path: root/src/modules/about/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/about/')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/about/ b/src/modules/about/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b58a42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/about/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+open(TEMPLATE,"ENTRIES") or die "Can't open the ENTRIES file";
+$cnt = -1;
+ $_ =~ s/\n//g;
+ $_ =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+ $_ =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+ if(/^NAME:[ ]*/)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/^NAME:[ ]*//;
+ $cnt++;
+ $g_names[$cnt]=$_;
+ } elsif(/^MAIL:[ ]*/)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/^MAIL:[ ]*//;
+ $tmp = $g_mails[$cnt];
+ if($tmp ne "")
+ {
+ $tmp = "$tmp<!!!>";
+ }
+ $tmp = "$tmp$_";
+ $g_mails[$cnt] = $tmp;
+ } elsif(/^ROLE:[ ]*/)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/^ROLE:[ ]*//;
+ $tmp = $g_roles[$cnt];
+ if($tmp ne "")
+ {
+ $tmp = "$tmp<!!!>";
+ }
+ $tmp = "$tmp$_";
+ $g_roles[$cnt] = $tmp;
+ } elsif(/^TEXT:[ ]*/)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/^TEXT:[ ]*//;
+ $tmp = $g_texts[$cnt];
+ if($tmp ne "")
+ {
+ $tmp = "$tmp<!!!>";
+ }
+ $tmp = "$tmp$_";
+ $g_texts[$cnt] = $tmp;
+ } elsif(/^NICK:[ ]*/)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/^NICK:[ ]*//;
+ $tmp = $g_nicks[$cnt];
+ if($tmp ne "")
+ {
+ $tmp = "$tmp<!!!>";
+ }
+ $tmp = "$tmp$_";
+ $g_nicks[$cnt] = $tmp;
+ }
+sub p
+ $t = $_[0];
+ $t =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
+ $t =~ s/^[ ]*//g;
+ print OUT "\"$t\" \\\n";
+open(OUT,">") or die "Can't open";
+print OUT "static char * g_szAboutText = \"\" \\\n";
+p "<html>";
+p " <head>";
+p " <title>Honor and glory</title>";
+p " </head>";
+p " <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#FF0000\"><center>";
+p " <h4>";
+p "This is a partial list of the people that have ";
+p "contributed in some way to the KVIrc project.<br><br>";
+p "Honor and glory to:<br>";
+p " </h4><br><br>";
+$i = 0;
+while($i < $cnt)
+ p "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">";
+ p "<tr><td align=\"center\">";
+ p "<font color=\"#000000\" size=\"+2\"><b>$g_names[$i]</b></font>";
+ p "</td></tr>";
+ if($g_nicks[$i] ne "")
+ {
+ p "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"#800020\" size=\"+2\"> (";
+ @n = split(/<!!!>/,$g_nicks[$i]);
+ $j = 0;
+ while($n[$j] ne "")
+ {
+ if($j > 0){ p ", "; }
+ p $n[$j];
+ $j++;
+ }
+ p ")</font></td></tr>";
+ }
+ if($g_mails[$i] ne "")
+ {
+ p "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"#0000FF\" size=\"+1\">";
+ @n = split(/<!!!>/,$g_mails[$i]);
+ $j = 0;
+ while($n[$j] ne "")
+ {
+ if($j > 0){ p "<br>"; }
+ p "[";
+ p $n[$j];
+ p "]";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ p "</font></td></tr>";
+ }
+ if($g_roles[$i] ne "")
+ {
+ p "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"#303030\">";
+ @n = split(/<!!!>/,$g_roles[$i]);
+ $j = 0;
+ while($n[$j] ne "")
+ {
+ if($j > 0){ p "<br>"; }
+ p $n[$j];
+ $j++;
+ }
+ p "</font></td></tr>";
+ }
+ if($g_texts[$i] ne "")
+ {
+ p "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"#606060\"><i>";
+ @n = split(/<!!!>/,$g_texts[$i]);
+ $j = 0;
+ while($n[$j] ne "")
+ {
+ if($j > 0){ p "<br>" ; }
+ p "\"$n[$j]\"";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ p "</i></font></td></tr>";
+ }
+ p "</table><br><br>";
+ $i++;
+p "<br>";
+p "This list is far from being complete.<br>";
+p "A lot of more or less \"anonymous\" people have wasted their time, ";
+p "eyes, bandwidth and brain resources on this project.<br>";
+p "If you're one of those, then well, this dialog is also for you :)<br>";
+p " </center><body>";
+p "</html>";
+print OUT "\"\";\n";