path: root/examples2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples2/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 512 deletions
diff --git a/examples2/ b/examples2/
deleted file mode 100755
index cf235a8..0000000
--- a/examples2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, string
-from python_tqt.qt import *
-## Constructs an analog clock widget that uses an internal TQTimer.
-def TQMIN( x, y ):
- if y > x:
- return y
- return x
-## Constructs an analog clock widget that uses an internal TQTimer.
-class AnalogClock( TQWidget ):
- def __init__( self, *args ):
- TQWidget.__init__(*(self,) + args)
- self.time = TQTime.currentTime() # get current time
- internalTimer = TQTimer( self ) # create internal timer
- self.connect( internalTimer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.timeout )
- internalTimer.start( 5000 ) # emit signal every 5 seconds
-## The TQTimer::timeout() signal is received by this slot.
- def timeout( self ):
- new_time = TQTime.currentTime() # get the current time
- if new_time.minute() != self.time.minute(): # minute has changed
- self.update()
-## The clock is painted using a 1000x1000 square coordinate system.
- def paintEvent( self, qe ): # paint clock
- if not self.isVisible(): # is is invisible
- return
- self.time = TQTime.currentTime() # save current time
- pts = TQPointArray()
- paint = TQPainter( self )
- paint.setBrush( self.foregroundColor() ) # fill with foreground color
- cp = TQPoint( self.rect().center() ) # widget center point
- d = TQMIN( self.width(), self.height() ) # we want a circular clock
- matrix = TQWMatrix() # setup transformation matrix
- matrix.translate( cp.x(), cp.y() ) # origin at widget center
- matrix.scale( d / 1000.0, d / 1000.0 ) # scale coordinate system
- h_angle = 30 * ( self.time.hour() % 12 - 3 ) + self.time.minute() / 2
- matrix.rotate( h_angle ) # rotate to draw hour hand
- paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix )
- pts.setPoints( [ -20,0, 0,-20, 300,0, 0,20 ] )
- paint.drawPolygon( pts ) # draw hour hand
- matrix.rotate( -h_angle ) # rotate back to zero
- m_angle = ( self.time.minute() - 15 ) * 6
- matrix.rotate( m_angle ) # rotate to draw minute hand
- paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix )
- pts.setPoints( [ -10,0, 0,-10, 400,0, 0,10 ] )
- paint.drawPolygon( pts ) # draw minute hand
- matrix.rotate( -m_angle ) # rotate back to zero
- for i in range( 0, 12 ): # draw hour lines
- paint.setWorldMatrix( matrix )
- paint.drawLine( 450,0, 500,0 )
- matrix.rotate( 30 )
-class DigitalClock( TQLCDNumber ):
- def __init__( self, *args ):
- TQLCDNumber.__init__(*(self,) + args)
- self.showingColon = 0
- self.setFrameStyle(TQFrame.Panel | TQFrame.Raised)
- self.setLineWidth( 2 )
- self.showTime()
- self.normalTimer = self.startTimer( 500 )
- self.showDateTimer = -1
- def timerEvent( self, e ):
- if e.timerId() == self.showDateTimer:
- self.stopDate()
- else:
- if self.showDateTimer == -1:
- self.showTime()
- def mousePressEvent( self, e ):
- if e.button() == TQt.LeftButton:
- self.showDate()
- def showDate( self ):
- if self.showDateTimer != -1:
- return
- d = TQDate.currentDate()
- self.display('%2d %2d' % (d.month(),
- self.showDateTimer = self.startTimer(2000)
- def stopDate( self ):
- self.killTimer(self.showDateTimer)
- self.showDateTimer = -1
- self.showTime()
- def showTime( self ):
- self.showingColon = not self.showingColon
- s = list(str(TQTime.currentTime().toString())[:5]) #.left(5)
- if not self.showingColon:
- s[2] = ' '
- if s[0] == '0':
- s[0] = ' '
- s = ''.join(s)
- self.display( s )
- def TQMIN( x, y ):
- if y > x:
- return y
- return x
-TRUE = 1
-FALSE = 0
-MOVIEFILENAME = "trolltech.gif"
-# WidgetView contains lots of TQt widgets.
-class WidgetView ( TQWidget ):
- def __init__( self, *args ):
- TQWidget.__init__(*(self,) + args)
- # Set the window caption/title
- self.setCaption( "TQt Widgets Demo Application" )
- # Install an application-global event filter
- tqApp.installEventFilter( self )
- # Create a layout to position the widgets
- self.topLayout = TQVBoxLayout( self, 10 )
- # Create a grid layout to hold most of the widgets
- self.grid = TQGridLayout( 6, 3 )
- # This layout will get all of the stretch
- self.topLayout.addLayout( self.grid, 10 )
- # Create a menubar
- self.menubar = TQMenuBar( self )
- #self.menubar.setSeparator( TQMenuBar.InWindowsStyle )
- self.menubar.setSeparator( 1 )
- # Create an easter egg
- TQToolTip.add( self.menubar, TQRect( 0, 0, 2, 2 ), "easter egg" )
- self.popup = TQPopupMenu()
- = self.popup.insertItem( "&New" )
- self.popup.setItemEnabled(, FALSE )
- = self.popup.insertItem( "&Open" )
- self.popup.setItemEnabled(, FALSE )
- self.popup.insertSeparator()
- self.popup.insertItem( "&Quit", tqApp, SLOT("quit()"), TQt.CTRL+TQt.Key_Q )
- self.menubar.insertItem( "&File", self.popup )
- # Must tell the layout about a menubar in a widget
- self.topLayout.setMenuBar( self.menubar )
- # Create an analog and a digital clock
- self.aclock = AnalogClock( self )
- self.aclock.resize( 50, 50 )
- self.dclock = DigitalClock( self )
- self.dclock.setMaximumWidth( 200 )
- self.grid.addWidget( self.aclock, 0, 2 )
- self.grid.addWidget( self.dclock, 1, 2 )
- # Give the dclock widget a blue palette
- col = TQColor()
- col.setRgb( 0xaa, 0xbe, 0xff )
- self.dclock.setPalette( TQPalette( col ) )
- # make tool tips for both of them
- TQToolTip.add( self.aclock, "custom widget: analog clock" )
- TQToolTip.add( self.dclock, "custom widget: digital clock" )
- # Create a push button.
- self.pb = TQPushButton( self, "button1" ) # create button 1
- self.pb.setText( "Push button 1" )
- self.pb.setFixedHeight( self.pb.sizeHint().height() )
- self.grid.addWidget( self.pb, 0, 0, TQt.AlignVCenter )
- self.connect( self.pb, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.button1Clicked )
- TQToolTip.add( self.pb, "push button 1" )
- = TQPixmap()
- self.pix = "qt.png" ) # load pixmap for button 2
- if not self.pix:
- TQMessageBox.information( None, "TQt Widgets Example",
- "Could not load the file \"qt.png\", which\n"
- "contains an icon used...\n\n"
- "The text \"line 42\" will be substituted.",
- TQMessageBox.Ok + TQMessageBox.Default )
- # Create a label containing a TQMovie
- self.movielabel = TQLabel( self, "label0" )
- self.movieStatus )
- self.movieUpdate )
- self.movielabel.setFrameStyle( TQFrame.Box | TQFrame.Plain )
- self.movielabel.setMovie( )
- self.movielabel.setMargin( 0 )
- self.movielabel.setFixedSize( 128 + self.movielabel.frameWidth() * 2,
- 64 + self.movielabel.frameWidth() * 2 )
- self.grid.addWidget( self.movielabel, 0, 1, TQt.AlignCenter )
- TQToolTip.add( self.movielabel, "movie" )
- # Create a group of check boxes
- = TQButtonGroup( self, "checkGroup" )
- "Check Boxes" )
- self.grid.addWidget(, 1, 0 )
- # Create a layout for the check boxes
- self.vbox = TQVBoxLayout(, 10)
- self.vbox.addSpacing( )
- self.cb = list(range(3))
- self.cb[0] = TQCheckBox( )
- self.cb[0].setText( "Read" )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.cb[0] )
- self.cb[0].setMinimumSize( self.cb[0].sizeHint() )
- self.cb[1] = TQCheckBox( )
- self.cb[1].setText( "Write" )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.cb[1] )
- self.cb[1].setMinimumSize( self.cb[1].sizeHint() )
- self.cb[2] = TQCheckBox( )
- self.cb[2].setText( "Execute" )
- self.cb[2].setMinimumSize( self.cb[2].sizeHint() )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.cb[2] )
- )
- self.vbox.activate()
- self.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.checkBoxClicked )
- TQToolTip.add( self.cb[0], "check box 1" )
- TQToolTip.add( self.cb[1], "check box 2" )
- TQToolTip.add( self.cb[2], "check box 3" )
- # Create a group of radio buttons
- = TQButtonGroup( self, "radioGroup" )
- "Radio buttons" )
- self.grid.addWidget(, 1, 1 )
- # Create a layout for the radio buttons
- self.vbox = TQVBoxLayout(, 10 )
- self.vbox.addSpacing( )
- self.rb = TQRadioButton( )
- self.rb.setText( "&AM" )
- self.rb.setChecked( TRUE )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.rb )
- self.rb.setMinimumSize( self.rb.sizeHint() )
- TQToolTip.add( self.rb, "radio button 1" )
- self.rb = TQRadioButton( )
- self.rb.setText( "&FM" )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.rb )
- self.rb.setMinimumSize( self.rb.sizeHint() )
- TQToolTip.add( self.rb, "radio button 2" )
- self.rb = TQRadioButton( )
- self.rb.setText( "&Short Wave" )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.rb )
- self.rb.setMinimumSize( self.rb.sizeHint() )
- self.vbox.activate()
- self.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.radioButtonClicked )
- TQToolTip.add( self.rb, "radio button 3" )
- # Create a list box
- = TQListBox( self, "listBox" )
- for i in range( 0, 100, 1 ): # fill list box
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "line %d" % i
- if i == 42 and self.pix:
- )
- else:
- txt )
- self.grid.addMultiCellWidget(, 2, 4, 0, 0 )
- self.connect(, SIGNAL("selected(int)"), self.listBoxItemSelected )
- TQToolTip.add(, "list box" )
- self.vbox = TQVBoxLayout( 8 )
- self.grid.addLayout( self.vbox, 2, 1 )
- # Create a slider
- = TQSlider( 0, 300, 1, 100, TQSlider.Horizontal, self, "Slider" )
- TQSlider.Below )
- 1 )
- 10 )
- TQWidget.TabFocus )
- 1 )
- )
- self.vbox.addWidget( )
- self.connect(, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.sliderValueChanged )
- TQToolTip.add(, "slider" )
- # Create a combo box
- self.combo = TQComboBox( FALSE, self, "comboBox" )
- self.combo.insertItem( "darkBlue" )
- self.combo.insertItem( "darkRed" )
- self.combo.insertItem( "darkGreen" )
- self.combo.insertItem( "blue" )
- self.combo.insertItem( "red" )
- self.combo.setFixedHeight( self.combo.sizeHint().height() )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.combo )
- self.connect( self.combo, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.comboBoxItemActivated )
- TQToolTip.add( self.combo, "read-only combo box" )
- # Create an editable combo box
- self.edCombo = TQComboBox( TRUE, self, "edComboBox" )
- self.edCombo.insertItem( "Permutable" )
- self.edCombo.insertItem( "Malleable" )
- self.edCombo.insertItem( "Adaptable" )
- self.edCombo.insertItem( "Alterable" )
- self.edCombo.insertItem( "Inconstant" )
- self.edCombo.setFixedHeight( self.edCombo.sizeHint().height() )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.edCombo )
- self.connect( self.edCombo, SIGNAL("activated(const TQString &)"), self.edComboBoxItemActivated)
- TQToolTip.add( self.edCombo, "editable combo box" )
- self.edCombo.setAutoCompletion( TRUE )
- self.vbox.addStretch( 1 )
- self.vbox = TQVBoxLayout( 8 )
- self.grid.addLayout( self.vbox, 2, 2 )
- # Create a spin box
- self.spin = TQSpinBox( 0, 10, 1, self, "spin" )
- self.spin.setSuffix( " mm" )
- self.spin.setSpecialValueText( "Auto" )
- self.spin.setMinimumSize( self.spin.sizeHint() )
- self.connect( self.spin, SIGNAL( "valueChanged(const TQString &)" ), self.spinBoxValueChanged )
- TQToolTip.add( self.spin, "spin box" )
- self.vbox.addWidget( self.spin )
- self.vbox.addStretch( 1 )
- # Create a multi line edit
- self.mle = TQMultiLineEdit( self, "multiLineEdit" )
- self.grid.addMultiCellWidget( self.mle, 3, 3, 1, 2 )
- self.mle.setMinimumHeight( self.mle.fontMetrics().height() * 3 )
- self.mle.setText("This is a TQMultiLineEdit widget,\n"
- "useful for small multi-line\n"
- "input fields.")
- TQToolTip.add( self.mle, "multi line editor" )
- # Create a single line edit
- self.le = TQLineEdit( self, "lineEdit" )
- self.grid.addMultiCellWidget( self.le, 4, 4, 1, 2 )
- self.le.setFixedHeight( self.le.sizeHint().height() )
- self.connect( self.le, SIGNAL("textChanged(const TQString &)"), self.lineEditTextChanged )
- TQToolTip.add( self.le, "single line editor" )
- # Create a horizontal line (sort of TQFrame) above the message line
- self.separator = TQFrame( self, "separatorLine" )
- self.separator.setFrameStyle( TQFrame.HLine | TQFrame.Sunken )
- self.separator.setFixedHeight( self.separator.sizeHint().height() )
- self.grid.addMultiCellWidget( self.separator, 5, 5, 0, 2 )
- TQToolTip.add( self.separator, "tool tips on a separator! wow!" )
- self.grid.setRowStretch( 0, 0 )
- self.grid.setRowStretch( 1, 0 )
- self.grid.setRowStretch( 2, 0 )
- self.grid.setRowStretch( 3, 1 )
- self.grid.setRowStretch( 4, 1 )
- self.grid.setRowStretch( 5, 0 )
- self.grid.setColStretch( 0, 1 )
- self.grid.setColStretch( 1, 1 )
- self.grid.setColStretch( 2, 1 )
- # Create an label and a message in a plain widget
- # The message is updated when buttons are clicked etc.
- self.hbox = TQHBoxLayout()
- self.topLayout.addLayout( self.hbox )
- self.msgLabel = TQLabel( self, "msgLabel" )
- self.msgLabel.setText( "Message:" )
- self.msgLabel.setAlignment( TQt.AlignHCenter | TQt.AlignVCenter )
- self.msgLabel.setFixedSize( self.msgLabel.sizeHint() )
- self.hbox.addWidget( self.msgLabel )
- TQToolTip.add( self.msgLabel, "label 1" )
- self.msg = TQLabel( self, "message" )
- self.msg.setFrameStyle( TQFrame.Panel | TQFrame.Sunken )
- self.msg.setAlignment( TQt.AlignCenter )
- self.msg.setFont( TQFont( "times", 12, TQFont.Bold ) )
- self.msg.setText( "Message" )
- self.msg.setFixedHeight( self.msg.sizeHint().height() )
- self.msg.setText( "" )
- self.hbox.addWidget( self.msg, 5 )
- TQToolTip.add( self.msg, "label 2" )
- self.topLayout.activate()
- def setStatus(self, text):
- self.msg.setText( text )
- def movieUpdate( self, r ):
- # Uncomment this to test animated icons on your window manager
- self.setIcon( )
- def movieStatus( self, s ):
- if s == TQMovie.SourceEmpty or s == TQMovie.UnrecognizedFormat:
- pm = TQPixmap('tt-logo.png')
- self.movielabel.setPixmap(pm)
- self.movielabel.setFixedSize(pm.size())
- else:
- if ( ): # for flicker-free animation:
- self.movielabel.setBackgroundMode( TQWidget.NoBackground )
- def button1Clicked( self ):
- self.msg.setText( "The first push button was clicked" )
- def checkBoxClicked( self, id ):
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "Check box %s clicked : " % str(id)
- chk = ["-","-","-"]
- if self.cb[0].isChecked():
- chk[0] = "r"
- if self.cb[1].isChecked():
- chk[1] = "w"
- if self.cb[2].isChecked():
- chk[2] = "x"
- txt = txt + str(chk[0]+chk[1]+chk[2])
- self.msg.setText( txt )
- def edComboBoxItemActivated( self, text):
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "Editable Combo Box set to %s" % text
- self.msg.setText( txt )
- def radioButtonClicked( self, id ):
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "Radio button #%d clicked" % id
- self.msg.setText( txt )
- def listBoxItemSelected( self, index ):
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "List box item %d selected" % index
- self.msg.setText( txt )
- def sliderValueChanged( self, value ):
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "Movie set to %d%% of normal speed" % value
- self.msg.setText( txt )
- value )
- def comboBoxItemActivated( self, index ):
- txt = TQString()
- txt = "Comboxo box item %d activated" % index
- self.msg.setText( txt )
- if index == 0:
- TQApplication.setWinStyleHighlightColor( TQt.darkBlue )
- elif index == 1:
- TQApplication.setWinStyleHighlightColor( TQt.darkRed )
- elif index == 2:
- TQApplication.setWinStyleHighlightColor( TQt.darkGreen )
- elif index == 3:
- TQApplication.setWinStyleHighlightColor( )
- elif index == 4:
- TQApplication.setWinStyleHighlightColor( )
- def lineEditTextChanged( self, newText ):
- self.msg.setText("Line edit text: " + str(newText))
- def spinBoxValueChanged( self, valueText ):
- self.msg.setText("Spin box value: " + str(valueText))
- # All application events are passed throught this event filter.
- # We're using it to display some information about a clicked
- # widget (right mouse button + CTRL).
- #def eventFilter( self, event ):
- # identify_now = TRUE
- # if event.type() == Event_MouseButtonPress and identify_now:
- # e = TQMouseEvent( event )
- # if (e.button() == TQt.RightButton) and (e.state() & TQt.ControlButton) != 0:
- # txt = TQString( "The clicked widget is a\n" )
- # txt = txt + TQObect.className()
- # txt = txt + "\nThe widget's name is\n"
- # if
- # txt = txt +
- # else:
- # txt = txt + "<no name>"
- # identify_now = FALSE # don't do it in message box
- # TQMessageBox.message( "Identify Widget", txt, 0, TQObject )
- # identify_now = TRUE; # allow it again
- # return FALSE # don't eat event
-#TQApplication.setColourSpec( TQApplication.CustomColor )
-a = TQApplication( sys.argv )
-w = WidgetView()
-a.setMainWidget( w )