#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:cinoptions=(s,U1,m1 # Copyright (C) 2002 Oleksandr Yakovlyev (yshurik) <yshurik@thekompany.com> import sys from qt import * TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 class CheckLists(TQWidget): def __init__(self, *args): apply( TQWidget.__init__, (self, ) + args ) lay = TQHBoxLayout(self) lay.setMargin(5) vbox1 = TQVBoxLayout(lay) vbox1.setMargin(5) # First child: a Label vbox1.addWidget(TQLabel("Check some items!", self)) # Second child: the ListView self.lv1 = TQListView(self) vbox1.addWidget(self.lv1) self.lv1.addColumn("Items") self.lv1.setRootIsDecorated(TRUE) # create a list with 4 ListViewItems which will be parent items of other ListViewItems parentList = [] parentList.append( TQListViewItem( self.lv1, "Parent Item 1" ) ) parentList.append( TQListViewItem( self.lv1, "Parent Item 2" ) ) parentList.append( TQListViewItem( self.lv1, "Parent Item 3" ) ) parentList.append( TQListViewItem( self.lv1, "Parent Item 4" ) ) num = 0 self.childList1 = [] # go through the list of parent items... for i in range(4): it = parentList[i] it.setOpen( TRUE ) # ...and create 5 checkable child ListViewItems for each parent item for j in range(5): ci = TQCheckListItem( it, TQString("%1. Child of Parent %2").arg( j ).arg( i ), TQCheckListItem.CheckBox ) self.childList1.append(ci) # Create another widget for layouting tmp1 = TQVBoxLayout( lay ) tmp1.setMargin( 5 ) # create a pushbutton copy1 = TQPushButton( " -> ", self ) tmp1.addWidget( copy1 ) copy1.setMaximumWidth( copy1.sizeHint().width() ); # connect the SIGNAL clicked() of the pushbutton with the SLOT copy1to2() self.connect( copy1, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.copy1to2 ) # another widget for layouting vbox2 = TQVBoxLayout( lay ) vbox2.setMargin( 5 ) # and another label vbox2.addWidget( TQLabel( "Check one item!", self ) ) # create the second listview self.lv2 = TQListView( self ) vbox2.addWidget( self.lv2 ) self.lv2.addColumn( "Items" ) self.lv2.setRootIsDecorated( TRUE ) # another widget needed for layouting only tmp2 = TQVBoxLayout( lay ) tmp2.setMargin( 5 ) # create another pushbutton... copy2 = TQPushButton( " -> ", self ) lay.addWidget( copy2 ) copy2.setMaximumWidth( copy2.sizeHint().width() ) # ...and connect its clicked() SIGNAL to the copy2to3() SLOT self.connect( copy2, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.copy2to3 ) tmp3 = TQVBoxLayout( lay ) tmp3.setMargin( 5 ) # and create a label which will be at the right of the window self.label = TQLabel( "No Item yet...", self ) tmp3.addWidget( self.label ) def copy1to2(self): self.lv2.clear() # Insert first a controller Item into the second ListView. Always if Radio-ListViewItems # are inserted into a Listview, the parent item of these MUST be a controller Item! item = TQCheckListItem( self.lv2, "Controller", TQCheckListItem.Controller ) item.setOpen( TRUE ) self.listChild2 = [] for it in self.childList1: # ...check state of childs, and... if it.parent() != None: # ...if the item is checked... if it.isOn(): # ...insert a Radio-ListViewItem with the same text into the second ListView ri = TQCheckListItem(item , it.text(0), TQCheckListItem.RadioButton) self.listChild2.append(ri) if item.firstChild() != None: item.firstChild().setOn(TRUE) def copy2to3(self): self.label.setText( "No Item checked" ) # iterate through the second ListView... for it in self.listChild2: # ...check state of childs, and... if it.parent() != None: # ...if the item is checked... if it.isOn(): # ...set the text of the item to the label self.label.setText( it.text( 0 ) ) a = TQApplication(sys.argv) checkLists = CheckLists() checkLists.resize(700, 400) checkLists.setCaption("PyTQt example - CheckLists") a.setMainWidget(checkLists) checkLists.show() a.exec_loop()