/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 Nicolas Hadacek * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "project_wizard.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/gui/purl_gui.h" #include "device_gui.h" #include "tools/list/tool_list.h" #include "tools/list/compile_config.h" #include "main_global.h" #include "project.h" #include "tools/list/compile_process.h" #include "common/gui/editlistbox.h" #include "devices/list/device_list.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileListItem::FileListItem(KListView *view) : KListViewItem(view), _group(0), _copy(true) { KIconLoader loader; _pixmap = loader.loadIcon("button_ok", KIcon::Small); } void FileListItem::toggle() { _copy = !_copy; repaint(); } PURL::FileGroup FileListItem::fileGroup() const { if ( _group==0 ) return PURL::Nb_FileGroups; PURL::Url url = PURL::Url::fromPathOrUrl(text(1)); switch (url.data().group) { case PURL::Source: { FOR_EACH(PURL::ToolType, type) if ( _group->implementationType(type)==url.fileType() ) return PURL::Source; break; } case PURL::Header: return PURL::Header; case PURL::LinkerScript: { if ( _group->linkerScriptType()==url.fileType() ) return PURL::LinkerScript; break; } case PURL::LinkerObject: return PURL::LinkerObject; case PURL::Nb_FileGroups: break; } return PURL::Nb_FileGroups; } const QPixmap *FileListItem::pixmap(int column) const { if ( column==0 && _copy ) return &_pixmap; return KListViewItem::pixmap(column); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileListBox::FileListBox(QWidget *parent) : EditListBox(2, 0, 0, parent, "file_list_box") { _listView->header()->show(); _listView->header()->setClickEnabled(false); _listView->header()->setResizeEnabled(false); _listView->header()->setMovingEnabled(false); _listView->setColumnText(0, i18n("Copy")); int spacing = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_HeaderMargin); QFontMetrics fm(font()); _listView->header()->resizeSection(0, fm.width(i18n("Copy")) + 2*spacing); // hack _listView->setColumnText(1, i18n("Filename")); _listView->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); connect(_listView, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)), SLOT(clicked(QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int))); } void FileListBox::addItem() { PURL::UrlList urls = PURL::getOpenUrls(_directory.path(), QString::null, this, i18n("Select Files")); PURL::UrlList::const_iterator it; for (it=urls.begin(); it!=urls.end(); ++it) EditListBox::addItem((*it).pretty()); } QListViewItem *FileListBox::createItem() { return new FileListItem(_listView); } void FileListBox::clicked(QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &, int column) { if ( item==0 || column!=0 ) return; static_cast(item)->toggle(); } void FileListBox::setToolGroup(const Tool::Group &group) { QListViewItem *item = _listView->firstChild(); for (; item; item = item->nextSibling()) static_cast(item)->setToolGroup(group); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProjectWizard::ProjectWizard(QWidget *parent) : KWizard(parent, "project_wizard"), _project(0) { // first page _first = new QWidget(this); addPage(_first, i18n("New Project: Basic Settings")); setHelpEnabled(_first, false); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(_first, 1, 1, 10, 10); QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("Name:"), _first); grid->addWidget(label, 0, 0); _name = new KLineEdit(_first); _name->setFocus(); grid->addMultiCellWidget(_name, 0,0, 1,2); label = new QLabel(i18n("Directory:"), _first); grid->addWidget(label, 1, 0); _directory = new PURL::DirectoryWidget(":new_project", _first); grid->addMultiCellWidget(_directory, 1,1, 1,2); label = new QLabel(i18n("Device:"), _first); grid->addWidget(label, 2, 0); _device = new DeviceChooser::Button(false, _first); _device->setDevice(Main::device()); grid->addWidget(_device, 2, 1); label = new QLabel(i18n("Toolchain:"), _first); grid->addWidget(label, 3, 0); _toolchain = new KeyComboBox(_first); Tool::Lister::ConstIterator it; for (it=Tool::lister().begin(); it!=Tool::lister().end(); ++it) _toolchain->appendItem(it.key(), it.data()->label()); _toolchain->setCurrentItem(Main::toolGroup().name()); grid->addWidget(_toolchain->widget(), 3, 1); grid->setColStretch(2, 1); grid->setRowStretch(4, 1); // second page _second = new QWidget(this); addPage(_second, i18n("New Project: Source Files")); grid = new QGridLayout(_second, 1, 1, 10, 10); _bgroup = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Add Source Files"), _second); _templateButton = new QRadioButton(i18n("Create template source file."), _bgroup); _addButton = new QRadioButton(i18n("Add existing files."), _bgroup); (void)new QRadioButton(i18n("Do not add files now."), _bgroup); connect(_bgroup, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(buttonClicked(int))); grid->addWidget(_bgroup, 0, 0); // third page _third = new QWidget(this); addPage(_third, i18n("New Project: Add Files")); setHelpEnabled(_third, false); setFinishEnabled(_third, true); grid = new QGridLayout(_third, 1, 1, 10, 10); _files = new FileListBox(_third); grid->addWidget(_files, 0, 0); } void ProjectWizard::next() { if ( currentPage()==_first ) { QString name = _name->text().stripWhiteSpace(); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { MessageBox::sorry(i18n("Project name is empty."), Log::Show); return; } PURL::Directory directory = _directory->directory(); if ( directory.isEmpty() ) { MessageBox::sorry(i18n("Directory is empty."), Log::Show); return; } Log::StringView sview; if ( !directory.exists() ) { if ( !MessageBox::askContinue(i18n("Directory does not exists. Create it?")) ) return; if ( !_directory->directory().create(sview) ) { MessageBox::detailedSorry(i18n("Error creating directory."), sview.string(), Log::Show); return; } } else if ( url().exists() ) { if ( !MessageBox::askContinue(i18n("Project \"%1\"already exists. Overwrite it?").arg(url().filename())) ) return; } if ( !toolchain().check(device(), &Main::compileLog()) ) return; _files->setDirectory(_directory->directory()); _files->setToolGroup(toolchain()); if ( toolchain().name()=="custom" ) { _templateButton->hide(); _addButton->setChecked(true); } else { _templateButton->show(); _templateButton->setChecked(true); } buttonClicked(0); } if ( currentPage()==_third ) { uint nb = 0; for (uint i=0; i<_files->count(); i++) if ( static_cast(_files->item(i))->fileGroup()==PURL::Source ) nb++; if ( toolchain().compileType()==Tool::SingleFile && nb>1 ) { if ( !MessageBox::askContinue(i18n("The selected toolchain can only compile a single source file and you have selected %1 source files. Continue anyway? ").arg(nb)) ) return; } } KWizard::next(); } void ProjectWizard::done(int r) { if ( r==Accepted ) { PURL::UrlList files; _project = new Project(url()); Compile::Config::setDevice(_project, device()); Compile::Config::setToolGroup(_project, toolchain()); Compile::Config::setCustomCommands(_project, Compile::Config::customCommands(0)); if ( _bgroup->selectedId()==0 ) { PURL::ToolType ttype = PURL::ToolType::Compiler; PURL::FileType ftype = PURL::Nb_FileTypes; FOR_EACH(PURL::ToolType, i) { PURL::FileType type = toolchain().implementationType(i); if ( type==PURL::Nb_FileTypes ) continue; ftype = type; ttype = i; } Q_ASSERT( ftype!=PURL::Nb_FileTypes ); PURL::Url turl = url().toFileType(ftype); QString text; const Tool::SourceGenerator *generator = toolchain().sourceGenerator(); if ( generator==0 ) text = i18n("Template source file generation not implemented yet for this toolchain..."); else { bool ok = true; const Device::Data *data = Device::lister().data(device()); SourceLine::List lines; SourceLine::List list = generator->templateSourceFile(ttype, *data, ok); if ( !ok ) lines.appendTitle(i18n("Template source file generation only partially implemented.")); lines += list; text = SourceLine::text(ftype.data().sourceFamily, lines, 4); } Log::StringView sview; if ( turl.write(text, sview) ) files += turl; else MessageBox::detailedSorry(i18n("Error creating template file."), i18n("File: %1\n").arg(turl.pretty()) + sview.string(), Log::Show); _project->setOpenedFiles(files); } else { Log::StringView sview; for (uint i=0; i<_files->count(); i++) { PURL::Url furl = PURL::Url::fromPathOrUrl(_files->text(i)); if ( static_cast(_files->item(i))->copy() ) { PURL::Url to(url().directory(), furl.filename()); if ( furl==to || furl.copyTo(to, sview) ) files += to; } else files += furl; } } PURL::UrlList::const_iterator it; for (it=files.begin(); it!=files.end(); ++it) _project->addFile(*it); } KWizard::done(r); } PURL::Url ProjectWizard::url() const { return PURL::Url(PURL::Directory(_directory->directory()), _name->text(), PURL::Project); } const Tool::Group &ProjectWizard::toolchain() const { return *Tool::lister().group(_toolchain->currentItem()); } QString ProjectWizard::device() const { return _device->device(); } void ProjectWizard::buttonClicked(int id) { setNextEnabled(_second, id==1); setFinishEnabled(_second, id!=1); }