/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "AudioPreviewPainter.h" #include "CompositionModelImpl.h" #include "CompositionColourCache.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/Track.h" #include "base/AudioLevel.h" #include "base/Studio.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "document/ConfigGroups.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { AudioPreviewPainter::AudioPreviewPainter(CompositionModelImpl& model, CompositionModel::AudioPreviewData* apData, const Composition &composition, const Segment* segment) : m_model(model), m_apData(apData), m_composition(composition), m_segment(segment), m_rect(model.computeSegmentRect(*(segment))), m_image(1, 1, 8, 4), m_defaultCol(CompositionColourCache::getInstance()->SegmentAudioPreview), m_height(model.grid().getYSnap()/2) { int pixWidth = std::min(m_rect.getBaseWidth(), tileWidth()); m_image = QImage(pixWidth, m_rect.height(), 8, 4); m_image.setAlphaBuffer(true); m_penWidth = (std::max(1U, m_rect.getPen().width()) * 2); m_halfRectHeight = m_model.grid().getYSnap()/2 - m_penWidth / 2 - 2; } int AudioPreviewPainter::tileWidth() { static int tw = -1; if (tw == -1) tw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); return tw; } void AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage() { const std::vector& values = m_apData->getValues(); if (values.size() == 0) return; float gain[2] = { 1.0, 1.0 }; int instrumentChannels = 2; TrackId trackId = m_segment->getTrack(); Track *track = m_model.getComposition().getTrackById(trackId); if (track) { Instrument *instrument = m_model.getStudio().getInstrumentById(track->getInstrument()); if (instrument) { float level = AudioLevel::dB_to_multiplier(instrument->getLevel()); float pan = instrument->getPan() - 100.0; gain[0] = level * ((pan > 0.0) ? (1.0 - (pan / 100.0)) : 1.0); gain[1] = level * ((pan < 0.0) ? ((pan + 100.0) / 100.0) : 1.0); instrumentChannels = instrument->getAudioChannels(); } } bool showMinima = m_apData->showsMinima(); unsigned int channels = m_apData->getChannels(); if (channels == 0) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage : problem with audio file for segment " << m_segment->getLabel().c_str() << endl; return; } int samplePoints = values.size() / (channels * (showMinima ? 2 : 1)); float h1, h2, l1 = 0, l2 = 0; double sampleScaleFactor = samplePoints / double(m_rect.getBaseWidth()); m_sliceNb = 0; m_image.fill(0); int centre = m_image.height() / 2; RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage width = " << m_rect.getBaseWidth() << ", height = " << m_rect.height() << ", halfRectHeight = " << m_halfRectHeight << endl; RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::paintPreviewImage: channels = " << channels << ", gain left = " << gain[0] << ", right = " << gain[1] << endl; double audioDuration = double(m_segment->getAudioEndTime().sec) + double(m_segment->getAudioEndTime().nsec) / 1000000000.0; // We need to take each pixel value and map it onto a point within // the preview. We have samplePoints preview points in a known // duration of audioDuration. Thus each point spans a real time // of audioDuration / samplePoints. We need to convert the // accumulated real time back into musical time, and map this // proportionately across the segment width. RealTime startRT = m_model.getComposition().getElapsedRealTime(m_segment->getStartTime()); double startTime = double(startRT.sec) + double(startRT.nsec) / 1000000000.0; RealTime endRT = m_model.getComposition().getElapsedRealTime(m_segment->getEndMarkerTime()); double endTime = double(endRT.sec) + double(endRT.nsec) / 1000000000.0; bool haveTempoChange = false; int finalTempoChangeNumber = m_model.getComposition().getTempoChangeNumberAt (m_segment->getEndMarkerTime()); if ((finalTempoChangeNumber >= 0) && (finalTempoChangeNumber > m_model.getComposition().getTempoChangeNumberAt (m_segment->getStartTime()))) { haveTempoChange = true; } KConfig* config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(GeneralOptionsConfigGroup); bool meterLevels = (config->readUnsignedNumEntry("audiopreviewstyle", 1) == 1); for (int i = 0; i < m_rect.getBaseWidth(); ++i) { // i is the x coordinate within the rectangle. We need to // calculate the position within the audio preview from which // to draw the peak for this coordinate. It's possible there // may be more than one, in which case we need to find the // peak of all of them. int position = 0; if (haveTempoChange) { // First find the time corresponding to this i. timeT musicalTime = m_model.grid().getRulerScale()->getTimeForX(m_rect.x() + i); RealTime realTime = m_model.getComposition().getElapsedRealTime(musicalTime); double time = double(realTime.sec) + double(realTime.nsec) / 1000000000.0; double offset = time - startTime; if (endTime > startTime) { position = offset * m_rect.getBaseWidth() / (endTime - startTime); position = int(channels * position); } } else { position = int(channels * i * sampleScaleFactor); } if (position < 0) continue; if (position >= values.size() - channels) { finalizeCurrentSlice(); break; } if (channels == 1) { h1 = values[position++]; h2 = h1; if (showMinima) { l1 = values[position++]; l2 = l1; } } else { h1 = values[position++]; if (showMinima) l1 = values[position++]; h2 = values[position++]; if (showMinima) l2 = values[position++]; } if (instrumentChannels == 1 && channels == 2) { h1 = h2 = (h1 + h2) / 2; l1 = l2 = (l1 + l2) / 2; } h1 *= gain[0]; h2 *= gain[1]; l1 *= gain[0]; l2 *= gain[1]; int width = 1; int pixel; // h1 left, h2 right if (h1 >= 1.0) { h1 = 1.0; pixel = 2; } else { pixel = 1; } int h; if (meterLevels) { h = AudioLevel::multiplier_to_preview(h1, m_height); } else { h = h1 * m_height; } if (h <= 0) h = 1; if (h > m_halfRectHeight) h = m_halfRectHeight; int rectX = i % tileWidth(); for (int py = 0; py < h; ++py) { m_image.setPixel(rectX, centre - py, pixel); } if (h2 >= 1.0) { h2 = 1.0; pixel = 2; } else { pixel = 1; } if (meterLevels) { h = AudioLevel::multiplier_to_preview(h2, m_height); } else { h = h2 * m_height; } if (h < 0) h = 0; for (int py = 0; py < h; ++py) { m_image.setPixel(rectX, centre + py, pixel); } if (((i+1) % tileWidth()) == 0 || i == (m_rect.getBaseWidth() - 1)) { finalizeCurrentSlice(); } } /* Auto-fade not yet implemented. if (m_segment->isAutoFading()) { Composition &comp = m_model.getComposition(); int audioFadeInEnd = int( m_model.grid().getRulerScale()->getXForTime(comp. getElapsedTimeForRealTime(m_segment->getFadeInTime()) + m_segment->getStartTime()) - m_model.grid().getRulerScale()->getXForTime(m_segment->getStartTime())); m_p.setPen(Qt::blue); m_p.drawRect(0, m_apData->getSegmentRect().height() - 1, audioFadeInEnd, 1); m_pb.drawRect(0, m_apData->getSegmentRect().height() - 1, audioFadeInEnd, 1); } m_p.end(); m_pb.end(); */ } void AudioPreviewPainter::finalizeCurrentSlice() { // RG_DEBUG << "AudioPreviewPainter::finalizeCurrentSlice : copying pixmap to image at " << m_sliceNb * tileWidth() << endl; // transparent background m_image.setColor(0, qRgba(255, 255, 255, 0)); // foreground from computeSegmentPreviewColor QColor c = m_model.computeSegmentPreviewColor(m_segment); QRgb rgba = qRgba(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), 255); m_image.setColor(1, rgba); // red for clipping m_image.setColor(2, qRgba(255, 0, 0, 255)); m_previewPixmaps.push_back(m_image.copy()); m_image.fill(0); ++m_sliceNb; } PixmapArray AudioPreviewPainter::getPreviewImage() { return m_previewPixmaps; } }