# Default aliases file # # TODO: # ignore, notify and unignore should go in the core # # If possible, get rid of $str.* from the default popups # avoiding to load the module at every channel popup open action... # (Find a core function that retrieves the number of nicknames passed ?) # Another solution would be to increase the str.module core lock-time ? # # # Backward compatibility stuff # alias(avatar) { # avatar target file if(!$0) { echo "Missing target, no action taken" return } if($1) { avatar.set $1 } avatar.notify $0 } alias(clear) { window.clearOutput } alias(connect) { objects.connect $0 $1 $2 $3 } alias(disconnect) { objects.disconnect $0 $1 $2 $3 } alias(killclass) { objects.killclass $0 } alias(clearobjects) { objects.clear $0 } alias(nickserv) { # Silent raw -q NickServ $0- } alias(chanserv) { # Silent raw -q ChanServ $0- } alias(memoserv) { # Silent raw -q MemoServ $0- } alias(ns) { # Silent raw -q nickserv $0- } alias(cs) { # Silent raw -q chanserv $0- } alias(ms) { # Silent raw -q memoserv $0- } alias(gnotice) { # Global notice #Check null notice if(!$0){ echo $tr("Usage"): /gnotice [-waohvq] <$tr("message")> echo $tr("-m: send a message instead of a notice") echo $tr("-w: send notice to all channel owners") echo $tr("-a: send notice to all channel admins") echo $tr("-o: send notice to all channel ops") echo $tr("-h: send notice to all channel halfops") echo $tr("-v: send notice to all channel voices") echo $tr("-q: quiet mode") halt } # Detect message type if($sw(m)) %cmd="msg" else %cmd="notice" # Check for quiet message if($sw(q)) %cmd=$str.append(%cmd," -q") # Check null switches if((!$sw(w))&&(!$sw(a))&&(!$sw(o))&&(!$sw(h))&&(!$sw(v))){ eval %cmd $chan.name($active) $0- halt } # Check switches passed if($sw(w)) eval %cmd \~$chan.name($active) $0- if($sw(a)) eval %cmd \!$chan.name($active) $0- if($sw(o)) eval %cmd \@$chan.name($active) $0- if($sw(h)) eval %cmd \%$chan.name($active) $0- if($sw(v)) eval %cmd \+$chan.name($active) $0- } alias(wallop) { if(!$0){ echo $tr("Usage"): /wallop <$tr("message")> halt } # Due to server flood, timing may be very high echo -w=$active $tr("Sending wallop to") $chan.name($active) timer(wallop,5000,$chan.users(,,o),$0-){ if(%:localOps == ""){ %:localOps = $chan.users(,,o); %:curIndex = 0; } if(%:curIndex == %:localOps[]#){ killtimer wallop; return; } for(%i=0;%i<1;%i++){ if(%:localOps[%:curIndex] != $my.nick){ if(%:curIndex == %:localOps[]#){ killtimer wallop; return; } msg -q %:localOps[%:curIndex] $1- %:curIndex++ } } } } alias(kill){ raw -q kill $0 :$1- } alias(ms) { # Silent quote ms $0- } # j: This is a really common one alias(j) { #first we do a test if a chan is given as parameter if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /j " } else { join $0- } } # s: This too alias(s) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /s " } else { server $0- } } # q: Ok, I am lazy :P alias(q) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /q " } else { query $0- } } # names: maybe this should be implemented on the core? alias(names) { if(!$0) { if($window.type($active)!="channel") { echo $tr("Usage:") "/names " } else { raw names $active } } else { raw names $0- } } # kickban alias(kb) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /kb [" $tr("reason") "]" halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[KB]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { %tqmask = $tqmask(%nick,$option(uintDefaultBanType)); if(!%tqmask)%tqmask = %nick; # plain ban %reason = $1- #if(!%reason)%reason = "You're not welcome here!" # This is tricky : we send everything # as a single raw message just because # we do not want delays between kick and ban # if anti-server-flood is enabled %raw = "kick $target %nick :%reason" # kick %nick %reason if($chan.isOp(%nick))%raw2 = "mode $target -o+b %nick %tqmask" else %raw2 = "mode $target +b %tqmask" raw -q %raw2$cr$lf%raw } } } # chanowner alias(chanowner) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /chanowner " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[CHANOWNER]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() +q %nick } } } # chanadmin alias(chanadmin) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /chanadmin " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[CHANADMIN]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() +a %nick } } } # dechanowner alias(dechanowner) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /dechanowner " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[DECHANOWNER]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() -q %nick } } } # dechanadmin alias(dechanadmin) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /dechanadmin " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[DECHANADMIN]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() -a %nick } } } # halfop alias(halfop) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /halfop " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[HALFOP]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() +h %nick } } } # dehalfop alias(dehalfop) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /dehalfop " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[DEHALFOP]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() -h %nick } } } # userop alias(userop) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /userop " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[USEROP]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() +u %nick } } } # deuserop alias(deuserop) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /deuserop " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[DEUSEROP]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } foreach(%nick,$str.split(",",$0)) { if(%nick) { mode $chan.name() -u %nick } } } # ame and amsg alias(ame) { foreach(%i,$window.list(channel))if(%i!="") me -r=%i $0- } alias(amsg) { foreach(%i,$window.list(channel))msg $target(%i) $0- } alias(amsgall) { foreach(%i,$window.list(channel),$window.list(query))msg $target(%i) $0- } alias(ameall) { foreach(%i,$window.list(channel),$window.list(query)){ if(%i!="") me -r=%i $0- } } alias(awayall) { foreach(%w,$window.list(console,all))away -r=%w $0-; } # notify: this is a bit more complex # We want to add an user to the notify list with a single command # The notify lists are handled thru the registered users database alias(notify) { # This one adds a registered users database entry # For the specified nick and uses the specified tqmask # If no tqmask is specified , a default one is constructed # Then the "notify" property is set for the user if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /notify [tqmask]" halt } # Get the tqmask %tqmask = $1 # no tqmask specified ? build it if(!%tqmask)%tqmask = $0!*@* # Now add the user (but do not replace old entries) reguser.add -f -q $0 %tqmask # Merge the notify property part with the old one (if any) %oldNicks = $reguser.property($0,notify) # It would be a good idea to check if the nikckname is already in the %oldNicks list # but this is left as exercise for the reader. %oldNicks << $0 # And finally set the property (use -n so the notify lists will be restarted) reguser.setproperty -n $0 notify $0 # done...the notify list should be restarted now } alias(ignore) { # This one adds a registered users database entry # For the specified nick and uses the specified tqmask # If no tqmask is specified , a default one is constructed # Then the "ignore" property is set for the user to 1 if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /ignore [-r] " halt } # Now add the user (but do not replace old entries) reguser.add $0 $tqmask($0,15); # And finally set the property (use -n so the notify lists will be restarted) # Check if ignore or unignore the user if(!$sw(r,remove)) { reguser.setIgnoreEnabled $0 1 reguser.setIgnoreFlags -p -c -n -t -i -d $0 } else reguser.setIgnoreEnabled $0 0 } # Dcc...people commonly use "dcc send" instead of "dcc.send" alias(dcc) { switch($0) { case(send): { dcc.send $1- break } case(chat): { dcc.chat $1- break } case(voice): { dcc.voice $1- break } case(allow): { quote dccallow $1- break } default: { echo "[DCC]: " $tr("Unsupported type: $0") } } } # # return a string with the name of the curerent usermode # alias(usermodename) { if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo " /usermodename " halt; } if(!$channel) { echo "[USERMODENAME]: " $tr("This is not a channel window") halt; } if($chan.isOwner($0,$channel)){ return $tr("Channel Owner") } elseif($chan.isAdmin($0,$channel)){ return $tr("Channel Administrator") } elseif($chan.isOp($0,$channel)){ return $tr("Channel Operator") } elseif($chan.isHalfOp($0,$channel)){ return $tr("Half Operator") } elseif($chan.isVoice($0,$channel)){ return $tr("Voice") } elseif($chan.isUserOp($0,$channel)){ return $tr("User Operator") } else { return $tr("Normal User") } } alias(dccallow) { quote dccallow \+$0 } #shortcut for commonly called algorithm alias(md5) { return $str.digest($0-,md5) } alias(sha1) { return $str.digest($0-,sha1) } # DNS : people like it alias(dns) { if(!$context) { echo "[DNS]: " $tr("You must use DNS in an IRC context") halt } if(!$server) { echo "[DNS]: " $tr("You must be connected to a server") halt } if(!$0) { echo $tr("Usage:") echo echo " /dns " halt } if($isWellKnown($0))host -a $hostname($0) else { awhois($0) { if(!$2) { echo "[DNS]: " $tr("No such user: $0") } else { host -a $2 } } } } alias(ss) { # Silent quote ss $0- } alias(seenserv) { # Silent msg -q SeenServ $0- } alias(hs) { #Silent quote hs $0- } alias(hop) { // Retrieve channel %chan=$0 if(!%chan) %chan=$chan.name($active) // Retrieve channel key %key=$chan.key($channel(%chan)) // Exit channel if($window.type($channel(%chan))=="channel") part --keep %chan $option(stringPartMessage) // Rejoin channel if(!%key) join %chan else join %chan %key }