#!/usr/bin/env python #**************************************************************************** #** $Id: qmag.py,v 1.1 2002/06/20 18:52:31 phil Exp $ #** #** Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Troll Tech AS. All rights reserved. #** #** This file is part of an example program for PyQt. This example #** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. #** #*****************************************************************************/ import sys from qt import * TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 zoomfactors = ["100%","200%","300%","400%","500%","600%","700%","800%","1600%"] refreshrates = [ "No autorefresh", "50 per second", "4 per second", "3 per second", "2 per second", "Every second", "Every two seconds", "Every three seconds", "Every five seconds", "Every ten seconds"] timer = (0, 20, 250, 333, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000) class MagWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, qApp, parent = None, name = None): self.qApp = qApp QWidget.__init__(self, parent, name) self.pm = QPixmap() # pixmap magnified self.p = QPixmap() # pixmap self.image = QImage() # image of pixmap (for RGB) self.z = 0 # zoom factor self.r = 0 # autorefresh rate (index into refreshrates) self.grabbing = FALSE # TRUE if currently grabbing self.grabx = -1 self.graby = -1 self.zoom = QComboBox(FALSE, self) self.zoom.insertStrList(zoomfactors, len(zoomfactors)) self.connect(self.zoom, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.setZoom) self.refresh = QComboBox(FALSE, self) self.refresh.insertStrList(refreshrates, len(refreshrates)) self.connect(self.refresh, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.setRefresh) x = 0 w = 0 h = 20 for s in zoomfactors: cw = self.zoom.fontMetrics().width(s) w = max(cw, w) self.zoom.setGeometry(x, 2, w + 30, h) x = w + 34 w = 0 for s in refreshrates: cw = self.refresh.fontMetrics().width(s) w = max(cw, w) self.refresh.setGeometry(x, 2, w + 30, h) self.saveButton = QPushButton(self) self.connect(self.saveButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.save) self.saveButton.setText("Save") self.saveButton.setGeometry(x + w + 30 + 2, 2, 10 + self.saveButton.fontMetrics().width("Save"), h) self.quitButton = QPushButton(self) self.connect(self.quitButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.qApp, SLOT("quit()")) self.quitButton.setText("Quit") self.quitButton.setGeometry(self.saveButton.geometry().right() + 2, 2, 10 + self.quitButton.fontMetrics().width("Quit"), h) self.rgb = QLabel(self) self.rgb.setText("") self.rgb.setAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter) self.rgb.resize(self.width(), self.rgb.fontMetrics().height() + 4) self.yoffset = self.zoom.height() + 4 + self.rgb.height() self.setMinimumSize(self.quitButton.geometry().topRight().x() + 2, self.yoffset + 20) w = self.quitButton.geometry().topRight().x() + 2 self.resize(w, w) self.setMouseTracking(TRUE) self.grabx = self.qApp.desktop().width() / 2 self.graby = self.qApp.desktop().height() / 2 self.grabAround(QPoint(self.grabx, self.graby)) #self.zoom.setCurrentItem(1) # grabAround sets zoom factor #self.setZoom(1) self.refresh.setCurrentItem(5) self.setRefresh(5) def setZoom(self, index): if index == 8: self.z = 16 else: self.z = index + 1 self.grab() def setRefresh(self, index): self.r = index self.killTimers() if index and not self.grabbing: #print "st:", timer[index] self.startTimer(timer[index]) def save(self): if not self.p.isNull(): self.killTimers() fn = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() if not fn.isEmpty(): self.p.save(fn, "BMP") if self.r: self.startTimer(timer[self.r]) def grab(self): if not self.isVisible() or self.grabx < 0 or self.graby < 0: return w = (self.width() + self.z - 1) / self.z h = (self.height() + self.z - 1 - self.yoffset) / self.z if w < 1 or h < 1: return x = self.grabx - w / 2 y = self.graby - h / 2 if x + w > QApplication.desktop().width(): x = QApplication.desktop().width() - w elif x < 0: x = 0 if y + h > QApplication.desktop().height(): y = QApplication.desktop().height() - h elif y < 0: y = 0 self.p = QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId(), x, y, w, h) self.image = self.p.convertToImage() m = QWMatrix() #print "z:", self.z m.scale(float(self.z), float(self.z)) self.pm = self.p.xForm(m) self.repaint(FALSE) def paintEvent(self, e): if not self.pm.isNull(): paint = QPainter(self) paint.drawPixmap(0, self.zoom.height() + 4, self.pm, 0, 0, self.width(), self.height() - self.yoffset) def mousePressEvent(self, e): if not self.grabbing: self.grabbing = TRUE self.killTimers() self.grabMouse(Qt.crossCursor) self.grabx = -1 self.graby = -1 else: self.grabx = self.mapToGlobal(e.pos()).x() self.graby = self.mapToGlobal(e.pos()).y() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): if self.grabbing and self.grabx >= 0 and self.graby >= 0: self.grabbing = FALSE self.grabAround(e.pos()) self.releaseMouse() def grabAround(self, pos): rx = self.mapToGlobal(pos).x() ry = self.mapToGlobal(pos).y() w = abs(rx - self.grabx) h = abs(ry - self.graby) if w > 10 and h > 10: pz = 1 while w*pz*h*pz < self.width()*(self.height()-self.yoffset) and \ w*pz < QApplication.desktop().width() and \ h*pz < QApplication.desktop().height(): pz += 1 if (w*pz*h*pz - self.width()*(self.height()-self.yoffset)) > \ (self.width()*(self.height()-self.yoffset) - w*(pz-1)*h*(pz-1)): pz -= 1 if pz < 1: pz = 1 elif pz > 8: pz = 8 self.zoom.setCurrentItem(pz-1) self.z = pz self.grabx = min(rx, self.grabx) + w / 2 self.graby = min(ry, self.graby) + h / 2 #self.resize(w*self.z, h*self.z*self.yoffset) self.grab() def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): if self.grabbing or self.pm.isNull() or \ e.pos().y() > self.height() - self.zoom.fontMetrics().height() - 4 or \ e.pos().y() < self.zoom.height() + 4: self.rgb.setText("") else: x = e.pos().x() / self.z y = (e.pos().y() - self.zoom.height() - 4) / self.z pixelinfo = "" if self.image.valid(x, y): px = self.image.pixel(x, y) pixelinfo = "%3d,%3d,%3d #%02x%02x%02x" % ( qRed(px), qGreen(px), qBlue(px), qRed(px), qGreen(px), qBlue(px)) self.rgb.setText("x=%d, y=%d %s" % \ (x + self.grabx, y + self.graby, pixelinfo)) def focusOutEvent(self, e): self.rgb.setText("") def timerEvent(self, e): self.grab() def resizeEvent(self, e): self.rgb.setGeometry(0, self.height() - self.rgb.height(), self.width(), self.rgb.height()) if __name__=='__main__': app = QApplication( sys.argv ) m = MagWidget(app) app.setMainWidget(m) m.show() app.exec_loop()