ProfileVtunOptionsBase ProfileVtunOptionsBase 0 0 678 297 Vtun unnamed tqlayout118 unnamed tqlayout9 unnamed spacer59 Horizontal Expanding 439 21 tqlayout28 unnamed tqlayout27 unnamed tqlayout22 unnamed LabelID VTun profile: spacer15 Horizontal Expanding 50 20 VtunProfileLineEdit IPSec ID of the remote side tqlayout16 unnamed PortCheckbox Use userdefined port: spacer18 Horizontal Expanding 81 21 PortSpinbox false 65535 5000 Local port number spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 22 PortCheckbox toggled(bool) ProfileVtunOptionsBase usePortToggled(bool) VtunProfileLineEdit usePortToggled(bool) klineedit.h