gamepool success $$ success
+ @%output = $new(label,$$)
+ @%output->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%output,2,0)
+ @$newGame()
+ }
+ showState()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("@%gamepool->%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells to go")
+ }
+ success()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("You did it!")
+ }
+ gameOver()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("Game Over :(")
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ @%gamepool->$newGame()
+ @%output->$setText("Ready")
+ @$showState()
+ }
+%m = $new(minesweeper)
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper7.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper7.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..701c09d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/tutorial/minesweeper7.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# The scripts in this tutorial implement the famous minesweeper game
+# STEP 7
+ mousePressEvent()
+ {
+ @$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this,$0)
+ }
+ constructor($0 = rows,$1 = cols,$2 = num mines)
+ {
+ # We should check the parameters passed here, and maybe return 0
+ # if the params are not positive numbers
+ echo $0,$1,$2
+ @%rows = $0
+ @%cols = $1
+ @%mines = $2
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ @%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j")
+ @%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ @%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumWidth(26)
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setMinimumHeight(26)
+ @%label{%i,%j}->$setAlignment(HCenter , VCenter)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = @%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->%iState = 0; # In state 0 it doesn't show anything
+ %l->$setText("")
+ %l->$setImage(); # show no image
+ %l->$setEnabled(1)
+ }
+ }
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1))
+ while(@%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($(@%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($(@%cols - 1))
+ }
+ @%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ @%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < (@%rows - 1))
+ {
+ @%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%col > 0)@%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < (@%cols - 1))@%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ @%bGameRunning = 1
+ # We keep track of the number of the discovered cells
+ @%iTotalNonMineCells = $((@%rows * @%cols) - @%mines)
+ @%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells = @%iTotalNonMineCells
+ }
+ mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed,$1 = the button that has been pressed)
+ {
+ if(!@%bGameRunning)return
+ if($1 == 1)
+ {
+ # Right button
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return; # does nothing
+ switch($0->%iState)
+ {
+ case(0):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage(58)
+ $0->%iState = 1
+ }
+ case(1):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage(28)
+ $0->%iState = 2
+ }
+ case(2):
+ {
+ $0->$setImage()
+ $0->%iState = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if($0->%bIsMine)
+ {
+ @$gameFailure($0)
+ } else {
+ @$discoverCells($0)
+ if(@%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells == 0)
+ {
+ # Finished!
+ @$gameSuccess()
+ } else {
+ @$emit(userMoved)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ discoverAllCells()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < @%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < @%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = @%label{%i,%j}
+ if(!%l->%bIsDiscovered)
+ {
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ if(%l->%bIsMine)%l->$setImage(82)
+ else {
+ %l->$setImage("")
+ if(%l->%numMines > 0)%l->$setText(%l->%numMines)
+ else %l->$setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ %l->$setEnabled(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gameFailure($0 = the game cell that had the bomb)
+ {
+ @$discoverAllCells()
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $0->$setImage(82); # 82 is a bomb
+ $0->$setEnabled(1)
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @$emit(gameOver)
+ }
+ gameSuccess()
+ {
+ @$discoverAllCells()
+ @%bGameRunning = 0
+ @$emit(success)
+ }
+ discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered)
+ {
+ if($0->%bIsMine)return;
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return;
+ $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ @%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells--
+ if($0->%iState != 0)$0->$setImage(); # ensure that no image is shown
+ if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines)
+ else {
+ if($0->%row > 0)
+ {
+ @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%row < (@%rows - 1))
+ {
+ @$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%col > 0)@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < (@%cols - 1))@$discoverCells(@%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ @$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ @%layout = $new(layout,$$)
+ @%menubar = $new(menubar,$$)
+ @%menubar->$insertItem(test)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%menubar,0,0)
+ @%gamepool = $new(minesweepermain,$$,myGamepool,10,10,10)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%gamepool,1,0)
+ connect @%gamepool gameOver $$ gameOver
+ # We connect the two new signals
+ connect @%gamepool userMoved $$ showState
+ connect @%gamepool success $$ success
+ @%output = $new(label,$$)
+ @%output->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ @%layout->$addWidget(@%output,2,0)
+ @$newGame()
+ }
+ showState()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("@%gamepool->%iUndiscoveredNonMineCells to go")
+ }
+ success()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("You did it!")
+ }
+ gameOver()
+ {
+ @%output->$setText("Game Over :(")
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ @%gamepool->$newGame()
+ @%output->$setText("Ready")
+ @$showState()
+ }
+%m = $new(minesweeper)