//============================================================================= // // File : kvi_tal_listview.cpp // Creation date : Mon Jan 22 2007 11:25:08 by Szymon Stefanek // // This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution // Copyright (C) 2007 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net) // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //============================================================================= #define __KVILIB__ #include "kvi_tal_listview.h" #include "kvi_pointerhashtable.h" #include #include #include #include KviTalListView::KviTalListView(TQWidget * pParent) : TQListView(pParent) { connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_currentChanged(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_clicked(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_clicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(pressed(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_pressed(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(pressed(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_pressed(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_returnPressed(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(spacePressed(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_spacePressed(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_rightButtonClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_rightButtonPressed(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int,TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_mouseButtonClicked(int,TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int,TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_mouseButtonPressed(int,TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(onItem(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_onItem(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(expanded(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_expanded(TQListViewItem *))); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(collapsed(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(redirect_collapsed(TQListViewItem *))); } void KviTalListView::redirect_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit selectionChanged((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_currentChanged(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit currentChanged((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_clicked(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit clicked((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_clicked(TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit clicked((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_pressed(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit pressed((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_pressed(TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit pressed((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_doubleClicked(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit doubleClicked((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_doubleClicked(TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit doubleClicked((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_returnPressed(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit returnPressed((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_spacePressed(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit spacePressed((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_rightButtonClicked(TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit rightButtonClicked((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_rightButtonPressed(TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit rightButtonPressed((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_mouseButtonClicked(int iButton,TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit mouseButtonClicked(iButton,(KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_mouseButtonPressed(int iButton,TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit mouseButtonPressed(iButton,(KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem * pItem,const TQPoint &pnt,int uColumn) { emit contextMenuRequested((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem,pnt,uColumn); } void KviTalListView::redirect_onItem(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit onItem((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_expanded(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit expanded((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } void KviTalListView::redirect_collapsed(TQListViewItem * pItem) { emit collapsed((KviTalListViewItem *)pItem); } struct KviTalCheckListItemPrivate { KviTalCheckListItemPrivate(): exclusive( 0 ), currentState( KviTalCheckListItem::Off ), statesDict( 0 ), tristate( FALSE ) {} KviTalCheckListItem *exclusive; KviTalCheckListItem::ToggleState currentState; KviPointerHashTable *statesDict; bool tristate; }; // ### obscenity is warranted. KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalCheckListItem *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, text, TQString() ) { myType = tt; init(); if ( myType == RadioButton ) { if ( parent->type() != RadioButtonController ) tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem(), radio button must be " "child of a controller" ); else d->exclusive = parent; } } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalCheckListItem *parent, KviTalListViewItem *after, const TQString &text, Type tt ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, after, text ) { myType = tt; init(); if ( myType == RadioButton ) { if ( parent->type() != RadioButtonController ) tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem(), radio button must be " "child of a controller" ); else d->exclusive = parent; } } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalListViewItem *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, text, TQString() ) { myType = tt; if ( myType == RadioButton ) { tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem(), radio button must be " "child of a KviTalCheckListItem" ); } init(); } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalListViewItem *parent, KviTalListViewItem *after, const TQString &text, Type tt ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, after, text ) { myType = tt; if ( myType == RadioButton ) { tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem(), radio button must be " "child of a KviTalCheckListItem" ); } init(); } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalListView *parent, const TQString &text, Type tt ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, text ) { myType = tt; if ( tt == RadioButton ) tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem(), radio button must be " "child of a KviTalCheckListItem" ); init(); } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalListView *parent, KviTalListViewItem *after, const TQString &text, Type tt ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, after, text ) { myType = tt; if ( tt == RadioButton ) tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem(), radio button must be " "child of a KviTalCheckListItem" ); init(); } int KviTalCheckListItem::RTTI = 1; int KviTalCheckListItem::rtti() const { return RTTI; } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalListView *parent, const TQString &text, const TQPixmap & p ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, text ) { myType = RadioButtonController; setPixmap( 0, p ); init(); } KviTalCheckListItem::KviTalCheckListItem( KviTalListViewItem *parent, const TQString &text, const TQPixmap & p ) : KviTalListViewItem( parent, text ) { myType = RadioButtonController; setPixmap( 0, p ); init(); } void KviTalCheckListItem::init() { d = new KviTalCheckListItemPrivate(); on = FALSE; // ### remove on ver 4 if ( myType == CheckBoxController || myType == CheckBox ) { d->statesDict = new KviPointerHashTable(101); d->statesDict->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } // CheckBoxControllers by default have tristate set to TRUE if ( myType == CheckBoxController ) setTristate( TRUE ); } KviTalCheckListItem::~KviTalCheckListItem() { if ( myType == RadioButton && d->exclusive && d->exclusive->d && d->exclusive->d->exclusive == this ) d->exclusive->turnOffChild(); d->exclusive = 0; // so the children won't try to access us. if ( d->statesDict ) delete d->statesDict; delete d; d = 0; } void KviTalCheckListItem::setTristate( bool b ) { if ( ( myType != CheckBoxController ) && ( myType != CheckBox ) ) { tqWarning( "KviTalCheckListItem::setTristate(), has no effect on RadioButton " "or RadioButtonController." ); return; } d->tristate = b; } bool KviTalCheckListItem::isTristate() const { return d->tristate; } KviTalCheckListItem::ToggleState KviTalCheckListItem::state() const { if ( !isTristate() && internalState() == NoChange ) return Off; else return d->currentState; } KviTalCheckListItem::ToggleState KviTalCheckListItem::internalState() const { return d->currentState; } void KviTalCheckListItem::setState( ToggleState s ) { if ( myType == CheckBoxController && state() == NoChange ) updateStoredState( (void*) this ); setState( s, TRUE, TRUE ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::setState( ToggleState s, bool update, bool store) { if ( s == internalState() ) return; if ( myType == CheckBox ) { setCurrentState( s ); stateChange( state() ); if ( update && parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->type() == CheckBoxController ) ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->updateController( update, store ); } else if ( myType == CheckBoxController ) { if ( s == NoChange && childCount()) { restoreState( (void*) this ); } else { KviTalListViewItem *item = firstChild(); int childCount = 0; while( item ) { if ( item->rtti() == 1 && ( ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->type() == CheckBox || ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->type() == CheckBoxController ) ) { KviTalCheckListItem *checkItem = (KviTalCheckListItem*)item; checkItem->setState( s, FALSE, FALSE ); childCount++; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( update ) { if ( childCount > 0 ) { ToggleState oldState = internalState(); updateController( FALSE, FALSE ); if ( oldState != internalState() && parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->type() == CheckBoxController ) ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->updateController( update, store ); updateController( update, store ); } else { // if there are no children we simply set the CheckBoxController and update its parent setCurrentState( s ); stateChange( state() ); if ( parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->type() == CheckBoxController ) ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->updateController( update, store ); } } else { setCurrentState( s ); stateChange( state() ); } } } else if ( myType == RadioButton ) { if ( s == On ) { if ( d->exclusive && d->exclusive->d->exclusive != this ) d->exclusive->turnOffChild(); setCurrentState( s ); if ( d->exclusive ) d->exclusive->d->exclusive = this; } else { if ( d->exclusive && d->exclusive->d->exclusive == this ) d->exclusive->d->exclusive = 0; setCurrentState( Off ); } stateChange( state() ); } repaint(); } void KviTalCheckListItem::setCurrentState( ToggleState s ) { ToggleState old = d->currentState; d->currentState = s; if (d->currentState == On) on = TRUE; else on = FALSE; #if defined(TQT_ACCESSIBILITY_SUPPORT) if ( old != d->currentState && listView() ) TQAccessible::updateAccessibility( listView()->viewport(), indexOfItem( this ), TQAccessible::StateChanged ); #else Q_UNUSED( old ); #endif } void KviTalCheckListItem::setStoredState( ToggleState newState, void *key ) { if ( myType == CheckBox || myType == CheckBoxController ) d->statesDict->replace( key, new ToggleState(newState) ); } KviTalCheckListItem::ToggleState KviTalCheckListItem::storedState( void *key ) const { if ( !d->statesDict ) return Off; ToggleState *foundState = d->statesDict->find( key ); if ( foundState ) return ToggleState( *foundState ); else return Off; } void KviTalCheckListItem::turnOffChild() { if ( myType == RadioButtonController && d->exclusive ) d->exclusive->setOn( FALSE ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::activate() { KviTalListView * lv = listView(); if ( lv && !lv->isEnabled() || !isEnabled() ) return; TQPoint pos; int boxsize = lv->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_CheckListButtonSize, lv); if ( activatedPos( pos ) ) { bool parentControl = FALSE; if ( parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*) parent())->type() == RadioButtonController ) parentControl = TRUE; int x = parentControl ? 0 : 3; int align = lv->columnAlignment( 0 ); int marg = lv->itemMargin(); int y = 0; if ( align & AlignVCenter ) y = ( ( height() - boxsize ) / 2 ) + marg; else y = (lv->fontMetrics().height() + 2 + marg - boxsize) / 2; TQRect r( x, y, boxsize-3, boxsize-3 ); // columns might have been swapped r.moveBy( lv->header()->sectionPos( 0 ), 0 ); if ( !r.contains( pos ) ) return; } if ( ( myType == CheckBox ) || ( myType == CheckBoxController) ) { switch ( internalState() ) { case On: setState( Off ); break; case Off: if ( !isTristate() && myType == CheckBox ) { setState( On ); } else { setState( NoChange ); if ( myType == CheckBoxController && internalState() != NoChange ) setState( On ); } break; case NoChange: setState( On ); break; } ignoreDoubleClick(); } else if ( myType == RadioButton ) { setOn( TRUE ); ignoreDoubleClick(); } } void KviTalCheckListItem::setOn( bool b ) { if ( b ) setState( On , TRUE, TRUE ); else setState( Off , TRUE, TRUE ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::stateChange( bool ) { } void KviTalCheckListItem::stateChange( ToggleState s ) { stateChange( s == On ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::restoreState( void *key, int depth ) { switch ( type() ) { case CheckBox: setCurrentState( storedState( key ) ); stateChange( state() ); repaint(); break; case CheckBoxController: { KviTalListViewItem *item = firstChild(); int childCount = 0; while ( item ) { // recursively calling restoreState for children of type CheckBox and CheckBoxController if ( item->rtti() == 1 && ( ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->type() == CheckBox || ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->type() == CheckBoxController ) ) { ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->restoreState( key , depth+1 ); childCount++; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( childCount > 0 ) { if ( depth == 0 ) updateController( TRUE ); else updateController( FALSE ); } else { // if there are no children we retrieve the CheckBoxController state directly. setState( storedState( key ), TRUE, FALSE ); } } break; default: break; } } void KviTalCheckListItem::updateController( bool update , bool store ) { if ( myType != CheckBoxController ) return; KviTalCheckListItem *controller = 0; // checks if this CheckBoxController has another CheckBoxController as parent if ( parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*)parent())->type() == CheckBoxController ) controller = (KviTalCheckListItem*)parent(); ToggleState theState = Off; bool first = TRUE; KviTalListViewItem *item = firstChild(); while( item && theState != NoChange ) { if ( item->rtti() == 1 && ( ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->type() == CheckBox || ((KviTalCheckListItem*)item)->type() == CheckBoxController ) ) { KviTalCheckListItem *checkItem = (KviTalCheckListItem*)item; if ( first ) { theState = checkItem->internalState(); first = FALSE; } else { if ( checkItem->internalState() == NoChange || theState != checkItem->internalState() ) theState = NoChange; else theState = checkItem->internalState(); } } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( internalState() != theState ) { setCurrentState( theState ); if ( store && ( internalState() == On || internalState() == Off ) ) updateStoredState( (void*) this ); stateChange( state() ); if ( update && controller ) { controller->updateController( update, store ); } repaint(); } } void KviTalCheckListItem::updateStoredState( void *key ) { if ( myType != CheckBoxController ) return; KviTalListViewItem *item = firstChild(); while( item ) { if ( item->rtti() == 1 ) { KviTalCheckListItem *checkItem = (KviTalCheckListItem*)item; if ( checkItem->type() == CheckBox ) checkItem->setStoredState( checkItem->internalState(), key ); else if (checkItem->type() == CheckBoxController ) checkItem->updateStoredState( key ); } item = item->nextSibling(); } // this state is only needed if the CheckBoxController has no CheckBox / CheckBoxController children. setStoredState( internalState() , key ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::setup() { KviTalListViewItem::setup(); int h = height(); KviTalListView *lv = listView(); if ( lv ) h = TQMAX( lv->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_CheckListButtonSize, lv), h ); h = TQMAX( h, TQApplication::globalStrut().height() ); setHeight( h ); } int KviTalCheckListItem::width( const TQFontMetrics& fm, const KviTalListView* lv, int column) const { int r = KviTalListViewItem::width( fm, lv, column ); if ( column == 0 ) { r += lv->itemMargin(); if ( myType == RadioButtonController && pixmap( 0 ) ) { // r += 0; } else { r += lv->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_CheckListButtonSize, lv) + 4; } } return TQMAX( r, TQApplication::globalStrut().width() ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::paintCell( TQPainter * p, const TQColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align ) { if ( !p ) return; KviTalListView *lv = listView(); if ( !lv ) return; const BackgroundMode bgmode = lv->viewport()->backgroundMode(); const TQColorGroup::ColorRole crole = TQPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode( bgmode ); if ( cg.brush( crole ) != lv->colorGroup().brush( crole ) ) p->fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(), cg.brush( crole ) ); else lv->paintEmptyArea( p, TQRect( 0, 0, width, height() ) ); if ( column != 0 ) { // The rest is text, or for subclasses to change. KviTalListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, align ); return; } bool parentControl = FALSE; if ( parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*) parent())->type() == RadioButtonController ) parentControl = TRUE; TQFontMetrics fm( lv->fontMetrics() ); int boxsize = lv->style().pixelMetric( myType == RadioButtonController ? TQStyle::PM_CheckListControllerSize : TQStyle::PM_CheckListButtonSize, lv); int marg = lv->itemMargin(); int r = marg; // Draw controller / checkbox / radiobutton --------------------- int styleflags = TQStyle::Style_Default; if ( internalState() == On ) { styleflags |= TQStyle::Style_On; } else if ( internalState() == NoChange ) { if ( myType == CheckBoxController && !isTristate() ) styleflags |= TQStyle::Style_Off; else styleflags |= TQStyle::Style_NoChange; } else { styleflags |= TQStyle::Style_Off; } if ( isSelected() ) styleflags |= TQStyle::Style_Selected; if ( isEnabled() && lv->isEnabled() ) styleflags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled; if ( myType == RadioButtonController ) { int x = 0; if(!parentControl) x += 3; if ( !pixmap( 0 ) ) { lv->style().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_CheckListController, p, TQRect(x, 0, boxsize, fm.height() + 2 + marg), cg, styleflags, TQStyleOption(this)); r += boxsize + 4; } } else { Q_ASSERT( lv ); //### int x = 0; int y = 0; if ( !parentControl ) x += 3; if ( align & AlignVCenter ) y = ( ( height() - boxsize ) / 2 ) + marg; else y = (fm.height() + 2 + marg - boxsize) / 2; if ( ( myType == CheckBox ) || ( myType == CheckBoxController ) ) { lv->style().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_CheckListIndicator, p, TQRect(x, y, boxsize, fm.height() + 2 + marg), cg, styleflags, TQStyleOption(this)); } else { //radio button look lv->style().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_CheckListExclusiveIndicator, p, TQRect(x, y, boxsize, fm.height() + 2 + marg), cg, styleflags, TQStyleOption(this)); } r += boxsize + 4; } // Draw text ---------------------------------------------------- p->translate( r, 0 ); p->setPen( TQPen( cg.text() ) ); KviTalListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width - r, align ); } void KviTalCheckListItem::paintFocus( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup & cg,const TQRect & r ) { bool intersect = TRUE; KviTalListView *lv = listView(); if ( lv && lv->header()->mapToActual( 0 ) != 0 ) { int xdepth = lv->treeStepSize() * ( depth() + ( lv->rootIsDecorated() ? 1 : 0) ) + lv->itemMargin(); int p = lv->header()->cellPos( lv->header()->mapToActual( 0 ) ); xdepth += p; intersect = r.intersects( TQRect( p, r.y(), xdepth - p + 1, r.height() ) ); } bool parentControl = FALSE; if ( parent() && parent()->rtti() == 1 && ((KviTalCheckListItem*) parent())->type() == RadioButtonController ) parentControl = TRUE; if ( myType != RadioButtonController && intersect && (lv->rootIsDecorated() || myType == RadioButton || (myType == CheckBox && parentControl) ) ) { TQRect rect; int boxsize = lv->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_CheckListButtonSize, lv); if ( lv->columnAlignment(0) == AlignCenter ) { TQFontMetrics fm( lv->font() ); int bx = (lv->columnWidth(0) - (boxsize + fm.width(text())))/2 + boxsize; if ( bx < 0 ) bx = 0; rect.setRect( r.x() + bx + 5, r.y(), r.width() - bx - 5, r.height() ); } else rect.setRect( r.x() + boxsize + 5, r.y(), r.width() - boxsize - 5, r.height() ); KviTalListViewItem::paintFocus(p, cg, rect); } else { KviTalListViewItem::paintFocus(p, cg, r); } } #include "kvi_tal_listview_qt3.moc"