KXEPrintSettingsPage KXEPrintSettingsPage 0 0 292 187 Print Settings Page unnamed m_pLblFontFamily NoFrame Plain Font &family: m_pFontFamily <b>Font family</b> <br> Choose the font family you want to be used on printing your XML documents. m_pFontFamily <b>Font family</b> <br> Choose the font family you want to be used on printing your XML documents. layout3 unnamed m_pLblFontSize Font &size: m_pFontSize <b>Font size</b> <br> Choose the font size you want to be used on printing your XML documents. m_pFontSize pt 6 10 <b>Font size</b> <br> Choose the font size you want to be used on printing your XML documents. spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 layout4 unnamed m_pLblIndentSteps Element &indentation: m_pIndentSteps <b>Element indentation</b> <br> Choose the number of characters you want to be used for indenting childnodes on printing you XML documents. m_pIndentSteps <b>Element indentation</b> <br> Choose the number of characters you want to be used for indenting childnodes on printing you XML documents. spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 41 20 m_pWithHeader &Print header Alt+P <b>Print header</b> <br> You can determine wether you want a header to be printed on every page when printing you XML documents or not. m_pWithFooter P&rint footer Alt+R <b>Print footer</b> <br> You can determine wether you want a footline to be printed on every page when printing you XML documents or not. spacer10 Vertical Expanding 20 20 tdefontcombo.h