//================================================================================== // // File : libkvinotifier.cpp // Creation date : Tue Jul 7 2004 20:21:12 CEST by Szymon Stefanek // // Copyright (C) 2005 Iacopo Palazzi < iakko(at)siena(dot)linux(dot)it > // // This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //================================================================================== #include "kvi_module.h" #include "notifierwindow.h" #include "notifiermessage.h" #include "kvi_kvs_variant.h" #include "kvi_app.h" #include "kvi_frame.h" #include "kvi_window.h" #include "kvi_locale.h" #include "kvi_iconmanager.h" #include "kvi_time.h" #include "kvi_options.h" #include KviNotifierWindow * g_pNotifierWindow = 0; kvi_time_t g_tNotifierDisabledUntil = 0; /* @doc: notifier.message @type: command @title: notifier.message @short: Adds a message to the notifier window @syntax: notifier.message [-q|quiet] [-n|noanim] [-w[=]!] [-i=] [-t=] @description: Adds a message to the notifier window. The notifier window is shown (if not already visible) unless the -q switch is present. The new message becomes the current message of the notifier unless the user is already typing in the input window and the typed message would be directed to a different window. In that case the message is appended at the end of the message queue and the user will be able to scroll to it by using the proper notifier buttons.[br] The <message> text can contain simple html tags: basically you are allowed to use <b> and <i>. The usage of other tags is possible but is discouraged since it tends to mess up the message display. In particular you should avoid any color and/or font specification since the notifier is skinnable and you don't know which color will result in a visible text. [b]Please note that the user can forcibly disable the notifier for a limited period of time (a sort of "don't bug me" option).[/b] @switches: !sw: -n | --noanim Do not animate !sw: -w | --windowid Causes the message gets attacched to the specified window and the user is able to type commands in that window after showing up the notifier input. If the "=<window_id>" part is omitted then the current window is used.[br] !sw: -i | --icon If the -i=<image_id> switch is present then the message has the specified image displayed. See the [doc:image_id]documentation on the image identifier[/doc] for more informations about the image_id parameter.[br] !sw: -q | --quiet If you use -q then you must explicitly call [cmd]notifier.show[/cmd] to show the notifier. If the -n switch is present then the show action will not be animated (the notifier will be shown immediately instead of fading in). Obviously -n has no meaning if -q is used.[br] !sw: -t | --timeout Set the message lifetime to Obviously this option has no meaning if the window is not going to be shown. The timeout may be overriddent by new messages but only in the future. If the timeout expires and is not overridden by any new message then the window will be automatically hidden. A zero timeout disables auto-hiding. @seealso: [cmd]notifier.show[/cmd] [cmd]notifier.hide[/cmd] [fnc]$notifier.isEnabled[/fnc]() @examples: [example] notifier.message Hello world! [cmd]notifier.hide[/cmd] notifier.message -q This is a hidden message! notifier.message -q -i=14 This is a second hidden message with an icon [cmd]notifier.show[/cmd] notifier.message -w This message has the current window associated notifier.message -w=[fnc]$window[/fnc] This is equivalent to the above notifier.message <b>Bold text</b> and normal text [cmd]notifier.hide[/cmd] notifier.message -t=10 This message will be shown only for 10 seconds [/example] */ static bool notifier_kvs_cmd_message(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c) { QString szMessage; KVSM_PARAMETERS_BEGIN(c) KVSM_PARAMETER("message",KVS_PT_STRING,0,szMessage) KVSM_PARAMETERS_END(c) if(!g_pNotifierWindow) g_pNotifierWindow = new KviNotifierWindow(); QString szIco=""; QString szWnd=""; KviWindow * pWnd = c->window(); if(c->hasSwitch('w',"window_id")) { c->switches()->getAsStringIfExisting('w',"window_id",szWnd); if(!szWnd.isEmpty()) { pWnd=g_pApp->findWindow(szWnd); if(!pWnd) c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("The specified window does not exist","notifier")); } } c->switches()->getAsStringIfExisting('i',"icon",szIco); kvs_int_t uTime=0; if(c->hasSwitch('t',"timeout")) { KviKvsVariant *time=c->getSwitch('t',"timeout"); if(time) { bool bOk=time->asInteger(uTime); if(!bOk) { uTime = 0; c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("The specified timeout is not valid, assuming 0","notifier")); } } else { c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("The -t switch expects a timeout in seconds","notifier")); } } g_pNotifierWindow->addMessage(pWnd,szIco,szMessage,uTime); if(!c->hasSwitch('q',"quiet")) g_pNotifierWindow->doShow(!(c->hasSwitch('n',"new"))); return true; } /* @doc: notifier.hide @type: command @title: notifier.hide @short: Hides the notifier window @syntax: notifier.hide [-n|--noanim] @switches: !sw: -n Causes the hide operation is not animated. @description: Hide the notifier window [b]Please note that the user can forcibly disable the notifier for a limited period of time (a sort of "don't bug me" option).[/b] @seealso: [cmd]notifier.show[/cmd] [cmd]notifier.message[/cmd] [fnc]$notifier.isEnabled[/fnc] */ static bool notifier_kvs_cmd_hide(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c) { if(g_pNotifierWindow) g_pNotifierWindow->doHide(!(c->hasSwitch('n',"notanimated"))); return true; } /* @doc: notifier.show @type: command @title: notifier.show @short: Shows the notifier window @syntax: notifier.show [-n|--noanim] @switches: !sw: -n Disables the animation @description: Shows the notifier window if it is not already visible If the -n switch is present then the show operation is not animated.[br] The notifier is shown ONLY if it contains some messages. [b]Please note that the user can forcibly disable the notifier for a limited period of time (a sort of "don't bug me" option).[/b] @seealso: [cmd]notifier.hide[/cmd] [cmd]notifier.message[/cmd] [fnc]$notifier.isEnabled[/fnc] */ static bool notifier_kvs_cmd_show(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c) { if(!g_pNotifierWindow)return true; if(!g_pNotifierWindow->countTabs())return true; g_pNotifierWindow->setDisableHideOnMainWindowGotAttention(true); g_pNotifierWindow->doShow(!(c->hasSwitch('n',"noanim"))); return true; } /* @doc: notifier.isEnabled @type: function @title: $notifier.isEnabled @short: Returns 1 if the notifier window is enabled @syntax: $notifier.isEnabled @description: Returns 1 if the notifier window is enabled and 0 otherwise. The user can forcibly disable the notifier as a sort of "don't bug me" feature for a limited period of time. When the notifier is disabled the messages sent to it will not be shown.[br] The only method that you (scripter) can use to forcibly re-enable the notifier is to unload the module and reload it...but [b]DON'T do it[/b] :)[br] There is also a global option that allows forcibly disabling the notifier forever, this option could be overridden with [cmd]option[/cmd] instead.. but again [b]DON'T do it[/b] :)[br] */ static bool notifier_kvs_fnc_isEnabled(KviKvsModuleFunctionCall * c) { bool bCheck; if(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolForciblyDisableNotifier)) bCheck=false; else bCheck=g_tNotifierDisabledUntil < kvi_unixTime(); c->returnValue()->setBoolean(bCheck); return true; } static bool notifier_module_init(KviModule * m) { KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m,"message",notifier_kvs_cmd_message); KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m,"show",notifier_kvs_cmd_show); KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m,"hide",notifier_kvs_cmd_hide); KVSM_REGISTER_FUNCTION(m,"isEnabled",notifier_kvs_fnc_isEnabled); return true; } static bool notifier_module_cleanup(KviModule *m) { if(g_pNotifierWindow) { delete g_pNotifierWindow; g_pNotifierWindow = 0; } return true; } static bool notifier_module_can_unload(KviModule *m) { return (!g_pNotifierWindow); } typedef struct _NotifierMessageSupaDupaParameterStruct { KviWindow * pWindow; QString szIcon; QString szMessage; unsigned int uMessageLifetime; // 0 means no hide } NotifierMessageSupaDupaParameterStruct; static bool notifier_module_ctrl(KviModule *,const char *operation,void *param) { if(kvi_strEqualCI("notifier::message",operation)) { NotifierMessageSupaDupaParameterStruct * p = (NotifierMessageSupaDupaParameterStruct *)param; if(!p)return false; if(!g_pNotifierWindow) g_pNotifierWindow = new KviNotifierWindow(); g_pNotifierWindow->addMessage(p->pWindow,p->szIcon,p->szMessage,p->uMessageLifetime); g_pNotifierWindow->doShow(KVI_OPTION_BOOL(KviOption_boolDisableNotifierFadein)?false:true); return true; } return false; } KVIRC_MODULE( "Notifier", "2.0.0", "Copyright (C) 2005:\n" \ " Iacopo Palazzi (iakko at siena dot linux dot it)", "KVIrc Client - Taskbar Notifier", notifier_module_init, notifier_module_can_unload, notifier_module_ctrl, notifier_module_cleanup )