/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nicolas Hadacek * * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Alain Gibaud * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "compile_process.h" #include #include #include "devices/list/device_list.h" #include "common/global/process.h" #include "common/gui/misc_gui.h" #include "libgui/text_editor.h" #include "libgui/editor_manager.h" #include "libgui/project.h" #include "compile_config.h" #include "compile_manager.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Compile::ArgumentData Compile::ARGUMENT_DATA[] = { { "$(SRCPATH)", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the source directory.") }, { "$LKR(xxx)", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by \"xxx\" when there is a custom linker script.") }, { "$WINE(xxx)", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by \"xxx\" when \"wine\" is used.") }, { "$NO_AUTO_DEVICE(xxx)", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by \"xxx\" when the device name is specified.") }, { "%OBJS", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the list of additionnal objects.") }, { "%LIBS", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the list of additionnal libraries.") }, { "%O", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the output filename.") }, { "%PROJECT", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the project name.") }, { "%COFF", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the COFF filename.") }, { "%MAP", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the map filename.") }, { "%SYM", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the symbol filename.") }, { "%LIST", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the list filename.") }, { "%DEVICE", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the device name.") }, { "%FAMILY", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the device family name (when needed).") }, { "%I", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the relative input filepath(s).") }, { "%OBJECT", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the object file name.") }, { "%LKR_PATH", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the linker script path.") }, { "%LKR_NAME", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the linker script basename.") }, { "%LKR", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by the linker script filename.") }, { "%SEP", I18N_NOOP("Replaced by a separation into two arguments.") }, { 0, 0 } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compile::FileData::List Compile::FileData::List::onlyExistingFiles() const { List list; List::const_iterator it; for (it=begin(); it!=end(); ++it) { FileData data = *it; if ( PURL::findExistingUrl(data.url) ) list.append(data); } return list; } void Compile::FileData::List::cleanGenerated() const { Log::StringView sview; List::const_iterator it; for (it=begin(); it!=end(); ++it) if ( (*it).actions & Generated ) (*it).url.del(sview); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compile::LogWidget::LogWidget(TQWidget *tqparent) : Log::Widget(tqparent, "compile_log") { connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int, int)), TQT_SLOT(lineClicked(int))); } void Compile::LogWidget::clear() { Log::Widget::clear(); _map.clear(); } void Compile::LogWidget::appendLine(Log::LineType type, const TQString &message, const TQString &filepath, uint line) { log(type, message, Log::Delayed); if ( !filepath.isEmpty() ) _map[paragraphs()-1] = Data(filepath, line); } void Compile::LogWidget::appendLine(Log::DebugLevel level, const TQString &message, const TQString &filepath, uint line) { log(level, message, Log::Delayed); if ( !filepath.isEmpty() ) _map[paragraphs()-1] = Data(filepath, line); } void Compile::LogWidget::lineClicked(int line) { if ( !_map.tqcontains(line) ) return; PURL::Url url = PURL::Url::fromPathOrUrl(_map[line].filepath); TextEditor *e = ::tqqt_cast(Main::editorManager().openEditor(url)); if ( e==0 ) return; e->setCursor(_map[line].line, 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compile::BaseProcess::BaseProcess() : TQObject(0, "compile_process"), _manager(0), _process(0) {} void Compile::BaseProcess::init(const Data &data, Manager *manager) { _data = data; _manager = manager; } PURL::Directory Compile::BaseProcess::directory(uint i) const { if (_data.project) return _data.project->directory(); Q_ASSERT( i<_data.items.count() ); return _data.items[i].url.directory(); } bool Compile::BaseProcess::start() { _stdout = TQString(); _stderr = TQString(); delete _process; _process = new ::Process::LineSignal; connect(_process, TQT_SIGNAL(done(int)), TQT_SLOT(done(int))); connect(_process, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(timeout())); connect(_process, TQT_SIGNAL(logStdoutLine(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(logStdoutLine(const TQString &))); connect(_process, TQT_SIGNAL(logStderrLine(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(logStderrLine(const TQString &))); _process->setWorkingDirectory(directory().path()); setupProcess(); _manager->log(Log::LineType::Command, _process->arguments().join(" ")); return _process->start(0); // no timeout } void Compile::BaseProcess::done(int code) { if ( code!=0 ) { _manager->log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("*** Exited with status: %1 ***").tqarg(code)); _manager->processFailed(); } else if ( _manager->hasError() ) { _manager->log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("*** Error ***")); _manager->processFailed(); } else _manager->processDone(); } void Compile::BaseProcess::timeout() { _manager->log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("*** Timeout ***")); _manager->processFailed(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compile::Process::init(const Data &data, Manager *manager) { BaseProcess::init(data, manager); _config = group().createConfig(const_cast(data.project)); } Compile::Process::~Process() { delete _config; } bool Compile::Process::check() const { return group().check(_data.device, _manager); } PURL::Url Compile::Process::url(PURL::FileType type, uint i) const { PURL::Url url; if ( _data.project && (type==PURL::Hex || _data.category==Tool::Category::Linker || _data.category==Tool::Category::BinToHex) ) url = _data.project->url(); else if ( _data.project && (type==PURL::Library || _data.category==Tool::Category::Librarian) ) return _data.project->url().toExtension(libraryExtension()); else { Q_ASSERT( i<_data.items.count() ); url = _data.items[i].url; } if ( type==PURL::Nb_FileTypes ) return url; return url.toFileType(type); } TQString Compile::Process::filepath(PURL::FileType type, uint i) const { return url(type, i).relativeTo(directory(), Compile::Config::withWine(group()) ? PURL::WindowsSeparator : PURL::UnixSeparator); } TQString Compile::Process::outputFilepath() const { if ( _data.category==Tool::Category::Librarian ) return filepath(PURL::Library); return filepath(PURL::Hex); } Compile::FileData Compile::Process::fileData(PURL::FileType type, FileActions actions) const { return FileData(url(type, nbFiles()-1), actions); } Compile::FileData::List Compile::Process::files(bool *ok) const { if (ok) *ok = true; FileData::List list; TQRegExp rexp("PURL::(.*)"); TQStringList files = TQStringList::split(" ", outputFiles()); for (uint i=0; ilabel().latin1()); continue; } if ( type.data().group==PURL::LinkerScript ) { PURL::Url lkr = Main::toolGroup().linkerScript(_data.project, _data.linkType); list += FileData(lkr, Included | InProject); } else { FileActions actions = Generated; if ( type.data().group==PURL::Source || type==PURL::Hex || type==PURL::Map || type==PURL::Coff || type==PURL::Library ) actions |= InProject; if ( type==PURL::Hex && _data.project==0 ) actions |= Show; list += fileData(type, actions); } } else list += FileData(url().toExtension(files[i]), Compile::Generated); } return list; } bool Compile::Process::checkIs(const TQString &s, const TQString &key) { if ( !s.tqcontains(key) ) return false; if ( s!=key ) qWarning("Argument should be only %s, the rest will be ignored...", key.latin1()); return true; } TQString Compile::Process::replaceIf(const TQString &s, const TQString &key, bool condition) { TQRegExp rexp("(.*)\\$" + key + "\\(([^)]*)\\)(.*)"); if ( !rexp.exactMatch(s) ) return s; return rexp.cap(1) + (condition ? rexp.cap(2) : TQString()) + rexp.cap(3); } TQStringList Compile::Process::arguments() const { bool custom = _config->hasCustomArguments(_data.category); bool withWine = Compile::Config::withWine(group()); TQStringList args = (custom ? _config->customArguments(_data.category) : genericArguments(*_config)); PURL::Url lkr = Main::toolGroup().linkerScript(_data.project, _data.linkType); TQStringList nargs; for (uint i=0; iobjectsForLinker(objectExtension(), withWine); else { PURL::Url tmp = url(PURL::Object); if ( !objectExtension().isEmpty() ) tmp = tmp.toExtension(objectExtension()); nargs += tmp.relativeTo(directory(), withWine ? PURL::WindowsSeparator : PURL::UnixSeparator); } continue; } if ( checkIs(args[i], "%LIBS") ) { if (_data.project) nargs += _data.project->librariesForLinker(TQString(), withWine); continue; } args[i].tqreplace("%OBJECT", filepath(PURL::Object)); // before %O args[i].tqreplace("%O", outputFilepath()); args[i].tqreplace("%COFF", filepath(PURL::Coff)); if (_data.project) args[i].tqreplace("%PROJECT", _data.project->name()); else args[i].tqreplace("%PROJECT", url().basename()); args[i].tqreplace("%MAP", filepath(PURL::Map)); args[i].tqreplace("%SYM", url().toExtension("sym").relativeTo(directory(), withWine ? PURL::WindowsSeparator : PURL::UnixSeparator)); args[i].tqreplace("%LIST", filepath(PURL::Lst)); args[i].tqreplace("%DEVICE", deviceName()); args[i].tqreplace("%FAMILY", familyName()); args[i].tqreplace("%LKR_PATH", lkr.path()); // before %LKR args[i].tqreplace("%LKR_NAME", lkr.filename()); // before LKR args[i].tqreplace("%LKR", lkr.filepath()); if ( checkIs(args[i], "%I") ) { for (uint k=0; kbaseExecutable(withWine, Compile::Config::outputExecutableType(group())); TQString path = tool()->executableDirectory().path(); _process->setup(path + exec, arguments(), withWine); } Log::LineType Compile::Process::filterType(const TQString &type) const { TQString s = type.lower(); if ( s.startsWith("warning") ) return Log::LineType::Warning; if ( s.startsWith("error") ) return Log::LineType::Error; if ( s.startsWith("message") ) return Log::LineType::Information; return Log::LineType::Normal; } bool Compile::Process::parseErrorLine(const TQString &s, const ParseErrorData &data) { TQRegExp re(data.pattern); if ( !re.exactMatch(s) ) return false; TQString file; if ( data.indexFile>=0 ) { file = re.cap(data.indexFile).stripWhiteSpace(); if ( file.endsWith(".") ) file = file.mid(0, file.length()-1); if ( file=="-" ) file = TQString(); } bool ok; int line = -1; if ( data.indexLine>=0 ) line = re.cap(data.indexLine).stripWhiteSpace().toUInt(&ok) - 1; if ( !ok ) line = -1; TQString message; if ( data.indexMessage>=0 ) message= re.cap(data.indexMessage).stripWhiteSpace(); Log::LineType type = data.defaultLineType; if ( data.indexLogType>=0 ) { TQString s = re.cap(data.indexLogType).stripWhiteSpace(); if ( s.isEmpty() ) type = data.defaultLineType; else type = filterType(s); } doLog(type, message, file, line); return true; } void Compile::Process::doLog(const TQString &type, const TQString &message, const TQString &surl, uint line) { doLog(filterType(type), message, surl, line); } void Compile::Process::doLog(Log::LineType type, const TQString &message, const TQString &surl, uint line) { if ( surl.isEmpty() ) { _manager->log(type, message); return; } PURL::Url url = PURL::Url::fromPathOrUrl(surl); TQString s; if ( !url.isEmpty() ) { if ( !url.exists() && !url.isInto(directory()) ) url = PURL::Url(directory(), surl); s += url.filename() + ":" + TQString::number(line+1) + ": "; } switch (type.type()) { case Log::LineType::Warning: s += i18n("warning: "); break; case Log::LineType::Error: s += i18n("error: "); break; case Log::LineType::Information: s += i18n("message: "); break; default: break; } _manager->log(type, s + message.stripWhiteSpace(), url.filepath(), line); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compile::CustomProcess::setupProcess() { _process->setUseShell(true); _process->setup(_command, TQStringList(), false); } void Compile::CustomProcess::logStderrLine(const TQString &line) { _manager->log(Log::LineType::Normal, line); }