From bd0f3345a938b35ce6a12f6150373b0955b8dd12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timothy Pearson Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 15:24:15 -0500 Subject: Add Qt3 development HEAD version --- doc/html/classes.html | 975 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 975 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/html/classes.html (limited to 'doc/html/classes.html') diff --git a/doc/html/classes.html b/doc/html/classes.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6827c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/html/classes.html @@ -0,0 +1,975 @@ + + + + + +Qt's Classes + + + + + + + +
+ +Home + | +All Classes + | +Main Classes + | +Annotated + | +Grouped Classes + | +Functions +

Qt's Classes

+ + + +

For a shorter list that only includes the most frequently used +classes, see Qt's Main Classes. +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A +QAccel + +QDict + +QIconView + +QPixmapCache + +QTabBar +
+QAccessible + +QDictIterator + +QIconViewItem + +QPlatinumStyle + +QTabDialog +
+QAccessibleInterface + +QDir + +QImage + +QPNGImagePacker + +QTable +
+QAccessibleObject + +QDirectPainter + +QImageConsumer + +QPoint + +QTableItem +
+QAction + +QDns + +QImageDecoder + +QPointArray + +QTableSelection +
+QActionGroup + +QDockArea + +QImageDrag + +QPopupMenu + +QTabletEvent +
+QApplication + +QDockWindow + +QImageFormat + +QPrinter + +QTabWidget +
+QAsciiCache + +QDomAttr + +QImageFormatPlugin + +QProcess + +QTextBrowser +
+QAsciiCacheIterator + +QDomCDATASection + +QImageFormatType + +QProgressBar + +QTextCodec +
+QAsciiDict + +QDomCharacterData + +QImageIO + +QProgressDialog + +QTextCodecPlugin +
+QAsciiDictIterator + +QDomComment + +QIMEvent + +QPtrCollection + +QTextDecoder +
+QAssistantClient + +QDomDocument + +QInputDialog + +QPtrDict + +QTextDrag +
+QAxAggregated +* +QDomDocumentFragment + +QIntCache + +QPtrDictIterator + +QTextEdit +
+QAxBase +* +QDomDocumentType + +QIntCacheIterator + +QPtrList + +QTextEncoder +
+QAxBindable +* +QDomElement + +QIntDict + +QPtrListIterator + +QTextIStream +
+QAxFactory +* +QDomEntity + +QIntDictIterator + +QPtrQueue + +QTextOStream +
+QAxObject +* +QDomEntityReference + +QIntValidator + +QPtrStack + +QTextStream +
+QAxScript +* +QDomImplementation + +QIODevice + +QPtrVector + +QThread +
+QAxScriptEngine +* +QDomNamedNodeMap +J +QJisCodec + +QPushButton + +QThreadStorage +
+QAxScriptManager +* +QDomNode +K +QKbdDriverFactory +R +QRadioButton + +QTime +
+QAxWidget +* +QDomNodeList + +QKbdDriverPlugin + +QRangeControl + +QTimeEdit +
B +QBig5Codec + +QDomNotation + +QKeyEvent + +QRect + +QTimer +
+QBig5hkscsCodec + +QDomProcessingInstruction + +QKeySequence + +QRegExp + +QTimerEvent +
+QBitArray + +QDomText +L +QLabel + +QRegExpValidator + +QToolBar +
+QBitmap + +QDoubleValidator + +QLayout + +QRegion + +QToolBox +
+QBitVal + +QDragEnterEvent + +QLayoutItem + +QResizeEvent + +QToolButton +
+QBoxLayout + +QDragLeaveEvent + +QLayoutIterator +S +QScreen +* +QToolTip +
+QBrush + +QDragMoveEvent + +QLCDNumber + +QScrollBar + +QToolTipGroup +
+QBuffer + +QDragObject + +QLibrary + +QScrollView + +QTranslator +
+QButton + +QDropEvent + +QLineEdit + +QSemaphore + +QTranslatorMessage +
+QButtonGroup +E +QEditorFactory + +QListBox + +QServerSocket + +QTsciiCodec +
+QByteArray + +QErrorMessage + +QListBoxItem + +QSessionManager +U +QUriDrag +
C +QCache + +QEucJpCodec + +QListBoxPixmap + +QSettings + +QUrl +
+QCacheIterator + +QEucKrCodec + +QListBoxText + +QSGIStyle + +QUrlInfo +
+QCanvas + +QEvent + +QListView + +QShowEvent + +QUrlOperator +
+QCanvasEllipse + +QEventLoop + +QListViewItem + +QSignal + +QUuid +
+QCanvasItem +F +QFile + +QListViewItemIterator + +QSignalMapper +V +QValidator +
+QCanvasItemList + +QFileDialog + +QLocale + +QSimpleRichText + +QValueList +
+QCanvasLine + +QFileIconProvider + +QLocalFs + +QSize + +QValueListConstIterator +
+QCanvasPixmap + +QFileInfo +M +QMacMime + +QSizeGrip + +QValueListIterator +
+QCanvasPixmapArray + +QFilePreview + +QMacStyle + +QSizePolicy + +QValueStack +
+QCanvasPolygon + +QFocusData + +QMainWindow + +QSjisCodec + +QValueVector +
+QCanvasPolygonalItem + +QFocusEvent + +QMap + +QSlider + +QVariant +
+QCanvasRectangle + +QFont + +QMapConstIterator + +QSocket + +QVBox +
+QCanvasSpline + +QFontDatabase + +QMapIterator + +QSocketDevice + +QVBoxLayout +
+QCanvasSprite + +QFontDialog + +QMemArray + +QSocketNotifier + +QVButtonGroup +
+QCanvasText + +QFontInfo + +QMenuBar + +QSound + +QVGroupBox +
+QCanvasView + +QFontManager +* +QMenuData + +QSpacerItem +W +QWaitCondition +
+QCDEStyle + +QFontMetrics + +QMessageBox + +QSpinBox + +QWhatsThis +
+QChar + +QFrame + +QMetaObject + +QSplashScreen + +QWheelEvent +
+QCharRef + +QFtp + +QMetaProperty + +QSplitter + +QWidget +
+QCheckBox +G +QGb18030Codec + +QMimeSource + +QSql + +QWidgetFactory +
+QCheckListItem + +QGb2312Codec + +QMimeSourceFactory + +QSqlCursor + +QWidgetItem +
+QCheckTableItem + +QGbkCodec + +QMotif +* +QSqlDatabase + +QWidgetPlugin +
+QChildEvent + +QGfxDriverFactory + +QMotifDialog +* +QSqlDriver + +QWidgetStack +
+QClipboard + +QGfxDriverPlugin + +QMotifPlusStyle + +QSqlDriverPlugin + +QWindowsMime +
+QCloseEvent + +QGL + +QMotifStyle + +QSqlEditorFactory + +QWindowsStyle +
+QColor + +QGLayoutIterator + +QMotifWidget +* +QSqlError + +QWizard +
+QColorDialog + +QGLColormap + +QMouseDriverFactory + +QSqlField + +QWMatrix +
+QColorDrag + +QGLContext + +QMouseDriverPlugin + +QSqlFieldInfo + +QWorkspace +
+QColorGroup + +QGLFormat + +QMouseEvent + +QSqlForm + +QWSDecoration +*
+QComboBox + +QGLWidget + +QMoveEvent + +QSqlIndex + +QWSInputMethod +*
+QComboTableItem + +QGrid + +QMovie + +QSqlPropertyMap + +QWSKeyboardHandler +*
+QCommonStyle + +QGridLayout + +QMutex + +QSqlQuery + +QWSMouseHandler +*
+QConstString + +QGridView + +QMutexLocker + +QSqlRecord + +QWSServer +*
+QContextMenuEvent + +QGroupBox +N +QNetworkOperation + +QSqlRecordInfo + +QWSWindow +*
+QCopChannel + +QGuardedPtr + +QNetworkProtocol + +QSqlResult +X +QXmlAttributes +
+QCString +H +QHBox + +QNPInstance +* +QSqlSelectCursor + +QXmlContentHandler +
+QCursor + +QHBoxLayout + +QNPlugin +* +QStatusBar + +QXmlDeclHandler +
+QCustomEvent + +QHButtonGroup + +QNPStream +* +QStoredDrag + +QXmlDefaultHandler +
+QCustomMenuItem + +QHeader + +QNPWidget +* +QStrIList + +QXmlDTDHandler +
D +QDataBrowser + +QHebrewCodec +O +QObject + +QString + +QXmlEntityResolver +
+QDataStream + +QHGroupBox + +QObjectCleanupHandler + +QStringList + +QXmlErrorHandler +
+QDataTable + +QHideEvent + +QObjectList + +QStrList + +QXmlInputSource +
+QDataView + +QHostAddress + +QObjectListIterator + +QStrListIterator + +QXmlLexicalHandler +
+QDate + +QHttp +P +QPaintDevice + +QStyle + +QXmlLocator +
+QDateEdit + +QHttpHeader + +QPaintDeviceMetrics + +QStyleFactory + +QXmlNamespaceSupport +
+QDateTime + +QHttpRequestHeader + +QPainter + +QStyleOption + +QXmlParseException +
+QDateTimeEdit + +QHttpResponseHeader + +QPaintEvent + +QStylePlugin + +QXmlReader +
+QDateTimeEditBase +I +QIconDrag + +QPair + +QStyleSheet + +QXmlSimpleReader +
+QDeepCopy + +QIconDragEvent + +QPalette + +QStyleSheetItem + + +
+QDesktopWidget + +QIconDragItem + +QPen + +QSyntaxHighlighter + + +
+QDial + +QIconFactory + +QPicture +T +Qt + + +
+QDialog + +QIconSet + +QPixmap + +QTab + + +
+ +

* Extension classes of Qt/Embedded, ActiveQt, Motif, and Netscape. + + + +

+ +
Copyright © 2007 +TrolltechTrademarks +
Qt 3.3.8
+ -- cgit v1.2.1