NewProfileDialogbase NewProfileDialogBase 0 0 461 623 Add new Profile unnamed 11 6 layout9 unnamed AdvancedSettingsPushButton Ad&vanced... Alt+V Advanced settings (mostly not need) spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 321 20 layout11 unnamed ImportPcfProfilePushButton &Import Cisco PCF Profile... Alt+I Import Cisco PCF profile ImportCertificatePushButton Import p1&2 Certificate... Alt+2 Import a certificate in P12 format spacer132 Horizontal Expanding 110 20 spacer47 Vertical Expanding 20 16 IDLineEdit IPSec ID of the remote side LabelNetworkDevice true Network device: PSKLineEdit Password Pre-shared key for authentication (shared secret) x509certURLRequester Certificate file name LabelProfilename_2 true Description: LabelPassword Password: LabelRemoteNetwork true Remote network: CheckUserPass &Save user password Alt+S Save the user password in config file (or in KWallet if available) LabelID IPSec ID: ConnectionTypeComboBox Connection type of the new profile This is the connection type of the profile (e.g. Cisco). DescriptionLineEdit Description of the new profile Enter the description of this profile here. LabelGroupPassword Group password: LabelCertificatePath Certificates path: UsernameLineEdit Username for authentication Enter here your username certpathURLRequester Path to the certificates, used if no absolute path is given. GroupPasswordEdit Password Group password for remote side PasswordEdit Password Password for authentication LabelPsk true Pre-shared key: ProfileLineEdit Name for the new profile spacer30 Horizontal Expanding 159 20 LabelGateway VPN gateway: CheckGroupPass Save &group password Alt+G Save the group password in config file (or in KWallet if available) LabelConnectionType Connection type: LabelAuthType Authentication type: spacer31 Horizontal Expanding 159 20 LabelCertificate Certificate: gatewayLineEdit Hostname or IP address of the VPN gateway LabelProfilename true Profile name: LabelUsername Username: spacer169 Horizontal Expanding 114 20 NetworkDeviceComboBox true Network device for use with tunnel This the the network device which should be used for the tunnel. <br>Its only active if needed. If no selection made, <br>"default" is set for using the device where the defaultroute points to. spacer46 Horizontal Expanding 75 20 X.509 Certificate Pre Shared Key AuthTypeComboBox Authentication type layout8 unnamed RemoteNetAddrLineEdit Remote network address This is the remote network where the connection should going to. <br>Use this at a PPTP connection for set another network than the retrieved IP is located. RemoteNetDividetextLabel / 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 29 30 32 RemoteNetMaskComboBox Network prefix (netmask) ProfileLineEdit DescriptionLineEdit ConnectionTypeComboBox gatewayLineEdit GroupPasswordEdit RemoteNetAddrLineEdit RemoteNetMaskComboBox AuthTypeComboBox IDLineEdit PSKLineEdit NetworkDeviceComboBox UsernameLineEdit PasswordEdit certpathURLRequester x509certURLRequester CheckGroupPass CheckUserPass AdvancedSettingsPushButton ImportPcfProfilePushButton ImportCertificatePushButton profileNameChanged(const TQString&) importPcfFileClicked() passwordContentChanged() groupPasswordContentChanged() kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h kcombobox.h