/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. This program is Copyright 2000-2008 Guillaume Laurent , Chris Cannam , Richard Bown The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "LinedStaff.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/LayoutEngine.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/Profiler.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include "base/SnapGrid.h" #include "base/Staff.h" #include "base/ViewElement.h" #include "GUIPalette.h" #include "BarLine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { // width of pointer // const int pointerWidth = 3; LinedStaff::LinedStaff(TQCanvas *canvas, Segment *segment, SnapGrid *snapGrid, int id, int resolution, int lineThickness) : Staff(*segment), m_canvas(canvas), m_snapGrid(snapGrid), m_id(id), m_x(0.0), m_y(0), m_margin(0.0), m_titleHeight(0), m_resolution(resolution), m_lineThickness(lineThickness), m_pageMode(LinearMode), m_pageWidth(2000.0), // fairly arbitrary, but we need something non-zero m_rowsPerPage(0), m_rowSpacing(0), m_connectingLineLength(0), m_startLayoutX(0), m_endLayoutX(0), m_current(false), m_pointer(new TQCanvasLine(canvas)), m_insertCursor(new TQCanvasLine(canvas)), m_insertCursorTime(segment->getStartTime()), m_insertCursorTimeValid(false) { initCursors(); } LinedStaff::LinedStaff(TQCanvas *canvas, Segment *segment, SnapGrid *snapGrid, int id, int resolution, int lineThickness, double pageWidth, int rowsPerPage, int rowSpacing) : Staff(*segment), m_canvas(canvas), m_snapGrid(snapGrid), m_id(id), m_x(0.0), m_y(0), m_margin(0.0), m_titleHeight(0), m_resolution(resolution), m_lineThickness(lineThickness), m_pageMode(rowsPerPage ? MultiPageMode : ContinuousPageMode), m_pageWidth(pageWidth), m_rowsPerPage(rowsPerPage), m_rowSpacing(rowSpacing), m_connectingLineLength(0), m_startLayoutX(0), m_endLayoutX(0), m_current(false), m_pointer(new TQCanvasLine(canvas)), m_insertCursor(new TQCanvasLine(canvas)), m_insertCursorTime(segment->getStartTime()), m_insertCursorTimeValid(false) { initCursors(); } LinedStaff::LinedStaff(TQCanvas *canvas, Segment *segment, SnapGrid *snapGrid, int id, int resolution, int lineThickness, PageMode pageMode, double pageWidth, int rowsPerPage, int rowSpacing) : Staff(*segment), m_canvas(canvas), m_snapGrid(snapGrid), m_id(id), m_x(0.0), m_y(0), m_margin(0.0), m_titleHeight(0), m_resolution(resolution), m_lineThickness(lineThickness), m_pageMode(pageMode), m_pageWidth(pageWidth), m_rowsPerPage(rowsPerPage), m_rowSpacing(rowSpacing), m_connectingLineLength(0), m_startLayoutX(0), m_endLayoutX(0), m_current(false), m_pointer(new TQCanvasLine(canvas)), m_insertCursor(new TQCanvasLine(canvas)), m_insertCursorTime(segment->getStartTime()), m_insertCursorTimeValid(false) { initCursors(); } LinedStaff::~LinedStaff() { /*!!! No, the canvas items are all deleted by the canvas on destruction. deleteBars(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_staffLines.size(); ++i) clearStaffLineRow(i); */ } void LinedStaff::initCursors() { TQPen pen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::Pointer)); pen.setWidth(pointerWidth); m_pointer->setPen(pen); m_pointer->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::Pointer)); pen.setColor(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::InsertCursor)); m_insertCursor->setPen(pen); m_insertCursor->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::InsertCursor)); } void LinedStaff::setResolution(int resolution) { m_resolution = resolution; } void LinedStaff::setLineThickness(int lineThickness) { m_lineThickness = lineThickness; } void LinedStaff::setPageMode(PageMode pageMode) { m_pageMode = pageMode; } void LinedStaff::setPageWidth(double pageWidth) { m_pageWidth = pageWidth; } void LinedStaff::setRowsPerPage(int rowsPerPage) { m_rowsPerPage = rowsPerPage; } void LinedStaff::setRowSpacing(int rowSpacing) { m_rowSpacing = rowSpacing; } void LinedStaff::setConnectingLineLength(int connectingLineLength) { m_connectingLineLength = connectingLineLength; } int LinedStaff::getId() const { return m_id; } void LinedStaff::setX(double x) { m_x = x; } double LinedStaff::getX() const { return m_x; } void LinedStaff::setY(int y) { m_y = y; } int LinedStaff::getY() const { return m_y; } void LinedStaff::setMargin(double margin) { m_margin = margin; } double LinedStaff::getMargin() const { if (m_pageMode != MultiPageMode) return 0; return m_margin; } void LinedStaff::setTitleHeight(int titleHeight) { m_titleHeight = titleHeight; } int LinedStaff::getTitleHeight() const { return m_titleHeight; } double LinedStaff::getTotalWidth() const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: return getCanvasXForRightOfRow(getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX)) - m_x; case MultiPageMode: return getCanvasXForRightOfRow(getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX)) + m_margin - m_x; case LinearMode: default: return getCanvasXForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX) - m_x; } } int LinedStaff::getTotalHeight() const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX)) + getHeightOfRow() - m_y; case MultiPageMode: return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(m_rowsPerPage - 1) + getHeightOfRow() - m_y; case LinearMode: default: return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(0) + getHeightOfRow() - m_y; } } int LinedStaff::getHeightOfRow() const { return getTopLineOffset() + getLegerLineCount() * getLineSpacing() + getBarLineHeight() + m_lineThickness; } bool LinedStaff::containsCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: for (int row = getRowForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX); row <= getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX); ++row) { if (y >= getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) && y < getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) + getHeightOfRow()) { return true; } } return false; case MultiPageMode: for (int row = getRowForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX); row <= getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX); ++row) { if (y >= getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) && y < getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) + getHeightOfRow() && x >= getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(row) && x <= getCanvasXForRightOfRow(row)) { return true; } } return false; case LinearMode: default: return (y >= getCanvasYForTopOfStaff() && y < getCanvasYForTopOfStaff() + getHeightOfRow()); } } int LinedStaff::getCanvasYForHeight(int h, double baseX, int baseY) const { int y; // NOTATION_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::getCanvasYForHeight(" << h << "," << baseY // << ")" << endl; if (baseX < 0) baseX = getX() + getMargin(); if (baseY >= 0) { y = getCanvasYForTopLine(getRowForCanvasCoords(baseX, baseY)); } else { y = getCanvasYForTopLine(); } y += getLayoutYForHeight(h); return y; } int LinedStaff::getLayoutYForHeight(int h) const { int y = ((getTopLineHeight() - h) * getLineSpacing()) / getHeightPerLine(); if (h < getTopLineHeight() && (h % getHeightPerLine() != 0)) ++y; return y; } int LinedStaff::getHeightAtCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const { //!!! the lazy route: approximate, then get the right value // by calling getCanvasYForHeight a few times... ugh // RG_DEBUG << "\nNotationStaff::heightOfYCoord: y = " << y // << ", getTopLineOffset() = " << getTopLineOffset() // << ", getLineSpacing() = " << m_npf->getLineSpacing() // << endl; if (x < 0) x = getX() + getMargin(); int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, y); int ph = (y - getCanvasYForTopLine(row)) * getHeightPerLine() / getLineSpacing(); ph = getTopLineHeight() - ph; int i; int mi = -2; int md = getLineSpacing() * 2; int testi = -2; int testMd = 1000; for (i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) { int d = y - getCanvasYForHeight(ph + i, x, y); if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d < md) { md = d; mi = i; } if (d < testMd) { testMd = d; testi = i; } } if (mi > -2) { // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::getHeightAtCanvasCoords: " << y // << " -> " << (ph + mi) << " (mi is " << mi << ", distance " // << md << ")" << endl; // if (mi == 0) { // RG_DEBUG << "GOOD APPROXIMATION" << endl; // } else { // RG_DEBUG << "BAD APPROXIMATION" << endl; // } return ph + mi; } else { RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::getHeightAtCanvasCoords: heuristic got " << ph << ", nothing within range (closest was " << (ph + testi) << " which is " << testMd << " away)" << endl; return 0; } } TQRect LinedStaff::getBarExtents(double x, int y) const { int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, y); for (int i = 1; i < m_barLines.size(); ++i) { double tqlayoutX = m_barLines[i]->getLayoutX(); int barRow = getRowForLayoutX(tqlayoutX); if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && (barRow < row)) continue; BarLine *line = m_barLines[i]; if (line) { if (line->x() <= x) continue; return TQRect(int(m_barLines[i -1]->x()), getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(barRow), int(line->x() - m_barLines[i - 1]->x()), getHeightOfRow()); } } // failure return TQRect(int(getX() + getMargin()), getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(), 4, getHeightOfRow()); } double LinedStaff::getCanvasXForLayoutX(double x) const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: return m_x + x - (m_pageWidth * getRowForLayoutX(x)); case MultiPageMode: { int pageNo = getRowForLayoutX(x) / getRowsPerPage(); double cx = m_x + x - (m_pageWidth * getRowForLayoutX(x)); cx += m_margin + (m_margin * 2 + m_pageWidth) * pageNo; return cx; } case LinearMode: default: return m_x + x; } } LinedStaff::LinedStaffCoords LinedStaff::getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const { int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, y); return LinedStaffCoords ((row * m_pageWidth) + x - getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(row), y - getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row)); } LinedStaff::LinedStaffCoords LinedStaff::getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(double x, int y) const { int row = getRowForLayoutX(x); return LinedStaffCoords (getCanvasXForLayoutX(x), getCanvasYForTopLine(row) + y); } int LinedStaff::getRowForCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: return ((y - m_y) / m_rowSpacing); case MultiPageMode: { int px = int(x - m_x - m_margin); int pw = int(m_margin * 2 + m_pageWidth); if (px < pw) y -= m_titleHeight; return (getRowsPerPage() * (px / pw)) + ((y - m_y) / m_rowSpacing); } case LinearMode: default: return (int)((x - m_x) / m_pageWidth); } } int LinedStaff::getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(int row) const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: if (row <= 0) return m_y; else return m_y + (row * m_rowSpacing); case MultiPageMode: if (row <= 0) return m_y + m_titleHeight; else if (row < getRowsPerPage()) return m_y + ((row % getRowsPerPage()) * m_rowSpacing) + m_titleHeight; else return m_y + ((row % getRowsPerPage()) * m_rowSpacing); case LinearMode: default: return m_y; } } double LinedStaff::getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(int row) const { switch (m_pageMode) { case ContinuousPageMode: return m_x; case MultiPageMode: return m_x + m_margin + (m_margin*2 + m_pageWidth) * (row / getRowsPerPage()); case LinearMode: default: return m_x + (row * m_pageWidth); } } void LinedStaff::sizeStaff(HorizontalLayoutEngine &tqlayout) { Profiler profiler("LinedStaff::sizeStaff", true); deleteBars(); deleteRepeatedClefsAndKeys(); deleteTimeSignatures(); // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::sizeStaff" << endl; int lastBar = tqlayout.getLastVisibleBarOnStaff(*this); double xleft = 0, xright = 0; bool haveXLeft = false; xright = tqlayout.getBarPosition(lastBar) - 1; TimeSignature currentTimeSignature; for (int barNo = tqlayout.getFirstVisibleBarOnStaff(*this); barNo <= lastBar; ++barNo) { double x = tqlayout.getBarPosition(barNo); if (!haveXLeft) { xleft = x; haveXLeft = true; } double timeSigX = 0; TimeSignature timeSig; bool isNew = tqlayout.getTimeSignaturePosition(*this, barNo, timeSig, timeSigX); if (isNew && barNo < lastBar) { currentTimeSignature = timeSig; insertTimeSignature(timeSigX, currentTimeSignature); RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff[" << this << "]::sizeStaff: bar no " << barNo << " has time signature at " << timeSigX << endl; } RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::sizeStaff: inserting bar at " << x << " on staff " << this << " (isNew " << isNew << ", timeSigX " << timeSigX << ")" << endl; bool showBarNo = (showBarNumbersEvery() > 0 && ((barNo + 1) % showBarNumbersEvery()) == 0); insertBar(x, ((barNo == lastBar) ? 0 : (tqlayout.getBarPosition(barNo + 1) - x)), tqlayout.isBarCorrectOnStaff(*this, barNo - 1), currentTimeSignature, barNo, showBarNo); } m_startLayoutX = xleft; m_endLayoutX = xright; drawStaffName(); resizeStaffLines(); } void LinedStaff::deleteBars() { for (BarLineList::iterator i = m_barLines.begin(); i != m_barLines.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide(); delete *i; } for (LineRecList::iterator i = m_beatLines.begin(); i != m_beatLines.end(); ++i) { i->second->hide(); delete i->second; } for (LineRecList::iterator i = m_barConnectingLines.begin(); i != m_barConnectingLines.end(); ++i) { i->second->hide(); delete i->second; } for (ItemList::iterator i = m_barNumbers.begin(); i != m_barNumbers.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide(); delete *i; } m_barLines.clear(); m_beatLines.clear(); m_barConnectingLines.clear(); m_barNumbers.clear(); } void LinedStaff::insertBar(double tqlayoutX, double width, bool isCorrect, const TimeSignature &timeSig, int barNo, bool showBarNo) { // RG_DEBUG << "insertBar: " << tqlayoutX << ", " << width // << ", " << isCorrect << endl; int barThickness = m_lineThickness * 5 / 4; // hack to ensure the bar line appears on the correct row in // notation page tqlayouts, with a conditional to prevent us from // moving the bar and beat lines in the matrix if (!showBeatLines()) { if (width > 0.01) { // not final bar in staff tqlayoutX += 1; } else { tqlayoutX -= 1; } } int row = getRowForLayoutX(tqlayoutX); double x = getCanvasXForLayoutX(tqlayoutX); int y = getCanvasYForTopLine(row); bool firstBarInRow = false, lastBarInRow = false; if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && (getRowForLayoutX(tqlayoutX) > getRowForLayoutX(tqlayoutX - getMargin() - 2))) firstBarInRow = true; if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && width > 0.01 && // width == 0 for final bar in staff (getRowForLayoutX(tqlayoutX) < getRowForLayoutX(tqlayoutX + width + getMargin() + 2))) lastBarInRow = true; BarStyle style = getBarStyle(barNo); if (style == RepeatBothBar && firstBarInRow) style = RepeatStartBar; if (firstBarInRow) insertRepeatedClefAndKey(tqlayoutX, barNo); // If we're supposed to be hiding bar lines, we do just that -- // create them as normal, then hide them. We can't simply not // create them because we rely on this to find bar extents for // things like double-click selection in notation. bool hidden = false; if (style == PlainBar && timeSig.hasHiddenBars()) hidden = true; double inset = 0.0; if (style == RepeatStartBar || style == RepeatBothBar) { inset = getBarInset(barNo, firstBarInRow); } BarLine *line = new BarLine(m_canvas, tqlayoutX, getBarLineHeight(), barThickness, getLineSpacing(), (int)inset, style); line->moveBy(x, y); if (isCorrect) { line->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine)); line->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine)); } else { line->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLineIncorrect)); line->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLineIncorrect)); } line->setZ( -1); if (hidden) line->hide(); else line->show(); // The bar lines have to be in order of tqlayout-x (there's no // such interesting stipulation for beat or connecting lines) BarLineList::iterator insertPoint = lower_bound (m_barLines.begin(), m_barLines.end(), line, compareBars); m_barLines.insert(insertPoint, line); if (lastBarInRow) { double xe = x + width - barThickness; style = getBarStyle(barNo + 1); if (style == RepeatBothBar) style = RepeatEndBar; BarLine *eline = new BarLine(m_canvas, tqlayoutX, getBarLineHeight(), barThickness, getLineSpacing(), 0, style); eline->moveBy(xe, y); eline->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine)); eline->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine)); eline->setZ( -1); if (hidden) eline->hide(); else eline->show(); BarLineList::iterator insertPoint = lower_bound (m_barLines.begin(), m_barLines.end(), eline, compareBars); m_barLines.insert(insertPoint, eline); } if (showBarNo) { TQFont font; font.setPixelSize(m_resolution * 3 / 2); TQFontMetrics metrics(font); TQString text = TQString("%1").tqarg(barNo + 1); TQCanvasItem *barNoText = new TQCanvasText(text, font, m_canvas); barNoText->setX(x); barNoText->setY(y - metrics.height() - m_resolution * 2); barNoText->setZ( -1); if (hidden) barNoText->hide(); else barNoText->show(); m_barNumbers.push_back(barNoText); } TQCanvasRectangle *rect = 0; if (showBeatLines()) { double gridLines; // number of grid lines per bar may be fractional // If the snap time is zero we default to beat markers // if (m_snapGrid && m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(x)) gridLines = double(timeSig.getBarDuration()) / double(m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(x)); else gridLines = timeSig.getBeatsPerBar(); double dx = width / gridLines; for (int gridLine = hidden ? 0 : 1; gridLine < gridLines; ++gridLine) { rect = new TQCanvasRectangle (0, 0, barThickness, getBarLineHeight(), m_canvas); rect->moveBy(x + gridLine * dx, y); double currentGrid = gridLines / double(timeSig.getBeatsPerBar()); rect->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BeatLine)); rect->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BeatLine)); // Reset to SubBeatLine colour if we're not a beat line - avoid div by zero! // if (currentGrid > 1.0 && double(gridLine) / currentGrid != gridLine / int(currentGrid)) { rect->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::SubBeatLine)); rect->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::SubBeatLine)); } rect->setZ( -1); rect->show(); // show beat lines even if the bar lines are hidden LineRec beatLine(tqlayoutX + gridLine * dx, rect); m_beatLines.push_back(beatLine); } } if (m_connectingLineLength > 0) { rect = new TQCanvasRectangle (0, 0, barThickness, m_connectingLineLength, m_canvas); rect->moveBy(x, y); rect->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingLine)); rect->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingLine)); rect->setZ( -3); if (hidden) rect->hide(); else rect->show(); LineRec connectingLine(tqlayoutX, rect); m_barConnectingLines.push_back(connectingLine); } } bool LinedStaff::compareBars(const BarLine *barLine1, const BarLine *barLine2) { return (barLine1->getLayoutX() < barLine2->getLayoutX()); } bool LinedStaff::compareBarToLayoutX(const BarLine *barLine1, int x) { return (barLine1->getLayoutX() < x); } void LinedStaff::deleteTimeSignatures() { // default implementation is empty } void LinedStaff::insertTimeSignature(double, const TimeSignature &) { // default implementation is empty } void LinedStaff::deleteRepeatedClefsAndKeys() { // default implementation is empty } void LinedStaff::insertRepeatedClefAndKey(double, int) { // default implementation is empty } void LinedStaff::drawStaffName() { // default implementation is empty } void LinedStaff::resizeStaffLines() { int firstRow = getRowForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX); int lastRow = getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX); RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::resizeStaffLines: firstRow " << firstRow << ", lastRow " << lastRow << " (startLayoutX " << m_startLayoutX << ", endLayoutX " << m_endLayoutX << ")" << endl; assert(lastRow >= firstRow); int i; while ((int)m_staffLines.size() <= lastRow) { m_staffLines.push_back(ItemList()); m_staffConnectingLines.push_back(0); } // Remove all the staff lines that precede the start of the staff for (i = 0; i < firstRow; ++i) clearStaffLineRow(i); // now i == firstRow while (i <= lastRow) { double x0; double x1; if (i == firstRow) { x0 = getCanvasXForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX); } else { x0 = getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(i); } if (i == lastRow) { x1 = getCanvasXForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX); } else { x1 = getCanvasXForRightOfRow(i); } resizeStaffLineRow(i, x0, x1 - x0); ++i; } // now i == lastRow + 1 while (i < (int)m_staffLines.size()) clearStaffLineRow(i++); } void LinedStaff::clearStaffLineRow(int row) { for (int h = 0; h < (int)m_staffLines[row].size(); ++h) { delete m_staffLines[row][h]; } m_staffLines[row].clear(); delete m_staffConnectingLines[row]; m_staffConnectingLines[row] = 0; } void LinedStaff::resizeStaffLineRow(int row, double x, double length) { // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::resizeStaffLineRow: row " // << row << ", x " << x << ", length " // << length << endl; // If the resolution is 8 or less, we want to reduce the blackness // of the staff lines somewhat to make them less intrusive int level = 0; int z = 2; if (m_resolution < 6) { z = -1; level = (9 - m_resolution) * 32; if (level > 200) level = 200; } TQColor lineColour(level, level, level); int h; /*!!! No longer really good enough. But we could potentially use the bar positions to sort this out if (m_pageMode && row > 0 && offset == 0.0) { offset = (double)m_npf->getBarMargin() / 2; length -= offset; } */ int y; delete m_staffConnectingLines[row]; if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && m_connectingLineLength > 0.1) { // rather arbitrary (dup in insertBar) int barThickness = m_resolution / 12 + 1; y = getCanvasYForTopLine(row); TQCanvasRectangle *line = new TQCanvasRectangle (int(x + length), y, barThickness, m_connectingLineLength, m_canvas); line->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingTerminatingLine)); line->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingTerminatingLine)); line->setZ( -2); line->show(); m_staffConnectingLines[row] = line; } else { m_staffConnectingLines[row] = 0; } while ((int)m_staffLines[row].size() <= getLineCount() * m_lineThickness) { m_staffLines[row].push_back(0); } int lineIndex = 0; for (h = 0; h < getLineCount(); ++h) { y = getCanvasYForHeight (getBottomLineHeight() + getHeightPerLine() * h, x, getCanvasYForTopLine(row)); if (elementsInSpaces()) { y -= getLineSpacing() / 2 + 1; } // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff: drawing line from (" // << x << "," << y << ") to (" << (x+length-1) // << "," << y << ")" << endl; TQCanvasItem *line; delete m_staffLines[row][lineIndex]; m_staffLines[row][lineIndex] = 0; if (m_lineThickness > 1) { TQCanvasRectangle *rline = new TQCanvasRectangle (int(x), y, int(length), m_lineThickness, m_canvas); rline->setPen(lineColour); rline->setBrush(lineColour); line = rline; } else { TQCanvasLine *lline = new TQCanvasLine(m_canvas); lline->setPoints(int(x), y, int(x + length), y); lline->setPen(lineColour); line = lline; } // if (j > 0) line->setSignificant(false); line->setZ(z); m_staffLines[row][lineIndex] = line; line->show(); ++lineIndex; } while (lineIndex < (int)m_staffLines[row].size()) { delete m_staffLines[row][lineIndex]; m_staffLines[row][lineIndex] = 0; ++lineIndex; } } void LinedStaff::setCurrent(bool current) { m_current = current; if (m_current) { m_insertCursor->show(); } else { m_insertCursor->hide(); } } double LinedStaff::getLayoutXOfPointer() const { double x = m_pointer->x(); int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, int(m_pointer->y())); return getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(x, getCanvasYForTopLine(row)).first; } void LinedStaff::getPointerPosition(double &cx, int &cy) const { cx = m_pointer->x(); cy = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(getRowForCanvasCoords(cx, int(m_pointer->y()))); } double LinedStaff::getLayoutXOfInsertCursor() const { if (!m_current) return -1; double x = m_insertCursor->x(); int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, int(m_insertCursor->y())); return getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(x, getCanvasYForTopLine(row)).first; } timeT LinedStaff::getInsertCursorTime(HorizontalLayoutEngine &tqlayout) const { if (m_insertCursorTimeValid) return m_insertCursorTime; return tqlayout.getTimeForX(getLayoutXOfInsertCursor()); } void LinedStaff::getInsertCursorPosition(double &cx, int &cy) const { if (!m_current) { cx = -1; cy = -1; return ; } cx = m_insertCursor->x(); cy = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(getRowForCanvasCoords(cx, int(m_insertCursor->y()))); } void LinedStaff::setPointerPosition(double canvasX, int canvasY) { int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(canvasX, canvasY); canvasY = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row); m_pointer->setX(int(canvasX)); m_pointer->setY(int(canvasY)); m_pointer->setZ( -30); // behind everything else m_pointer->setPoints(0, 0, 0, getHeightOfRow() /* - 1 */); m_pointer->show(); } void LinedStaff::setPointerPosition(HorizontalLayoutEngine &tqlayout, timeT time) { setPointerPosition(tqlayout.getXForTime(time)); } void LinedStaff::setPointerPosition(double tqlayoutX) { LinedStaffCoords coords = getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(tqlayoutX, 0); setPointerPosition(coords.first, coords.second); } void LinedStaff::hidePointer() { m_pointer->hide(); } void LinedStaff::setInsertCursorPosition(double canvasX, int canvasY) { if (!m_current) return; int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(canvasX, canvasY); canvasY = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row); m_insertCursor->setX(canvasX); m_insertCursor->setY(canvasY); m_insertCursor->setZ( -28); // behind everything else except playback pointer m_insertCursor->setPoints(0, 0, 0, getHeightOfRow() - 1); m_insertCursor->show(); m_insertCursorTimeValid = false; } void LinedStaff::setInsertCursorPosition(HorizontalLayoutEngine &tqlayout, timeT time) { double x = tqlayout.getXForTime(time); LinedStaffCoords coords = getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(x, 0); setInsertCursorPosition(coords.first, coords.second); m_insertCursorTime = time; m_insertCursorTimeValid = true; } void LinedStaff::hideInsertCursor() { m_insertCursor->hide(); } void LinedStaff::renderElements(ViewElementList::iterator, ViewElementList::iterator) { // nothing -- we assume rendering will be done by the implementation // of positionElements } void LinedStaff::renderAllElements() { renderElements(getViewElementList()->begin(), getViewElementList()->end()); } void LinedStaff::positionAllElements() { positionElements(getSegment().getStartTime(), getSegment().getEndTime()); } }