#ifndef _KVI_POINTERHASHTABLE_H_ #define _KVI_POINTERHASHTABLE_H_ //================================================================================================= // // File : kvi_pointerhashtable.h // Creation date : Sat Jan 12 2008 04:53 by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution // Copyright (C) 2008 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //================================================================================================= #include "kvi_settings.h" #include "kvi_pointerlist.h" #include "kvi_string.h" #include "kvi_qstring.h" #include "kvi_malloc.h" #include "kvi_memmove.h" #include /// /// Hash functions for various data types /// inline unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(const char * szKey,bool bCaseSensitive) { unsigned int uResult = 0; if(bCaseSensitive) { while(*szKey) { uResult += (unsigned char)(*(szKey)); szKey++; } } else { while(*szKey) { uResult += (unsigned char)tolower(*(szKey)); szKey++; } } return uResult; } inline bool kvi_hash_key_equal(const char * szKey1,const char * szKey2,bool bCaseSensitive) { if(bCaseSensitive) { while(*szKey1 && *szKey2) { if(*szKey1 != *szKey2) return false; szKey1++; szKey2++; } } else { while(*szKey1 && *szKey2) { if(tolower(*szKey1) != tolower(*szKey2)) return false; szKey1++; szKey2++; } } return true; } inline void kvi_hash_key_copy(const char * const &szFrom,const char * &szTo,bool bDeepCopy) { if(bDeepCopy) { int len = kvi_strLen(szFrom); char * dst = (char *)kvi_malloc(len+1); kvi_fastmove(dst,szFrom,len+1); szTo = dst; } else { szTo = szFrom; // we never modify it anyway } } inline void kvi_hash_key_destroy(const char * &szKey,bool bDeepCopy) { if(bDeepCopy) kvi_free(szKey); } inline const char * & kvi_hash_key_default(const char **) { static const char * static_null = NULL; return static_null; } inline unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(const KviStr &szKey,bool bCaseSensitive) { unsigned int uResult = 0; const char * p = szKey.ptr(); if(bCaseSensitive) { while(*p) { uResult += *((const unsigned char *)p); p++; } } else { while(*p) { uResult += tolower(*((const unsigned char *)p)); p++; } } return uResult; } inline bool kvi_hash_key_equal(const KviStr &szKey1,const KviStr &szKey2) { return kvi_hash_key_equal(szKey1.ptr(),szKey2.ptr()); } inline void kvi_hash_key_copy(const KviStr &szFrom,KviStr &szTo,bool) { szTo = szFrom; } inline void kvi_hash_key_destroy(KviStr &szKey,bool) { } inline const KviStr & kvi_hash_key_default(KviStr *) { return KviStr::emptyString(); } inline unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(const int &iKey,bool) { return (unsigned int)iKey; } inline bool kvi_hash_key_equal(const int &iKey1,const int &iKey2,bool) { return iKey1 == iKey2; } inline void kvi_hash_key_copy(const int &iKeyFrom,int &iKeyTo,bool) { iKeyTo = iKeyFrom; } inline void kvi_hash_key_destroy(int &iKey,bool) { } inline const int & kvi_hash_key_default(int *) { static int static_default = 0; return static_default; } inline unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(const unsigned short &iKey,bool) { return (unsigned int)iKey; } inline bool kvi_hash_key_equal(const unsigned short &iKey1,const unsigned short &iKey2,bool) { return iKey1 == iKey2; } inline void kvi_hash_key_copy(const unsigned short &iKeyFrom,unsigned short &iKeyTo,bool) { iKeyTo = iKeyFrom; } inline void kvi_hash_key_destroy(unsigned short &iKey,bool) { } inline const unsigned short & kvi_hash_key_default(unsigned short *) { static unsigned short static_default = 0; return static_default; } inline unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(void * pKey,bool) { unsigned char * pBytes = (unsigned char *)&(pKey); unsigned char * pEnd = pBytes + sizeof(void *); unsigned int uSum = 0; while(pBytes < pEnd) { uSum += *pBytes; pBytes++; } return uSum; } inline bool kvi_hash_key_equal(void *pKey1,void *pKey2,bool) { return pKey1 == pKey2; } inline void kvi_hash_key_copy(void * const &pKeyFrom,void *&pKeyTo,bool) { pKeyTo = pKeyFrom; } inline void kvi_hash_key_destroy(void *iKey,bool) { } inline void * & kvi_hash_key_default(void *) { static void * static_default = NULL; return static_default; } inline unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(const TQString &szKey,bool bCaseSensitive) { unsigned int uResult = 0; const TQChar * p = KviTQString::nullTerminatedArray(szKey); if(!p)return 0; if(bCaseSensitive) { while(p->tqunicode()) { uResult += p->tqunicode(); p++; } } else { while(p->tqunicode()) { #ifdef COMPILE_USE_QT4 uResult += p->toLower().tqunicode(); #else uResult += p->lower().tqunicode(); #endif p++; } } return uResult; } inline bool kvi_hash_key_equal(const TQString &szKey1,const TQString &szKey2,bool bCaseSensitive) { if(bCaseSensitive) return KviTQString::equalCS(szKey1,szKey2); return KviTQString::equalCI(szKey1,szKey2); } inline void kvi_hash_key_copy(const TQString &szFrom,TQString &szTo,bool) { szTo = szFrom; } inline void kvi_hash_key_destroy(TQString &szKey,bool) { } inline const TQString & kvi_hash_key_default(TQString *) { return KviTQString::empty; } template class KviPointerHashTable; template class KviPointerHashTableIterator; template class KviPointerHashTableEntry { friend class KviPointerHashTable; protected: T * pData; Key hKey; public: Key & key(){ return hKey; }; T * data(){ return pData; }; }; /// /// /// \class KviPointerHashTable /// \brief A fast pointer hash table implementation /// /// A very cool, very fast hash table implementation :P /// /// To use this hash table you need to provide implementations /// for the following functions: /// /// \verbatim /// /// unsigned int kvi_hash_hash(const Key &hKey,bool bCaseSensitive); /// bool kvi_hash_key_equal(const Key &hKey1,const Key &hKey2,bool bCaseSensitive); /// void kvi_hash_key_copy(const Key &hKeyFrom,Key &hKeyTo,bool bDeepCopy); /// void kvi_hash_key_destroy(Key &hKey,bool bIsDeepCopy); /// const Key & kvi_hash_key_default(Key *); /// /// \endverbatim /// /// Implementations for the most likey Key data types are provided below. /// KviPointerHashTable will automagically work with const char *,TQString,KviStr /// and integer types as keys. /// /// For string Key types, the hash table may or may not be case sensitive. /// For other Key types the case sensitive flag has no meaning and will /// (hopefully) be optimized out by the compiler. /// /// For pointer based keys the hash table may or may not mantain deep copies /// of Key data. For example, with char * keys, if deep copying is enabled /// then a private copy of the string data will be mantained. With deep /// copying disabled only char * pointers will be kept. For types /// that do not have meaning of deep copy the deep copying code will /// (hopefully) be optimized out by the compiler. /// /// The hashtable mantains an array of KviPointerList based buckets. /// The number of buckets may be specified by the application user /// and does NOT need to be a prime number. Yet better to have it a power /// of two so the memory allocation routines will feel better and are /// less likely to waste space. /// template class KviPointerHashTable { friend class KviPointerHashTableIterator; protected: KviPointerList > ** m_pDataArray; bool m_bAutoDelete; unsigned int m_uSize; unsigned int m_uCount; bool m_bCaseSensitive; bool m_bDeepCopyKeys; unsigned int m_uIteratorIdx; public: /// /// Returns the item associated to the key hKey /// or NULL if no such item exists in the hash table. /// Places the hash table iterator at the position /// of the item found. /// T * tqfind(const Key & hKey) { m_uIteratorIdx = kvi_hash_hash(hKey,m_bCaseSensitive) % m_uSize; if(!m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx])return 0; for(KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->first();e;e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->next()) { if(kvi_hash_key_equal(e->hKey,hKey,m_bCaseSensitive))return (T *)e->pData; } return 0; } /// /// Returns the item associated to the key hKey /// or NULL if no such item exists in the hash table. /// Places the hash table iterator at the position /// of the item found. This is an alias to tqfind(). /// T * operator[](const Key & hKey) { return tqfind(hKey); } /// /// Returns the number of items in this hash table /// unsigned int count() const { return m_uCount; } /// /// Returns true if the hash table is empty /// bool isEmpty() const { return m_uCount == 0; } /// /// Inserts the item pData at the position specified by the key hKey. /// Replaces any previous item with the same key /// The replaced item is deleted if autodelete is enabled. /// The hash table iterator is placed at the newly inserted item. /// void insert(const Key & hKey,T * pData) { if(!pData)return; unsigned int uEntry = kvi_hash_hash(hKey,m_bCaseSensitive) % m_uSize; if(!m_pDataArray[uEntry])m_pDataArray[uEntry] = new KviPointerList >(true); for(KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[uEntry]->first();e;e = m_pDataArray[uEntry]->next()) { if(kvi_hash_key_equal(e->hKey,hKey,m_bCaseSensitive)) { if(!m_bCaseSensitive) { // must change the key too kvi_hash_key_destroy(e->hKey,m_bDeepCopyKeys); kvi_hash_key_copy(hKey,e->hKey,m_bDeepCopyKeys); } if(m_bAutoDelete)delete e->pData; e->pData = pData; return; } } KviPointerHashTableEntry * n = new KviPointerHashTableEntry; kvi_hash_key_copy(hKey,n->hKey,m_bDeepCopyKeys); n->pData = pData; m_pDataArray[uEntry]->append(n); m_uCount++; } /// /// Inserts the item pData at the position specified by the key hKey. /// Replaces any previous item with the same key /// The replaced item is deleted if autodelete is enabled. /// The hash table iterator is placed at the newly inserted item. /// This is just an alias to insert() with a different name. /// void tqreplace(const Key & hKey,T * pData) { insert(hKey,pData); } /// /// Removes the item pointer associated to the key hKey, if such an item /// exists in the hash table. The item is deleted if autodeletion /// is enabled. Returns true if the item was found and removed and false if it wasn't found. /// Invalidates the hash table iterator. /// bool remove(const Key & hKey) { unsigned int uEntry = kvi_hash_hash(hKey,m_bCaseSensitive) % m_uSize; if(!m_pDataArray[uEntry])return false; for(KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[uEntry]->first();e;e = m_pDataArray[uEntry]->next()) { if(kvi_hash_key_equal(e->hKey,hKey,m_bCaseSensitive)) { kvi_hash_key_destroy(e->hKey,m_bDeepCopyKeys); if(m_bAutoDelete)delete ((T *)(e->pData)); m_pDataArray[uEntry]->removeRef(e); if(m_pDataArray[uEntry]->isEmpty()) { delete m_pDataArray[uEntry]; m_pDataArray[uEntry] = 0; } m_uCount--; return true; } } return false; } /// /// Removes the first occurence of the item pointer pRef. The item is deleted if autodeletion /// is enabled. Returns true if the pointer was found and false otherwise /// Invalidates the hash table iterator. /// bool removeRef(const T * pRef) { for(unsigned int i=0;i * e = m_pDataArray[i]->first();e;e = m_pDataArray[i]->next()) { if(e->pData == pRef) { kvi_hash_key_destroy(e->hKey,m_bDeepCopyKeys); if(m_bAutoDelete)delete ((T *)(e->pData)); m_pDataArray[i]->removeRef(e); if(m_pDataArray[i]->isEmpty()) { delete m_pDataArray[i]; m_pDataArray[i] = 0; } m_uCount--; return true; } } } } return false; } /// /// Removes all the items from the hash table. /// The items are deleted if autodeletion is enabled. /// Invalidates the hash table iterator. /// void clear() { for(unsigned int i=0;i * e = m_pDataArray[i]->first();e;e = m_pDataArray[i]->next()) { kvi_hash_key_destroy(e->hKey,m_bDeepCopyKeys); if(m_bAutoDelete) delete ((T *)(e->pData)); } delete m_pDataArray[i]; m_pDataArray[i] = 0; } } m_uCount = 0; } /// /// Searches for the item pointer pRef and returns /// it's hash table entry, if found, and NULL otherwise. /// The hash table iterator is placed at the item found. /// KviPointerHashTableEntry * tqfindRef(const T * pRef) { for(m_uIteratorIdx = 0;m_uIteratorIdx * e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->first();e;e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->next()) { if(e->pData == pRef)return e; } } } return 0; } /// /// Returns the entry pointed by the hash table iterator. /// This function must be preceeded by a call to firstEntry(), first() /// or tqfindRef(). /// KviPointerHashTableEntry * currentEntry() { if(m_uIteratorIdx >= m_uSize)return 0; if(m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx])return m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->current(); return 0; } /// /// Places the hash table iterator at the first entry /// and returns it. /// KviPointerHashTableEntry * firstEntry() { m_uIteratorIdx = 0; while(m_uIteratorIdx < m_uSize && (!m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx])) { m_uIteratorIdx++; } if(m_uIteratorIdx == m_uSize)return 0; return m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->first(); } /// /// Places the hash table iterator at the next entry /// and returns it. /// This function must be preceeded by a call to firstEntry(), first() /// or tqfindRef(). /// KviPointerHashTableEntry * nextEntry() { if(m_uIteratorIdx >= m_uSize)return 0; if(m_uIteratorIdx < m_uSize) { KviPointerHashTableEntry * t = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->next(); if(t)return t; } m_uIteratorIdx++; while(m_uIteratorIdx < m_uSize && (!m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx])) { m_uIteratorIdx++; } if(m_uIteratorIdx == m_uSize)return 0; return m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->first(); } /// /// Returns the data value pointer pointed by the hash table iterator. /// This function must be preceeded by a call to firstEntry(), first() /// or tqfindRef(). /// T * current() { if(m_uIteratorIdx >= m_uSize)return 0; if(m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]) { KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->current(); if(!e)return 0; return e->data(); } return 0; } /// /// Returns the key pointed by the hash table iterator. /// This function must be preceeded by a call to firstEntry(), first() /// or tqfindRef(). /// const Key & currentKey() { if(m_uIteratorIdx >= m_uSize)return kvi_hash_key_default(((Key *)NULL)); if(m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]) { KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->current(); if(!e)return kvi_hash_key_default(((Key *)NULL)); return e->key(); } return kvi_hash_key_default(((Key *)NULL)); } /// /// Places the hash table iterator at the first entry /// and returns the associated data value pointer. /// T * first() { m_uIteratorIdx = 0; while(m_uIteratorIdx < m_uSize && (!m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx])) { m_uIteratorIdx++; } if(m_uIteratorIdx == m_uSize)return 0; KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->first(); if(!e)return 0; return e->data(); } /// /// Places the hash table iterator at the next entry /// and returns the associated data value pointer. /// This function must be preceeded by a call to firstEntry(), first() /// or tqfindRef(). /// T * next() { if(m_uIteratorIdx >= m_uSize)return 0; if(m_uIteratorIdx < m_uSize) { KviPointerHashTableEntry * t = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->next(); if(t) { return t->data(); } } m_uIteratorIdx++; while(m_uIteratorIdx < m_uSize && (!m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx])) { m_uIteratorIdx++; } if(m_uIteratorIdx == m_uSize)return 0; KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = m_pDataArray[m_uIteratorIdx]->first(); if(!e)return 0; return e->data(); } /// /// Removes all items in the hash table and then /// makes a complete shallow copy of the data contained in t. /// The removed items are deleted if autodeletion is enabled. /// The hash table iterator is invalidated. /// Does not change autodelete flag: make sure you not delete the items twice :) /// void copyFrom(KviPointerHashTable &t) { clear(); for(KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = t.firstEntry();e;e = t.nextEntry()) insert(e->key(),e->data()); } /// /// Inserts a complete shallow copy of the data contained in t. /// The hash table iterator is invalidated. /// void insert(KviPointerHashTable &t) { for(KviPointerHashTableEntry * e = t.firstEntry();e;e = t.nextEntry()) insert(e->key(),e->data()); } /// /// Enables or disabled the autodeletion feature. /// Items are deleted upon removal when the feature is enabled. /// void setAutoDelete(bool bAutoDelete) { m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete; } /// /// Creates an empty hash table. /// Automatic deletion is enabled. /// /// \param uSize The number of hash buckets: does NOT necesairly need to be prime /// \param bCaseSensitive Are the key comparisons case sensitive ? /// \param Do we need to mantain deep copies of keys ? /// KviPointerHashTable(unsigned int uSize = 32,bool bCaseSensitive = true,bool bDeepCopyKeys = true) { m_uCount = 0; m_bCaseSensitive = bCaseSensitive; m_bAutoDelete = true; m_bDeepCopyKeys = bDeepCopyKeys; m_uSize = uSize > 0 ? uSize : 32; m_pDataArray = new KviPointerList > *[m_uSize]; for(unsigned int i=0;i &t) { m_uCount = 0; m_bAutoDelete = false; m_bCaseSensitive = t.m_bCaseSensitive; m_bDeepCopyKeys = t.m_bDeepCopyKeys; m_uSize = t.m_uSize; m_pDataArray = new KviPointerList > *[m_uSize]; for(unsigned int i=0;i class KviPointerHashTableIterator { protected: const KviPointerHashTable * m_pHashTable; unsigned int m_uEntryIndex; KviPointerListIterator > * m_pIterator; public: /// /// Creates an iterator copy. /// The new iterator points exactly to the item pointed by src. /// void operator = (const KviPointerHashTableIterator &src) { m_pHashTable = src.m_pHashTable; m_uEntryIndex = src.m_uEntryIndex; if(src.m_pIterator) m_pIterator = new KviPointerListIterator >(*(src.m_pIterator)); else m_pIterator = NULL; } /// /// Moves the iterator to the first element of the hash table. /// Returns true in case of success or false if the hash table is empty. /// bool moveFirst() { if(m_pIterator) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } m_uEntryIndex = 0; while((m_uEntryIndex < m_pHashTable->m_uSize) && (!(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex]))) { m_uEntryIndex++; } if(m_uEntryIndex == m_pHashTable->m_uSize) return false; m_pIterator = new KviPointerListIterator >(*(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex])); bool bRet = m_pIterator->moveFirst(); if(!bRet) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } return bRet; } /// /// Moves the iterator to the last element of the hash table. /// Returns true in case of success or false if the hash table is empty. /// bool moveLast() { if(m_pIterator) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } m_uEntryIndex = m_pHashTable->m_uSize; while(m_uEntryIndex > 0) { m_uEntryIndex--; if(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex]) { m_pIterator = new KviPointerListIterator >(*(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex])); bool bRet = m_pIterator->moveLast(); if(!bRet) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } return bRet; } } return false; } /// /// Moves the iterator to the next element of the hash table. /// The iterator must be actually valid for this function to work. /// Returns true in case of success or false if there is no next item. /// bool moveNext() { if(!m_pIterator) return false; if(m_pIterator->moveNext()) return true; if(m_pIterator) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } m_uEntryIndex++; while((m_uEntryIndex < m_pHashTable->m_uSize) && (!(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex]))) { m_uEntryIndex++; } if(m_uEntryIndex == m_pHashTable->m_uSize) return false; m_pIterator = new KviPointerListIterator >(*(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex])); bool bRet = m_pIterator->moveFirst(); if(!bRet) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } return bRet; } /// /// Moves the iterator to the next element of the hash table. /// The iterator must be actually valid for this function to work. /// Returns true in case of success or false if there is no next item. /// This is just an alias to moveNext(). /// bool operator ++() { return moveNext(); } /// /// Moves the iterator to the previous element of the hash table. /// The iterator must be actually valid for this function to work. /// Returns true in case of success or false if there is no previous item. /// bool movePrev() { if(!m_pIterator) return false; if(m_pIterator->movePrev()) return true; if(m_pIterator) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } if(m_uEntryIndex >= m_pHashTable->m_uSize) return false; while(m_uEntryIndex > 0) { m_uEntryIndex--; if(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex]) { m_pIterator = new KviPointerListIterator >(*(m_pHashTable->m_pDataArray[m_uEntryIndex])); bool bRet = m_pIterator->moveLast(); if(!bRet) { delete m_pIterator; m_pIterator = NULL; } return bRet; } } return false; } /// /// Moves the iterator to the previous element of the hash table. /// The iterator must be actually valid for this function to work. /// Returns true in case of success or false if there is no previous item. /// This is just an alias to movePrev() with a different name. /// bool operator --() { return movePrev(); } /// /// Returs the value pointed by the iterator /// or a default constructed value if the iterator is not valid. /// This is an alias to operator *() with just a different name. /// T * current() const { return m_pIterator ? m_pIterator->current()->data() : NULL; } /// /// Returs the value pointed by the iterator /// or a default constructed value if the iterator is not valid. /// This is an alias to current() with just a different name. /// T * operator *() const { return m_pIterator ? m_pIterator->current()->data() : NULL; } /// /// Returs the key pointed by the iterator /// or a default constructed key if the iterator is not valid. /// const Key & currentKey() const { return m_pIterator ? m_pIterator->current()->key() : kvi_hash_key_default(((Key *)NULL)); } /// /// Moves the iterator to the first element of the hash table. /// Returns the first item found or NULL if the hash table is empty. /// T * toFirst() { if(!moveFirst()) return NULL; return current(); } public: /// /// Creates an iterator pointing to the first item in the hash table, if any. /// KviPointerHashTableIterator(const KviPointerHashTable &hTable) { m_pHashTable = &hTable; m_uEntryIndex = 0; m_pIterator = NULL; moveFirst(); } /// /// Destroys the iterator /// ~KviPointerHashTableIterator() { if(m_pIterator) delete m_pIterator; } }; #endif //_KVI_POINTERHASHTABLE_H_