/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "NoteInserter.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include #include "base/BaseProperties.h" #include #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "document/ConfigGroups.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/Staff.h" #include "base/ViewElement.h" #include "commands/notation/NoteInsertionCommand.h" #include "commands/notation/RestInsertionCommand.h" #include "commands/notation/TupletCommand.h" #include "gui/general/EditTool.h" #include "gui/general/LinedStaff.h" #include "gui/general/RosegardenCanvasView.h" #include "NotationProperties.h" #include "NotationStrings.h" #include "NotationTool.h" #include "NotationView.h" #include "NotationStaff.h" #include "NotePixmapFactory.h" #include "NoteStyleFactory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { NoteInserter::NoteInserter(NotationView* view) : NotationTool("NoteInserter", view), m_noteType(Note::Quaver), m_noteDots(0), m_autoBeam(true), m_accidental(Accidentals::NoAccidental), m_lastAccidental(Accidentals::NoAccidental), m_followAccidental(false) { TQIconSet icon; KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(NotationViewConfigGroup); m_autoBeam = config->readBoolEntry("autobeam", true); m_matrixInsertType = (config->readNumEntry("inserttype", 0) > 0); m_defaultStyle = qstrtostr(config->readEntry ("style", strtoqstr(NoteStyleFactory::DefaultStyle))); KToggleAction *autoBeamAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Auto-Beam when appropriate"), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAutoBeam()), actionCollection(), "toggle_auto_beam"); autoBeamAction->setChecked(m_autoBeam); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { icon = TQIconSet (NotePixmapFactory::toTQPixmap(NotePixmapFactory:: makeToolbarPixmap(m_actionsAccidental[i][3]))); KRadioAction* noteAction = new KRadioAction(i18n(m_actionsAccidental[i][0]), icon, 0, this, m_actionsAccidental[i][1], actionCollection(), m_actionsAccidental[i][2]); noteAction->setExclusiveGroup("accidentals"); } icon = TQIconSet (NotePixmapFactory::toTQPixmap(NotePixmapFactory:: makeToolbarPixmap("dotted-crotchet"))); new KToggleAction(i18n("Dotted note"), icon, 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleDot()), actionCollection(), "toggle_dot"); icon = TQIconSet(NotePixmapFactory::toTQPixmap(NotePixmapFactory:: makeToolbarPixmap("select"))); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Select Tool"), icon, 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotSelectSelected()), actionCollection(), "select"); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Erase Tool"), "eraser", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotEraseSelected()), actionCollection(), "erase"); icon = TQIconSet (NotePixmapFactory::toTQPixmap(NotePixmapFactory:: makeToolbarPixmap("rest-crotchet"))); new KAction(i18n("Switch to Inserting Rests"), icon, 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotRestsSelected()), actionCollection(), "rests"); createMenu("noteinserter.rc"); connect(m_parentView, TQT_SIGNAL(changeAccidental(Accidental, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSetAccidental(Accidental, bool))); } NoteInserter::NoteInserter(const TQString& menuName, NotationView* view) : NotationTool(menuName, view), m_noteType(Note::Quaver), m_noteDots(0), m_autoBeam(false), m_clickHappened(false), m_accidental(Accidentals::NoAccidental), m_lastAccidental(Accidentals::NoAccidental), m_followAccidental(false) { connect(m_parentView, TQT_SIGNAL(changeAccidental(Accidental, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSetAccidental(Accidental, bool))); } NoteInserter::~NoteInserter() {} void NoteInserter::ready() { m_clickHappened = false; m_nParentView->setCanvasCursor(TQt::crossCursor); m_nParentView->setHeightTracking(true); } void NoteInserter::handleLeftButtonPress(timeT, int, int staffNo, TQMouseEvent* e, ViewElement*) { if (staffNo < 0) return ; computeLocationAndPreview(e); } int NoteInserter::handleMouseMove(timeT, int, TQMouseEvent *e) { if (m_clickHappened) { computeLocationAndPreview(e); } return RosegardenCanvasView::NoFollow; } void NoteInserter::handleMouseRelease(timeT, int, TQMouseEvent *e) { if (!m_clickHappened) return ; bool okay = computeLocationAndPreview(e); m_clickHappened = false; if (!okay) return ; clearPreview(); Note note(m_noteType, m_noteDots); timeT endTime = m_clickTime + note.getDuration(); Segment &segment = m_nParentView->getStaff(m_clickStaffNo)->getSegment(); Segment::iterator realEnd = segment.findTime(endTime); if (!segment.isBeforeEndMarker( realEnd) || !segment.isBeforeEndMarker(++realEnd)) { endTime = segment.getEndMarkerTime(); } else { endTime = std::max(endTime, (*realEnd)->getNotationAbsoluteTime()); } Event *lastInsertedEvent = doAddCommand (segment, m_clickTime, endTime, note, m_clickPitch, (m_accidental == Accidentals::NoAccidental && m_followAccidental) ? m_lastAccidental : m_accidental); if (lastInsertedEvent) { m_nParentView->setSingleSelectedEvent (m_clickStaffNo, lastInsertedEvent); if (m_nParentView->isInChordMode()) { m_nParentView->slotSetInsertCursorAndRecentre (lastInsertedEvent->getAbsoluteTime(), e->x(), (int)e->y(), false); } else { m_nParentView->slotSetInsertCursorAndRecentre (lastInsertedEvent->getAbsoluteTime() + lastInsertedEvent->getDuration(), e->x(), (int)e->y(), false); } } } void NoteInserter::insertNote(Segment &segment, timeT insertionTime, int pitch, Accidental accidental, bool suppressPreview) { Note note(m_noteType, m_noteDots); timeT endTime = insertionTime + note.getDuration(); Segment::iterator realEnd = segment.findTime(endTime); if (!segment.isBeforeEndMarker( realEnd) || !segment.isBeforeEndMarker(++realEnd)) { endTime = segment.getEndMarkerTime(); } else { endTime = std::max(endTime, (*realEnd)->getNotationAbsoluteTime()); } Event *lastInsertedEvent = doAddCommand (segment, insertionTime, endTime, note, pitch, accidental); if (lastInsertedEvent) { m_nParentView->setSingleSelectedEvent(segment, lastInsertedEvent); if (m_nParentView->isInChordMode()) { m_nParentView->slotSetInsertCursorPosition (lastInsertedEvent->getAbsoluteTime(), true, false); } else { m_nParentView->slotSetInsertCursorPosition (lastInsertedEvent->getAbsoluteTime() + lastInsertedEvent->getDuration(), true, false); } } if (!suppressPreview) m_nParentView->playNote(segment, pitch); } bool NoteInserter::computeLocationAndPreview(TQMouseEvent *e) { double x = e->x(); int y = (int)e->y(); LinedStaff *staff = m_nParentView->getStaffForCanvasCoords(e->x(), y); if (!staff) { clearPreview(); return false; } int staffNo = staff->getId(); if (m_clickHappened && staffNo != m_clickStaffNo) { // abandon clearPreview(); return false; } // If we're inserting grace notes, then we need to "dress to the // right", as it were bool grace = m_nParentView->isInGraceMode(); int height = staff->getHeightAtCanvasCoords(x, y); Event *clefEvt = 0, *keyEvt = 0; Clef clef; Rosegarden::Key key; NotationElementList::iterator itr = staff->getElementUnderCanvasCoords(x, y, clefEvt, keyEvt); if (itr == staff->getViewElementList()->end()) { clearPreview(); return false; } NotationElement* el = static_cast(*itr); timeT time = el->event()->getAbsoluteTime(); // not getViewAbsoluteTime() m_clickInsertX = el->getLayoutX(); if (clefEvt) clef = Clef(*clefEvt); if (keyEvt) key = Rosegarden::Key(*keyEvt); int subordering = el->event()->getSubOrdering(); float targetSubordering = subordering; if (grace && el->getCanvasItem()) { NotationStaff *ns = dynamic_cast(staff); if (!ns) { std::cerr << "WARNING: NoteInserter: Staff is not a NotationStaff" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "x=" << x << ", el->getCanvasX()=" << el->getCanvasX() << std::endl; if (el->isRest()) std::cerr << "elt is a rest" << std::endl; if (x - el->getCanvasX() > ns->getNotePixmapFactory(false).getNoteBodyWidth()) { NotationElementList::iterator j(itr); while (++j != staff->getViewElementList()->end()) { NotationElement *candidate = static_cast(*j); if ((candidate->isNote() || candidate->isRest()) && (candidate->getViewAbsoluteTime() > el->getViewAbsoluteTime() || candidate->event()->getSubOrdering() > el->event()->getSubOrdering())) { itr = j; el = candidate; m_clickInsertX = el->getLayoutX(); time = el->event()->getAbsoluteTime(); subordering = el->event()->getSubOrdering(); targetSubordering = subordering; break; } } } } if (x - el->getCanvasX() < 1) { targetSubordering -= 0.5; } } if (el->isRest() && el->getCanvasItem()) { time += getOffsetWithinRest(staffNo, itr, x); m_clickInsertX += (x - el->getCanvasX()); } Pitch p(height, clef, key, m_accidental); int pitch = p.getPerformancePitch(); // [RFE 987960] When inserting via mouse, if no accidental is // selected, we use the same accidental (and thus the same pitch) // as of the previous note found at this height -- iff such a note // is found more recently than the last key signature. if (m_accidental == Accidentals::NoAccidental && m_followAccidental) { Segment &segment = staff->getSegment(); m_lastAccidental = m_accidental; Segment::iterator i = segment.findNearestTime(time); while (i != segment.end()) { if ((*i)->isa(Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) break; if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventType)) { if ((*i)->has(NotationProperties::HEIGHT_ON_STAFF) && (*i)->has(BaseProperties::PITCH)) { int h = (*i)->get(NotationProperties::HEIGHT_ON_STAFF); if (h == height) { pitch = (*i)->get(BaseProperties::PITCH); (*i)->get(BaseProperties::ACCIDENTAL, m_lastAccidental); break; } } } if (i == segment.begin()) break; --i; } } bool changed = false; if (m_clickHappened) { if (time != m_clickTime || subordering != m_clickSubordering || pitch != m_clickPitch || height != m_clickHeight || staffNo != m_clickStaffNo) { changed = true; } } else { m_clickHappened = true; changed = true; } if (changed) { m_clickTime = time; m_clickSubordering = subordering; m_clickPitch = pitch; m_clickHeight = height; m_clickStaffNo = staffNo; m_targetSubordering = targetSubordering; showPreview(); } return true; } void NoteInserter::showPreview() { Segment &segment = m_nParentView->getStaff(m_clickStaffNo)->getSegment(); int pitch = m_clickPitch; pitch += getOttavaShift(segment, m_clickTime) * 12; m_nParentView->showPreviewNote(m_clickStaffNo, m_clickInsertX, pitch, m_clickHeight, Note(m_noteType, m_noteDots), m_nParentView->isInGraceMode()); } void NoteInserter::clearPreview() { m_nParentView->clearPreviewNote(); } timeT NoteInserter::getOffsetWithinRest(int staffNo, const NotationElementList::iterator &i, double &canvasX) // will be snapped { //!!! To make this work correctly in tuplet mode, our divisor would // have to be the tupletified duration of the tuplet unit -- we can // do that, we just haven't yet if (m_nParentView->isInTripletMode()) return 0; Staff *staff = m_nParentView->getStaff(staffNo); NotationElement* el = static_cast(*i); if (!el->getCanvasItem()) return 0; double offset = canvasX - el->getCanvasX(); if (offset < 0) return 0; double airX, airWidth; el->getLayoutAirspace(airX, airWidth); double origin = ((*i)->getLayoutX() - airX) / 2; double width = airWidth - origin; timeT duration = (*i)->getViewDuration(); TimeSignature timeSig = staff->getSegment().getComposition()->getTimeSignatureAt ((*i)->event()->getAbsoluteTime()); timeT unit = timeSig.getUnitDuration(); int unitCount = duration / unit; if (unitCount > 1) { timeT result = (int)((offset / width) * unitCount); if (result > unitCount - 1) result = unitCount - 1; double visibleWidth(airWidth); NotationElementList::iterator j(i); if (++j != staff->getViewElementList()->end()) { visibleWidth = (*j)->getLayoutX() - (*i)->getLayoutX(); } offset = (visibleWidth * result) / unitCount; canvasX = el->getCanvasX() + offset; result *= unit; return result; } return 0; } int NoteInserter::getOttavaShift(Segment &segment, timeT time) { // Find out whether we're in an ottava section. int ottavaShift = 0; for (Segment::iterator i = segment.findTime(time); ; --i) { if (!segment.isBeforeEndMarker(i)) { break; } if ((*i)->isa(Indication::EventType)) { try { Indication ind(**i); if (ind.isOttavaType()) { timeT endTime = (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime() + (*i)->getNotationDuration(); if (time < endTime) { ottavaShift = ind.getOttavaShift(); } break; } } catch (...) { } } if (i == segment.begin()) { break; } } return ottavaShift; } Event * NoteInserter::doAddCommand(Segment &segment, timeT time, timeT endTime, const Note ¬e, int pitch, Accidental accidental) { timeT noteEnd = time + note.getDuration(); // #1046934: make it possible to insert triplet at end of segment! if (m_nParentView->isInTripletMode()) { noteEnd = time + (note.getDuration() * 2 / 3); } if (time < segment.getStartTime() || endTime > segment.getEndMarkerTime() || noteEnd > segment.getEndMarkerTime()) { return 0; } pitch += getOttavaShift(segment, time) * 12; float targetSubordering = 0; if (m_nParentView->isInGraceMode()) { targetSubordering = m_targetSubordering; } NoteInsertionCommand *insertionCommand = new NoteInsertionCommand (segment, time, endTime, note, pitch, accidental, (m_autoBeam && !m_nParentView->isInTripletMode() && !m_nParentView->isInGraceMode()) ? NoteInsertionCommand::AutoBeamOn : NoteInsertionCommand::AutoBeamOff, m_matrixInsertType && !m_nParentView->isInGraceMode() ? NoteInsertionCommand::MatrixModeOn : NoteInsertionCommand::MatrixModeOff, m_nParentView->isInGraceMode() ? (m_nParentView->isInTripletMode() ? NoteInsertionCommand::GraceAndTripletModesOn : NoteInsertionCommand::GraceModeOn) : NoteInsertionCommand::GraceModeOff, targetSubordering, m_defaultStyle); KCommand *activeCommand = insertionCommand; if (m_nParentView->isInTripletMode() && !m_nParentView->isInGraceMode()) { Segment::iterator i(segment.findTime(time)); if (i != segment.end() && !(*i)->has(BaseProperties::BEAMED_GROUP_TUPLET_BASE)) { KMacroCommand *command = new KMacroCommand(insertionCommand->name()); //## Attempted fix to bug reported on rg-user by SlowPic //## 28/02/2005 22:32:56 UTC: Triplet input error //# HJJ: Comment out this attempt. It breaks the splitting of //# the first bars into rests. //## if ((*i)->isa(Note::EventRestType) && //## (*i)->getNotationDuration() > (note.getDuration() * 3)) { // split the rest command->addCommand(new RestInsertionCommand (segment, time, time + note.getDuration() * 2, Note::getNearestNote(note.getDuration() * 2))); //## } //# These comments should probably be deleted. command->addCommand(new TupletCommand (segment, time, note.getDuration(), 3, 2, true)); // #1046934: "has timing already" command->addCommand(insertionCommand); activeCommand = command; } } m_nParentView->addCommandToHistory(activeCommand); NOTATION_DEBUG << "NoteInserter::doAddCommand: accidental is " << accidental << endl; return insertionCommand->getLastInsertedEvent(); } void NoteInserter::slotSetNote(Note::Type nt) { m_noteType = nt; } void NoteInserter::slotSetDots(unsigned int dots) { m_noteDots = dots; KToggleAction *dotsAction = dynamic_cast (actionCollection()->action("toggle_dot")); if (dotsAction) dotsAction->setChecked(dots > 0); } void NoteInserter::slotSetAccidental(Accidental accidental, bool follow) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "NoteInserter::setAccidental: accidental is " << accidental << endl; m_accidental = accidental; m_followAccidental = follow; } void NoteInserter::slotNoAccidental() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("no_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotFollowAccidental() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("follow_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotSharp() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("sharp_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotFlat() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("flat_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotNatural() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("natural_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotDoubleSharp() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("double_sharp_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotDoubleFlat() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("double_flat_accidental")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotToggleDot() { m_noteDots = (m_noteDots) ? 0 : 1; Note note(m_noteType, m_noteDots); TQString actionName(NotationStrings::getReferenceName(note)); actionName.tqreplace(TQRegExp("-"), "_"); KAction *action = m_parentView->actionCollection()->action(actionName); if (!action) { std::cerr << "WARNING: No such action as " << actionName << std::endl; } else { action->activate(); } } void NoteInserter::slotToggleAutoBeam() { m_autoBeam = !m_autoBeam; } void NoteInserter::slotEraseSelected() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("erase")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotSelectSelected() { m_parentView->actionCollection()->action("select")->activate(); } void NoteInserter::slotRestsSelected() { Note note(m_noteType, m_noteDots); TQString actionName(NotationStrings::getReferenceName(note, true)); actionName.tqreplace(TQRegExp("-"), "_"); KAction *action = m_parentView->actionCollection()->action(actionName); if (!action) { std::cerr << "WARNING: No such action as " << actionName << std::endl; } else { action->activate(); } } const char* NoteInserter::m_actionsAccidental[][4] = { { "No accidental", "1slotNoAccidental()", "no_accidental", "accidental-none" }, { "Follow accidental", "1slotFollowAccidental()", "follow_accidental", "accidental-follow" }, { "Sharp", "1slotSharp()", "sharp_accidental", "accidental-sharp" }, { "Flat", "1slotFlat()", "flat_accidental", "accidental-flat" }, { "Natural", "1slotNatural()", "natural_accidental", "accidental-natural" }, { "Double sharp", "1slotDoubleSharp()", "double_sharp_accidental", "accidental-doublesharp" }, { "Double flat", "1slotDoubleFlat()", "double_flat_accidental", "accidental-doubleflat" } }; const TQString NoteInserter::ToolName = "noteinserter"; } #include "NoteInserter.moc"