//============================================================================= // // File : kvi_fileutils.cpp // Creation date : Fri Dec 25 1998 18:26:48 by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution // Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //============================================================================= #define __KVILIB__ #define _KVI_FILEUTLIS_CPP_ #include "kvi_fileutils.h" #include "kvi_qstring.h" #include "kvi_file.h" #include "kvi_malloc.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace KviFileUtils { /* WORKING CODE BUT UNUSED FOR NOW bool readLine(TQFile * f,TQString &szBuffer,bool bClearBuffer) { // FIXME: Should this assume UTF8 encoding ? char tmp_buf[256]; int cur_len = 0; //char *cur_ptr = tmp_buf; if(bClearBuffer)szBuffer = ""; int ch = f->getch(); while((ch != -1)&&(ch != '\n')&&(ch != 0)) { tmp_buf[cur_len] = ch; cur_len++; if(cur_len > 255) { if(tmp_buf[255] == '\r')cur_len--; //Ignore CR... int lastlen = szBuffer.length(); szBuffer.setLength(lastlen + cur_len); TQChar *p1 = szBuffer.unicode() + lastlen; char * p2 = tmp_buf; for(int i=0;igetch(); } if(ch == 0) { tqDebug("Warning : %s is not an ascii file",f->name().latin1()); } if(cur_len > 0) { if(tmp_buf[cur_len - 1] == '\r')cur_len--; //Ignore CR... int lastlen = szBuffer.length(); szBuffer.setLength(lastlen + cur_len); TQChar *p1 = szBuffer.unicode() + lastlen; char * p2 = tmp_buf; for(int i=0;i 2) && (szPath.at(0) != TQChar('/'))) { if((szPath.at(1) == TQChar(':')) && (szPath.at(2) == TQChar('/'))) { szPath.remove(0,2); } } szPath=TQDir::cleanDirPath(szPath); #endif } bool directoryExists(const TQString &szPath) { TQFileInfo f(szPath); return (f.exists() && f.isDir()); } bool directoryExists(const char* path) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); TQFileInfo f(szPath); return (f.exists() && f.isDir()); } bool fileExists(const TQString &szPath) { TQFileInfo f(szPath); return (f.exists() && f.isFile()); } bool fileExists(const char* path) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return fileExists(szPath); } bool removeFile(const TQString &szPath) { TQDir d; return d.remove(szPath); } bool removeFile(const char* path) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return removeFile(szPath); } bool removeDir(const TQString &szPath) { TQDir d; return d.rmdir(szPath); } bool removeDir(const char* path) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return removeDir(szPath); } bool deleteDir(const TQString &szPath) { TQDir d(szPath); TQStringList sl = d.entryList(TQDir::Dirs); TQStringList::Iterator it; for(it=sl.begin();it != sl.end();it++) { TQString szSubdir = *it; if(!(KviTQString::equalCS(szSubdir,"..") || KviTQString::equalCS(szSubdir,"."))) { TQString szSubPath = szPath; KviTQString::ensureLastCharIs(szSubPath,TQChar(KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR)); szSubPath += szSubdir; if(!KviFileUtils::deleteDir(szSubPath)) return false; } } sl = d.entryList(TQDir::Files); for(it=sl.begin();it != sl.end();it++) { TQString szFilePath = szPath; KviTQString::ensureLastCharIs(szFilePath,TQChar(KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR)); szFilePath += *it; if(!KviFileUtils::removeFile(szFilePath)) return false; } return KviFileUtils::removeDir(szPath); } bool writeFile(const TQString &szPath,const TQString &szData,bool bAppend) { KviFile f(szPath); if(!f.openForWriting(bAppend))return false; KviTQCString szTmp = KviTQString::toUtf8(szData); if(!szTmp.data())return true; if(f.writeBlock(szTmp.data(),szTmp.length()) != ((int)(szTmp.length())))return false; return true; } bool writeFile(const char* path,const TQString &szData,bool bAppend) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return writeFile(szPath,szData,bAppend); } bool writeFileLocal8Bit(const TQString &szPath,const TQString &szData,bool bAppend) { KviFile f(szPath); if(!f.openForWriting(bAppend))return false; KviTQCString szTmp = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->fromUnicode(szData); if(!szTmp.data())return true; if(f.writeBlock(szTmp.data(),szTmp.length()) != ((int)(szTmp.length())))return false; return true; } bool writeFileLocal8Bit(const char* path,const TQString &szData,bool bAppend) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return writeFileLocal8Bit(szPath,szData,bAppend); } bool readFile(const TQString &szPath,TQString &szBuffer,unsigned int uMaxSize) { KviFile f(szPath); if(!f.openForReading())return false; if(f.size() < 1) { szBuffer = ""; f.close(); return true; } if(f.size() > uMaxSize)return false; char * buf = new char[f.size() + 1]; if(f.readBlock(buf,f.size()) != ((long int)f.size())) { delete buf; buf = 0; return false; } buf[f.size()] = '\0'; szBuffer = TQString::fromUtf8(buf); delete[] buf; return true; } bool readFile(const char* path,TQString &szBuffer,unsigned int uMaxSize) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return readFile(szPath,szBuffer,uMaxSize); } TQString extractFileName(const TQString &szFileNameWithPath) { return TQFileInfo(szFileNameWithPath).fileName(); } TQString extractFilePath(const TQString &szFileNameWithPath) { return TQFileInfo(szFileNameWithPath).dirPath(true); } bool readLine(TQFile * f,TQString &szBuffer,bool bUtf8) { TQTextStream stream(f); stream.setEncoding(bUtf8 ? TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 : TQTextStream::Locale); szBuffer=stream.readLine(); return !szBuffer.isNull(); } bool readLines(TQFile * f,TQStringList &buffer,int iStartLine, int iCount, bool bUtf8) { TQTextStream stream( f ); stream.setEncoding(bUtf8 ? TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 : TQTextStream::Locale); for(int i=0;i0) { for(; (iCount>0 && !stream.atEnd()) ; iCount-- ) buffer.append(stream.readLine()); } else { while(!stream.atEnd()) { buffer.append(stream.readLine()); } } return buffer.count()!= 0; } bool isReadable(const TQString &szFname) { TQFileInfo f(szFname); return (f.exists() && f.isFile() && f.isReadable()); } bool isReadable(const char* path) { TQString szPath=TQString::fromUtf8(path); return isReadable(szPath); } bool isAbsolutePath(const TQString &szPath) { TQFileInfo f(szPath); return !f.isRelative(); } }; static char hexchars[16] = { '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' , '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' , 'D' , 'E' , 'F' }; void kvi_encodeFileName(KviStr & path) { TQString szPath(path.ptr()); kvi_encodeFileName(szPath); path=szPath; } void kvi_encodeFileName(TQString & path) { TQString src(path); path=""; for(int i=0;i> 4]; path+=hexchars[cur.row() & 15]; } path+='%'; path+=hexchars[cur.cell() >> 4]; path+=hexchars[cur.cell() & 15]; } else if (cur=='%') { path+="%%"; } else { path+=cur; } } } //================ kvi_isAbsolutePath ===============// bool kvi_isAbsolutePath(const char *path) { if(*path == '/')return true; if(isalpha(*path)) { if((*(path + 1)) == ':')return true; } return false; } //=================== kvi_readLine =====================// bool kvi_readLine(TQFile *f,KviStr &str) { TQTextStream stream(f); TQString szBuff=stream.readLine(); str=szBuff; return szBuff.isNull() ? 1 : 0; }