/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nicolas Hadacek * * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Alain Gibaud * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "compile_manager.h" #include #include "libgui/project.h" #include "common/gui/misc_gui.h" #include "compile_config.h" Compile::Manager::Manager(TQObject *parent) : TQObject(parent, "compile_manager"), _base(0) {} void Compile::Manager::cleanFile(const PURL::Url &url) { setupFile(Clean, TodoItem(url, false)); } bool Compile::Manager::compileFile(const TodoItem &item) { _label = i18n("Compiling file..."); return setupFile(Clean | (Main::project() ? CompileOnly : Build), item); } bool Compile::Manager::setupFile(Operations op, const TodoItem &item) { Log::Base::clear(); clearAll(); _operations = op; _type = NormalLinking; _todo.append(item); _action = Compiling; _wholeProject = false; TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQ_SLOT(start())); return true; } void Compile::Manager::cleanProject(LinkType type) { setupProject(Clean, type); } bool Compile::Manager::buildProject(LinkType type) { _label = i18n("Building project..."); return setupProject(Clean | Build, type); } bool Compile::Manager::setupProject(Operations op, LinkType type) { Log::Base::clear(); clearAll(); _operations = op; _type = type; PURL::UrlList files = Main::project()->absoluteFiles(); if ( files.count()==0 ) { MessageBox::sorry(i18n("Cannot build empty project."), Log::Show); return false; } PURL::UrlList::const_iterator it; for (it=files.begin(); it!=files.end(); ++it) if ( (*it).data().group==PURL::Source ) _todo.append(TodoItem(*it, false)); if ( _todo.count()>1 && Main::toolGroup().compileType()==Tool::SingleFile ) { MessageBox::sorry(i18n("The selected toolchain only supports single-file project."), Log::Show); return false; } _action = Compiling; _wholeProject = true; TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQ_SLOT(start())); return true; } void Compile::Manager::kill() { if ( clearAll() ) Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("*** Aborted ***"), Log::Delayed); emit failure(); } bool Compile::Manager::clearAll() { bool running = ( _base!=0 ); delete _base; _base = 0; _todo.clear(); return running; } void Compile::Manager::setup(Tool::Category category) { delete _base; Compile::Data data(category, _items, Main::device(), Main::project(), _type); _base = Main::toolGroup().createCompileProcess(data, this); } bool Compile::Manager::setupCompile() { PURL::FileType type = Main::toolGroup().implementationType(PURL::ToolType::Compiler); for (uint i=0; i<_items.count(); i++) { if ( _items[i].url.fileType()!=type ) { if ( _operations!=Clean ) { TQString e = PURL::extensions(type); MessageBox::detailedSorry(i18n("The selected toolchain (%1) cannot compile file. It only supports files with extensions: %2") .arg(Main::toolGroup().label()).arg(e), i18n("File: %1").arg(_items[i].url.pretty()), Log::Show); Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("*** Aborted ***"), Log::Delayed); processFailed(); } return false; } } if ( !compileOnly() && Main::toolGroup().needs(Main::project(), Tool::Category::Assembler) ) { PURL::FileType type = Main::toolGroup().implementationType(PURL::ToolType::Assembler); for (uint i=0; i<_items.count(); i++) _todo.append(TodoItem(_items[i].url.toFileType(type), true)); } setup(Tool::Category::Compiler); return true; } bool Compile::Manager::setupAssemble() { PURL::FileType type = Main::toolGroup().implementationType(PURL::ToolType::Assembler); for (uint i=0; i<_items.count(); i++) { if ( _items[i].url.fileType()!=type ) { if ( _operations!=Clean ) { if ( type==PURL::Nb_FileTypes ) type = Main::toolGroup().implementationType(PURL::ToolType::Compiler); TQString e = PURL::extensions(type); MessageBox::detailedSorry(i18n("The selected toolchain (%1) cannot assemble file. It only supports files with extensions: %2") .arg(Main::toolGroup().label()).arg(e), i18n("File: %1").arg(_items[i].url.pretty()), Log::Show); Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("*** Aborted ***"), Log::Delayed); processFailed(); } return false; } } setup(Tool::Category::Assembler); return true; } bool Compile::Manager::setupLink() { _action = Linking; Tool::Category category = (Main::project() && Main::project()->outputType()==Tool::OutputType::Library ? Tool::Category::Librarian : Tool::Category::Linker); if ( !Main::toolGroup().needs(Main::project(), category) ) { start(); return false; } setup(category); return true; } bool Compile::Manager::setupBinToHex() { _action = BinToHex; if ( !Main::toolGroup().needs(Main::project(), Tool::Category::BinToHex) ) { start(); return false; } setup(Tool::Category::BinToHex); return true; } bool Compile::Manager::prepareAction() { switch (_action) { case Compiling: if ( _todo.count()!=0 ) { _items.clear(); if ( Main::toolGroup().compileType()==Tool::AllFiles ) { _items = _todo; _todo.clear(); } else { _items.append(_todo[0]); _todo.remove(_todo.begin()); } PURL::SourceFamily family = _items[0].url.data().sourceFamily; if ( family.data().toolType==PURL::ToolType::Compiler && Main::toolGroup().base(Tool::Category::Compiler) ) return setupCompile(); return setupAssemble(); } if ( !compileOnly() ) return setupLink(); break; case Linking: return setupBinToHex(); case BinToHex: break; } if ( !(_operations & Clean) ) { Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("*** Success ***"), Log::Delayed); emit success(); } else if ( _operations!=Clean ) { _operations &= ~Clean; if (_wholeProject) setupProject(_operations, _type); else setupFile(_operations, _items[0]); } return false; } void Compile::Manager::start() { if ( Main::toolGroup().isCustom() ) { executeCustomCommands(); return; } delete _base; _base = 0; if ( !prepareAction() ) return; if ( !_base->check() ) { processFailed(); return; } if ( _operations & Clean ) { _base->files(0).onlyExistingFiles().cleanGenerated(); TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQ_SLOT(start())); return; } if ( !_base->start() ) { Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("Failed to execute command: check toolchain configuration."), Log::Delayed); processFailed(); } } void Compile::Manager::log(Log::LineType type, const TQString &message, const TQString &filepath, uint line) { if ( type==Log::LineType::Error ) setError(message); static_cast(view())->appendLine(type, message, filepath, line); } void Compile::Manager::log(Log::DebugLevel level, const TQString &message, const TQString &filepath, uint line) { static_cast(view())->appendLine(level, message, filepath, line); } void Compile::Manager::processDone() { if ( hasError() ) { processFailed(); return; } if ( Main::toolGroup().isCustom() ) { _customCommandIndex++; startCustomCommand(); } else { FileData::List list = _base->files(0).onlyExistingFiles(); FileData::List::iterator it; for (it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it) emit updateFile(*it); TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQ_SLOT(start())); } } void Compile::Manager::processFailed() { clearAll(); emit failure(); } void Compile::Manager::startCustomCommand() { delete _base; _base = 0; TQStringList commands = Compile::Config::customCommands(Main::project()); if ( _customCommandIndex==commands.count() ) { Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("*** Success ***"), Log::Delayed); emit success(); return; } TQString command = commands[_customCommandIndex]; _base = new CustomProcess(command); Compile::Data data(Tool::Category::Nb_Types, _todo, Main::device(), Main::project(), _type); _base->init(data, this); if ( !_base->start() ) { Log::Base::log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("Failed to execute custom command #%1.").arg(_customCommandIndex+1), Log::Delayed); processFailed(); } } void Compile::Manager::executeCustomCommands() { _customCommandIndex = 0; if ( Compile::Config::customCommands(Main::project()).isEmpty() ) { MessageBox::sorry(i18n("No custom commands specified."), Log::Show); emit failure(); return; } log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("Executing custom commands...")); startCustomCommand(); }