#ifndef lint static char yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar 1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93"; #endif #define YYBYACC 1 #define YYMAJOR 1 #define YYMINOR 9 #define yyclearin (yychar=(-1)) #define yyerrok (yyerrflag=0) #define YYRECOVERING (yyerrflag!=0) #define YYPREFIX "yy" #line 55 "moc.y" #define MOC_YACC_CODE void yyerror( const char *msg ); #include "qplatformdefs.h" #include "qasciidict.h" #include "qdatetime.h" #include "qdict.h" #include "qfile.h" #include "qdir.h" #include "qptrlist.h" #include "qregexp.h" #include "qstrlist.h" #ifdef MOC_MWERKS_PLUGIN # ifdef Q_OS_MACX # undef OLD_DEBUG # ifdef DEBUG # define OLD_DEBUG DEBUG # undef DEBUG # endif # define DEBUG 0 # ifndef __IMAGECAPTURE__ # define __IMAGECAPTURE__ # endif # include # endif # include "mwerks_mac.h" #endif #include #include #include #if defined CONST #undef CONST #endif #if defined VOID #undef VOID #endif bool isEnumType( const char* type ); int enumIndex( const char* type ); bool isVariantType( const char* type ); int qvariant_nameToType( const char* name ); static void init(); /* initialize*/ static void initClass(); /* prepare for new class*/ static void generateClass(); /* generate C++ code for class*/ static void initExpression(); /* prepare for new expression*/ static void enterNameSpace( const char *name = 0 ); static void leaveNameSpace(); static void selectOutsideClassState(); static void registerClassInNamespace(); static bool suppress_func_warn = FALSE; static void func_warn( const char *msg ); static void moc_warn( const char *msg ); static void moc_err( const char *s ); static void moc_err( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); static void operatorError(); static void checkPropertyName( const char* ident ); static const char* const utype_map[] = { "bool", "int", "double", "QString", "QVariant", 0 }; inline bool isIdentChar( char x ) { /* Avoid bug in isalnum*/ return x == '_' || (x >= '0' && x <= '9') || (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') || (x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z'); } bool validUType( QCString ctype ) { if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " ) ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 ); if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" ) ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 ); else if ( ctype.right(1) == "*" ) return TRUE; int i = -1; while ( utype_map[++i] ) if ( ctype == utype_map[i] ) return TRUE; return isEnumType( ctype ); } QCString castToUType( QCString ctype ) { if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" ) ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 ); if( ctype.right(1) == "]") { int lb = ctype.findRev('['); if(lb != -1) ctype = ctype.left(lb) + "*"; } return ctype; } QCString rawUType( QCString ctype ) { ctype = castToUType( ctype ); if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " ) ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 ); return ctype; } QCString uType( QCString ctype ) { if ( !validUType( ctype ) ) { if ( isVariantType( rawUType(ctype) ) ) return "varptr"; else return "ptr"; } if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " ) ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 ); if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" ) { ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 ); } else if ( ctype.right(1) == "*" ) { QCString raw = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 ); ctype = "ptr"; if ( raw == "char" ) ctype = "charstar"; else if ( raw == "QUnknownInterface" ) ctype = "iface"; else if ( raw == "QDispatchInterface" ) ctype = "idisp"; else if ( isVariantType( raw ) ) ctype = "varptr"; } if ( isEnumType( ctype ) ) ctype = "enum"; return ctype; } bool isInOut( QCString ctype ) { if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " ) return FALSE; if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" ) return TRUE; if ( ctype.right(2) == "**" ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } QCString uTypeExtra( QCString ctype ) { QCString typeExtra = "0"; if ( !validUType( ctype ) ) { if ( isVariantType( rawUType(ctype) ) ) typeExtra.sprintf("\"\\x%02x\"", qvariant_nameToType( rawUType(ctype) ) ); else typeExtra.sprintf( "\"%s\"", rawUType(ctype).data() ); return typeExtra; } if ( ctype.left(6) == "const " ) ctype = ctype.mid( 6, ctype.length() - 6 ); if ( ctype.right(1) == "&" ) ctype = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 ); if ( ctype.right(1) == "*" ) { QCString raw = ctype.left( ctype.length() - 1 ); ctype = "ptr"; if ( raw == "char" ) ; else if ( isVariantType( raw ) ) typeExtra.sprintf("\"\\x%02x\"", qvariant_nameToType( raw ) ); else typeExtra.sprintf( "\"%s\"", raw.stripWhiteSpace().data() ); } else if ( isEnumType( ctype ) ) { int idx = enumIndex( ctype ); if ( idx >= 0 ) { typeExtra.sprintf( "&enum_tbl[%d]", enumIndex( ctype ) ); } else { typeExtra.sprintf( "parentObject->enumerator(\"%s\", TRUE )", ctype.data() ); } typeExtra = "\n#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n\t " + typeExtra + "\n#else" "\n\t 0" "\n#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n\t "; } return typeExtra; } /* Attention! This table is copied from qvariant.cpp. If you change one, change both. */ static const int ntypes = 35; static const char* const type_map[ntypes] = { 0, "QMap", "QValueList", "QString", "QStringList", "QFont", "QPixmap", "QBrush", "QRect", "QSize", "QColor", "QPalette", "QColorGroup", "QIconSet", "QPoint", "QImage", "int", "uint", "bool", "double", "QCString", "QPointArray", "QRegion", "QBitmap", "QCursor", "QSizePolicy", "QDate", "QTime", "QDateTime", "QByteArray", "QBitArray", "QKeySequence", "QPen", "Q_LLONG", "Q_ULLONG" }; int qvariant_nameToType( const char* name ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ntypes; i++ ) { if ( !qstrcmp( type_map[i], name ) ) return i; } return 0; } /* Returns TRUE if the type is a QVariant types. */ bool isVariantType( const char* type ) { return qvariant_nameToType( type ) != 0; } /* Replaces '>>' with '> >' (as in 'QValueList >'). This function must be called to produce valid C++ code. However, the string representation still uses '>>'. */ void fixRightAngles( QCString *str ) { str->replace( QRegExp(">>"), "> >" ); } static QCString rmWS( const char * ); enum Access { Private, Protected, Public }; class Argument /* single arg meta data*/ { public: Argument( const char *left, const char *right, const char* argName = 0, bool isDefaultArgument = FALSE ) { leftType = rmWS( left ); rightType = rmWS( right ); if ( leftType == "void" && rightType.isEmpty() ) leftType = ""; int len = leftType.length(); /* Convert 'char const *' into 'const char *'. Start at index 1, not 0, because 'const char *' is already OK. */ for ( int i = 1; i < len; i++ ) { if ( leftType[i] == 'c' && strncmp(leftType.data() + i + 1, "onst", 4) == 0 && (i + 5 >= len || !isIdentChar(leftType[i + 5])) && !isIdentChar(i-1) ) { leftType.remove( i, 5 ); if ( leftType[i - 1] == ' ' ) leftType.remove( i - 1, 1 ); leftType.prepend( "const " ); break; } /* We musn't convert 'char * const *' into 'const char **' and we must beware of 'Bar'. */ if ( leftType[i] == '&' || leftType[i] == '*' || leftType[i] == '<' ) break; } name = argName; isDefault = isDefaultArgument; } QCString leftType; QCString rightType; QCString name; bool isDefault; }; class ArgList : public QPtrList { /* member function arg list*/ public: ArgList() { setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } ~ArgList() { clear(); } /* the clone has one default argument less, the orignal has all default arguments removed */ ArgList* magicClone() { ArgList* l = new ArgList; bool firstDefault = FALSE; for ( first(); current(); next() ) { bool isDefault = current()->isDefault; if ( !firstDefault && isDefault ) { isDefault = FALSE; firstDefault = TRUE; } l->append( new Argument( current()->leftType, current()->rightType, current()->name, isDefault ) ); } for ( first(); current(); ) { if ( current()->isDefault ) remove(); else next(); } return l; } bool hasDefaultArguments() { for ( Argument* a = first(); a; a = next() ) { if ( a->isDefault ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } }; struct Function /* member function meta data*/ { Access access; QCString qualifier; /* const or volatile*/ QCString name; QCString type; QCString signature; int lineNo; ArgList *args; Function() { args=0;} ~Function() { delete args; } const char* accessAsString() { switch ( access ) { case Private: return "Private"; case Protected: return "Protected"; default: return "Public"; } } }; class FuncList : public QPtrList { /* list of member functions*/ public: FuncList( bool autoDelete = FALSE ) { setAutoDelete( autoDelete ); } FuncList find( const char* name ) { FuncList result; for ( QPtrListIterator it(*this); it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->name == name ) result.append( it.current() ); } return result; } }; class Enum : public QStrList { public: QCString name; bool set; }; class EnumList : public QPtrList { /* list of property enums*/ public: EnumList() { setAutoDelete(TRUE); } }; struct Property { Property( int l, const char* t, const char* n, const char* s, const char* g, const char* r, const QCString& st, const QCString& d, const QCString& sc, bool ov ) : lineNo(l), type(t), name(n), set(s), get(g), reset(r), setfunc(0), getfunc(0), sspec(Unspecified), gspec(Unspecified), stored( st ), designable( d ), scriptable( sc ), override( ov ), oredEnum( -1 ) { /* The Q_PROPERTY construct cannot contain any commas, since commas separate macro arguments. We therefore expect users to type "QMap" instead of "QMap". For coherence, we also expect the same for QValueList, the other template class supported by QVariant. */ if ( type == "QMap" ) { type = "QMap"; } else if ( type == "QValueList" ) { type = "QValueList"; } else if ( type == "LongLong" ) { type = "Q_LLONG"; } else if ( type == "ULongLong" ) { type = "Q_ULLONG"; } } int lineNo; QCString type; QCString name; QCString set; QCString get; QCString reset; QCString stored; QCString designable; QCString scriptable; bool override; Function* setfunc; Function* getfunc; int oredEnum; /* If the enums item may be ored. That means the data type is int.*/ /* Allowed values are 1 (True), 0 (False), and -1 (Unset)*/ QCString enumsettype; /* contains the set function type in case of oredEnum*/ QCString enumgettype; /* contains the get function type in case of oredEnum*/ enum Specification { Unspecified, Class, Reference, Pointer, ConstCharStar }; Specification sspec; Specification gspec; bool stdSet() { QCString s = "set"; s += toupper( name[0] ); s += name.mid( 1 ); return s == set; } static const char* specToString( Specification s ) { switch ( s ) { case Class: return "Class"; case Reference: return "Reference"; case Pointer: return "Pointer"; case ConstCharStar: return "ConstCharStar"; default: return "Unspecified"; } } }; class PropList : public QPtrList { /* list of properties*/ public: PropList() { setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } }; struct ClassInfo { ClassInfo( const char* n, const char* v ) : name(n), value(v) {} QCString name; QCString value; }; class ClassInfoList : public QPtrList { /* list of class infos*/ public: ClassInfoList() { setAutoDelete( TRUE ); } }; class parser_reg { public: parser_reg(); ~parser_reg(); /* some temporary values*/ QCString tmpExpression; /* Used to store the characters the lexer*/ /* is currently skipping (see addExpressionChar and friends)*/ QCString fileName; /* file name*/ QCString outputFile; /* output file name*/ QCString pchFile; /* name of PCH file (used on Windows)*/ QStrList includeFiles; /* name of #include files*/ QCString includePath; /* #include file path*/ QCString qtPath; /* #include qt file path*/ int gen_count; /*number of classes generated*/ bool noInclude; /* no #include */ bool generatedCode; /* no code generated*/ bool mocError; /* moc parsing error occurred*/ bool hasVariantIncluded; /*whether or not qvariant.h was included yet*/ QCString className; /* name of parsed class*/ QCString superClassName; /* name of first super class*/ QStrList multipleSuperClasses; /* other superclasses*/ FuncList signals; /* signal interface*/ FuncList slots; /* slots interface*/ FuncList propfuncs; /* all possible property access functions*/ FuncList funcs; /* all parsed functions, including signals*/ EnumList enums; /* enums used in properties*/ PropList props; /* list of all properties*/ ClassInfoList infos; /* list of all class infos*/ /* Used to store the values in the Q_PROPERTY macro*/ QCString propWrite; /* set function*/ QCString propRead; /* get function*/ QCString propReset; /* reset function*/ QCString propStored; /**/ QCString propDesignable; /* "true", "false" or function or empty if not specified*/ QCString propScriptable; /* "true", "false" or function or empty if not specified*/ bool propOverride; /* Wether OVERRIDE was detected*/ QStrList qtEnums; /* Used to store the contents of Q_ENUMS*/ QStrList qtSets; /* Used to store the contents of Q_SETS*/ }; static parser_reg *g = 0; ArgList *addArg( Argument * ); /* add arg to tmpArgList*/ enum Member { SignalMember, SlotMember, PropertyCandidateMember }; void addMember( Member ); /* add tmpFunc to current class*/ void addEnum(); /* add tmpEnum to current class*/ char *stradd( const char *, const char * ); /* add two strings*/ char *stradd( const char *, const char *, /* add three strings*/ const char * ); char *stradd( const char *, const char *, /* adds 4 strings*/ const char *, const char * ); char *straddSpc( const char *, const char * ); char *straddSpc( const char *, const char *, const char * ); char *straddSpc( const char *, const char *, const char *, const char * ); extern int yydebug; bool lexDebug = FALSE; int lineNo; /* current line number*/ bool errorControl = FALSE; /* controled errors*/ bool displayWarnings = TRUE; bool skipClass; /* don't generate for class*/ bool skipFunc; /* don't generate for func*/ bool templateClass; /* class is a template*/ bool templateClassOld; /* previous class is a template*/ ArgList *tmpArgList; /* current argument list*/ Function *tmpFunc; /* current member function*/ Enum *tmpEnum; /* current enum*/ Access tmpAccess; /* current access permission*/ Access subClassPerm; /* current access permission*/ bool Q_OBJECTdetected; /* TRUE if current class*/ /* contains the Q_OBJECT macro*/ bool Q_PROPERTYdetected; /* TRUE if current class*/ /* contains at least one Q_PROPERTY,*/ /* Q_OVERRIDE, Q_SETS or Q_ENUMS macro*/ bool tmpPropOverride; /* current property override setting*/ int tmpYYStart; /* Used to store the lexers current mode*/ int tmpYYStart2; /* Used to store the lexers current mode*/ /* (if tmpYYStart is already used)*/ /* if the format revision changes, you MUST change it in qmetaobject.h too*/ const int formatRevision = 26; /* moc output format revision*/ /* if the flags change, you HAVE to change it in qmetaobject.h too*/ enum Flags { Invalid = 0x00000000, Readable = 0x00000001, Writable = 0x00000002, EnumOrSet = 0x00000004, UnresolvedEnum = 0x00000008, StdSet = 0x00000100, Override = 0x00000200, NotDesignable = 0x00001000, DesignableOverride = 0x00002000, NotScriptable = 0x00004000, ScriptableOverride = 0x00008000, NotStored = 0x00010000, StoredOverride = 0x00020000 }; #ifdef YYBISON # if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) # include # undef isatty extern "C" int hack_isatty( int ) { return 0; } # define isatty hack_isatty # else # include # endif # define YYDEBUG 1 # include "moc_yacc.h" # include "moc_lex.cpp" #endif /*YYBISON*/ #line 689 "moc.y" typedef union { char char_val; int int_val; double double_val; char *string; Access access; Function *function; ArgList *arg_list; Argument *arg; } YYSTYPE; #line 653 "y.tab.c" #define CHAR_VAL 257 #define INT_VAL 258 #define DOUBLE_VAL 259 #define STRING 260 #define IDENTIFIER 261 #define FRIEND 262 #define TYPEDEF 263 #define AUTO 264 #define REGISTER 265 #define STATIC 266 #define EXTERN 267 #define INLINE 268 #define VIRTUAL 269 #define CONST 270 #define VOLATILE 271 #define CHAR 272 #define SHORT 273 #define INT 274 #define LONG 275 #define SIGNED 276 #define UNSIGNED 277 #define FLOAT 278 #define DOUBLE 279 #define VOID 280 #define ENUM 281 #define CLASS 282 #define STRUCT 283 #define UNION 284 #define ASM 285 #define PRIVATE 286 #define PROTECTED 287 #define PUBLIC 288 #define OPERATOR 289 #define DBL_COLON 290 #define TRIPLE_DOT 291 #define TEMPLATE 292 #define NAMESPACE 293 #define USING 294 #define MUTABLE 295 #define THROW 296 #define SIGNALS 297 #define SLOTS 298 #define Q_OBJECT 299 #define Q_PROPERTY 300 #define Q_OVERRIDE 301 #define Q_CLASSINFO 302 #define Q_ENUMS 303 #define Q_SETS 304 #define READ 305 #define WRITE 306 #define STORED 307 #define DESIGNABLE 308 #define SCRIPTABLE 309 #define RESET 310 #define YYERRCODE 256 short yylhs[] = { -1, 0, 0, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 42, 42, 48, 50, 46, 51, 52, 47, 49, 43, 45, 44, 44, 54, 41, 1, 1, 2, 55, 56, 57, 58, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29, 31, 31, 32, 32, 59, 59, 59, 59, 34, 34, 33, 33, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 3, 60, 60, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21, 25, 25, 61, 61, 20, 20, 24, 62, 24, 24, 63, 24, 22, 22, 23, 64, 23, 65, 23, 23, 23, 35, 35, 66, 35, 35, 39, 67, 10, 10, 73, 10, 74, 10, 75, 72, 76, 72, 38, 38, 37, 37, 36, 36, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 71, 71, 71, 78, 77, 81, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 82, 82, 79, 83, 69, 69, 84, 68, 68, 85, 86, 86, 88, 87, 4, 4, 80, 80, 89, 89, 91, 91, 93, 90, 94, 90, 90, 96, 99, 90, 100, 101, 90, 102, 103, 90, 104, 106, 90, 107, 109, 90, 92, 92, 111, 92, 92, 98, 98, 112, 112, 113, 95, 95, 115, 115, 116, 110, 110, 117, 117, 118, 119, 119, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 120, 121, 121, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 114, 126, 127, 114, 124, 124, 128, 129, 128, 130, 128, 123, 131, 123, 125, 133, 133, 132, 132, 70, 70, 134, 134, 134, 135, 136, 135, 138, 97, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 105, 105, 108, 108, }; short yylen[] = { 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 6, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2, 0, 3, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 0, 5, 4, 0, 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 5, 1, 3, 1, 2, 0, 5, 3, 1, 8, 1, 2, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 3, 0, 5, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 1, 4, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 7, 2, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 3, 4, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 0, 0, 7, 1, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 5, 4, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2, }; short yydefred[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 19, 20, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 26, 140, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 141, 139, 142, 144, 143, 0, 70, 24, 0, 22, 65, 66, 133, 0, 0, 0, 0, 147, 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 1, 0, 26, 146, 0, 0, 0, 136, 137, 0, 0, 224, 225, 226, 0, 219, 211, 0, 214, 0, 17, 1, 0, 0, 62, 0, 69, 169, 166, 171, 172, 175, 178, 181, 184, 165, 0, 0, 164, 167, 138, 0, 221, 0, 216, 0, 0, 223, 218, 0, 15, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 163, 0, 0, 0, 220, 215, 210, 222, 217, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 191, 0, 0, 189, 168, 212, 213, 0, 33, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 271, 0, 0, 52, 0, 49, 48, 38, 0, 31, 32, 30, 0, 170, 201, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 187, 0, 0, 108, 112, 0, 0, 0, 303, 73, 0, 0, 0, 263, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 278, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 270, 0, 118, 0, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 290, 207, 199, 0, 0, 301, 207, 0, 309, 0, 316, 173, 176, 0, 326, 182, 328, 185, 188, 206, 0, 205, 190, 0, 195, 196, 27, 27, 110, 114, 0, 0, 0, 311, 252, 253, 0, 254, 0, 267, 266, 244, 248, 259, 242, 261, 243, 0, 262, 245, 246, 247, 249, 260, 250, 251, 0, 0, 288, 0, 207, 277, 126, 127, 120, 0, 124, 121, 0, 0, 0, 275, 119, 148, 72, 0, 71, 0, 0, 272, 0, 0, 0, 83, 0, 0, 27, 0, 207, 0, 207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 204, 194, 109, 0, 27, 27, 0, 314, 0, 0, 257, 258, 264, 227, 228, 207, 0, 125, 0, 276, 280, 0, 291, 208, 0, 0, 81, 74, 93, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 302, 0, 0, 0, 298, 0, 99, 0, 293, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 317, 174, 177, 179, 183, 186, 113, 111, 0, 0, 29, 312, 307, 0, 281, 0, 273, 0, 0, 75, 82, 27, 0, 104, 85, 0, 95, 92, 35, 296, 0, 27, 101, 100, 207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 306, 315, 279, 207, 0, 0, 153, 0, 98, 28, 0, 27, 27, 103, 299, 27, 0, 294, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324, 321, 180, 0, 0, 154, 0, 0, 0, 150, 94, 86, 88, 0, 297, 0, 157, 0, 0, 0, 28, 96, 102, 27, 156, 79, 0, 131, 0, 128, 105, 129, 89, 0, 151, 0, 0, 158, 132, 130, }; short yydgoto[] = { 93, 53, 54, 162, 64, 65, 85, 86, 87, 88, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 69, 169, 48, 318, 319, 320, 365, 366, 321, 477, 302, 303, 304, 322, 170, 217, 171, 172, 173, 374, 229, 306, 307, 375, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 26, 94, 92, 14, 71, 21, 12, 72, 337, 462, 430, 174, 22, 362, 438, 471, 406, 440, 444, 244, 434, 459, 247, 481, 196, 264, 339, 265, 340, 482, 486, 23, 107, 76, 24, 175, 460, 435, 456, 457, 474, 108, 109, 110, 150, 131, 123, 176, 124, 184, 260, 330, 125, 331, 126, 427, 127, 188, 333, 128, 190, 334, 256, 193, 261, 262, 263, 178, 179, 258, 259, 316, 219, 180, 181, 245, 376, 182, 315, 402, 377, 441, 416, 324, 199, 344, 270, 271, 395, 385, 329, }; short yysindex[] = { 0, 70, -206, -111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -220, 41, 10, 0, 0, 0, 67, 912, -96, 152, 124, 91, 559, -81, 98, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, -54, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14, -3, 59, 354, 0, 0, 201, 61, 233, -54, 0, 0, 266, 0, 0, 61, 1186, 329, 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300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 282, 283, 261, 93, 286, 287, 288, 261, 282, 283, 261, 125, 286, 287, 288, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 261, 261, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 59, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 58, 292, 293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 296, 93, 61, 40, 44, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 93, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 40, 292, 293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 93, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 41, 292, 293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 41, 258, 40, 125, 126, 125, 44, 59, 123, 125, 123, 125, 126, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 291, 58, 59, 125, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 41, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 41, 292, 293, 294, 125, 126, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 125, 59, 41, 41, 125, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 0, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 126, 292, 293, 294, 12, 233, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 116, 261, 364, 410, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 303, 19, 286, 287, 288, 40, 19, 372, 164, 44, 365, 92, 73, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 282, 283, 58, 59, 286, 287, 288, 471, 282, 283, 19, 459, 286, 287, 288, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 261, 468, 40, 108, 142, 189, 44, 187, 261, 178, 258, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 58, 59, 420, 282, 283, 341, 268, 286, 287, 288, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, -1, -1, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 343, -1, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, 292, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, -1, -1, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, -1, 292, 293, 294, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 261, -1, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 290, -1, 292, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 261, -1, 284, 40, -1, 40, -1, 44, 290, 44, 292, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, 40, -1, 40, -1, 44, 40, 44, 40, -1, 44, 40, 44, 40, -1, 44, -1, 44, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, 40, -1, 40, -1, 44, 40, 44, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, 286, 287, 288, -1, 58, 59, 58, 59, -1, 58, 59, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, }; #define YYFINAL 1 #ifndef YYDEBUG #define YYDEBUG 0 #endif #define YYMAXTOKEN 310 #if YYDEBUG char *yyname[] = { "end-of-file",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, "'!'",0,0,0,"'%'","'&'",0,"'('","')'","'*'","'+'","','","'-'",0,"'/'",0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,"':'","';'","'<'","'='","'>'",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"'['",0,"']'","'^'",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,"'{'","'|'","'}'","'~'",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"CHAR_VAL","INT_VAL", "DOUBLE_VAL","STRING","IDENTIFIER","FRIEND","TYPEDEF","AUTO","REGISTER", "STATIC","EXTERN","INLINE","VIRTUAL","CONST","VOLATILE","CHAR","SHORT","INT", "LONG","SIGNED","UNSIGNED","FLOAT","DOUBLE","VOID","ENUM","CLASS","STRUCT", "UNION","ASM","PRIVATE","PROTECTED","PUBLIC","OPERATOR","DBL_COLON", "TRIPLE_DOT","TEMPLATE","NAMESPACE","USING","MUTABLE","THROW","SIGNALS","SLOTS", "Q_OBJECT","Q_PROPERTY","Q_OVERRIDE","Q_CLASSINFO","Q_ENUMS","Q_SETS","READ", "WRITE","STORED","DESIGNABLE","SCRIPTABLE","RESET", }; char *yyrule[] = { "$accept : declaration_seq", "declaration_seq :", "declaration_seq : declaration_seq declaration", "declaration : class_def", "declaration : namespace_def", "declaration : namespace_alias_def", "declaration : using_declaration", "declaration : using_directive", "namespace_def : named_namespace_def", "namespace_def : unnamed_namespace_def", "$$1 :", "$$2 :", "named_namespace_def : NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER $$1 '{' $$2 namespace_body '}'", "$$3 :", "$$4 :", "unnamed_namespace_def : NAMESPACE $$3 '{' $$4 namespace_body '}'", "namespace_body : declaration_seq", "namespace_alias_def : NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER '=' complete_class_name ';'", "using_directive : USING NAMESPACE", "using_declaration : USING IDENTIFIER", "using_declaration : USING DBL_COLON", "$$5 :", "class_def : $$5 class_specifier ';'", "class_name : IDENTIFIER", "class_name : template_class_name", "template_class_name : IDENTIFIER '<' template_args '>'", "template_args :", "const_expression :", "def_argument :", "enumerator_expression :", "decl_specifier : storage_class_specifier", "decl_specifier : type_specifier", "decl_specifier : fct_specifier", "decl_specifier : FRIEND", "decl_specifier : TYPEDEF", "decl_specifiers : decl_specs_opt type_name decl_specs_opt", "decl_specs_opt :", "decl_specs_opt : decl_specs", "decl_specs : decl_specifier", "decl_specs : decl_specs decl_specifier", "storage_class_specifier : AUTO", "storage_class_specifier : REGISTER", "storage_class_specifier : STATIC", "storage_class_specifier : EXTERN", "fct_specifier : INLINE", "fct_specifier : VIRTUAL", "type_specifier : CONST", "type_specifier : VOLATILE", "type_name : elaborated_type_specifier", "type_name : complete_class_name", "type_name : simple_type_names", "simple_type_names : simple_type_names simple_type_name", "simple_type_names : simple_type_name", "simple_type_name : CHAR", "simple_type_name : SHORT", "simple_type_name : INT", "simple_type_name : LONG", "simple_type_name : SIGNED", "simple_type_name : UNSIGNED", "simple_type_name : FLOAT", "simple_type_name : DOUBLE", "simple_type_name : VOID", "template_spec : TEMPLATE '<' template_args '>'", "opt_template_spec :", "opt_template_spec : template_spec", "class_key : opt_template_spec CLASS", "class_key : opt_template_spec STRUCT", "complete_class_name : qualified_class_name", "complete_class_name : DBL_COLON qualified_class_name", "qualified_class_name : qualified_class_name DBL_COLON class_name", "qualified_class_name : class_name", "elaborated_type_specifier : class_key IDENTIFIER", "elaborated_type_specifier : ENUM IDENTIFIER", "elaborated_type_specifier : UNION IDENTIFIER", "argument_declaration_list : arg_declaration_list_opt triple_dot_opt", "argument_declaration_list : arg_declaration_list ',' TRIPLE_DOT", "arg_declaration_list_opt :", "arg_declaration_list_opt : arg_declaration_list", "opt_exception_argument :", "opt_exception_argument : argument_declaration", "triple_dot_opt :", "triple_dot_opt : TRIPLE_DOT", "arg_declaration_list : arg_declaration_list ',' argument_declaration", "arg_declaration_list : argument_declaration", "argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt", "$$6 :", "argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt '=' $$6 def_argument", "argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt dname abstract_decl_opt", "$$7 :", "argument_declaration : decl_specifiers abstract_decl_opt dname abstract_decl_opt '=' $$7 def_argument", "abstract_decl_opt :", "abstract_decl_opt : abstract_decl", "abstract_decl : abstract_decl ptr_operator", "$$8 :", "abstract_decl : '[' $$8 const_expression ']'", "$$9 :", "abstract_decl : abstract_decl '[' $$9 const_expression ']'", "abstract_decl : ptr_operator", "abstract_decl : '(' abstract_decl ')'", "declarator : dname", "declarator : declarator ptr_operator", "$$10 :", "declarator : declarator '[' $$10 const_expression ']'", "declarator : '(' declarator ')'", "dname : IDENTIFIER", "fct_decl : '(' argument_declaration_list ')' cv_qualifier_list_opt ctor_initializer_opt exception_spec_opt opt_identifier fct_body_or_semicolon", "fct_name : IDENTIFIER", "fct_name : IDENTIFIER array_decls", "$$11 :", "fct_name : IDENTIFIER '=' $$11 const_expression", "$$12 :", "fct_name : IDENTIFIER array_decls '=' $$12 const_expression", "$$13 :", "array_decls : '[' $$13 const_expression ']'", "$$14 :", "array_decls : array_decls '[' $$14 const_expression ']'", "ptr_operators_opt :", "ptr_operators_opt : ptr_operators", "ptr_operators : ptr_operator", "ptr_operators : ptr_operators ptr_operator", "ptr_operator : '*' cv_qualifier_list_opt", "ptr_operator : '&' cv_qualifier_list_opt", "cv_qualifier_list_opt :", "cv_qualifier_list_opt : cv_qualifier_list", "cv_qualifier_list : cv_qualifier", "cv_qualifier_list : cv_qualifier_list cv_qualifier", "cv_qualifier : CONST", "cv_qualifier : VOLATILE", "fct_body_or_semicolon : ';'", "fct_body_or_semicolon : fct_body", "fct_body_or_semicolon : '=' INT_VAL ';'", "$$15 :", "fct_body : '{' $$15 '}'", "$$16 :", "class_specifier : full_class_head '{' $$16 opt_obj_member_list '}'", "class_specifier : class_head", "class_specifier : class_head '*' IDENTIFIER", "class_specifier : class_head '&' IDENTIFIER", "class_specifier : class_head '(' IDENTIFIER ')'", "class_specifier : template_spec whatever", "whatever : IDENTIFIER", "whatever : simple_type_name", "whatever : type_specifier", "whatever : storage_class_specifier", "whatever : fct_specifier", "class_head : class_key qualified_class_name", "class_head : class_key IDENTIFIER class_name", "full_class_head : class_head opt_base_spec", "nested_class_head : class_key qualified_class_name opt_base_spec", "exception_spec_opt :", "exception_spec_opt : exception_spec", "exception_spec : THROW '(' opt_exception_argument ')'", "ctor_initializer_opt :", "ctor_initializer_opt : ctor_initializer", "ctor_initializer : ':' mem_initializer_list", "mem_initializer_list : mem_initializer", "mem_initializer_list : mem_initializer ',' mem_initializer_list", "$$17 :", "mem_initializer : complete_class_name '(' $$17 const_expression ')'", "opt_base_spec :", "opt_base_spec : base_spec", "opt_obj_member_list :", "opt_obj_member_list : obj_member_list", "obj_member_list : obj_member_list obj_member_area", "obj_member_list : obj_member_area", "qt_access_specifier : access_specifier", "qt_access_specifier : SLOTS", "$$18 :", "obj_member_area : qt_access_specifier $$18 slot_area", "$$19 :", "obj_member_area : SIGNALS $$19 ':' opt_signal_declarations", "obj_member_area : Q_OBJECT", "$$20 :", "$$21 :", "obj_member_area : Q_PROPERTY $$20 '(' property ')' $$21 opt_property_candidates", "$$22 :", "$$23 :", "obj_member_area : Q_OVERRIDE $$22 '(' property ')' $$23 opt_property_candidates", "$$24 :", "$$25 :", "obj_member_area : Q_CLASSINFO $$24 '(' STRING ',' STRING ')' $$25 opt_property_candidates", "$$26 :", "$$27 :", "obj_member_area : Q_ENUMS $$26 '(' qt_enums ')' $$27 opt_property_candidates", "$$28 :", "$$29 :", "obj_member_area : Q_SETS $$28 '(' qt_sets ')' $$29 opt_property_candidates", "slot_area : SIGNALS ':'", "slot_area : SLOTS ':' opt_slot_declarations", "$$30 :", "slot_area : ':' $$30 opt_property_candidates", "slot_area : IDENTIFIER", "opt_property_candidates :", "opt_property_candidates : property_candidate_declarations", "property_candidate_declarations : property_candidate_declarations property_candidate_declaration", "property_candidate_declarations : property_candidate_declaration", "property_candidate_declaration : signal_or_slot", "opt_signal_declarations :", "opt_signal_declarations : signal_declarations", "signal_declarations : signal_declarations signal_declaration", "signal_declarations : signal_declaration", "signal_declaration : signal_or_slot", "opt_slot_declarations :", "opt_slot_declarations : slot_declarations", "slot_declarations : slot_declarations slot_declaration", "slot_declarations : slot_declaration", "slot_declaration : signal_or_slot", "opt_semicolons :", "opt_semicolons : opt_semicolons ';'", "base_spec : ':' base_list", "base_list : base_list ',' base_specifier", "base_list : base_specifier", "qt_macro_name : IDENTIFIER '(' IDENTIFIER ')'", "qt_macro_name : IDENTIFIER '(' simple_type_name ')'", "base_specifier : complete_class_name", "base_specifier : VIRTUAL access_specifier complete_class_name", "base_specifier : VIRTUAL complete_class_name", "base_specifier : access_specifier VIRTUAL complete_class_name", "base_specifier : access_specifier complete_class_name", "base_specifier : qt_macro_name", "base_specifier : VIRTUAL access_specifier qt_macro_name", "base_specifier : VIRTUAL qt_macro_name", "base_specifier : access_specifier VIRTUAL qt_macro_name", "base_specifier : access_specifier qt_macro_name", "access_specifier : PRIVATE", "access_specifier : PROTECTED", "access_specifier : PUBLIC", "operator_name : decl_specs_opt IDENTIFIER ptr_operators_opt", "operator_name : decl_specs_opt simple_type_name ptr_operators_opt", "operator_name : '+'", "operator_name : '-'", "operator_name : '*'", "operator_name : '/'", "operator_name : '%'", "operator_name : '^'", "operator_name : '&'", "operator_name : '|'", "operator_name : '~'", "operator_name : '!'", "operator_name : '='", "operator_name : '<'", "operator_name : '>'", "operator_name : '+' '='", "operator_name : '-' '='", "operator_name : '*' '='", "operator_name : '/' '='", "operator_name : '%' '='", "operator_name : '^' '='", "operator_name : '&' '='", "operator_name : '|' '='", "operator_name : '~' '='", "operator_name : '!' '='", "operator_name : '=' '='", "operator_name : '<' '='", "operator_name : '>' '='", "operator_name : '<' '<'", "operator_name : '>' '>'", "operator_name : '<' '<' '='", "operator_name : '>' '>' '='", "operator_name : '&' '&'", "operator_name : '|' '|'", "operator_name : '+' '+'", "operator_name : '-' '-'", "operator_name : ','", "operator_name : '-' '>' '*'", "operator_name : '-' '>'", "operator_name : '(' ')'", "operator_name : '[' ']'", "opt_virtual :", "opt_virtual : VIRTUAL", "type_and_name : type_name fct_name", "type_and_name : fct_name", "type_and_name : opt_virtual '~' fct_name", "type_and_name : decl_specs type_name decl_specs_opt ptr_operators_opt fct_name", "type_and_name : decl_specs type_name", "type_and_name : type_name ptr_operators fct_name", "type_and_name : type_name decl_specs ptr_operators_opt fct_name", "type_and_name : type_name OPERATOR operator_name", "type_and_name : OPERATOR operator_name", "type_and_name : decl_specs type_name decl_specs_opt ptr_operators_opt OPERATOR operator_name", "type_and_name : type_name ptr_operators OPERATOR operator_name", "type_and_name : type_name decl_specs ptr_operators_opt OPERATOR operator_name", "signal_or_slot : type_and_name fct_decl opt_semicolons", "signal_or_slot : type_and_name opt_bitfield ';' opt_semicolons", "signal_or_slot : type_and_name opt_bitfield ',' member_declarator_list ';' opt_semicolons", "signal_or_slot : enum_specifier opt_identifier ';' opt_semicolons", "signal_or_slot : USING complete_class_name ';' opt_semicolons", "signal_or_slot : USING NAMESPACE complete_class_name ';' opt_semicolons", "signal_or_slot : NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER '{'", "signal_or_slot : nested_class_head ';' opt_semicolons", "$$31 :", "$$32 :", "signal_or_slot : nested_class_head '{' $$31 '}' $$32 ';' opt_semicolons", "member_declarator_list : member_declarator", "member_declarator_list : member_declarator_list ',' member_declarator", "member_declarator : declarator", "$$33 :", "member_declarator : IDENTIFIER ':' $$33 const_expression", "$$34 :", "member_declarator : ':' $$34 const_expression", "opt_bitfield :", "$$35 :", "opt_bitfield : ':' $$35 const_expression", "enum_specifier : ENUM enum_tail", "opt_komma :", "opt_komma : ','", "enum_tail : IDENTIFIER '{' enum_list opt_komma '}'", "enum_tail : '{' enum_list opt_komma '}'", "opt_identifier :", "opt_identifier : IDENTIFIER", "enum_list :", "enum_list : enumerator", "enum_list : enum_list ',' enumerator", "enumerator : IDENTIFIER", "$$36 :", "enumerator : IDENTIFIER '=' $$36 enumerator_expression", "$$37 :", "property : IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER $$37 prop_statements", "prop_statements :", "prop_statements : READ IDENTIFIER prop_statements", "prop_statements : WRITE IDENTIFIER prop_statements", "prop_statements : RESET IDENTIFIER prop_statements", "prop_statements : STORED IDENTIFIER prop_statements", "prop_statements : DESIGNABLE IDENTIFIER prop_statements", "prop_statements : SCRIPTABLE IDENTIFIER prop_statements", "qt_enums :", "qt_enums : IDENTIFIER qt_enums", "qt_sets :", "qt_sets : IDENTIFIER qt_sets", }; #endif #ifdef YYSTACKSIZE #undef YYMAXDEPTH #define YYMAXDEPTH YYSTACKSIZE #else #ifdef YYMAXDEPTH #define YYSTACKSIZE YYMAXDEPTH #else #define YYSTACKSIZE 500 #define YYMAXDEPTH 500 #endif #endif int yydebug; int yynerrs; int yyerrflag; int yychar; short *yyssp; YYSTYPE *yyvsp; YYSTYPE yyval; YYSTYPE yylval; short yyss[YYSTACKSIZE]; YYSTYPE yyvs[YYSTACKSIZE]; #define yystacksize YYSTACKSIZE #line 1606 "moc.y" #ifndef YYBISON # if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) # include # undef isatty extern "C" int hack_isatty( int ) { return 0; } # define isatty hack_isatty # else # include # endif # include "moc_lex.cpp" #endif //YYBISON void cleanup(); QCString combinePath( const char *, const char * ); FILE *out; // output file parser_reg::parser_reg() : funcs(TRUE) { gen_count = 0; noInclude = FALSE; // no #include generatedCode = FALSE; // no code generated mocError = FALSE; // moc parsing error occurred hasVariantIncluded = FALSE; } parser_reg::~parser_reg() { slots.clear(); signals.clear(); propfuncs.clear(); funcs.clear(); infos.clear(); props.clear(); infos.clear(); } int yyparse(); void replace( char *s, char c1, char c2 ); void setDefaultIncludeFile() { if ( g->includeFiles.isEmpty() ) { if ( g->includePath.isEmpty() ) { if ( !g->fileName.isEmpty() && !g->outputFile.isEmpty() ) { g->includeFiles.append( combinePath(g->fileName, g->outputFile) ); } else { g->includeFiles.append( g->fileName ); } } else { g->includeFiles.append( combinePath(g->fileName, g->fileName) ); } } } #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC #define ErrorFormatString "%s(%d):" #else #define ErrorFormatString "%s:%d:" #endif #ifndef MOC_MWERKS_PLUGIN int main( int argc, char **argv ) { init(); bool autoInclude = TRUE; const char *error = 0; g->qtPath = ""; for ( int n=1; noutputFile = argv[++n]; } else g->outputFile = &opt[1]; } else if ( opt == "i" ) { // no #include statement g->noInclude = TRUE; autoInclude = FALSE; } else if ( opt[0] == 'f' ) { // produce #include statement g->noInclude = FALSE; autoInclude = FALSE; if ( opt[1] ) // -fsomething.h g->includeFiles.append( &opt[1] ); } else if ( opt == "pch" ) { // produce #include statement for PCH if ( !(n < argc-1) ) { error = "Missing name of PCH file"; break; } g->pchFile = argv[++n]; } else if ( opt[0] == 'p' ) { // include file path if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) { if ( !(n < argc-1) ) { error = "Missing path name for the -p option."; break; } g->includePath = argv[++n]; } else { g->includePath = &opt[1]; } } else if ( opt[0] == 'q' ) { // qt include file path if ( opt[1] == '\0' ) { if ( !(n < argc-1) ) { error = "Missing path name for the -q option."; break; } g->qtPath = argv[++n]; } else { g->qtPath = &opt[1]; } replace(g->qtPath.data(),'\\','/'); if ( g->qtPath.right(1) != "/" ) g->qtPath += '/'; } else if ( opt == "v" ) { // version number fprintf( stderr, "Qt Meta Object Compiler version %d" " (Qt %s)\n", formatRevision, QT_VERSION_STR ); cleanup(); return 1; } else if ( opt == "k" ) { // stop on errors errorControl = TRUE; } else if ( opt == "nw" ) { // don't display warnings displayWarnings = FALSE; } else if ( opt == "ldbg" ) { // lex debug output lexDebug = TRUE; } else if ( opt == "ydbg" ) { // yacc debug output yydebug = TRUE; } else { error = "Invalid argument"; } } else { if ( !g->fileName.isNull() ) // can handle only one file error = "Too many input files specified"; else g->fileName = arg.copy(); } } if ( autoInclude ) { int ppos = g->fileName.findRev('.'); if ( ppos != -1 && tolower( g->fileName[ppos + 1] ) == 'h' ) g->noInclude = FALSE; else g->noInclude = TRUE; } setDefaultIncludeFile(); if ( g->fileName.isNull() && !error ) { g->fileName = "standard input"; yyin = stdin; } else if ( argc < 2 || error ) { // incomplete/wrong args fprintf( stderr, "Qt meta object compiler\n" ); if ( error ) fprintf( stderr, "moc: %s\n", error ); fprintf( stderr, "Usage: moc [options] \n" "\t-o file Write output to file rather than stdout\n" "\t-f[file] Force #include, optional file name\n" "\t-p path Path prefix for included file\n" "\t-i Do not generate an #include statement\n" "\t-k Do not stop on errors\n" "\t-nw Do not display warnings\n" "\t-v Display version of moc\n" ); cleanup(); return 1; } else { yyin = fopen( (const char *)g->fileName, "r" ); if ( !yyin ) { fprintf( stderr, "moc: %s: No such file\n", (const char*)g->fileName); cleanup(); return 1; } } if ( !g->outputFile.isEmpty() ) { // output file specified out = fopen( (const char *)g->outputFile, "w" ); // create output file if ( !out ) { fprintf( stderr, "moc: Cannot create %s\n", (const char*)g->outputFile ); cleanup(); return 1; } } else { // use stdout out = stdout; } yyparse(); fclose( yyin ); if ( !g->outputFile.isNull() ) fclose( out ); if ( !g->generatedCode && displayWarnings && !g->mocError ) { fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: %s\n", g->fileName.data(), 0, "No relevant classes found. No output generated." ); } int ret = g->mocError ? 1 : 0; cleanup(); return ret; } #else bool qt_is_gui_used = FALSE; #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_MAC9 # include # include # include # include "Aliases.h" #endif #include "CWPluginErrors.h" #include #include "DropInCompilerLinker.h" #include const unsigned char *p_str(const char *, int =-1); CWPluginContext g_ctx; moc_status do_moc( CWPluginContext ctx, const QCString &fin, const QCString &fout, CWFileSpec *dspec, bool i) { init(); g_ctx = ctx; g->noInclude = i; g->fileName = fin; g->outputFile = fout; setDefaultIncludeFile(); CWFileInfo fi; memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(fi)); fi.fullsearch = TRUE; fi.dependencyType = cwNormalDependency; fi.isdependentoffile = kCurrentCompiledFile; if(CWFindAndLoadFile( ctx, fin.data(), &fi) != cwNoErr) { cleanup(); return moc_no_source; } if(dspec) { memcpy(dspec, &fi.filespec, sizeof(fi.filespec)); const unsigned char *f = p_str(fout.data()); memcpy(dspec->name, f, f[0]+1); free(f); } buf_size_total = fi.filedatalength; buf_buffer = fi.filedata; QCString path(""); AliasHandle alias; Str63 str; AliasInfoType x = 1; char tmp[sizeof(Str63)+2]; if(NewAlias( NULL, &fi.filespec, &alias) != noErr) { cleanup(); return moc_general_error; } for(;;) { GetAliasInfo(alias, x++, str); if(!str[0]) break; strncpy((char *)tmp, (const char *)str+1, str[0]); tmp[str[0]] = '\0'; path.prepend(":"); path.prepend((char *)tmp); } path.prepend("MacOS 9:"); //FIXME QString inpath = path + fin, outpath = path + fout; struct stat istat, ostat; if(stat(inpath, &istat) == -1) { cleanup(); return moc_no_source; } if(stat(outpath, &ostat) == 0 && istat.st_mtime < ostat.st_mtime) { cleanup(); return moc_not_time; } unlink(outpath.data()); out = fopen(outpath.data(), "w+"); if(!out) { cleanup(); return moc_general_error; } yyparse(); if(out != stdout) fclose(out); if(g->mocError || !g->generatedCode) { unlink(outpath.data()); moc_status ret = !g->generatedCode ? moc_no_qobject : moc_parse_error; cleanup(); return ret; } cleanup(); return moc_success; } #endif void replace( char *s, char c1, char c2 ) { if ( !s ) return; while ( *s ) { if ( *s == c1 ) *s = c2; s++; } } /* This function looks at two file names and returns the name of the infile with a path relative to outfile. Examples: /tmp/abc, /tmp/bcd -> abc xyz/a/bc, xyz/b/ac -> ../a/bc /tmp/abc, xyz/klm -> /tmp/abc */ QCString combinePath( const char *infile, const char *outfile ) { QFileInfo inFileInfo( QDir::current(), QFile::decodeName(infile) ); QFileInfo outFileInfo( QDir::current(), QFile::decodeName(outfile) ); int numCommonComponents = 0; QStringList inSplitted = QStringList::split( '/', inFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath(), TRUE ); QStringList outSplitted = QStringList::split( '/', outFileInfo.dir().canonicalPath(), TRUE ); while ( !inSplitted.isEmpty() && !outSplitted.isEmpty() && inSplitted.first() == outSplitted.first() ) { inSplitted.remove( inSplitted.begin() ); outSplitted.remove( outSplitted.begin() ); numCommonComponents++; } if ( numCommonComponents < 2 ) { /* The paths don't have the same drive, or they don't have the same root directory. Use an absolute path. */ return QFile::encodeName( inFileInfo.absFilePath() ); } else { /* The paths have something in common. Use a path relative to the output file. */ while ( !outSplitted.isEmpty() ) { outSplitted.remove( outSplitted.begin() ); inSplitted.prepend( ".." ); } inSplitted.append( inFileInfo.fileName() ); return QFile::encodeName( inSplitted.join("/") ); } } #define getenv hack_getenv // workaround for byacc char *getenv() { return 0; } char *getenv( const char * ) { return 0; } void init() // initialize { BEGIN OUTSIDE; if(g) delete g; g = new parser_reg; lineNo = 1; skipClass = FALSE; skipFunc = FALSE; tmpArgList = new ArgList; tmpFunc = new Function; tmpEnum = new Enum; #ifdef MOC_MWERKS_PLUGIN buf_buffer = NULL; buf_index = 0; buf_size_total = 0; #endif } void cleanup() { delete g; g = NULL; #ifdef MOC_MWERKS_PLUGIN if(buf_buffer && g_ctx) CWReleaseFileText(g_ctx, buf_buffer); #endif } void initClass() // prepare for new class { tmpAccess = Private; subClassPerm = Private; Q_OBJECTdetected = FALSE; Q_PROPERTYdetected = FALSE; skipClass = FALSE; templateClass = FALSE; g->slots.clear(); g->signals.clear(); g->propfuncs.clear(); g->enums.clear(); g->funcs.clear(); g->props.clear(); g->infos.clear(); g->qtSets.clear(); g->qtEnums.clear(); g->multipleSuperClasses.clear(); } struct NamespaceInfo { QCString name; int pLevelOnEntering; // Parenthesis level on entering the namespace QDict definedClasses; // Classes defined in the namespace }; QPtrList namespaces; void enterNameSpace( const char *name ) // prepare for new class { static bool first = TRUE; if ( first ) { namespaces.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); first = FALSE; } NamespaceInfo *tmp = new NamespaceInfo; if ( name ) tmp->name = name; tmp->pLevelOnEntering = namespacePLevel; namespaces.append( tmp ); } void leaveNameSpace() // prepare for new class { NamespaceInfo *tmp = namespaces.last(); namespacePLevel = tmp->pLevelOnEntering; namespaces.remove(); } QCString nameQualifier() { QPtrListIterator iter( namespaces ); NamespaceInfo *tmp; QCString qualifier = ""; for( ; (tmp = iter.current()) ; ++iter ) { if ( !tmp->name.isNull() ) { // If not unnamed namespace qualifier += tmp->name; qualifier += "::"; } } return qualifier; } int openNameSpaceForMetaObject( FILE *out ) { int levels = 0; QPtrListIterator iter( namespaces ); NamespaceInfo *tmp; QCString indent = ""; for( ; (tmp = iter.current()) ; ++iter ) { if ( !tmp->name.isNull() ) { // If not unnamed namespace fprintf( out, "%snamespace %s {\n", (const char *)indent, (const char *) tmp->name ); indent += " "; levels++; } } QCString nm = g->className; int pos; while( (pos = nm.find( "::" )) != -1 ) { QCString spaceName = nm.left( pos ); nm = nm.right( nm.length() - pos - 2 ); if ( !spaceName.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, "%snamespace %s {\n", (const char *)indent, (const char *) spaceName ); indent += " "; levels++; } } return levels; } void closeNameSpaceForMetaObject( FILE *out, int levels ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < levels ; i++ ) fprintf( out, "}" ); if ( levels ) fprintf( out, "\n" ); } void selectOutsideClassState() { if ( namespaces.count() == 0 ) BEGIN OUTSIDE; else BEGIN IN_NAMESPACE; } void registerClassInNamespace() { if ( namespaces.count() == 0 ) return; namespaces.last()->definedClasses.insert((const char *)g->className,(char*)1); } // // Remove white space from SIGNAL and SLOT names. // This function has been copied from qobject.cpp. // inline bool isSpace( char x ) { #if defined(Q_CC_BOR) /* Borland C++ 4.5 has a weird isspace() bug. isspace() usually works, but not here. This implementation is sufficient for our internal use: rmWS() */ return (uchar) x <= 32; #else return isspace( (uchar) x ); #endif } static QCString rmWS( const char *src ) { QCString result( qstrlen(src)+1 ); char *d = result.data(); char *s = (char *)src; char last = 0; while( *s && isSpace(*s) ) // skip leading space s++; while ( *s ) { while ( *s && !isSpace(*s) ) last = *d++ = *s++; while ( *s && isSpace(*s) ) s++; if ( *s && isIdentChar(*s) && isIdentChar(last) ) last = *d++ = ' '; } result.truncate( (int)(d - result.data()) ); return result; } void initExpression() { g->tmpExpression = ""; } void addExpressionString( const char *s ) { g->tmpExpression += s; } void addExpressionChar( const char c ) { g->tmpExpression += c; } void yyerror( const char *msg ) // print yacc error message { g->mocError = TRUE; #ifndef MOC_MWERKS_PLUGIN fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Error: %s\n", g->fileName.data(), lineNo, msg ); #else char msg2[200]; sprintf(msg2, ErrorFormatString" Error: %s", g->fileName.data(), lineNo, msg); CWReportMessage(g_ctx, NULL, msg2, NULL, messagetypeError, 0); #endif if ( errorControl ) { if ( !g->outputFile.isEmpty() && yyin && fclose(yyin) == 0 ) remove( g->outputFile ); exit( -1 ); } } void moc_err( const char *s ) { yyerror( s ); } void moc_err( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) { static char tmp[1024]; sprintf( tmp, s1, s2 ); yyerror( tmp ); } void moc_warn( const char *msg ) { if ( displayWarnings ) fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: %s\n", g->fileName.data(), lineNo, msg); } void moc_warn( char *s1, char *s2 ) { static char tmp[1024]; sprintf( tmp, s1, s2 ); if ( displayWarnings ) fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: %s\n", g->fileName.data(), lineNo, tmp); } void func_warn( const char *msg ) { if ( !suppress_func_warn ) moc_warn( msg ); skipFunc = TRUE; } void operatorError() { if ( !suppress_func_warn ) moc_warn("Operator functions cannot be signals or slots."); skipFunc = TRUE; } #ifndef yywrap int yywrap() // more files? { return 1; // end of file } #endif char *stradd( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) // adds two strings { char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+1]; qstrcpy( n, s1 ); strcat( n, s2 ); return n; } char *stradd( const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3 )// adds 3 strings { char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+1]; qstrcpy( n, s1 ); strcat( n, s2 ); strcat( n, s3 ); return n; } char *stradd( const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4 )// adds 4 strings { char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+qstrlen(s4)+1]; qstrcpy( n, s1 ); strcat( n, s2 ); strcat( n, s3 ); strcat( n, s4 ); return n; } char *straddSpc( const char *s1, const char *s2 ) { char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+2]; qstrcpy( n, s1 ); strcat( n, " " ); strcat( n, s2 ); return n; } char *straddSpc( const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3 ) { char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+3]; qstrcpy( n, s1 ); strcat( n, " " ); strcat( n, s2 ); strcat( n, " " ); strcat( n, s3 ); return n; } char *straddSpc( const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4 ) { char *n = new char[qstrlen(s1)+qstrlen(s2)+qstrlen(s3)+qstrlen(s4)+4]; qstrcpy( n, s1 ); strcat( n, " " ); strcat( n, s2 ); strcat( n, " " ); strcat( n, s3 ); strcat( n, " " ); strcat( n, s4 ); return n; } // Generate C++ code for building member function table /* We call B::qt_invoke() rather than A::B::qt_invoke() to work around a bug in MSVC 6. The bug occurs if the super-class is in a namespace and the sub-class isn't. Exception: If the superclass has the same name as the subclass, we want non-MSVC users to have a working generated files. */ QCString purestSuperClassName() { QCString sc = g->superClassName; QCString c = g->className; /* Make sure qualified template arguments (e.g., foo) don't interfere. */ int pos = sc.findRev( "::", sc.find( '<' ) ); if ( pos != -1 ) { sc = sc.right( sc.length() - pos - 2 ); pos = c.findRev( "::" ); if ( pos != -1 ) c = c.right( c.length() - pos - 2 ); if ( sc == c ) sc = g->superClassName; } return sc; } QCString qualifiedClassName() { return nameQualifier() + g->className; } const int Slot_Num = 1; const int Signal_Num = 2; const int Prop_Num = 3; void generateFuncs( FuncList *list, const char *functype, int num ) { Function *f; for ( f=list->first(); f; f=list->next() ) { bool hasReturnValue = f->type != "void" && (validUType( f->type ) || isVariantType( f->type) ); if ( hasReturnValue || !f->args->isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, " static const QUParameter param_%s_%d[] = {\n", functype, list->at() ); if ( hasReturnValue ) { if ( validUType( f->type ) ) fprintf( out, "\t{ 0, &static_QUType_%s, %s, QUParameter::Out }", uType(f->type).data(), uTypeExtra(f->type).data() ); else fprintf( out, "\t{ 0, &static_QUType_QVariant, %s, QUParameter::Out }", uTypeExtra(f->type).data() ); if ( !f->args->isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, ",\n" ); } Argument* a = f->args->first(); while ( a ) { QCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType; type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if( a->name.isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, "\t{ 0, &static_QUType_%s, %s, QUParameter::%s }", uType( type ).data(), uTypeExtra( type ).data(), isInOut( type ) ? "InOut" : "In" ); else fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", &static_QUType_%s, %s, QUParameter::%s }", a->name.data(), uType( type ).data(), uTypeExtra( type ).data(), isInOut( type ) ? "InOut" : "In" ); a = f->args->next(); if ( a ) fprintf( out, ",\n" ); } fprintf( out, "\n };\n"); } fprintf( out, " static const QUMethod %s_%d = {", functype, list->at() ); int n = f->args->count(); if ( hasReturnValue ) n++; fprintf( out, "\"%s\", %d,", f->name.data(), n ); if ( n ) fprintf( out, " param_%s_%d };\n", functype, list->at() ); else fprintf( out, " 0 };\n" ); QCString typstr = ""; int count = 0; Argument *a = f->args->first(); while ( a ) { if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || ! a->rightType.isEmpty() ) { if ( count++ ) typstr += ","; typstr += a->leftType; typstr += a->rightType; } a = f->args->next(); } f->signature = f->name; f->signature += "("; f->signature += typstr; f->signature += ")"; } if ( list->count() ) { fprintf(out," static const QMetaData %s_tbl[] = {\n", functype ); f = list->first(); while ( f ) { fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\",", f->signature.data() ); fprintf( out, " &%s_%d,", functype, list->at() ); fprintf( out, " QMetaData::%s }", f->accessAsString() ); f = list->next(); if ( f ) fprintf( out, ",\n"); } fprintf( out, "\n };\n" ); } } int enumIndex( const char* type ) { int index = 0; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) { if ( lit.current()->name == type ) return index; index++; } return -1; } bool isEnumType( const char* type ) { return enumIndex( type ) >= 0 || ( g->qtEnums.contains( type ) || g->qtSets.contains( type ) ); } bool isPropertyType( const char* type ) { if ( isVariantType( type ) ) return TRUE; return isEnumType( type ); } int generateEnums() { if ( g->enums.count() == 0 ) return 0; fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); int i = 0; for ( QPtrListIterator it( g->enums ); it.current(); ++it, ++i ) { fprintf( out, " static const QMetaEnum::Item enum_%i[] = {\n", i ); int k = 0; for( QStrListIterator eit( *it.current() ); eit.current(); ++eit, ++k ) { if ( k ) fprintf( out, ",\n" ); fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", (int) %s::%s }", eit.current(), (const char*) g->className, eit.current() ); } fprintf( out, "\n };\n" ); } fprintf( out, " static const QMetaEnum enum_tbl[] = {\n" ); i = 0; for ( QPtrListIterator it2( g->enums ); it2.current(); ++it2, ++i ) { if ( i ) fprintf( out, ",\n" ); fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", %u, enum_%i, %s }", (const char*)it2.current()->name, it2.current()->count(), i, it2.current()->set ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); } fprintf( out, "\n };\n" ); fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); return g->enums.count(); } int generateProps() { // // Resolve and verify property access functions // for( QPtrListIterator it( g->props ); it.current(); ) { Property* p = it.current(); ++it; // verify get function if ( !p->get.isEmpty() ) { FuncList candidates = g->propfuncs.find( p->get ); for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = candidates.next() ) { if ( f->qualifier != "const" ) // get functions must be const continue; if ( f->args && !f->args->isEmpty() ) // and must not take any arguments continue; QCString tmp = f->type; Property::Specification spec = Property::Unspecified; if ( p->type == "QCString" && (tmp == "const char*" || tmp == "const char *" ) ) { tmp = "QCString"; spec = Property::ConstCharStar; } else if ( tmp.right(1) == "&" ) { tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 ); spec = Property::Reference; } else if ( tmp.right(1) == "*" ) { tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 ); spec = Property::Pointer; } else { spec = Property::Class; } if ( tmp.left(6) == "const " ) tmp = tmp.mid( 6, tmp.length() - 6 ); tmp = tmp.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( p->type == tmp ) { // If it is an enum then it may not be a set bool ok = TRUE; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set ) ok = FALSE; if ( !ok ) continue; p->gspec = spec; p->getfunc = f; p->oredEnum = 0; break; } else if ( !isVariantType( p->type ) ) { if ( tmp == "int" || tmp == "uint" || tmp == "unsigned int" ) { // Test whether the enum is really a set (unfortunately we don't know enums of super classes) bool ok = TRUE; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && !lit.current()->set ) ok = FALSE; if ( !ok ) continue; p->gspec = spec; p->getfunc = f; p->oredEnum = 1; p->enumgettype = tmp; } } } if ( p->getfunc == 0 ) { if ( displayWarnings ) { // Is the type a set, that means, mentioned in Q_SETS? bool set = FALSE; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set ) set = TRUE; fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: Property '%s' not available.\n", g->fileName.data(), p->lineNo, (const char*) p->name ); fprintf( stderr, " Have been looking for public get functions \n"); if ( !set ) { fprintf( stderr, " %s %s() const\n" " %s& %s() const\n" " const %s& %s() const\n" " %s* %s() const\n", (const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get, (const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get, (const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get, (const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->get ); } if ( set || !isPropertyType( p->type ) ) { fprintf( stderr, " int %s() const\n" " uint %s() const\n" " unsigned int %s() const\n", (const char*) p->get, (const char*) p->get, (const char*) p->get ); } if ( p->type == "QCString" ) fprintf( stderr, " const char* %s() const\n", (const char*)p->get ); if ( candidates.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( stderr, " but found nothing.\n"); } else { fprintf( stderr, " but only found the mismatching candidate(s)\n"); for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = candidates.next() ) { QCString typstr = ""; Argument *a = f->args->first(); int count = 0; while ( a ) { if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || ! a->rightType.isEmpty() ) { if ( count++ ) typstr += ","; typstr += a->leftType; typstr += a->rightType; } a = f->args->next(); } fprintf( stderr, " %s:%d: %s %s(%s) %s\n", g->fileName.data(), f->lineNo, (const char*) f->type,(const char*) f->name, (const char*) typstr, f->qualifier.isNull()?"":(const char*) f->qualifier ); } } } } } // verify set function if ( !p->set.isEmpty() ) { FuncList candidates = g->propfuncs.find( p->set ); for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = candidates.next() ) { if ( !f->args || f->args->isEmpty() ) continue; QCString tmp = f->args->first()->leftType; tmp = tmp.simplifyWhiteSpace(); Property::Specification spec = Property::Unspecified; if ( tmp.right(1) == "&" ) { tmp = tmp.left( tmp.length() - 1 ); spec = Property::Reference; } else { spec = Property::Class; } if ( p->type == "QCString" && (tmp == "const char*" || tmp == "const char *" ) ) { tmp = "QCString"; spec = Property::ConstCharStar; } if ( tmp.left(6) == "const " ) tmp = tmp.mid( 6, tmp.length() - 6 ); tmp = tmp.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( p->type == tmp && f->args->count() == 1 ) { // If it is an enum then it may not be a set if ( p->oredEnum == 1 ) continue; bool ok = TRUE; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set ) ok = FALSE; if ( !ok ) continue; p->sspec = spec; p->setfunc = f; p->oredEnum = 0; break; } else if ( !isVariantType( p->type ) && f->args->count() == 1 ) { if ( tmp == "int" || tmp == "uint" || tmp == "unsigned int" ) { if ( p->oredEnum == 0 ) continue; // Test wether the enum is really a set (unfortunately we don't know enums of super classes) bool ok = TRUE; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && !lit.current()->set ) ok = FALSE; if ( !ok ) continue; p->sspec = spec; p->setfunc = f; p->oredEnum = 1; p->enumsettype = tmp; } } } if ( p->setfunc == 0 ) { if ( displayWarnings ) { // Is the type a set, that means, mentioned in Q_SETS ? bool set = FALSE; for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) if ( lit.current()->name == p->type && lit.current()->set ) set = TRUE; fprintf( stderr, ErrorFormatString" Warning: Property '%s' not writable.\n", g->fileName.data(), p->lineNo, (const char*) p->name ); fprintf( stderr, " Have been looking for public set functions \n"); if ( !set && p->oredEnum != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, " void %s( %s )\n" " void %s( %s& )\n" " void %s( const %s& )\n", (const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->type, (const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->type ); } if ( set || ( !isPropertyType( p->type ) && p->oredEnum != 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, " void %s( int )\n" " void %s( uint )\n" " void %s( unsigned int )\n", (const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->set, (const char*) p->set ); } if ( p->type == "QCString" ) fprintf( stderr, " void %s( const char* ) const\n", (const char*) p->set ); if ( !candidates.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( stderr, " but only found the mismatching candidate(s)\n"); for ( Function* f = candidates.first(); f; f = candidates.next() ) { QCString typstr = ""; Argument *a = f->args->first(); int count = 0; while ( a ) { if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || ! a->rightType.isEmpty() ) { if ( count++ ) typstr += ","; typstr += a->leftType; typstr += a->rightType; } a = f->args->next(); } fprintf( stderr, " %s:%d: %s %s(%s)\n", g->fileName.data(), f->lineNo, (const char*) f->type,(const char*) f->name, (const char*) typstr ); } } } } } } // // Create meta data // if ( g->props.count() ) { if ( displayWarnings && !Q_OBJECTdetected ) moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains properties" " but no Q_OBJECT macro.", g->className.data()); fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); fprintf( out, " static const QMetaProperty props_tbl[%d] = {\n ", g->props.count() ); for( QPtrListIterator it( g->props ); it.current(); ++it ) { fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\",\"%s\", ", it.current()->type.data(), it.current()->name.data() ); int flags = Invalid; if ( !isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ) { flags |= EnumOrSet; if ( !isEnumType( it.current()->type ) ) flags |= UnresolvedEnum; } else { flags |= qvariant_nameToType( it.current()->type ) << 24; } if ( it.current()->getfunc ) flags |= Readable; if ( it.current()->setfunc ) { flags |= Writable; if ( it.current()->stdSet() ) flags |= StdSet; } if ( it.current()->override ) flags |= Override; if ( it.current()->designable.isEmpty() ) flags |= DesignableOverride; else if ( it.current()->designable == "false" ) flags |= NotDesignable; if ( it.current()->scriptable.isEmpty() ) flags |= ScriptableOverride; else if ( it.current()->scriptable == "false" ) flags |= NotScriptable; if ( it.current()->stored.isEmpty() ) flags |= StoredOverride; else if ( it.current()->stored == "false" ) flags |= NotStored; fprintf( out, "0x%.4x, ", flags ); fprintf( out, "&%s::metaObj, ", (const char*) qualifiedClassName() ); if ( !isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ) { int enumpos = -1; int k = 0; for( QPtrListIterator eit( g->enums ); eit.current(); ++eit, ++k ) { if ( eit.current()->name == it.current()->type ) enumpos = k; } // Is it an enum of this class ? if ( enumpos != -1 ) fprintf( out, "&enum_tbl[%i], ", enumpos ); else fprintf( out, "0, "); } else { fprintf( out, "0, "); } fprintf( out, "-1 }" ); if ( !it.atLast() ) fprintf( out, ",\n" ); else fprintf( out, "\n" ); } fprintf( out, " };\n" ); fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); } return g->props.count(); } int generateClassInfos() { if ( g->infos.isEmpty() ) return 0; if ( displayWarnings && !Q_OBJECTdetected ) moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains class infos" " but no Q_OBJECT macro.", g->className.data()); fprintf( out, " static const QClassInfo classinfo_tbl[] = {\n" ); int i = 0; for( QPtrListIterator it( g->infos ); it.current(); ++it, ++i ) { if ( i ) fprintf( out, ",\n" ); fprintf( out, "\t{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }", it.current()->name.data(),it.current()->value.data() ); } fprintf( out, "\n };\n" ); return i; } void generateClass() // generate C++ source code for a class { const char *hdr1 = "/****************************************************************************\n" "** %s meta object code from reading C++ file '%s'\n**\n"; const char *hdr2 = "** Created: %s\n" "** by: The Qt MOC ($Id: qt/moc_yacc.cpp 3.3.8 edited Feb 2 14:59 $)\n**\n"; const char *hdr3 = "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n"; const char *hdr4 = "*****************************************************************************/\n\n"; int i; if ( skipClass ) // don't generate for class return; if ( !Q_OBJECTdetected ) { if ( g->signals.count() == 0 && g->slots.count() == 0 && g->props.count() == 0 && g->infos.count() == 0 ) return; if ( displayWarnings && (g->signals.count() + g->slots.count()) != 0 ) moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains signals " "or slots\n\t but no Q_OBJECT macro.", g->className.data()); } else { if ( g->superClassName.isEmpty() ) moc_err("The declaration of the class \"%s\" contains the\n" "\tQ_OBJECT macro but does not inherit from any class!\n" "\tInherit from QObject or one of its descendants" " or remove Q_OBJECT.", g->className.data() ); } if ( templateClass ) { // don't generate for class moc_err( "Sorry, Qt does not support templates that contain\n" "\tsignals, slots or Q_OBJECT." ); return; } g->generatedCode = TRUE; g->gen_count++; if ( g->gen_count == 1 ) { // first class to be generated QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QCString dstr = dt.toString().ascii(); QCString fn = g->fileName; i = g->fileName.length()-1; while ( i>0 && g->fileName[i-1] != '/' && g->fileName[i-1] != '\\' ) i--; // skip path if ( i >= 0 ) fn = &g->fileName[i]; fprintf( out, hdr1, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(),(const char*)fn); fprintf( out, hdr2, (const char*)dstr ); fprintf( out, hdr3 ); fprintf( out, hdr4 ); if ( !g->noInclude ) { /* The header file might be a Qt header file with QT_NO_COMPAT macros around signals, slots or properties. Without the #undef, we cannot compile the Qt library with QT_NO_COMPAT defined. Header files of libraries build around Qt can also use QT_NO_COMPAT, so this #undef might be beneficial to users of Qt, and not only to developers of Qt. */ fprintf( out, "#undef QT_NO_COMPAT\n" ); if ( !g->pchFile.isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, "#include \"%s\" // PCH include\n", (const char*)g->pchFile ); if ( !g->includePath.isEmpty() && g->includePath.right(1) != "/" ) g->includePath += "/"; g->includeFiles.first(); while ( g->includeFiles.current() ) { QCString inc = g->includeFiles.current(); if ( inc[0] != '<' && inc[0] != '"' ) { if ( !g->includePath.isEmpty() && g->includePath != "./" ) inc.prepend( g->includePath ); inc = "\"" + inc + "\""; } fprintf( out, "#include %s\n", (const char *)inc ); g->includeFiles.next(); } } fprintf( out, "#include <%sqmetaobject.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath ); fprintf( out, "#include <%sqapplication.h>\n\n", (const char*)g->qtPath ); fprintf( out, "#include <%sprivate/qucomextra_p.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath ); fprintf( out, "#if !defined(Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION) || (Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION != %d)\n", formatRevision ); fprintf( out, "#error \"This file was generated using the moc from %s." " It\"\n#error \"cannot be used with the include files from" " this version of Qt.\"\n#error \"(The moc has changed too" " much.)\"\n", QT_VERSION_STR ); fprintf( out, "#endif\n\n" ); } else { fprintf( out, "\n\n" ); } if ( !g->hasVariantIncluded ) { bool needToIncludeVariant = !g->props.isEmpty(); for ( Function* f =g->slots.first(); f && !needToIncludeVariant; f=g->slots.next() ) needToIncludeVariant = ( f->type != "void" && !validUType( f->type ) && isVariantType( f->type) ); if ( needToIncludeVariant ) { fprintf( out, "#include <%sqvariant.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath ); g->hasVariantIncluded = TRUE; } } bool isQObject = g->className == "QObject" ; // // Generate virtual function className() // fprintf( out, "const char *%s::className() const\n{\n ", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, "return \"%s\";\n}\n\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); // // Generate static metaObj variable // fprintf( out, "QMetaObject *%s::metaObj = 0;\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName()); // // Generate static cleanup object variable // QCString cleanup = qualifiedClassName().copy(); for ( int cnpos = 0; cnpos < cleanup.length(); cnpos++ ) { if ( cleanup[cnpos] == ':' ) cleanup[cnpos] = '_'; } fprintf( out, "static QMetaObjectCleanUp cleanUp_%s( \"%s\", &%s::staticMetaObject );\n\n", (const char*)cleanup, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(), (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); // // Generate tr and trUtf8 member functions // fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION\n" ); fprintf( out, "QString %s::tr( const char *s, const char *c )\n{\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, " if ( qApp )\n" ); fprintf( out, "\treturn qApp->translate( \"%s\", s, c," " QApplication::DefaultCodec );\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, " else\n" ); fprintf( out, "\treturn QString::fromLatin1( s );\n"); fprintf( out, "}\n" ); fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8\n" ); fprintf( out, "QString %s::trUtf8( const char *s, const char *c )\n{\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, " if ( qApp )\n" ); fprintf( out, "\treturn qApp->translate( \"%s\", s, c," " QApplication::UnicodeUTF8 );\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, " else\n" ); fprintf( out, "\treturn QString::fromUtf8( s );\n" ); fprintf( out, "}\n" ); fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8\n\n" ); fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION\n\n" ); // // Generate staticMetaObject member function // fprintf( out, "QMetaObject* %s::staticMetaObject()\n{\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, " if ( metaObj )\n\treturn metaObj;\n" ); if ( isQObject ) fprintf( out, " QMetaObject* parentObject = staticQtMetaObject();\n" ); else if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, " QMetaObject* parentObject = %s::staticMetaObject();\n", (const char*)g->superClassName ); else fprintf( out, " QMetaObject* parentObject = 0;\n" ); // // Build the classinfo array // int n_infos = generateClassInfos(); // Build the enums array // Enums HAVE to be generated BEFORE the properties and slots // int n_enums = generateEnums(); // // Build slots array in staticMetaObject() // generateFuncs( &g->slots, "slot", Slot_Num ); // // Build signals array in staticMetaObject() // generateFuncs( &g->signals, "signal", Signal_Num ); // // Build property array in staticMetaObject() // int n_props = generateProps(); // // Finally code to create and return meta object // fprintf( out, " metaObj = QMetaObject::new_metaobject(\n" "\t\"%s\", parentObject,\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); if ( g->slots.count() ) fprintf( out, "\tslot_tbl, %d,\n", g->slots.count() ); else fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" ); if ( g->signals.count() ) fprintf( out, "\tsignal_tbl, %d,\n", g->signals.count() ); else fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" ); fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); if ( n_props ) fprintf( out, "\tprops_tbl, %d,\n", n_props ); else fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" ); if ( n_enums ) fprintf( out, "\tenum_tbl, %d,\n", n_enums ); else fprintf( out, "\t0, 0,\n" ); fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); if ( n_infos ) fprintf( out, "\tclassinfo_tbl, %d );\n", n_infos ); else fprintf( out, "\t0, 0 );\n" ); // // Setup cleanup handler and return meta object // fprintf( out, " cleanUp_%s.setMetaObject( metaObj );\n", cleanup.data() ); fprintf( out, " return metaObj;\n}\n" ); // // End of function staticMetaObject() // // // Generate smart cast function // fprintf( out, "\nvoid* %s::qt_cast( const char* clname )\n{\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); fprintf( out, " if ( !qstrcmp( clname, \"%s\" ) )\n" "\treturn this;\n", (const char*)qualifiedClassName() ); for ( const char* cname = g->multipleSuperClasses.first(); cname; cname = g->multipleSuperClasses.next() ) { fprintf( out, " if ( !qstrcmp( clname, \"%s\" ) )\n", cname); QCString fixed(cname); while (fixed.find(">>") != -1) fixed = fixed.replace(">>", "> >"); fprintf( out, "\treturn (%s*)this;\n", fixed.data()); } if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_cast( clname );\n", (const char*)purestSuperClassName() ); else fprintf( out, " return 0;\n" ); fprintf( out, "}\n" ); // // Generate internal signal functions // Function *f; f = g->signals.first(); // make internal signal methods static bool included_list_headers = FALSE; int sigindex = 0; while ( f ) { QCString argstr; char buf[12]; Argument *a = f->args->first(); int offset = 0; const char *predef_call_func = 0; bool hasReturnValue = f->type != "void" && (validUType( f->type ) || isVariantType( f->type) ); if ( hasReturnValue ) { ; // no predefined function available } else if ( !a ) { predef_call_func = "activate_signal"; } else if ( f->args->count() == 1 ) { QCString ctype = (a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType).simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( !isInOut( ctype ) ) { QCString utype = uType( ctype ); if ( utype == "bool" ) predef_call_func = "activate_signal_bool"; else if ( utype == "QString" || utype == "int" || utype == "double" ) predef_call_func = "activate_signal"; } } if ( !predef_call_func && !included_list_headers ) { // yes we need it, because otherwise QT_VERSION may not be defined fprintf( out, "\n#include <%sqobjectdefs.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath ); fprintf( out, "#include <%sqsignalslotimp.h>\n", (const char*)g->qtPath ); included_list_headers = TRUE; } while ( a ) { // argument list if ( !a->leftType.isEmpty() || !a->rightType.isEmpty() ) { argstr += a->leftType; argstr += " "; sprintf( buf, "t%d", offset++ ); argstr += buf; argstr += a->rightType; a = f->args->next(); if ( a ) argstr += ", "; } else { a = f->args->next(); } } fixRightAngles( &argstr ); fprintf( out, "\n// SIGNAL %s\n", (const char*)f->name ); fprintf( out, "%s %s::%s(", (const char*) f->type, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(), (const char*)f->name ); if ( argstr.isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, ")\n{\n" ); else fprintf( out, " %s )\n{\n", (const char*)argstr ); if ( predef_call_func ) { fprintf( out, " %s( staticMetaObject()->signalOffset() + %d", predef_call_func, sigindex ); if ( !argstr.isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, ", t0" ); fprintf( out, " );\n}\n" ); } else { if ( hasReturnValue ) fprintf( out, " %s something;\n", f->type.data() ); int nargs = f->args->count(); fprintf( out, " if ( signalsBlocked() )\n\treturn%s;\n", hasReturnValue ? " something" : "" ); fprintf( out, " QConnectionList *clist = receivers( staticMetaObject()->signalOffset() + %d );\n", sigindex ); fprintf( out, " if ( !clist )\n\treturn%s;\n", hasReturnValue ? " something" : "" ); fprintf( out, " QUObject o[%d];\n", f->args->count() + 1 ); // initialize return value to something if ( hasReturnValue ) { if ( validUType( f->type ) ) { QCString utype = uType( f->type ); fprintf( out, " static_QUType_%s.set(o,something);\n", utype.data() ); } else if ( uType( f->type ) == "varptr" ) { fprintf( out, " static_QUType_varptr.set(o,&something);\n" ); } else { fprintf( out, " static_QUType_ptr.set(o,&something);\n" ); } } // initialize arguments if ( !f->args->isEmpty() ) { offset = 0; Argument* a = f->args->first(); while ( a ) { QCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType; type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( validUType( type ) ) { QCString utype = uType( type ); fprintf( out, " static_QUType_%s.set(o+%d,t%d);\n", utype.data(), offset+1, offset ); } else if ( uType( type ) == "varptr" ) { fprintf( out, " static_QUType_varptr.set(o+%d,&t%d);\n", offset+1, offset ); } else { fprintf( out, " static_QUType_ptr.set(o+%d,&t%d);\n", offset+1, offset ); } a = f->args->next(); offset++; } } fprintf( out, " activate_signal( clist, o );\n" ); // get return values from inOut parameters if ( !f->args->isEmpty() ) { offset = 0; Argument* a = f->args->first(); while ( a ) { QCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType; type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( validUType( type ) && isInOut( type ) ) { QCString utype = uType( type ); if ( utype == "enum" ) fprintf( out, " t%d = (%s)static_QUType_%s.get(o+%d);\n", offset, type.data(), utype.data(), offset+1 ); else if ( utype == "ptr" && type.right(2) == "**" ) fprintf( out, " if (t%d) *t%d = *(%s)static_QUType_ptr.get(o+%d);\n", offset, offset, type.data(), offset+1 ); else fprintf( out, " t%d = static_QUType_%s.get(o+%d);\n", offset, utype.data(), offset+1 ); } a = f->args->next(); offset++; } } // get and return return value if ( hasReturnValue ) { QCString utype = uType( f->type ); if ( utype == "enum" || utype == "ptr" || utype == "varptr" ) // need cast fprintf( out, " return (%s)static_QUType_%s.get(o);\n", f->type.data(), utype.data() ); else fprintf( out, " return static_QUType_%s.get(o);\n", utype.data() ); } fprintf( out, "}\n" ); } f = g->signals.next(); sigindex++; } // // Generate internal qt_invoke() function // fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o )\n{\n", qualifiedClassName().data() ); if( !g->slots.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, " switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) {\n" ); int slotindex = -1; for ( f = g->slots.first(); f; f = g->slots.next() ) { slotindex ++; if ( f->type == "void" && f->args->isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, " case %d: %s(); break;\n", slotindex, f->name.data() ); continue; } fprintf( out, " case %d: ", slotindex ); bool hasReturnValue = FALSE; bool hasVariantReturn = FALSE; if ( f->type != "void" ) { if ( validUType( f->type )) { hasReturnValue = TRUE; fprintf( out, "static_QUType_%s.set(_o,", uType(f->type).data() ); } else if ( isVariantType( f->type ) ) { hasReturnValue = hasVariantReturn = TRUE; // do not need special handling for bool since this is handled as utype fprintf( out, "static_QUType_QVariant.set(_o,QVariant(" ); } } int offset = 0; fprintf( out, "%s(", f->name.data() ); Argument* a = f->args->first(); while ( a ) { QCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType; type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); fixRightAngles( &type ); if ( validUType( type ) ) { QCString utype = uType( type ); if ( utype == "ptr" || utype == "varptr" || utype == "enum" ) fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)", type.data(), utype.data(), offset+1 ); else fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)", type.data(), utype.data(), offset+1 ); } else { QCString castType = castToUType( type ); if(castType == type) fprintf( out, "(%s)(*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d)))", type.data(), castType.data(), offset+1 ); else fprintf( out, "(%s)*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d))", type.data(), castType.data(), offset+1 ); } a = f->args->next(); if ( a ) fprintf( out, "," ); offset++; } fprintf( out, ")" ); if ( hasReturnValue ) fprintf( out, ")" ); if ( hasVariantReturn ) fprintf( out, ")" ); fprintf( out, "; break;\n" ); } fprintf( out, " default:\n" ); if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) { fprintf( out, "\treturn %s::qt_invoke( _id, _o );\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); } else { fprintf( out, "\treturn FALSE;\n" ); } fprintf( out, " }\n" ); fprintf( out, " return TRUE;\n}\n" ); } else { if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_invoke(_id,_o);\n}\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); else fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n}\n" ); } // // Generate internal qt_emit() function // fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_emit( int _id, QUObject* _o )\n{\n", qualifiedClassName().data() ); if ( !g->signals.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, " switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->signalOffset() ) {\n" ); int signalindex = -1; for ( f = g->signals.first(); f; f = g->signals.next() ) { signalindex++; if ( f->type == "void" && f->args->isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, " case %d: %s(); break;\n", signalindex, f->name.data() ); continue; } fprintf( out, " case %d: ", signalindex ); bool hasReturnValue = FALSE; if ( f->type != "void" && validUType( f->type )) { hasReturnValue = TRUE; fprintf( out, "static_QUType_%s.set(_o,", uType(f->type).data() ); } int offset = 0; fprintf( out, "%s(", f->name.data() ); Argument* a = f->args->first(); while ( a ) { QCString type = a->leftType + ' ' + a->rightType; type = type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); fixRightAngles( &type ); if ( validUType( type ) ) { QCString utype = uType( type ); if ( utype == "ptr" || utype == "varptr" || utype == "enum" ) fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)", type.data(), utype.data(), offset+1 ); else fprintf( out, "(%s)static_QUType_%s.get(_o+%d)", type.data(), utype.data(), offset+1 ); } else { QCString castType = castToUType( type ); if(castType == type) fprintf( out, "(%s)(*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d)))", type.data(), castType.data(), offset+1 ); else fprintf( out, "(%s)*((%s*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+%d))", type.data(), castType.data(), offset+1 ); } a = f->args->next(); if ( a ) fprintf( out, "," ); offset++; } fprintf( out, ")" ); if ( hasReturnValue ) fprintf( out, ")" ); fprintf( out, "; break;\n" ); } fprintf( out, " default:\n" ); if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) fprintf( out, "\treturn %s::qt_emit(_id,_o);\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); else fprintf( out, "\treturn FALSE;\n" ); fprintf( out, " }\n" ); fprintf( out, " return TRUE;\n}\n" ); } else { if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_emit(_id,_o);\n}\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); else fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n}\n" ); } fprintf( out, "#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); // // Generate internal qt_property() functions // fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_property( int id, int f, QVariant* v)\n{\n", qualifiedClassName().data() ); if ( !g->props.isEmpty() ) { fprintf( out, " switch ( id - staticMetaObject()->propertyOffset() ) {\n" ); int propindex = -1; bool need_resolve = FALSE; for( QPtrListIterator it( g->props ); it.current(); ++it ){ propindex ++; fprintf( out, " case %d: ", propindex ); fprintf( out, "switch( f ) {\n" ); uint flag_break = 0; uint flag_propagate = 0; if ( it.current()->setfunc ) { fprintf( out, "\tcase 0: %s(", it.current()->setfunc->name.data() ); QCString type = it.current()->type.copy(); // detach on purpose if ( it.current()->oredEnum ) type = it.current()->enumsettype; if ( type == "uint" ) fprintf( out, "v->asUInt()" ); else if ( type == "unsigned int" ) fprintf( out, "(uint)v->asUInt()" ); else if ( type == "QMap" ) fprintf( out, "v->asMap()" ); else if ( type == "QValueList" ) fprintf( out, "v->asList()" ); else if ( type == "Q_LLONG" ) fprintf( out, "v->asLongLong()" ); else if ( type == "Q_ULLONG" ) fprintf( out, "v->asULongLong()" ); else if ( isVariantType( type ) ) { if ( type[0] == 'Q' ) type = type.mid(1); else type[0] = toupper( type[0] ); fprintf( out, "v->as%s()", type.data() ); } else { fprintf( out, "(%s&)v->asInt()", type.data() ); } fprintf( out, "); break;\n" ); } else if ( it.current()->override ) { flag_propagate |= 1 << (0+1); } if ( it.current()->getfunc ) { if ( it.current()->gspec == Property::Pointer ) fprintf( out, "\tcase 1: if ( this->%s() ) *v = QVariant( %s*%s()%s ); break;\n", it.current()->getfunc->name.data(), !isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ? "(int)" : "", it.current()->getfunc->name.data(), it.current()->type == "bool" ? ", 0" : "" ); else fprintf( out, "\tcase 1: *v = QVariant( %sthis->%s()%s ); break;\n", !isVariantType( it.current()->type ) ? "(int)" : "", it.current()->getfunc->name.data(), it.current()->type == "bool" ? ", 0" : "" ); } else if ( it.current()->override ) { flag_propagate |= 1<< (1+1); } if ( !it.current()->reset.isEmpty() ) fprintf( out, "\tcase 2: this->%s(); break;\n", it.current()->reset.data() ); if ( it.current()->designable.isEmpty() ) flag_propagate |= 1 << (3+1); else if ( it.current()->designable == "true" ) flag_break |= 1 << (3+1); else if ( it.current()->designable != "false" ) fprintf( out, "\tcase 3: return this->%s();\n", it.current()->designable.data() ); if ( it.current()->scriptable.isEmpty() ) flag_propagate |= 1 << (4+1); else if ( it.current()->scriptable == "true" ) flag_break |= 1 << (4+1); else if ( it.current()->scriptable != "false" ) fprintf( out, "\tcase 4: return this->%s();\n", it.current()->scriptable.data() ); if ( it.current()->stored.isEmpty() ) flag_propagate |= 1 << (5+1); else if ( it.current()->stored == "true" ) flag_break |= 1 << (5+1); else if ( it.current()->stored != "false" ) fprintf( out, "\tcase 5: return this->%s();\n", it.current()->stored.data() ); int i = 0; if ( flag_propagate != 0 ) { fprintf( out, "\t" ); for ( i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) { if ( flag_propagate & (1 << (i+1) ) ) fprintf( out, "case %d: ", i ); } if (!g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) { fprintf( out, "goto resolve;\n" ); need_resolve = TRUE; } else { fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n" ); } } if ( flag_break != 0 ) { fprintf( out, "\t" ); for ( i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) { if ( flag_break & (1 << (i+1) ) ) fprintf( out, "case %d: ", i ); } fprintf( out, "break;\n"); } fprintf( out, "\tdefault: return FALSE;\n } break;\n" ); } fprintf( out, " default:\n" ); if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) fprintf( out, "\treturn %s::qt_property( id, f, v );\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); else fprintf( out, "\treturn FALSE;\n" ); fprintf( out, " }\n" ); fprintf( out, " return TRUE;\n" ); if ( need_resolve ) fprintf( out, "resolve:\n return %s::qt_property( staticMetaObject()->resolveProperty(id), f, v );\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); fprintf( out, "}\n" ); } else { if ( !g->superClassName.isEmpty() && !isQObject ) fprintf( out, " return %s::qt_property( id, f, v);\n}\n", (const char *) purestSuperClassName() ); else fprintf( out, " return FALSE;\n}\n" ); } fprintf( out, "\nbool %s::qt_static_property( QObject* , int , int , QVariant* ){ return FALSE; }\n", qualifiedClassName().data() ); fprintf( out, "#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n" ); } ArgList *addArg( Argument *a ) // add argument to list { if ( (!a->leftType.isEmpty() || !a->rightType.isEmpty() ) ) //filter out truely void arguments tmpArgList->append( a ); return tmpArgList; } void addEnum() { // Avoid duplicates for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->enums ); lit.current(); ++lit ) { if ( lit.current()->name == tmpEnum->name ) { if ( displayWarnings ) moc_err( "Enum %s defined twice.", (const char*)tmpEnum->name ); } } // Only look at types mentioned in Q_ENUMS and Q_SETS if ( g->qtEnums.contains( tmpEnum->name ) || g->qtSets.contains( tmpEnum->name ) ) { g->enums.append( tmpEnum ); if ( g->qtSets.contains( tmpEnum->name ) ) tmpEnum->set = TRUE; else tmpEnum->set = FALSE; } else delete tmpEnum; tmpEnum = new Enum; } void addMember( Member m ) { if ( skipFunc ) { tmpFunc->args = tmpArgList; // just to be sure delete tmpFunc; tmpArgList = new ArgList; // ugly but works tmpFunc = new Function; skipFunc = FALSE; return; } tmpFunc->type = tmpFunc->type.simplifyWhiteSpace(); tmpFunc->access = tmpAccess; tmpFunc->args = tmpArgList; tmpFunc->lineNo = lineNo; for ( ;; ) { g->funcs.append( tmpFunc ); if ( m == SignalMember ) { g->signals.append( tmpFunc ); break; } else { if ( m == SlotMember ) g->slots.append( tmpFunc ); // PropertyCandidateMember or SlotMember if ( !tmpFunc->name.isEmpty() && tmpFunc->access == Public ) g->propfuncs.append( tmpFunc ); if ( !tmpFunc->args || !tmpFunc->args->hasDefaultArguments() ) break; tmpFunc = new Function( *tmpFunc ); tmpFunc->args = tmpFunc->args->magicClone(); } } skipFunc = FALSE; tmpFunc = new Function; tmpArgList = new ArgList; } void checkPropertyName( const char* ident ) { if ( ident[0] == '_' ) { moc_err( "Invalid property name '%s'.", ident ); return; } } #line 3649 "y.tab.c" #define YYABORT goto yyabort #define YYREJECT goto yyabort #define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept #define YYERROR goto yyerrlab int yyparse() { register int yym, yyn, yystate; #if YYDEBUG register char *yys; extern char *getenv(); if (yys = getenv("YYDEBUG")) { yyn = *yys; if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9') yydebug = yyn - '0'; } #endif yynerrs = 0; yyerrflag = 0; yychar = (-1); yyssp = yyss; yyvsp = yyvs; *yyssp = yystate = 0; yyloop: if (yyn = yydefred[yystate]) goto yyreduce; if (yychar < 0) { if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { yys = 0; if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar]; if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol"; printf("%sdebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n", YYPREFIX, yystate, yychar, yys); } #endif } if ((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) printf("%sdebug: state %d, shifting to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, yystate, yytable[yyn]); #endif if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1) { goto yyoverflow; } *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn]; *++yyvsp = yylval; yychar = (-1); if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag; goto yyloop; } if ((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar) { yyn = yytable[yyn]; goto yyreduce; } if (yyerrflag) goto yyinrecovery; #ifdef lint goto yynewerror; #endif yynewerror: yyerror("syntax error"); #ifdef lint goto yyerrlab; #endif yyerrlab: ++yynerrs; yyinrecovery: if (yyerrflag < 3) { yyerrflag = 3; for (;;) { if ((yyn = yysindex[*yyssp]) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == YYERRCODE) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) printf("%sdebug: state %d, error recovery shifting\ to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp, yytable[yyn]); #endif if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1) { goto yyoverflow; } *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn]; *++yyvsp = yylval; goto yyloop; } else { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) printf("%sdebug: error recovery discarding state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp); #endif if (yyssp <= yyss) goto yyabort; --yyssp; --yyvsp; } } } else { if (yychar == 0) goto yyabort; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { yys = 0; if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar]; if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol"; printf("%sdebug: state %d, error recovery discards token %d (%s)\n", YYPREFIX, yystate, yychar, yys); } #endif yychar = (-1); goto yyloop; } yyreduce: #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) printf("%sdebug: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)\n", YYPREFIX, yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]); #endif yym = yylen[yyn]; yyval = yyvsp[1-yym]; switch (yyn) { case 10: #line 821 "moc.y" { enterNameSpace(yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 11: #line 822 "moc.y" { BEGIN IN_NAMESPACE; } break; case 12: #line 824 "moc.y" { leaveNameSpace(); selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 13: #line 829 "moc.y" { enterNameSpace(); } break; case 14: #line 830 "moc.y" { BEGIN IN_NAMESPACE; } break; case 15: #line 832 "moc.y" { leaveNameSpace(); selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 17: #line 841 "moc.y" { selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 18: #line 845 "moc.y" { selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 19: #line 848 "moc.y" { selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 20: #line 849 "moc.y" { selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 21: #line 852 "moc.y" { initClass(); } break; case 22: #line 853 "moc.y" { generateClass(); registerClassInNamespace(); selectOutsideClassState(); } break; case 23: #line 861 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 24: #line 862 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 25: #line 866 "moc.y" { g->tmpExpression = rmWS( g->tmpExpression ); yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-3].string, "<", g->tmpExpression, ">" ); } break; case 26: #line 877 "moc.y" { initExpression(); templLevel = 1; BEGIN IN_TEMPL_ARGS; } break; case 27: #line 890 "moc.y" { initExpression(); BEGIN IN_EXPR; } break; case 28: #line 899 "moc.y" { BEGIN IN_DEF_ARG; } break; case 29: #line 902 "moc.y" { initExpression(); BEGIN IN_ENUM; } break; case 30: #line 908 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 31: #line 909 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 32: #line 910 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 33: #line 911 "moc.y" { skipFunc = TRUE; yyval.string = ""; } break; case 34: #line 912 "moc.y" { skipFunc = TRUE; yyval.string = ""; } break; case 35: #line 916 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-2].string,yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 36: #line 918 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 37: #line 919 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 38: #line 922 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 39: #line 923 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 42: #line 928 "moc.y" { skipFunc = TRUE; } break; case 44: #line 932 "moc.y" { } break; case 45: #line 933 "moc.y" { } break; case 46: #line 936 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "const"; } break; case 47: #line 937 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "volatile"; } break; case 48: #line 940 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 49: #line 941 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 50: #line 942 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 51: #line 946 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 52: #line 947 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 53: #line 950 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "char"; } break; case 54: #line 951 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "short"; } break; case 55: #line 952 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "int"; } break; case 56: #line 953 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "long"; } break; case 57: #line 954 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "signed"; } break; case 58: #line 955 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "unsigned"; } break; case 59: #line 956 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "float"; } break; case 60: #line 957 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "double"; } break; case 61: #line 958 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "void"; } break; case 62: #line 962 "moc.y" { g->tmpExpression = rmWS( g->tmpExpression ); yyval.string = stradd( "template<", g->tmpExpression, ">" ); } break; case 64: #line 968 "moc.y" { templateClassOld = templateClass; templateClass = TRUE; } break; case 65: #line 974 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "class"; } break; case 66: #line 975 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "struct"; } break; case 67: #line 978 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 68: #line 980 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( "::", yyvsp[0].string ); } break; case 69: #line 984 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-2].string, "::", yyvsp[0].string );} break; case 70: #line 985 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 71: #line 989 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 72: #line 990 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd("enum ",yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 73: #line 991 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd("union ",yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 74: #line 996 "moc.y" { yyval.arg_list = yyvsp[-1].arg_list;} break; case 75: #line 997 "moc.y" { yyval.arg_list = yyvsp[-2].arg_list; func_warn("Ellipsis not supported" " in signals and slots.\n" "Ellipsis argument ignored."); } break; case 76: #line 1003 "moc.y" { yyval.arg_list = tmpArgList; } break; case 77: #line 1004 "moc.y" { yyval.arg_list = yyvsp[0].arg_list; } break; case 78: #line 1007 "moc.y" { yyval.arg = 0; } break; case 81: #line 1012 "moc.y" { func_warn("Ellipsis not supported" " in signals and slots.\n" "Ellipsis argument ignored."); } break; case 82: #line 1020 "moc.y" { yyval.arg_list = addArg(yyvsp[0].arg); } break; case 83: #line 1021 "moc.y" { yyval.arg_list = addArg(yyvsp[0].arg); } break; case 84: #line 1025 "moc.y" { yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string),""); } break; case 85: #line 1027 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 86: #line 1029 "moc.y" { yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-4].string,yyvsp[-3].string),"", 0, TRUE ); } break; case 87: #line 1032 "moc.y" { yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-3].string,yyvsp[-2].string),yyvsp[0].string, yyvsp[-1].string); } break; case 88: #line 1035 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 89: #line 1037 "moc.y" { yyval.arg = new Argument(straddSpc(yyvsp[-6].string,yyvsp[-5].string),yyvsp[-3].string, yyvsp[-4].string, TRUE); } break; case 90: #line 1041 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 91: #line 1042 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 92: #line 1046 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 93: #line 1047 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 94: #line 1049 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( "[", g->tmpExpression = g->tmpExpression.stripWhiteSpace(), "]" ); } break; case 95: #line 1052 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 96: #line 1054 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-4].string,"[", g->tmpExpression = g->tmpExpression.stripWhiteSpace(),"]" ); } break; case 97: #line 1057 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 98: #line 1058 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 99: #line 1061 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 100: #line 1063 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string);} break; case 101: #line 1064 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 102: #line 1066 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-4].string,"[", g->tmpExpression = g->tmpExpression.stripWhiteSpace(),"]" ); } break; case 103: #line 1069 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 105: #line 1083 "moc.y" { tmpFunc->args = yyvsp[-6].arg_list; tmpFunc->qualifier = yyvsp[-4].string; } break; case 107: #line 1089 "moc.y" { func_warn("Variable as signal or slot."); } break; case 108: #line 1090 "moc.y" { expLevel=0; } break; case 109: #line 1092 "moc.y" { skipFunc = TRUE; } break; case 110: #line 1093 "moc.y" { expLevel=0; } break; case 111: #line 1095 "moc.y" { skipFunc = TRUE; } break; case 112: #line 1099 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 114: #line 1101 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 116: #line 1106 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 117: #line 1107 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 118: #line 1110 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 119: #line 1111 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string);} break; case 120: #line 1114 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc("*",yyvsp[0].string);} break; case 121: #line 1115 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd("&",yyvsp[0].string);} break; case 122: #line 1122 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 123: #line 1123 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 124: #line 1126 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 125: #line 1128 "moc.y" { yyval.string = straddSpc(yyvsp[-1].string,yyvsp[0].string); } break; case 126: #line 1131 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "const"; } break; case 127: #line 1132 "moc.y" { yyval.string = "volatile"; } break; case 131: #line 1140 "moc.y" { BEGIN IN_FCT; fctLevel = 1;} break; case 132: #line 1141 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; } break; case 133: #line 1148 "moc.y" { BEGIN IN_CLASS; classPLevel = 1; } break; case 134: #line 1152 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; } break; case 135: #line 1153 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; /* -- " -- */ skipClass = TRUE; } break; case 136: #line 1155 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; /* -- " -- */ skipClass = TRUE; } break; case 137: #line 1157 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; /* -- " -- */ skipClass = TRUE; } break; case 138: #line 1161 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; /* catch ';' */ skipClass = TRUE; } break; case 139: #line 1163 "moc.y" { skipClass = TRUE; BEGIN GIMME_SEMICOLON; } break; case 143: #line 1170 "moc.y" { yyval.string = ""; } break; case 145: #line 1176 "moc.y" { g->className = yyvsp[0].string; if ( g->className == "QObject" ) Q_OBJECTdetected = TRUE; } break; case 146: #line 1182 "moc.y" { g->className = yyvsp[0].string; if ( g->className == "QObject" ) Q_OBJECTdetected = TRUE; } break; case 147: #line 1189 "moc.y" { g->superClassName = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 148: #line 1194 "moc.y" { templateClass = templateClassOld; } break; case 157: #line 1217 "moc.y" { expLevel = 1; } break; case 159: #line 1222 "moc.y" { yyval.string = 0; } break; case 160: #line 1223 "moc.y" { yyval.string = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 165: #line 1235 "moc.y" { tmpAccess = yyvsp[0].access; } break; case 166: #line 1236 "moc.y" { moc_err( "Missing access specifier" " before \"slots:\"." ); } break; case 167: #line 1240 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; } break; case 169: #line 1242 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; } break; case 171: #line 1244 "moc.y" { if ( tmpAccess ) moc_warn("Q_OBJECT is not in the private" " section of the class.\n" "Q_OBJECT is a macro that resets" " access permission to \"private\"."); Q_OBJECTdetected = TRUE; } break; case 172: #line 1252 "moc.y" { tmpYYStart = YY_START; tmpPropOverride = FALSE; BEGIN IN_PROPERTY; } break; case 173: #line 1255 "moc.y" { BEGIN tmpYYStart; } break; case 175: #line 1259 "moc.y" { tmpYYStart = YY_START; tmpPropOverride = TRUE; BEGIN IN_PROPERTY; } break; case 176: #line 1262 "moc.y" { BEGIN tmpYYStart; } break; case 178: #line 1266 "moc.y" { tmpYYStart = YY_START; BEGIN IN_CLASSINFO; } break; case 179: #line 1268 "moc.y" { g->infos.append( new ClassInfo( yyvsp[-3].string, yyvsp[-1].string ) ); BEGIN tmpYYStart; } break; case 181: #line 1273 "moc.y" { tmpYYStart = YY_START; BEGIN IN_PROPERTY; } break; case 182: #line 1274 "moc.y" { Q_PROPERTYdetected = TRUE; BEGIN tmpYYStart; } break; case 184: #line 1279 "moc.y" { tmpYYStart = YY_START; BEGIN IN_PROPERTY; } break; case 185: #line 1280 "moc.y" { Q_PROPERTYdetected = TRUE; BEGIN tmpYYStart; } break; case 187: #line 1287 "moc.y" { moc_err( "Signals cannot " "have access specifiers" ); } break; case 189: #line 1290 "moc.y" { if ( tmpAccess == Public && Q_PROPERTYdetected ) BEGIN QT_DEF; else BEGIN IN_CLASS; suppress_func_warn = TRUE; } break; case 190: #line 1297 "moc.y" { suppress_func_warn = FALSE; } break; case 191: #line 1300 "moc.y" { BEGIN IN_CLASS; if ( classPLevel != 1 ) moc_warn( "unexpected access" "specifier" ); } break; case 196: #line 1315 "moc.y" { addMember( PropertyCandidateMember ); } break; case 201: #line 1327 "moc.y" { addMember( SignalMember ); } break; case 206: #line 1338 "moc.y" { addMember( SlotMember ); } break; case 209: #line 1345 "moc.y" { yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 210: #line 1348 "moc.y" { g->multipleSuperClasses.append( yyvsp[0].string ); } break; case 212: #line 1353 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-3].string, "(", yyvsp[-1].string, ")" ); } break; case 213: #line 1355 "moc.y" { yyval.string = stradd( yyvsp[-3].string, "(", yyvsp[-1].string, ")" ); } break; case 214: #line 1358 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 215: #line 1359 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 216: #line 1360 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 217: #line 1361 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 218: #line 1362 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 219: #line 1363 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 220: #line 1364 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 221: #line 1365 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 222: #line 1366 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 223: #line 1367 "moc.y" {yyval.string=yyvsp[0].string;} break; case 224: #line 1370 "moc.y" { yyval.access=Private; } break; case 225: #line 1371 "moc.y" { yyval.access=Protected; } break; case 226: #line 1372 "moc.y" { yyval.access=Public; } break; case 227: #line 1375 "moc.y" { } break; case 228: #line 1376 "moc.y" { } break; case 270: #line 1424 "moc.y" { tmpFunc->type = yyvsp[-1].string; tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 271: #line 1427 "moc.y" { tmpFunc->type = "int"; tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; if ( tmpFunc->name == g->className ) func_warn( "Constructors cannot be" " signals or slots."); } break; case 272: #line 1434 "moc.y" { tmpFunc->type = "void"; tmpFunc->name = "~"; tmpFunc->name += yyvsp[0].string; func_warn( "Destructors cannot be" " signals or slots."); } break; case 273: #line 1442 "moc.y" { char *tmp = straddSpc(yyvsp[-4].string,yyvsp[-3].string,yyvsp[-2].string,yyvsp[-1].string); tmpFunc->type = rmWS(tmp); delete [] tmp; tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 274: #line 1449 "moc.y" { skipFunc = TRUE; } break; case 275: #line 1451 "moc.y" { tmpFunc->type = straddSpc(yyvsp[-2].string,yyvsp[-1].string); tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 276: #line 1456 "moc.y" { tmpFunc->type = straddSpc(yyvsp[-3].string,yyvsp[-2].string,yyvsp[-1].string); tmpFunc->name = yyvsp[0].string; } break; case 277: #line 1460 "moc.y" { operatorError(); } break; case 278: #line 1462 "moc.y" { operatorError(); } break; case 279: #line 1465 "moc.y" { operatorError(); } break; case 280: #line 1467 "moc.y" { operatorError(); } break; case 281: #line 1470 "moc.y" { operatorError(); } break; case 283: #line 1476 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected variable declaration."); } break; case 284: #line 1479 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected variable declaration."); } break; case 285: #line 1481 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected enum declaration."); } break; case 286: #line 1483 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected using declaration."); } break; case 287: #line 1485 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected using declaration."); } break; case 288: #line 1487 "moc.y" { classPLevel++; moc_err("Unexpected namespace declaration."); } break; case 289: #line 1490 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected class declaration.");} break; case 290: #line 1492 "moc.y" { func_warn("Unexpected class declaration."); BEGIN IN_FCT; fctLevel=1; } break; case 291: #line 1495 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; } break; case 295: #line 1504 "moc.y" { } break; case 296: #line 1505 "moc.y" { expLevel = 0; } break; case 298: #line 1507 "moc.y" { expLevel = 0; } break; case 301: #line 1512 "moc.y" { expLevel = 0; } break; case 306: #line 1527 "moc.y" { BEGIN QT_DEF; if ( tmpAccess == Public) { tmpEnum->name = yyvsp[-4].string; addEnum(); } } break; case 307: #line 1534 "moc.y" { tmpEnum->clear();} break; case 309: #line 1538 "moc.y" { } break; case 313: #line 1546 "moc.y" { if ( tmpAccess == Public) tmpEnum->append( yyvsp[0].string ); } break; case 314: #line 1547 "moc.y" { enumLevel=0; } break; case 315: #line 1548 "moc.y" { if ( tmpAccess == Public) tmpEnum->append( yyvsp[-3].string ); } break; case 316: #line 1552 "moc.y" { g->propWrite = ""; g->propRead = ""; g->propOverride = tmpPropOverride; g->propReset = ""; if ( g->propOverride ) { g->propStored = ""; g->propDesignable = ""; g->propScriptable = ""; } else { g->propStored = "true"; g->propDesignable = "true"; g->propScriptable = "true"; } } break; case 317: #line 1568 "moc.y" { if ( g->propRead.isEmpty() && !g->propOverride ) moc_err( "A property must at least feature a read method." ); checkPropertyName( yyvsp[-2].string ); Q_PROPERTYdetected = TRUE; /* Avoid duplicates*/ for( QPtrListIterator lit( g->props ); lit.current(); ++lit ) { if ( lit.current()->name == yyvsp[-2].string ) { if ( displayWarnings ) moc_err( "Property '%s' defined twice.", (const char*)lit.current()->name ); } } g->props.append( new Property( lineNo, yyvsp[-3].string, yyvsp[-2].string, g->propWrite, g->propRead, g->propReset, g->propStored, g->propDesignable, g->propScriptable, g->propOverride ) ); } break; case 319: #line 1589 "moc.y" { g->propRead = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 320: #line 1590 "moc.y" { g->propWrite = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 321: #line 1591 "moc.y" { g->propReset = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 322: #line 1592 "moc.y" { g->propStored = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 323: #line 1593 "moc.y" { g->propDesignable = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 324: #line 1594 "moc.y" { g->propScriptable = yyvsp[-1].string; } break; case 325: #line 1597 "moc.y" { } break; case 326: #line 1598 "moc.y" { g->qtEnums.append( yyvsp[-1].string ); } break; case 327: #line 1601 "moc.y" { } break; case 328: #line 1602 "moc.y" { g->qtSets.append( yyvsp[-1].string ); } break; #line 4759 "y.tab.c" } yyssp -= yym; yystate = *yyssp; yyvsp -= yym; yym = yylhs[yyn]; if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) printf("%sdebug: after reduction, shifting from state 0 to\ state %d\n", YYPREFIX, YYFINAL); #endif yystate = YYFINAL; *++yyssp = YYFINAL; *++yyvsp = yyval; if (yychar < 0) { if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { yys = 0; if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar]; if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol"; printf("%sdebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n", YYPREFIX, YYFINAL, yychar, yys); } #endif } if (yychar == 0) goto yyaccept; goto yyloop; } if ((yyn = yygindex[yym]) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yystate) yystate = yytable[yyn]; else yystate = yydgoto[yym]; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) printf("%sdebug: after reduction, shifting from state %d \ to state %d\n", YYPREFIX, *yyssp, yystate); #endif if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1) { goto yyoverflow; } *++yyssp = yystate; *++yyvsp = yyval; goto yyloop; yyoverflow: yyerror("yacc stack overflow"); yyabort: return (1); yyaccept: return (0); }