path: root/src/modules/url/libkviurl.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/url/libkviurl.cpp')
1 files changed, 910 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/url/libkviurl.cpp b/src/modules/url/libkviurl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16430c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/url/libkviurl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+// This file is part of the KVIrc irc client distribution
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Andrea Parrella (
+// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kvi_styled_controls.h"
+#include "kvi_module.h"
+#include "libkviurl.h"
+#include "kvi_app.h"
+#include "kvi_frame.h"
+#include "kvi_kvs_eventmanager.h"
+#include "kvi_tal_popupmenu.h"
+#include "kvi_menubar.h"
+#include "kvi_internalcmd.h"
+#include "kvi_iconmanager.h"
+#include "kvi_action.h"
+#include "kvi_actionmanager.h"
+#include "kvi_taskbar.h"
+#include "icons.h"
+#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
+#include <qfiledialog.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qcursor.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+ #include <q3textstream.h>
+ #include <QTextStream>
+static QPixmap * g_pUrlIconPixmap = 0;
+static KviUrlAction * g_pUrlAction = 0;
+typedef struct _UrlDlgList
+ UrlDialog *dlg;
+ int menu_id;
+} UrlDlgList;
+const char *g_pUrlListFilename = "/list.kviurl";
+const char *g_pBanListFilename = "/list.kviban";
+KviPointerList<KviUrl> *g_pList;
+KviPointerList<UrlDlgList> *g_pUrlDlgList;
+KviPointerList<KviStr> *g_pBanList;
+ConfigDialog *g_pConfigDialog;
+KviStr szConfigPath;
+void saveUrlList();
+void loadUrlList();
+void saveBanList();
+void loadBanList();
+UrlDlgList * findFrame();
+bool urllist();
+void url_module_help();
+#define KVI_URL_EXTENSION_NAME "URL module extenstion"
+static KviModuleExtension * url_extension_alloc(KviModuleExtensionAllocStruct * s)
+ urllist();
+ return 0;
+KviUrlAction::KviUrlAction(QObject * pParent)
+: KviKvsAction(pParent,
+ "url.list",
+ "url.list",
+ __tr2qs("Show URL List"),
+ __tr2qs("Shows the URL list window"),
+ KviActionManager::categoryGeneric())
+ m_pBigIcon = new QPixmap(url_toolbar_xpm);
+ m_pSmallIcon = new QPixmap(url_icon_xpm);
+ delete m_pBigIcon;
+ delete m_pSmallIcon;
+QPixmap * KviUrlAction::bigIcon()
+ return m_pBigIcon;
+QPixmap * KviUrlAction::smallIcon()
+ return m_pSmallIcon;
+// ---------------------------- CLASS URLDIALOG ------------------------begin //
+UrlDialog::UrlDialog(KviPointerList<KviUrl> *g_pList)
+:KviWindow(KVI_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOL,g_pFrame,"URL List")
+ m_pMenuBar = new KviTalMenuBar(this,"url menu");
+ m_pUrlList = new KviTalListView(this);
+ //m_pUrlList = new KviListView(this,"list");
+ KviConfig cfg(szConfigPath.ptr(),KviConfig::Read);
+ KviTalPopupMenu *pop;
+ pop = new KviTalPopupMenu(this);
+ pop->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Configure"),this,SLOT(config()));
+ pop->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Help"),this,SLOT(help()));
+ pop->insertItem(__tr2qs("Clo&se"),this,SLOT(close_slot()));
+ m_pMenuBar->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Module"),pop);
+ pop = new KviTalPopupMenu(this);
+ pop->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Load"),this,SLOT(loadList()));
+ pop->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Save"),this,SLOT(saveList()));
+ pop->insertItem(__tr2qs("&Clear"),this,SLOT(clear()));
+ m_pMenuBar->insertItem(__tr2qs("&List"),pop);
+ m_pUrlList->setShowSortIndicator(true);
+ m_pUrlList->addColumn(__tr2qs("URL"));
+ m_pUrlList->addColumn(__tr2qs("Window"));
+ m_pUrlList->addColumn(__tr2qs("Count"));
+ m_pUrlList->addColumn(__tr2qs("Timestamp"));
+ cfg.setGroup("colsWidth");
+ m_pUrlList->setColumnWidth(0,cfg.readIntEntry("Url",170));
+ m_pUrlList->setColumnWidth(1,cfg.readIntEntry("Window",130));
+ m_pUrlList->setColumnWidth(2,cfg.readIntEntry("Count",70));
+ m_pUrlList->setColumnWidth(3,cfg.readIntEntry("Timestamp",70));
+ connect(m_pUrlList,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(KviTalListViewItem *)),SLOT(dblclk_url(KviTalListViewItem *)));
+ connect(m_pUrlList,SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed(KviTalListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)),SLOT(popup(KviTalListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)));
+// setFocusHandlerNoChildren(m_pUrlList);
+ m_pUrlList->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
+ m_pUrlList->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus);
+ m_pUrlList->setFocus();
+void UrlDialog::config()
+ if (!g_pConfigDialog) g_pConfigDialog = new ConfigDialog();
+void UrlDialog::help()
+//#warning "help"
+// m_pFrm->requestHelpOn("doc_plugin_url.kvihelp");
+void UrlDialog::saveList()
+ saveUrlList();
+void UrlDialog::loadList()
+ loadUrlList();
+void UrlDialog::clear()
+ g_pList->clear();
+ for (UrlDlgList *tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->first();tmpitem;tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->next()) {
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) tmpitem->dlg->m_pUrlList->clear();
+ }
+void UrlDialog::saveProperties()
+ KviWindowProperty p;
+ p.rect = externalGeometry();
+ p.isDocked = isAttached();
+ p.splitWidth1 = 0;
+ p.splitWidth2 = 0;
+ p.timestamp = 0;
+ p.imagesVisible = 0;
+ KviWindow * w = m_pFrm->activeWindow();
+ p.isMaximized = isAttached() && w ? w->isMaximized() : isMaximized();
+ p.topSplitWidth1 = 0;
+ p.topSplitWidth2 = 0;
+ p.topSplitWidth3 = 0;
+ g_pOptions->m_pWinPropertiesList->setProperty(caption(),&p);
+void UrlDialog::close_slot()
+ close();
+void UrlDialog::remove()
+ if (!m_pUrlList->currentItem()) {
+ QMessageBox::warning(0,__tr2qs("Warning - KVIrc"),__tr2qs("Select an URL."),QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton,QMessageBox::NoButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(KviUrl *tmp=g_pList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pList->next())
+ {
+ if (tmp->url == m_pUrlList->currentItem()->text(0)) {
+ g_pList->removeRef(tmp);
+ m_pUrlList->takeItem(m_pUrlList->currentItem());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void UrlDialog::findtext()
+//#warning "find text"
+ if (!m_pUrlList->currentItem()) {
+ kvirc_plugin_warning_box(__tr("Select an URL"));
+ return;
+ }
+ for(KviUrl *tmp=g_pList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pList->next())
+ {
+ if (tmp->url == KviStr(m_pUrlList->currentItem()->text(0))) {
+ g_pList->find(tmp);
+ KviStr ft="findtext %";
+ ft.replaceAll('%',tmp->url.ptr());
+ KviWindow *wnd = m_pFrm->findWindow(tmp->window.ptr());
+ if (wnd) {
+ if (kvirc_plugin_execute_command(wnd,ft.ptr())) {
+ if (wnd->mdiParent()) m_pFrm->m_pMdi->setTopChild(wnd->mdiParent(),true);
+ }
+ } else kvirc_plugin_warning_box(__tr("Window not found"));
+ }
+ }
+void UrlDialog::dblclk_url(KviTalListViewItem *item)
+ QString cmd="openurl ";
+ cmd.append(item->text(0));
+ KviKvsScript::run(cmd,this);
+void UrlDialog::popup(KviTalListViewItem *item, const QPoint &point, int col)
+ if (col == 0) {
+ m_szUrl = item->text(0);
+ KviTalPopupMenu p(0,"menu");
+ p.insertItem(__tr2qs("&Remove"),this,SLOT(remove()));
+ p.insertItem(__tr2qs("&Find Text"),this,SLOT(findtext()));
+ p.insertSeparator();
+ m_pListPopup = new KviTalPopupMenu(0,"list");
+ int i=0;
+ for(KviWindow *w=g_pFrame->windowList()->first();w;w=g_pFrame->windowList()->next()){
+ if ((w->type() <= 2) || (w->type() == 2) || (w->type() == 6)) { // values defined in kvi_define.h (console,channel,query,chat,uwindow)
+ m_pListPopup->insertItem(QString(w->plainTextCaption()),i);
+ m_pListPopup->connectItem(i,this,SLOT(sayToWin(int)));
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ p.insertItem(__tr2qs("&Say to Window"),m_pListPopup);
+ p.exec(QCursor::pos());
+ }
+void UrlDialog::sayToWin(int itemID)
+ KviWindow *wnd = g_pApp->findWindowByCaption(m_pListPopup->text(itemID).utf8().data());
+ QString say=QString("PRIVMSG %1 %2").arg(wnd->windowName()).arg(m_szUrl.ptr());
+ if (wnd) {
+ KviKvsScript::run(say,wnd);
+ wnd->raise();
+ wnd->setActiveWindow();
+ wnd->setFocus();
+ } else QMessageBox::warning(0,__tr2qs("Warning - KVIrc"),__tr2qs("Window not found."),QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton,QMessageBox::NoButton);
+QPixmap *UrlDialog::myIconPtr()
+ //QPixmap *icon = new QPixmap(url_icon_xpm);
+ //return icon;
+ return g_pUrlIconPixmap;
+void UrlDialog::addUrl(QString url, QString window, QString count, QString timestamp)
+ KviTalListViewItem *UrlItem = new KviTalListViewItem(m_pUrlList);
+ UrlItem->setText(0, url);
+ UrlItem->setText(1, window);
+ UrlItem->setText(2, count);
+ UrlItem->setText(3, timestamp);
+void UrlDialog::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
+ int hght = m_pMenuBar->heightForWidth(width());
+ m_pMenuBar->setGeometry(0,0,width(),hght);
+ m_pUrlList->setGeometry(0,hght,width(),height() - hght);
+ KviConfig cfg(szConfigPath.ptr(),KviConfig::Write);
+ cfg.setGroup("ConfigDialog");
+ if (cfg.readBoolEntry("SaveColumnWidthOnClose",false)) {
+ cfg.setGroup("ColsWidth");
+ cfg.writeEntry("Url",m_pUrlList->columnWidth(0));
+ cfg.writeEntry("Window",m_pUrlList->columnWidth(1));
+ cfg.writeEntry("Count",m_pUrlList->columnWidth(2));
+ cfg.writeEntry("Timestamp",m_pUrlList->columnWidth(3));
+ }
+ delete m_pUrlList;
+/* if (m_pListPopup) delete m_pListPopup;
+ m_pListPopup = 0;
+ if (m_pMenuBar) delete m_pMenuBar;
+ m_pMenuBar = 0;*/
+ UrlDlgList *tmpitem = findFrame();
+ tmpitem->dlg = 0;
+// ----------------------------- CLASS URLDIALOG -------------------------end //
+// --------------------------- CLASS CONFIGDIALOG ----------------------begin //
+ setCaption(__tr2qs("URL Module Configuration"));
+ QGridLayout *g = new QGridLayout(this,4,2,10,10);
+ KviConfig *cfg = new KviConfig(szConfigPath.ptr(),KviConfig::Read);
+ cfg->setGroup("ConfigDialog");
+ cb[0] = new KviStyledCheckBox(__tr2qs("Save URL list on module unload"),this);
+ cb[0]->setChecked(cfg->readBoolEntry("SaveUrlListOnUnload",false));
+ g->addMultiCellWidget(cb[0],0,0,0,1);
+ cb[1] = new KviStyledCheckBox(__tr2qs("Save columns width on URL list close"),this);
+ cb[1]->setChecked(cfg->readBoolEntry("SaveColumnWidthOnClose",false));
+ g->addMultiCellWidget(cb[1],1,1,0,1);
+ bool tmp = cfg->readBoolEntry("BanEnabled",false);
+ delete cfg;
+ m_pBanFrame = new BanFrame(this,"banlist",tmp);
+ g->addMultiCellWidget(m_pBanFrame,3,3,0,1);
+ QPushButton *b;
+ // configure buttons
+ b = new QPushButton(__tr2qs("&Cancel"),this,"discard");
+ connect(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(discardbtn()));
+ g->addWidget(b,4,0);
+ b = new QPushButton(__tr2qs("&OK"),this,"accept");
+ connect(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(acceptbtn()));
+ g->addWidget(b,4,1);
+ show();
+void ConfigDialog::discardbtn()
+ delete this;
+void ConfigDialog::acceptbtn()
+ if (m_pBanFrame) m_pBanFrame->saveBans();
+ KviConfig *cfg = new KviConfig(szConfigPath.ptr(),KviConfig::Write);
+ cfg->setGroup("ConfigDialog");
+ cfg->writeEntry("SaveUrlListOnUnload",cb[0]->isChecked());
+ cfg->writeEntry("SaveColumnWidthOnClose",cb[1]->isChecked());
+ delete cfg;
+ delete this;
+void ConfigDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
+ delete this;
+ for(int i=0;i<cbnum;i++) delete cb[i];
+ g_pConfigDialog = 0;
+// --------------------------- CLASS CONFIGDIALOG ------------------------end //
+// ---------------------------- CLASS BANFRAME ------------------------begin //
+BanFrame::BanFrame(QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool banEnabled)
+ setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised);
+ QGridLayout *g = new QGridLayout(this,2,2,10,10);
+ m_pEnable = new KviStyledCheckBox(__tr2qs("Enable URL ban list"),this);
+ connect(m_pEnable,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(enableClicked()));
+ m_pEnable->setChecked(banEnabled);
+ g->addMultiCellWidget(m_pEnable,0,0,0,1);
+ m_pBanList = new KviTalListBox(this);
+ m_pBanList->setMinimumHeight(100);
+ loadBanList();
+ for(KviStr *tmp=g_pBanList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pBanList->next()) m_pBanList->insertItem(tmp->ptr()); // load ban list into listbox
+ m_pBanList->setEnabled(m_pEnable->isChecked());
+ g->addMultiCellWidget(m_pBanList,1,1,0,1);
+ m_pAddBtn = new QPushButton(__tr2qs("&Add Ban"),this,"add");
+ connect(m_pAddBtn,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(addBan()));
+ m_pAddBtn->setEnabled(m_pEnable->isChecked());
+ g->addWidget(m_pAddBtn,2,0);
+ m_pRemoveBtn = new QPushButton(__tr2qs("&Remove Selected"),this,"remove");
+ connect(m_pRemoveBtn,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(removeBan()));
+ m_pRemoveBtn->setEnabled(m_pEnable->isChecked());
+ g->addWidget(m_pRemoveBtn,2,1);
+void BanFrame::enableClicked()
+ m_pBanList->setEnabled(m_pEnable->isChecked());
+ m_pAddBtn->setEnabled(m_pEnable->isChecked());
+ m_pRemoveBtn->setEnabled(m_pEnable->isChecked());
+void BanFrame::addBan()
+ bool ok = false;
+ KviStr *text = new KviStr(QInputDialog::getText(__tr2qs("URL Ban List"),__tr2qs("Add"),QLineEdit::Normal,QString::null,&ok,this));
+ if (ok && !text->isEmpty()) {
+ g_pBanList->append(text);
+ m_pBanList->insertItem(text->ptr());
+ }
+void BanFrame::removeBan()
+ uint i = 0;
+ while ((!m_pBanList->isSelected(i)) && (i < m_pBanList->count())) i++;
+ if (!m_pBanList->isSelected(i)) {
+ QMessageBox::warning(0,__tr2qs("Warning - KVIrc"),__tr2qs("Select a ban."),QMessageBox::Ok,QMessageBox::NoButton,QMessageBox::NoButton);
+ return;
+ }
+ KviStr item(m_pBanList->text(i).utf8().data());
+ for(KviStr *tmp=g_pBanList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pBanList->next())
+ {
+ if (*tmp == item)
+ {
+ g_pBanList->removeCurrent();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_pBanList->removeItem(i);
+void BanFrame::saveBans()
+ if (m_pEnable->isChecked()) saveBanList();
+ KviConfig *cfg = new KviConfig(szConfigPath.ptr(),KviConfig::Write);
+ cfg->setGroup("ConfigDialog");
+ cfg->writeEntry("BanEnabled",m_pEnable->isChecked());
+ delete cfg;
+// ---------------------------- CLASS URLTOOLBAR -------------------------end //
+void saveUrlList()
+ QString urllist;
+ g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(urllist,KviApp::ConfigPlugins);
+ urllist += g_pUrlListFilename;
+ QFile file;
+ file.setName(urllist);
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream << g_pList->count() << endl;
+ for(KviUrl *tmp=g_pList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pList->next())
+ {
+ stream << tmp->url << endl;
+ stream << tmp->window << endl;
+ stream << tmp->count << endl;
+ stream << tmp->timestamp << endl;
+ }
+ file.flush();
+ file.close();
+void loadUrlList()
+ KviStr urllist;
+ g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(urllist,KviApp::ConfigPlugins);
+ urllist += g_pUrlListFilename;
+ QFile file;
+ file.setName(QString::fromUtf8(urllist.ptr()));
+ if (!;
+ Q3TextStream stream(&file);
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ g_pList->clear();
+ for (UrlDlgList *tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->first();tmpitem;tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->next()) {
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) tmpitem->dlg->m_pUrlList->clear();
+ }
+ KviUrl *tmp;
+ int i=0;
+ int num = stream.readLine().toInt();
+ while ((!stream.eof()) && (i<num)){
+ tmp = new KviUrl();
+ tmp->url = stream.readLine();
+ tmp->window = stream.readLine();
+ tmp->count = stream.readLine().toInt();
+ tmp->timestamp = stream.readLine();
+ g_pList->append(tmp);
+ for (UrlDlgList *tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->first();tmpitem;tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->next()) {
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) {
+ QString tmpCount;
+ tmpCount.setNum(tmp->count);
+ tmpitem->dlg->addUrl(QString(tmp->url), QString(tmp->window), tmpCount, QString(tmp->timestamp));
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ file.close();
+void saveBanList()
+ KviStr banlist;
+ g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(banlist,KviApp::ConfigPlugins);
+ banlist += g_pBanListFilename;
+ QFile file;
+ file.setName(QString::fromUtf8(banlist.ptr()));
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream << g_pBanList->count() << endl;
+ for(KviStr *tmp=g_pBanList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pBanList->next())
+ {
+ stream << tmp->ptr() << endl;
+ }
+ file.flush();
+ file.close();
+void loadBanList()
+ KviStr banlist;
+ g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(banlist,KviApp::ConfigPlugins);
+ banlist += g_pBanListFilename;
+ QFile file;
+ file.setName(QString::fromUtf8(banlist.ptr()));
+ if (!;
+ Q3TextStream stream(&file);
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ g_pBanList->clear();
+ int i=0;
+ int num = stream.readLine().toInt();
+ while ((!stream.eof()) && (i<num)){
+ KviStr *tmp = new KviStr(stream.readLine());
+ g_pBanList->append(tmp);
+ i++;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ @doc: url.list
+ @type:
+ command
+ @title:
+ url.list
+ @short:
+ Opens url list
+ @syntax:
+ url.list
+ @description:
+ This command opens a window containing the urls' list.
+ In the list there is other information:[br]
+ [U]Window[/U] : window where the url has been shown last[br]
+ [U]Count[/U] : number of urls shown[br]
+ [U]Timestamp[/U] : date/time when the url has been shown first[br]
+ Clicking right on the url column of the list a menu will popup, through it
+ you can remove the selected item, find the url in the window it appeared last, and
+ say it to: [I]@Console, Channels, Querys, DCC Chats[/I] and [I]User windows[/I].[br]
+ The list is saved to file when you click on the menu item or when you unload the plugin
+ on condition that you have checked the relative checkbox in configuration dialog.[br]
+ You can also open the url in your web browser double clicking on it in the url list window.[br][br]
+ */
+static bool url_kvs_cmd_list(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c)
+ urllist();
+ return true;
+UrlDlgList *findFrame()
+ UrlDlgList *tmpitem = g_pUrlDlgList->first();
+ if (!tmpitem) {
+ UrlDlgList *udl = new UrlDlgList();
+ udl->dlg = 0;
+ udl->menu_id = -1;
+ g_pUrlDlgList->append(udl);
+ tmpitem = g_pUrlDlgList->current();
+ }
+ return tmpitem;
+bool urllist()
+ UrlDlgList *tmpitem = findFrame();
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) return false;
+ tmpitem->dlg = new UrlDialog(g_pList);
+ g_pFrame->addWindow(tmpitem->dlg);
+ for(KviUrl *tmp=g_pList->first();tmp;tmp=g_pList->next())
+ {
+ QString tmpCount;
+ tmpCount.setNum(tmp->count);
+ tmpitem->dlg->addUrl(QString(tmp->url), QString(tmp->window), tmpCount, QString(tmp->timestamp));
+ }
+ return true;
+ @doc: url.config
+ @type:
+ command
+ @title:
+ url.config
+ @short:
+ Loads URL list module
+ @syntax:
+ url.config
+ @description:
+ This command opens a configuration window where it is possible
+ to setup plugin's parameters. You can also open this window by
+ using popup menu in the url list window or by clicking on the "configure plugin" button
+ in plugins options.<BR><BR>
+ <H3>Configure dialog options:</H3>
+ There is also a ban list widget, which allows to have a list of words that plugin mustn't catch.<BR><BR>
+ <I>E.g.<BR>
+ <blockquote>if the word "ftp" is inserted in the ban list and if in a window there is an output like "",
+ the url will not be catched.</blockquote></I>
+ <HR>
+ */
+static bool url_kvs_cmd_config(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c)
+ if (!g_pConfigDialog) g_pConfigDialog = new ConfigDialog();
+ return true;
+int check_url(KviWindow *w,const QString &szUrl) // return 0 if no occurence of the url were found
+ int tmp = 0;
+ for(KviStr *tmpi=g_pBanList->first();tmpi;tmpi=g_pBanList->next())
+ {
+ if (szUrl.find(QString(tmpi->ptr())) != -1) tmp++;
+ }
+ if (tmp > 0) return tmp;
+ for(KviUrl *u = g_pList->first();u;u=g_pList->next())
+ {
+ if (u->url == szUrl) {
+ u->window = w->plainTextCaption();
+ u->count++;
+ tmp++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (UrlDlgList *tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->first();tmpitem;tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->next()) {
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) {
+ KviTalListViewItemIterator lvi(tmpitem->dlg->m_pUrlList);
+ for(;lvi.current();++lvi)
+ {
+ if (lvi.current()->text(0) == szUrl) {
+ int tmpCount = lvi.current()->text(2).toInt();
+ tmpCount++;
+ QString tmpStr;
+ tmpStr.setNum(tmpCount);
+ lvi.current()->setText(2,tmpStr);
+ lvi.current()->setText(1,w->plainTextCaption());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp;
+bool urllist_module_event_onUrl(KviKvsModuleEventCall * c)
+ KviKvsVariant * vUrl = c->firstParam();
+ QString szUrl;
+ if(vUrl)vUrl->asString(szUrl);
+ if (check_url(c->window(),szUrl) == 0)
+ {
+ KviUrl *tmp = new KviUrl;
+ KviStr tmpTimestamp;
+ QDate d = QDate::currentDate();
+ KviStr date(KviStr::Format,"%d-%d%d-%d%d",d.year(),d.month() / 10,d.month() % 10, / 10, % 10);
+ tmpTimestamp = "["+date+"]"+" [";
+ tmpTimestamp += QTime::currentTime().toString()+"]";
+ tmp->url = szUrl;
+ tmp->window = c->window()->plainTextCaption();
+ tmp->count = 1;
+ tmp->timestamp = tmpTimestamp;
+ g_pList->append(tmp);
+ for (UrlDlgList *tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->first();tmpitem;tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->next()) {
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) {
+ QString tmpCount;
+ tmpCount.setNum(tmp->count);
+ tmpitem->dlg->addUrl(QString(tmp->url), QString(tmp->window), tmpCount, QString(tmp->timestamp));
+ tmpitem->dlg->taskBarItem()->highlight(false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+/* @doc: url.load
+ @type:
+ command
+ @title:
+ url.load
+ @short:
+ Loads URL list module
+ @syntax:
+ url.load
+ @description:
+ Loads the URL list module which keeps track of all urls shown in kvirc windows.
+static bool url_module_init(KviModule *m)
+ KviModuleExtensionDescriptor * d = m->registerExtension("tool",
+ __tr2qs("View URL list"),
+ url_extension_alloc);
+ if(d)d->setIcon(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KVI_SMALLICON_URL)));
+ g_pList = new KviPointerList<KviUrl>;
+ g_pList->setAutoDelete(true);
+ g_pUrlDlgList = new KviPointerList<UrlDlgList>;
+ g_pUrlDlgList->setAutoDelete(true);
+ g_pBanList = new KviPointerList<KviStr>;
+ g_pBanList->setAutoDelete(true);
+ g_pUrlIconPixmap = new QPixmap(url_icon_xpm);
+ KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m,"list",url_kvs_cmd_list);
+ KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m,"config",url_kvs_cmd_config);
+ g_pUrlAction = new KviUrlAction(KviActionManager::instance());
+ KviActionManager::instance()->registerAction(g_pUrlAction);
+ m->kvsRegisterAppEventHandler(KviEvent_OnUrl,urllist_module_event_onUrl);
+ g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(szConfigPath,KviApp::ConfigPlugins,"url.conf");
+ loadUrlList();
+ loadBanList();
+ UrlDlgList *udl = new UrlDlgList();
+ udl->dlg = 0;
+ g_pUrlDlgList->append(udl);
+ return true;
+static bool url_module_cleanup(KviModule *m)
+ KviConfig cfg(szConfigPath.ptr(),KviConfig::Read);
+ cfg.setGroup("ConfigDialog");
+ if (cfg.readBoolEntry("SaveUrlListOnUnload",false) == true) saveUrlList();
+ for (UrlDlgList *tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->first();tmpitem;tmpitem=g_pUrlDlgList->next()) {
+ if (tmpitem->dlg) tmpitem->dlg->close();
+ }
+ delete g_pList;
+ g_pList = 0;
+ delete g_pBanList;
+ g_pBanList = 0;
+ delete g_pUrlDlgList;
+ g_pUrlDlgList = 0;
+ delete g_pUrlAction;
+ g_pUrlAction = 0;
+ delete g_pUrlIconPixmap;
+ g_pUrlIconPixmap = 0;
+ return true;
+static bool url_module_can_unload(KviModule *m)
+ // FIXME: really ugly :/
+ return false;
+void url_module_config()
+ if (!g_pConfigDialog) g_pConfigDialog = new ConfigDialog();
+ @doc: url
+ @type:
+ module
+ @short:
+ The URL list module: keeps track of all urls shown in kvirc windows
+ @title:
+ The URL list module
+ @body:
+ This plugin keeps track of all urls shown in kvirc windows.
+ <H3>Exported commands:</H3>
+ <B>/url.list</B> : this command opens a window containing the urls' list.
+ In the list there is other information:<BR>
+ <U>Window</U> : window where the url has been shown last<BR>
+ <U>Count</U> : number of urls shown<BR>
+ <U>Timestamp</U> : date/time when the url has been shown first<BR>
+ Clicking right on the url column of the list a menu will popup, through it
+ you can remove the selected item, find the url in the window it appeared last, and
+ say it to: <I>@Console, Channels, Querys, DCC Chats</I> and <I>User windows</I>.<BR>
+ The list is saved to file when you click on the menu item or when you unload the plugin
+ on condition that you have checked the relative checkbox in configuration dialog.<BR>
+ You can also open the url in your web browser double clicking on it in the url list window.<BR><BR>
+ Mail me if you have any suggestion or you want to notice a bug.<BR>
+ <B>Andrea 'YaP' Parrella</B> &lt;;<BR><BR>
+ Thanks to:<BR>
+ <B>Szymon Stefanek</B> and <B>Till Bush</B> for their help.<BR>
+ <B>Ted Podgurski</B> for toolbar's icons.
+ "URL",
+ "1.0.0" ,
+ "Copyright (C) 2002 Andrea Parrella <>" ,
+ "url list module for KVIrc",
+ url_module_init,
+ url_module_can_unload,
+ 0,
+ url_module_cleanup
+#include "libkviurl.moc"