path: root/sip/qtext/qextscintilla.sip
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-29 00:31:00 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-29 00:31:00 -0600
commitb388516ca2691303a076a0764fd40bf7116fe43d (patch)
tree6f1615d1f12b325f4d1cd9c25d1519303794001a /sip/qtext/qextscintilla.sip
Initial import of python-qt3
Diffstat (limited to 'sip/qtext/qextscintilla.sip')
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sip/qtext/qextscintilla.sip b/sip/qtext/qextscintilla.sip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03dc56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sip/qtext/qextscintilla.sip
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// This is the SIP interface definition for QextScintilla.
+// Copyright (c) 2007
+// Riverbank Computing Limited <>
+// This file is part of PyQt.
+// This copy of PyQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+// Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+// version.
+// PyQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+// details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+// PyQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// The documentation is in the main documentation file because SIP isn't clever
+// enough to handle the resulting %Timeline complexity.
+class QextScintilla : QextScintillaBase
+#include <qextscintilla.h>
+ enum {
+ AiMaintain,
+ AiOpening,
+ AiClosing
+ };
+ enum AutoCompletionSource {
+ AcsDocument,
+ AcsAPIs,
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ AcsAll,
+ };
+ enum BraceMatch {
+ NoBraceMatch,
+ StrictBraceMatch,
+ SloppyBraceMatch
+ };
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ enum EdgeMode {
+ EdgeNone,
+ EdgeLine,
+ EdgeBackground
+ };
+ enum EolMode {
+ EolWindows,
+ EolUnix,
+ EolMac
+ };
+ enum FoldStyle {
+ NoFoldStyle,
+ PlainFoldStyle,
+ CircledFoldStyle,
+ BoxedFoldStyle,
+ CircledTreeFoldStyle,
+ BoxedTreeFoldStyle
+ };
+ enum MarkerSymbol {
+ Circle,
+ Rectangle,
+ RightTriangle,
+ SmallRectangle,
+ RightArrow,
+ Invisible,
+ DownTriangle,
+ Minus,
+ Plus,
+ VerticalLine,
+ BottomLeftCorner,
+ LeftSideSplitter,
+ BoxedPlus,
+ BoxedPlusConnected,
+ BoxedMinus,
+ BoxedMinusConnected,
+ RoundedBottomLeftCorner,
+ LeftSideRoundedSplitter,
+ CircledPlus,
+ CircledPlusConnected,
+ CircledMinus,
+ CircledMinusConnected,
+ Background,
+ ThreeDots,
+ ThreeRightArrows
+ };
+ enum WhitespaceVisibility {
+ WsInvisible,
+ WsVisible,
+ WsVisibleAfterIndent
+ };
+ enum WrapMode {
+ WrapNone,
+ WrapWord,
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ WrapCharacter,
+ };
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ enum WrapVisualFlag {
+ WrapFlagNone,
+ WrapFlagByText,
+ WrapFlagByBorder,
+ };
+ QextScintilla(QWidget * /TransferThis/ = 0,const char * = 0,
+ WFlags = 0);
+ bool autoCompletionCaseSensitivity();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ bool autoCompletionFillupsEnabled();
+ bool autoCompletionReplaceWord();
+ bool autoCompletionShowSingle();
+ AutoCompletionSource autoCompletionSource() const;
+ int autoCompletionThreshold() const;
+ bool autoIndent() const;
+ bool backspaceUnindents();
+ void beginUndoAction();
+ BraceMatch braceMatching() const;
+ int callTipsVisible() const;
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ void cancelList();
+ void clearRegisteredImages();
+ void convertEols(EolMode);
+%If (QScintilla_1_3 -)
+ QextScintillaDocument document();
+ void endUndoAction();
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ QColor edgeColor();
+ int edgeColumn();
+ EdgeMode edgeMode();
+ EolMode eolMode();
+ bool eolVisibility();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ QColor color() const;
+ QColor paper() const;
+%If (QScintilla_1_6 -)
+ virtual bool findFirst(const QString &,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool = 1,
+ int = -1,int = -1,bool = 1);
+%If (- QScintilla_1_6)
+ virtual bool findFirst(const QString &,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool = 1,
+ int = -1,int = -1);
+ virtual bool findNext();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ int firstVisibleLine();
+ FoldStyle folding() const;
+ void getCursorPosition(int *,int *);
+ void getSelection(int *,int *,int *,int *);
+ bool hasSelectedText();
+ int indentation(int);
+ bool indentationGuides();
+ bool indentationsUseTabs();
+ int indentationWidth();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ bool isCallTipActive();
+ bool isListActive();
+ bool isModified();
+ bool isReadOnly();
+ bool isRedoAvailable();
+ bool isUndoAvailable();
+ bool isUtf8();
+ int lineAt(const QPoint &);
+ int lineLength(int);
+ int lines();
+ int length();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ QextScintillaLexer *lexer() const;
+ bool marginLineNumbers(int);
+ int marginMarkerMask(int);
+ bool marginSensitivity(int);
+ int marginWidth(int);
+ int markerDefine(MarkerSymbol,int = -1);
+ int markerDefine(char,int = -1);
+ int markerDefine(const QPixmap *,int = -1);
+ int markerAdd(int,int);
+ unsigned markersAtLine(int);
+ void markerDelete(int,int = -1);
+ void markerDeleteAll(int = -1);
+ void markerDeleteHandle(int);
+ int markerLine(int);
+ int markerFindNext(int,unsigned);
+ int markerFindPrevious(int,unsigned);
+%If (QScintilla_1_3 -)
+ virtual void recolor(int = 0,int = -1);
+ void registerImage(int,const QPixmap *);
+ virtual void replace(const QString &);
+ void resetFoldMarginColors();
+ void setFoldMarginColors(const QColor &,const QColor &);
+ void setAutoCompletionAPIs(QextScintillaAPIs * = 0);
+ void setAutoCompletionFillups(const char *);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ void setAutoCompletionFillupsEnabled(bool);
+ void setAutoCompletionStartCharacters(const char *);
+ void setCallTipsAPIs(QextScintillaAPIs * = 0);
+ void setCallTipsBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ void setCallTipsForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+ void setCallTipsHighlightColor(const QColor &);
+ void setCallTipsVisible(int);
+%If (QScintilla_1_3 -)
+ void setDocument(const QextScintillaDocument &);
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ void setEdgeColor(const QColor &);
+ void setEdgeColumn(int);
+ void setEdgeMode(EdgeMode);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ virtual void setFont(const QFont &);
+ void setMarkerBackgroundColor(const QColor &,int = -1);
+ void setMarkerForegroundColor(const QColor &,int = -1);
+ void setMatchedBraceBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ void setMatchedBraceForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+ void setUnmatchedBraceBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ void setUnmatchedBraceForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ void setWrapVisualFlags(WrapVisualFlag,
+ WrapVisualFlag = QextScintilla::WrapFlagNone, int = 0);
+ QString selectedText();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ void showUserList(int, const QStringList &);
+ QextScintillaCommandSet *standardCommands() const;
+ bool tabIndents();
+ int tabWidth();
+ QString text();
+ QString text(int);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ int textHeight(int);
+ WhitespaceVisibility whitespaceVisibility();
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ WrapMode wrapMode();
+public slots:
+ virtual void append(const QString &);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ virtual void autoCompleteFromAll();
+ virtual void autoCompleteFromAPIs();
+ virtual void autoCompleteFromDocument();
+ virtual void callTip();
+ virtual void clear();
+ virtual void copy();
+ virtual void cut();
+ virtual void ensureCursorVisible();
+ virtual void ensureLineVisible(int);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ virtual void foldAll(bool = 0);
+%If (- QScintilla_1_7)
+ virtual void foldAll();
+ virtual void foldLine(int);
+ virtual void indent(int);
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ virtual void insert(const QString &);
+ virtual void insertAt(const QString &,int,int);
+ virtual void moveToMatchingBrace();
+ virtual void paste();
+ virtual void redo();
+ virtual void removeSelectedText();
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ virtual void resetSelectionBackgroundColor();
+ virtual void resetSelectionForegroundColor();
+ virtual void selectAll(bool = 1);
+ virtual void selectToMatchingBrace();
+ virtual void setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(bool);
+ virtual void setAutoCompletionReplaceWord(bool);
+ virtual void setAutoCompletionShowSingle(bool);
+ virtual void setAutoCompletionSource(AutoCompletionSource);
+ virtual void setAutoCompletionThreshold(int);
+ virtual void setAutoIndent(bool);
+ virtual void setBraceMatching(BraceMatch);
+ virtual void setBackspaceUnindents(bool);
+%If (QScintilla_1_3 -)
+ virtual void setCaretForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setCaretLineBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setCaretLineVisible(bool);
+ virtual void setCaretWidth(int);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ virtual void setColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setCursorPosition(int,int);
+ virtual void setEolMode(EolMode);
+ virtual void setEolVisibility(bool);
+ virtual void setFolding(FoldStyle);
+ virtual void setIndentation(int,int);
+ virtual void setIndentationGuides(bool);
+ virtual void setIndentationGuidesBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setIndentationGuidesForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setIndentationsUseTabs(bool);
+ virtual void setIndentationWidth(int);
+ virtual void setLexer(QextScintillaLexer * = 0);
+ virtual void setMarginsBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setMarginsFont(const QFont &);
+ virtual void setMarginsForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setMarginLineNumbers(int,bool);
+ virtual void setMarginMarkerMask(int,int);
+ virtual void setMarginSensitivity(int,bool);
+ virtual void setMarginWidth(int,int);
+ virtual void setMarginWidth(int,const QString &);
+ virtual void setModified(bool);
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ virtual void setPaper(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setReadOnly(bool);
+ virtual void setSelection(int,int,int,int);
+%If (QScintilla_1_3 -)
+ virtual void setSelectionBackgroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setSelectionForegroundColor(const QColor &);
+ virtual void setTabIndents(bool);
+ virtual void setTabWidth(int);
+ virtual void setText(const QString &);
+ virtual void setUtf8(bool);
+ virtual void setWhitespaceVisibility(WhitespaceVisibility);
+%If (QScintilla_1_4 -)
+ virtual void setWrapMode(WrapMode);
+ virtual void undo();
+ virtual void unindent(int);
+ virtual void zoomIn(int);
+ virtual void zoomIn();
+ virtual void zoomOut(int);
+ virtual void zoomOut();
+ virtual void zoomTo(int);
+ void cursorPositionChanged(int,int);
+ void copyAvailable(bool);
+ void marginClicked(int,int,Qt::ButtonState);
+ void modificationAttempted();
+ void modificationChanged(bool);
+ void selectionChanged();
+ void textChanged();
+%If (QScintilla_1_7 -)
+ void userListActivated(int, const QString &);
+ QextScintilla(const QextScintilla &);