path: root/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.h
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1 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.h b/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.h
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index 0000000..1444bd2
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+++ b/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.h
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+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <>,
+ Chris Cannam <>,
+ Richard Bown <>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#ifndef _RG_LINEDSTAFF_H_
+#define _RG_LINEDSTAFF_H_
+#include "base/Event.h"
+#include "base/FastVector.h"
+#include "base/Staff.h"
+#include "base/ViewElement.h"
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+class QCanvasLine;
+class QCanvasItem;
+class QCanvas;
+class isFirstBarInRow;
+class barNo;
+namespace Rosegarden
+class BarLine;
+class TimeSignature;
+class SnapGrid;
+class Segment;
+class HorizontalLayoutEngine;
+class Event;
+ * LinedStaff is a base class for implementations of Staff that
+ * display the contents of a Segment on a set of horizontal lines
+ * with optional vertical bar lines.
+ * Likely subclasses include the notation and piano-roll staffs.
+ *
+ * In general, this class handles x coordinates in floating-point,
+ * but y-coordinates as integers because of the requirement that
+ * staff lines be a precise integral distance apart.
+ */
+class LinedStaff : public Staff
+ typedef std::pair<double, int> LinedStaffCoords;
+ enum PageMode {
+ LinearMode = 0,
+ ContinuousPageMode,
+ MultiPageMode
+ };
+ enum BarStyle {
+ PlainBar = 0,
+ DoubleBar,
+ HeavyDoubleBar,
+ RepeatEndBar,
+ RepeatStartBar,
+ RepeatBothBar,
+ NoVisibleBar
+ };
+ /**
+ * Create a new LinedStaff for the given Segment, with a
+ * linear layout.
+ *
+ * \a id is an arbitrary id for the staff in its view,
+ * not used within the LinedStaff implementation but
+ * queryable via getId
+ *
+ * \a resolution is the number of blank pixels between
+ * staff lines
+ *
+ * \a lineThickness is the number of pixels thick a
+ * staff line should be
+ */
+ LinedStaff(QCanvas *, Segment *, SnapGrid *,
+ int id, int resolution, int lineThickness);
+ /**
+ * Create a new LinedStaff for the given Segment, with a
+ * page layout.
+ *
+ * \a id is an arbitrary id for the staff in its view,
+ * not used within the LinedStaff implementation but
+ * queryable via getId
+ *
+ * \a resolution is the number of blank pixels between
+ * staff lines
+ *
+ * \a lineThickness is the number of pixels thick a
+ * staff line should be
+ *
+ * \a pageWidth is the width of a page, to determine
+ * when to break lines for page layout
+ *
+ * \a rowsPerPage is the number of rows to a page, or zero
+ * for a single continuous page
+ *
+ * \a rowSpacing is the distance in pixels between
+ * the tops of consecutive rows on this staff
+ */
+ LinedStaff(QCanvas *, Segment *, SnapGrid *,
+ int id, int resolution, int lineThickness,
+ double pageWidth, int rowsPerPage, int rowSpacing);
+ /**
+ * Create a new LinedStaff for the given Segment, with
+ * either page or linear layout.
+ */
+ LinedStaff(QCanvas *, Segment *, SnapGrid *,
+ int id, int resolution, int lineThickness, PageMode pageMode,
+ double pageWidth, int rowsPerPage, int rowSpacing);
+ virtual ~LinedStaff();
+ // Methods required to define the type of staff this is
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of visible staff lines
+ */
+ virtual int getLineCount() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of invisible staff lines
+ * to leave space for above (and below) the visible staff
+ */
+ virtual int getLegerLineCount() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the height-on-staff value for
+ * the bottom visible staff line (a shorthand means for
+ * referring to staff lines)
+ */
+ virtual int getBottomLineHeight() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the difference between the height-on-
+ * staff value of one visible staff line and the next one
+ * above it
+ */
+ virtual int getHeightPerLine() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the height-on-staff value for the top visible
+ * staff line. This is deliberately not virtual.
+ */
+ int getTopLineHeight() const {
+ return getBottomLineHeight() +
+ (getLineCount() - 1) * getHeightPerLine();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if elements fill the spaces between lines,
+ * false if elements can fall on lines. If true, the lines
+ * will be displaced vertically by half a line spacing.
+ */
+ virtual bool elementsInSpaces() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the staff should draw a faint vertical line at
+ * each beat, in between the (darker) bar lines.
+ */
+ virtual bool showBeatLines() const {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of bars between bar-line numbers, or zero if
+ * bar lines should not be numbered. For example, if this
+ * function returns 5, every 5th bar (starting at bar 5) will be
+ * numbered.
+ */
+ virtual int showBarNumbersEvery() const {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the bar line / repeat style for the start of the given bar.
+ */
+ virtual BarStyle getBarStyle(int /* barNo */) const {
+ return PlainBar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the distance the opening (repeat) bar is inset from the
+ * nominal barline position. This is to accommodate the situation
+ * where a repeat bar has to appear after the clef and key.
+ */
+ virtual double getBarInset(int /* barNo */, bool /* isFirstBarInRow */) const {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this
+ virtual void setResolution(int resolution);
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this
+ virtual void setLineThickness(int lineThickness);
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this
+ virtual void setPageMode(PageMode pageMode);
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this
+ virtual void setPageWidth(double pageWidth);
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this
+ virtual void setRowsPerPage(int rowsPerPage);
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this
+ virtual void setRowSpacing(int rowSpacing);
+ /// Subclass may wish to expose this. Default is zero
+ virtual void setConnectingLineLength(int length);
+ /**
+ * Return the id of the staff. This is only useful to external
+ * agents, it isn't used by the LinedStaff itself.
+ */
+ virtual int getId() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the canvas x-coordinate of the left-hand end of the staff.
+ * This does not move any canvas items that have already been
+ * created; it should be called before the sizeStaff/positionElements
+ * procedure begins.
+ */
+ virtual void setX(double x);
+ /**
+ * Get the canvas x-coordinate of the left-hand end of the staff.
+ */
+ virtual double getX() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the canvas y-coordinate of the top of the first staff row.
+ * This does not move any canvas items that have already been
+ * created; it should be called before the sizeStaff/positionElements
+ * procedure begins.
+ */
+ virtual void setY(int y);
+ /**
+ * Get the canvas y-coordinate of the top of the first staff row.
+ */
+ virtual int getY() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the canvas width of the margin to left and right of the
+ * staff on each page (used only in MultiPageMode). Each staff
+ * row will still be pageWidth wide (that is, the margin is in
+ * addition to the pageWidth, not included in it). This does not
+ * move any canvas items that have already been created; it should
+ * be called before the sizeStaff/positionElements procedure
+ * begins.
+ */
+ virtual void setMargin(double m);
+ /**
+ * Get the canvas width of the left and right margins.
+ */
+ virtual double getMargin() const;
+ /**
+ * Set the canvas height of the area at the top of the first page
+ * reserved for the composition title and composer's name (used
+ * only in MultiPageMode).
+ */
+ virtual void setTitleHeight(int h);
+ /**
+ * Get the canvas height of the title area.
+ */
+ virtual int getTitleHeight() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the width of the entire staff after layout. Call
+ * this only after you've done the full sizeStaff/positionElements
+ * procedure.
+ */
+ virtual double getTotalWidth() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the height of the entire staff after layout. Call
+ * this only after you've done the full sizeStaff/positionElements
+ * procedure. If there are multiple rows, this will be the
+ * height of all rows, including any space between rows that
+ * is used to display other staffs.
+ */
+ virtual int getTotalHeight() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the total number of pages used by the staff.
+ */
+ int getPageCount() const {
+ if (m_pageMode != MultiPageMode) return 1;
+ else return 1 + (getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX) / getRowsPerPage());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the difference between the y coordinates of
+ * neighbouring visible staff lines. Deliberately non-virtual
+ */
+ int getLineSpacing() const {
+ return m_resolution + m_lineThickness;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the total height of a single staff row, including ruler
+ */
+ virtual int getHeightOfRow() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the given canvas coordinates fall within
+ * (any of the rows of) this staff. False if they fall in the
+ * gap between two rows.
+ */
+ virtual bool containsCanvasCoords(double canvasX, int canvasY) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the canvas y coordinate of the specified line on the
+ * staff. baseX/baseY are a canvas coordinates somewhere on the
+ * correct row, or -1 for the default row.
+ */
+ virtual int getCanvasYForHeight(int height, double baseX = -1, int baseY = -1) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the y coordinate of the specified line on the
+ * staff, relative to the top of the row.
+ */
+ virtual int getLayoutYForHeight(int height) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the height-on-staff value nearest to the given
+ * canvas coordinates.
+ */
+ virtual int getHeightAtCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the full width, height and origin of the bar containing
+ * the given canvas cooordinates.
+ */
+ virtual QRect getBarExtents(double x, int y) const;
+ /**
+ * Set whether this is the current staff or not. A staff that is
+ * current will differ visually from non-current staffs.
+ *
+ * The owner of the staffs should normally ensure that one staff
+ * is current (the default is non-current, even if there only is
+ * one staff) and that only one staff is current at once.
+ */
+ virtual void setCurrent(bool current);
+ /**
+ * Move the playback pointer to the layout-X coordinate
+ * corresponding to the given time, and show it.
+ */
+ virtual void setPointerPosition
+ (HorizontalLayoutEngine&, timeT);
+ /**
+ * Move the playback pointer to the layout-X coordinate
+ * corresponding to the given canvas coordinates, and show it.
+ */
+ virtual void setPointerPosition(double x, int y);
+ /**
+ * Move the playback pointer to the given layout-X
+ * coordinate, and show it.
+ */
+ virtual void setPointerPosition(double x);
+ /**
+ * Returns the layout-X coordinate corresponding to the current
+ * position of the playback pointer.
+ */
+ virtual double getLayoutXOfPointer() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the canvas coordinates of the top of the playback
+ * pointer.
+ */
+ virtual void getPointerPosition(double &x, int &y) const;
+ /**
+ * Hide the playback pointer.
+ */
+ virtual void hidePointer();
+ /**
+ * Move the insertion cursor to the layout-X coordinate
+ * corresponding to the given time, and show it.
+ */
+ virtual void setInsertCursorPosition(HorizontalLayoutEngine&, timeT);
+ /**
+ * Move the insertion cursor to the layout-X coordinate
+ * corresponding to the given canvas coordinates, and show it.
+ */
+ virtual void setInsertCursorPosition(double x, int y);
+ /**
+ * Returns the layout-X coordinate corresponding to the current
+ * position of the insertion cursor. Returns -1 if this staff
+ * is not current or there is some other problem.
+ */
+ virtual double getLayoutXOfInsertCursor() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the time of the insert cursor.
+ */
+ virtual timeT getInsertCursorTime(HorizontalLayoutEngine&) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the canvas coordinates of the top of the insert
+ * cursor.
+ */
+ virtual void getInsertCursorPosition(double &x, int &y) const;
+ /**
+ * Hide the insert cursor.
+ */
+ virtual void hideInsertCursor();
+ /**
+ * Query the given horizontal layout object (which is assumed to
+ * have just completed its layout procedure) to determine the
+ * required extents of the staff and the positions of the bars,
+ * and create the bars and staff lines accordingly. It may be
+ * called either before or after renderElements and/or
+ * positionElements.
+ *
+ * No bars or staff lines will appear unless this method has
+ * been called.
+ */
+ virtual void sizeStaff(HorizontalLayoutEngine& layout);
+ /**
+ * Generate or re-generate sprites for all the elements between
+ * from and to. See subclasses for specific detailed comments.
+ *
+ * A very simplistic staff subclass may choose not to
+ * implement this (the default implementation is empty) and to
+ * do all the rendering work in positionElements. If rendering
+ * elements is slow, however, it makes sense to do it here
+ * because this method may be called less often.
+ */
+ virtual void renderElements(ViewElementList::iterator from,
+ ViewElementList::iterator to);
+ /**
+ * Call renderElements(from, to) on the whole staff.
+ */
+ virtual void renderAllElements();
+ /**
+ * Assign suitable coordinates to the elements on the staff
+ * between the start and end times, based entirely on the layout
+ * X and Y coordinates they were given by the horizontal and
+ * vertical layout processes.
+ *
+ * The implementation is free to render any elements it
+ * chooses in this method as well.
+ */
+ virtual void positionElements(timeT from,
+ timeT to) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Call positionElements(from, to) on the whole staff.
+ */
+ virtual void positionAllElements();
+ /* Some optional methods for the subclass. */
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing to the nearest view element to the
+ * given canvas coordinates.
+ *
+ * If notesAndRestsOnly is true, do not return any view element
+ * other than a note or rest.
+ *
+ * If the closest view element is further away than
+ * proximityThreshold pixels in either x or y axis, return end().
+ * If proximityThreshold is less than zero, treat it as infinite.
+ *
+ * Also return the clef and key in force at these coordinates.
+ *
+ * The default implementation should suit for subclasses that only
+ * show a single element per layout X coordinate.
+ */
+ virtual ViewElementList::iterator getClosestElementToCanvasCoords
+ (double x, int y,
+ Event *&clef, Event *&key,
+ bool notesAndRestsOnly = false, int proximityThreshold = 10) {
+ LinedStaffCoords layoutCoords = getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(x, y);
+ return getClosestElementToLayoutX
+ (layoutCoords.first, clef, key,
+ notesAndRestsOnly, proximityThreshold);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing to the nearest view element to the
+ * given layout x-coordinate.
+ *
+ * If notesAndRestsOnly is true, do not return any view element
+ * other than a note or rest.
+ *
+ * If the closest view element is further away than
+ * proximityThreshold pixels in either x or y axis, return end().
+ * If proximityThreshold is less than zero, treat it as infinite.
+ *
+ * Also return the clef and key in force at these coordinates.
+ *
+ * The subclass may decide whether to implement this method or not
+ * based on the semantics and intended usage of the class.
+ */
+ virtual ViewElementList::iterator getClosestElementToLayoutX
+ (double x,
+ Event *&clef, Event *&key,
+ bool notesAndRestsOnly = false, int proximityThreshold = 10) {
+ return getViewElementList()->end();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing to the element "under" the given
+ * canvas coordinates.
+ *
+ * Return end() if there is no such element.
+ *
+ * Also return the clef and key in force at these coordinates.
+ *
+ *
+ * The default implementation should suit for subclasses that only
+ * show a single element per layout X coordinate.
+ */
+ virtual ViewElementList::iterator getElementUnderCanvasCoords
+ (double x, int y, Event *&clef, Event *&key) {
+ LinedStaffCoords layoutCoords = getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(x, y);
+ return getElementUnderLayoutX(layoutCoords.first, clef, key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an iterator pointing to the element "under" the given
+ * canvas coordinates.
+ *
+ * Return end() if there is no such element.
+ *
+ * Also return the clef and key in force at these coordinates.
+ *
+ * The subclass may decide whether to implement this method or not
+ * based on the semantics and intended usage of the class.
+ */
+ virtual ViewElementList::iterator getElementUnderLayoutX
+ (double x, Event *&clef, Event *&key) {
+ return getViewElementList()->end();
+ }
+ // The default implementation of the following is empty. The
+ // subclass is presumed to know what the staff's name is and
+ // where to put it; this is simply called at some point during
+ // the staff-drawing process.
+ virtual void drawStaffName();
+ // This should not really be public -- it should be one of the
+ // protected methods below -- but we have some code that needs
+ // it and hasn't been supplied with a proper way to do without.
+ // Please try to avoid calling this method.
+ //!!! fix NotationView::doDeferredCursorMove
+ // This should not really be public -- it should be one of the
+ // protected methods below -- but we have some code that needs
+ // it and hasn't been supplied with a proper way to do without.
+ // Please try to avoid calling this method.
+ //!!! fix NotationView::getStaffForCanvasCoords
+ LinedStaffCoords
+ getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const;
+ // This should not really be public -- it should be one of the
+ // protected methods below -- but we have some code that needs
+ // it and hasn't been supplied with a proper way to do without.
+ // Please try to avoid calling this method.
+ //!!! fix NotationView::scrollToTime
+ LinedStaffCoords
+ getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(double x, int y) const;//!!!
+ // This should not really be public -- it should be one of the
+ // protected methods below -- but we have some code that needs
+ // it and hasn't been supplied with a proper way to do without.
+ // Please try to avoid calling this method.
+ //!!! fix NotationView::print etc
+ int getRowSpacing() { return m_rowSpacing; }
+ // Methods that the subclass may (indeed, should) use to convert
+ // between the layout coordinates of elements and their canvas
+ // coordinates. These are deliberately not virtual.
+ // Note that even linear-layout staffs have multiple rows; their
+ // rows all have the same y coordinate but increasing x
+ // coordinates, instead of the other way around. (The only reason
+ // for this is that it seems to be more efficient from the QCanvas
+ // perspective to create and manipulate many relatively short
+ // canvas lines rather than a smaller number of very long ones.)
+ int getTopLineOffset() const {
+ return getLineSpacing() * getLegerLineCount();
+ }
+ int getBarLineHeight() const {
+ return getLineSpacing() * (getLineCount() - 1) + m_lineThickness;
+ }
+ int getRowForLayoutX(double x) const {
+ return (int)(x / m_pageWidth);
+ }
+ int getRowForCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const;
+ int getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(int row = -1) const;
+ int getCanvasYForTopLine(int row = -1) const {
+ return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) + getTopLineOffset();
+ }
+ double getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(int row) const;
+ double getCanvasXForRightOfRow(int row) const {
+ return getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(row) + m_pageWidth;
+ }
+ LinedStaffCoords
+ getCanvasOffsetsForLayoutCoords(double x, int y) const {
+ LinedStaffCoords cc = getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(x, y);
+ return LinedStaffCoords(cc.first - x, cc.second - y);
+ }
+ double getCanvasXForLayoutX(double x) const;
+ int getRowsPerPage() const {
+ return m_rowsPerPage;
+ }
+ // Actual implementation methods. The default implementation
+ // shows staff lines, connecting lines (where appropriate) and bar
+ // lines, but does not show time signatures. To see time
+ // signatures, override the deleteTimeSignatures and
+ // insertTimeSignature methods. For repeated clefs and keys at
+ // the start of each row, override deleteRepeatedClefsAndKeys
+ // and insertRepeatedClefAndKey, but note that your layout class
+ // will need to allot the space for them separately.
+ virtual void resizeStaffLines();
+ virtual void clearStaffLineRow(int row);
+ virtual void resizeStaffLineRow(int row, double offset, double length);
+ virtual void deleteBars();
+ virtual void insertBar(double layoutX, double width, bool isCorrect,
+ const TimeSignature &,
+ int barNo, bool showBarNo);
+ // The default implementations of the following two are empty.
+ virtual void deleteTimeSignatures();
+ virtual void insertTimeSignature(double layoutX,
+ const TimeSignature &);
+ // The default implementations of the following two are empty.
+ virtual void deleteRepeatedClefsAndKeys();
+ virtual void insertRepeatedClefAndKey(double layoutX, int barNo);
+ void initCursors();
+ //--------------- Data members ---------------------------------
+ QCanvas *m_canvas;
+ SnapGrid *m_snapGrid;
+ int m_id;
+ double m_x;
+ int m_y;
+ double m_margin;
+ int m_titleHeight;
+ int m_resolution;
+ int m_lineThickness;
+ PageMode m_pageMode;
+ double m_pageWidth;
+ int m_rowsPerPage;
+ int m_rowSpacing;
+ int m_connectingLineLength;
+ double m_startLayoutX;
+ double m_endLayoutX;
+ bool m_current;
+ typedef std::vector<QCanvasItem *> ItemList;
+ typedef std::vector<ItemList> ItemMatrix;
+ ItemMatrix m_staffLines;
+ ItemList m_staffConnectingLines;
+ typedef std::pair<double, QCanvasItem *> LineRec; // layout-x, line
+ typedef FastVector<LineRec> LineRecList;
+ typedef FastVector<BarLine *> BarLineList;//!!! should be multiset I reckon
+ static bool compareBars(const BarLine *, const BarLine *);
+ static bool compareBarToLayoutX(const BarLine *, int);
+ BarLineList m_barLines;
+ LineRecList m_beatLines;
+ LineRecList m_barConnectingLines;
+ ItemList m_barNumbers;
+ QCanvasLine *m_pointer;
+ QCanvasLine *m_insertCursor;
+ timeT m_insertCursorTime;
+ bool m_insertCursorTimeValid;