path: root/sphinx/c_api.rst
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-22 02:59:34 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-22 02:59:34 -0600
commit6c4cc3653e8dd7668295f3e659b7eb4dc571b67c (patch)
treea559fd71fc982e35a4f984d85a5c9d92b764ae8c /sphinx/c_api.rst
Initial import of SIP4 for Qt3
Diffstat (limited to 'sphinx/c_api.rst')
1 files changed, 1721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sphinx/c_api.rst b/sphinx/c_api.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782056c
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+++ b/sphinx/c_api.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1721 @@
+.. _ref-c-api:
+C API for Handwritten Code
+In this section we describe the API that can be used by handwritten code in
+specification files.
+.. cmacro:: SIP_API_MAJOR_NR
+ This is a C preprocessor symbol that defines the major number of the SIP
+ API. Its value is a number. There is no direct relationship between this
+ and the SIP version number.
+.. cmacro:: SIP_API_MINOR_NR
+ This is a C preprocessor symbol that defines the minor number of the SIP
+ API. Its value is a number. There is no direct relationship between this
+ and the SIP version number.
+.. cmacro:: SIP_BLOCK_THREADS
+ This is a C preprocessor macro that will make sure the Python Global
+ Interpreter Lock (GIL) is acquired. Python API calls must only be made
+ when the GIL has been acquired. There must be a corresponding
+ :cmacro:`SIP_UNBLOCK_THREADS` at the same lexical scope.
+.. cmacro:: SIP_NO_CONVERTORS
+ This is a flag used by various type convertors that suppresses the use of a
+ type's :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`.
+.. cmacro:: SIP_NOT_NONE
+ This is a flag used by various type convertors that causes the conversion
+ to fail if the Python object being converted is ``Py_None``.
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This is a C preprocessor macro that is set automatically by the build
+ system to specify that the generated code is being compiled with
+ ``protected`` redefined as ``public``. This allows handwritten code to
+ determine if the generated helper functions for accessing protected C++
+ functions are available (see :directive:`%MethodCode`).
+.. cmacro:: SIP_SSIZE_T
+ This is a C preprocessor macro that is defined as ``Py_ssize_t`` for Python
+ v2.5 and later, and as ``int`` for earlier versions of Python. It makes it
+ easier to write PEP 353 compliant handwritten code.
+ This is a C preprocessor macro that will restore the Python Global
+ Interpreter Lock (GIL) to the state it was prior to the corresponding
+ :cmacro:`SIP_BLOCK_THREADS`.
+.. cmacro:: SIP_VERSION
+ This is a C preprocessor symbol that defines the SIP version number
+ represented as a 3 part hexadecimal number (e.g. v4.0.0 is represented as
+ ``0x040000``).
+.. cmacro:: SIP_VERSION_STR
+ This is a C preprocessor symbol that defines the SIP version number
+ represented as a string. For development snapshots it will start with
+ ``snapshot-``.
+.. cfunction:: sipErrorState sipBadCallableArg(int arg_nr, PyObject *arg)
+ .. versionadded:: 4.10
+ This is called from :directive:`%MethodCode` to raise a Python exception
+ when an argument to a function, a C++ constructor or method is found to
+ have an unexpected type. This should be used when the
+ :directive:`%MethodCode` does additional type checking of the supplied
+ arguments.
+ :param arg_nr:
+ the number of the argument. Arguments are numbered from 0 but are
+ numbered from 1 in the detail of the exception.
+ :param arg:
+ the argument.
+ :return:
+ the value that should be assigned to ``sipError``.
+.. cfunction:: void sipBadCatcherResult(PyObject *method)
+ This raises a Python exception when the result of a Python reimplementation
+ of a C++ method doesn't have the expected type. It is normally called by
+ handwritten code specified with the :directive:`%VirtualCatcherCode`
+ directive.
+ :param method:
+ the Python method and would normally be the supplied ``sipMethod``.
+.. cfunction:: void sipBadLengthForSlice(SIP_SSIZE_T seqlen, SIP_SSIZE_T slicelen)
+ This raises a Python exception when the length of a slice object is
+ inappropriate for a sequence-like object. It is normally called by
+ handwritten code specified for :meth:`__setitem__` methods.
+ :param seqlen:
+ the length of the sequence.
+ :param slicelen:
+ the length of the slice.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipBuildResult(int *iserr, const char *format, ...)
+ This creates a Python object based on a format string and associated
+ values in a similar way to the Python :cfunc:`Py_BuildValue()` function.
+ :param iserr:
+ if this is not ``NULL`` then the location it points to is set to a
+ non-zero value.
+ :param format:
+ the string of format characters.
+ :return:
+ If there was an error then ``NULL`` is returned and a Python exception
+ is raised.
+ If the format string begins and ends with parentheses then a tuple of
+ objects is created. If it contains more than one format character then
+ parentheses must be specified.
+ In the following description the first letter is the format character, the
+ entry in parentheses is the Python object type that the format character
+ will create, and the entry in brackets are the types of the C/C++ values
+ to be passed.
+ ``a`` (string) [char]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``char`` to a Python v2 or v3 string object.
+ ``b`` (boolean) [int]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``int`` to a Python boolean.
+ ``c`` (string/bytes) [char]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``char`` to a Python v2 string object or a Python v3
+ bytes object.
+ ``d`` (float) [double]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``double`` to a Python floating point number.
+ ``e`` (integer) [enum]
+ Convert an anonymous C/C++ ``enum`` to a Python integer.
+ ``f`` (float) [float]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``float`` to a Python floating point number.
+ ``g`` (string/bytes) [char \*, :cmacro:`SIP_SSIZE_T`]
+ Convert a C/C++ character array and its length to a Python v2 string
+ object or a Python v3 bytes object. If the array is ``NULL`` then the
+ length is ignored and the result is ``Py_None``.
+ ``h`` (integer) [short]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``short`` to a Python integer.
+ ``i`` (integer) [int]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``int`` to a Python integer.
+ ``l`` (long) [long]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``long`` to a Python integer.
+ ``m`` (long) [unsigned long]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``unsigned long`` to a Python long.
+ ``n`` (long) [long long]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``long long`` to a Python long.
+ ``o`` (long) [unsigned long long]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``unsigned long long`` to a Python long.
+ ``r`` (wrapped instance) [*type* \*, :cmacro:`SIP_SSIZE_T`, const :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*]
+ Convert an array of C structures, C++ classes or mapped type instances
+ to a Python tuple. Note that copies of the array elements are made.
+ ``s`` (string/bytes) [char \*]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``'\0'`` terminated string to a Python v2 string object
+ or a Python v3 bytes object. If the string pointer is ``NULL`` then
+ the result is ``Py_None``.
+ ``t`` (long) [unsigned short]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``unsigned short`` to a Python long.
+ ``u`` (long) [unsigned int]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``unsigned int`` to a Python long.
+ ``w`` (unicode/string) [wchar_t]
+ Convert a C/C++ wide character to a Python v2 unicode object or a
+ Python v3 string object.
+ ``x`` (unicode/string) [wchar_t \*]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``L'\0'`` terminated wide character string to a Python
+ v2 unicode object or a Python v3 string object. If the string pointer
+ is ``NULL`` then the result is ``Py_None``.
+ ``A`` (string) [char \*]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``'\0'`` terminated string to a Python v2 or v3 string
+ object. If the string pointer is ``NULL`` then the result is
+ ``Py_None``.
+ ``B`` (wrapped instance) [*type* \*, :ctype:`sipWrapperType` \*, PyObject \*]
+ Convert a new C structure or a new C++ class instance to a Python class
+ instance object. Ownership of the structure or instance is determined
+ by the ``PyObject *`` argument. If it is ``NULL`` and the instance has
+ already been wrapped then the ownership is unchanged. If it is
+ ``NULL`` or ``Py_None`` then ownership will be with Python. Otherwise
+ ownership will be with C/C++ and the instance associated with the
+ ``PyObject *`` argument. The Python class is influenced by any
+ applicable :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use ``N``.
+ ``C`` (wrapped instance) [*type* \*, :ctype:`sipWrapperType` \*, PyObject \*]
+ Convert a C structure or a C++ class instance to a Python class
+ instance object. If the structure or class instance has already been
+ wrapped then the result is a new reference to the existing class
+ instance object. Ownership of the structure or instance is determined
+ by the ``PyObject *`` argument. If it is ``NULL`` and the instance has
+ already been wrapped then the ownership is unchanged. If it is
+ ``NULL`` and the instance is newly wrapped then ownership will be with
+ C/C++. If it is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python
+ via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`. Otherwise ownership is
+ transferred to C/C++ and the instance associated with the
+ ``PyObject *`` argument via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`. The
+ Python class is influenced by any applicable
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use ``D``.
+ ``D`` (wrapped instance) [*type* \*, const :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*, PyObject \*]
+ Convert a C structure, C++ class or mapped type instance to a Python
+ object. If the instance has already been wrapped then the result is a
+ new reference to the existing object. Ownership of the instance is
+ determined by the ``PyObject *`` argument. If it is ``NULL`` and the
+ instance has already been wrapped then the ownership is unchanged. If
+ it is ``NULL`` and the instance is newly wrapped then ownership will be
+ with C/C++. If it is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to
+ Python via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`. Otherwise ownership
+ is transferred to C/C++ and the instance associated with the
+ ``PyObject *`` argument via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`. The
+ Python class is influenced by any applicable
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+ ``E`` (wrapped enum) [enum, PyTypeObject \*]
+ Convert a named C/C++ ``enum`` to an instance of the corresponding
+ Python named enum type.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use ``F``.
+ ``F`` (wrapped enum) [enum, :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*]
+ Convert a named C/C++ ``enum`` to an instance of the corresponding
+ Python named enum type.
+ ``G`` (unicode) [wchar_t \*, :cmacro:`SIP_SSIZE_T`]
+ Convert a C/C++ wide character array and its length to a Python unicode
+ object. If the array is ``NULL`` then the length is ignored and the
+ result is ``Py_None``.
+ ``N`` (wrapped instance) [*type* \*, :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*, PyObject \*]
+ Convert a new C structure, C++ class or mapped type instance to a
+ Python object. Ownership of the instance is determined by the
+ ``PyObject *`` argument. If it is ``NULL`` and the instance has
+ already been wrapped then the ownership is unchanged. If it is
+ ``NULL`` or ``Py_None`` then ownership will be with Python. Otherwise
+ ownership will be with C/C++ and the instance associated with the
+ ``PyObject *`` argument. The Python class is influenced by any
+ applicable :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+ ``R`` (object) [PyObject \*]
+ The result is value passed without any conversions. The reference
+ count is unaffected, i.e. a reference is taken.
+ ``S`` (object) [PyObject \*]
+ The result is value passed without any conversions. The reference
+ count is incremented.
+ ``V`` (sip.voidptr) [void \*]
+ Convert a C/C++ ``void *`` Python :class:`sip.voidptr` object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipCallMethod(int *iserr, PyObject *method, const char *format, ...)
+ This calls a Python method passing a tuple of arguments based on a format
+ string and associated values in a similar way to the Python
+ :cfunc:`PyObject_CallObject()` function.
+ :param iserr:
+ if this is not ``NULL`` then the location it points to is set to a
+ non-zero value if there was an error.
+ :param method:
+ the Python bound method to call.
+ :param format:
+ the string of format characters (see :cfunc:`sipBuildResult()`).
+ :return:
+ If there was an error then ``NULL`` is returned and a Python exception
+ is raised.
+ It is normally called by handwritten code specified with the
+ :directive:`%VirtualCatcherCode` directive with method being the supplied
+ ``sipMethod``.
+.. cfunction:: int sipCanConvertToEnum(PyObject *obj, const sipTypeDef *td)
+ This checks if a Python object can be converted to a named enum.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param td:
+ the enum's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the object can be converted.
+.. cfunction:: int sipCanConvertToInstance(PyObject *obj, sipWrapperType *type, int flags)
+ This checks if a Python object can be converted to an instance of a C
+ structure or C++ class.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param type:
+ the C/C++ type's :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param flags:
+ any combination of the :cmacro:`SIP_NOT_NONE` and
+ :cmacro:`SIP_NO_CONVERTORS` flags.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the object can be converted.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToType()`.
+.. cfunction:: int sipCanConvertToMappedType(PyObject *obj, const sipMappedType *mt, int flags)
+ This checks if a Python object can be converted to an instance of a C
+ structure or C++ class which has been implemented as a mapped type.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param mt:
+ the opaque structure returned by :cfunc:`sipFindMappedType()`.
+ :param flags:
+ this may be the :cmacro:`SIP_NOT_NONE` flag.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the object can be converted.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToType()`.
+.. cfunction:: int sipCanConvertToType(PyObject *obj, const sipTypeDef *td, int flags)
+ This checks if a Python object can be converted to an instance of a C
+ structure, C++ class or mapped type.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param td:
+ the C/C++ type's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :param flags:
+ any combination of the :cmacro:`SIP_NOT_NONE` and
+ :cmacro:`SIP_NO_CONVERTORS` flags.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the object can be converted.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipClassName(PyObject *obj)
+ This gets the class name of a wrapped instance as a Python string. It
+ comes with a reference.
+ :param obj:
+ the wrapped instance.
+ :return:
+ the name of the instance's class.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use the
+ following::
+ PyString_FromString(obj->ob_type->tp_name)
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromConstVoidPtr(const void *cpp)
+ This creates a :class:`sip.voidptr` object for a memory address. The
+ object will not be writeable and has no associated size.
+ :param cpp:
+ the memory address.
+ :return:
+ the :class:`sip.voidptr` object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromConstVoidPtrAndSize(const void *cpp, SIP_SSIZE_T size)
+ This creates a :class:`sip.voidptr` object for a memory address. The
+ object will not be writeable and can be used as an immutable buffer object.
+ :param cpp:
+ the memory address.
+ :param size:
+ the size associated with the address.
+ :return:
+ the :class:`sip.voidptr` object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromEnum(int eval, const sipTypeDef *td)
+ This converts a named C/C++ ``enum`` to an instance of the corresponding
+ generated Python type.
+ :param eval:
+ the enumerated value to convert.
+ :param td:
+ the enum's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromInstance(void *cpp, sipWrapperType *type, PyObject *transferObj)
+ This converts a C structure or a C++ class instance to an instance of the
+ corresponding generated Python type.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param type:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls the ownership of the returned value.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+ If the C/C++ instance has already been wrapped then the result is a
+ new reference to the existing class instance object.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` and the instance has already been wrapped then
+ the ownership is unchanged.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` and the instance is newly wrapped then
+ ownership will be with C/C++.
+ If *transferObj* is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python via
+ a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`.
+ Otherwise ownership is transferred to C/C++ and the instance associated
+ with *transferObj* via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`.
+ The Python type is influenced by any applicable
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertFromType()`.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromMappedType(void *cpp, const sipMappedType *mt, PyObject *transferObj)
+ This converts a C structure or a C++ class instance wrapped as a mapped
+ type to an instance of the corresponding generated Python type.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param mt:
+ the opaque structure returned by :cfunc:`sipFindMappedType()`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls the ownership of the returned value.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` then the ownership is unchanged.
+ If *transferObj* is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python
+ via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`.
+ Otherwise ownership is transferred to C/C++ and the instance associated
+ with *transferObj* argument via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertFromType()`.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromNamedEnum(int eval, PyTypeObject *type)
+ This converts a named C/C++ ``enum`` to an instance of the corresponding
+ generated Python type.
+ :param eval:
+ the enumerated value to convert.
+ :param type:
+ the enum's :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertFromEnum()`.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromNewInstance(void *cpp, sipWrapperType *type, PyObject *transferObj)
+ This converts a new C structure or a C++ class instance to an instance of
+ the corresponding generated Python type.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param type:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls the ownership of the returned value.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` or ``Py_None`` then ownership will be with
+ Python.
+ Otherwise ownership will be with C/C++ and the instance associated with
+ *transferObj*.
+ The Python type is influenced by any applicable
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertFromNewType()`.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromNewType(void *cpp, const sipTypeDef *td, PyObject *transferObj)
+ This converts a new C structure or a C++ class instance to an instance of
+ the corresponding generated Python type.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param td:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls the ownership of the returned value.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` or ``Py_None`` then ownership will be with
+ Python.
+ Otherwise ownership will be with C/C++ and the instance associated with
+ *transferObj*.
+ The Python type is influenced by any applicable
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+.. cfunction:: SIP_SSIZE_T sipConvertFromSequenceIndex(SIP_SSIZE_T idx, SIP_SSIZE_T len)
+ This converts a Python sequence index (i.e. where a negative value refers
+ to the offset from the end of the sequence) to a C/C++ array index. If the
+ index was out of range then a negative value is returned and a Python
+ exception raised.
+ :param idx:
+ the sequence index.
+ :param len:
+ the length of the sequence.
+ :return:
+ the unsigned array index.
+.. cfunction:: int sipConvertFromSliceObject(PyObject *slice, SIP_SSIZE_T length, SIP_SSIZE_T *start, SIP_SSIZE_T *stop, SIP_SSIZE_T *step, SIP_SSIZE_T *slicelength)
+ This is a thin wrapper around the Python :cfunc:`PySlice_GetIndicesEx()`
+ function provided to make it easier to write handwritten code that is
+ compatible with SIP v3.x and versions of Python earlier that v2.3.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromType(void *cpp, const sipTypeDef *td, PyObject *transferObj)
+ This converts a C structure or a C++ class instance to an instance of the
+ corresponding generated Python type.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param td:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls the ownership of the returned value.
+ :return:
+ the Python object.
+ If the C/C++ instance has already been wrapped then the result is a new
+ reference to the existing object.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` and the instance has already been wrapped then
+ the ownership is unchanged.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` and the instance is newly wrapped then
+ ownership will be with C/C++.
+ If *transferObj* is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python via
+ a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`.
+ Otherwise ownership is transferred to C/C++ and the instance associated
+ with *transferObj* via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`.
+ The Python class is influenced by any applicable
+ :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromVoidPtr(void *cpp)
+ This creates a :class:`sip.voidptr` object for a memory address. The
+ object will be writeable but has no associated size.
+ :param cpp:
+ the memory address.
+ :return:
+ the :class:`sip.voidptr` object.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipConvertFromVoidPtrAndSize(void *cpp, SIP_SSIZE_T size)
+ This creates a :class:`sip.voidptr` object for a memory address. The
+ object will be writeable and can be used as a mutable buffer object.
+ :param cpp:
+ the memory address.
+ :param size:
+ the size associated with the address.
+ :return:
+ the :class:`sip.voidptr` object.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipConvertToInstance(PyObject *obj, sipWrapperType *type, PyObject *transferObj, int flags, int *state, int *iserr)
+ This converts a Python object to an instance of a C structure or C++ class
+ assuming that a previous call to :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToInstance()` has
+ been successful.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param type:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls any ownership changes to *obj*.
+ :param flags:
+ any combination of the :cmacro:`SIP_NOT_NONE` and
+ :cmacro:`SIP_NO_CONVERTORS` flags.
+ :param state:
+ the state of the returned C/C++ instance is returned via this pointer.
+ :param iserr:
+ the error flag is passed and updated via this pointer.
+ :return:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` then the ownership is unchanged.
+ If *transferObj* is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python via
+ a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`.
+ Otherwise ownership is transferred to C/C++ and *obj* associated with
+ *transferObj* via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`.
+ If *state* is not ``NULL`` then the location it points to is set to
+ describe the state of the returned C/C++ instance and is the value returned
+ by any :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`. The calling code must then release
+ the value at some point to prevent a memory leak by calling
+ :cfunc:`sipReleaseInstance()`.
+ If there is an error then the location *iserr* points to is set to a
+ non-zero value. If it was initially a non-zero value then the conversion
+ isn't attempted in the first place. (This allows several calls to be made
+ that share the same error flag so that it only needs to be tested once
+ rather than after each call.)
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()`.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipConvertToMappedType(PyObject *obj, const sipMappedType *mt, PyObject *transferObj, int flags, int *state, int *iserr)
+ This converts a Python object to an instance of a C structure or C++
+ class that is implemented as a mapped type assuming that a previous call to
+ :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToMappedType()` has been successful.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param mt:
+ the opaque structure returned by :cfunc:`sipFindMappedType()`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls any ownership changes to *obj*.
+ :param flags:
+ this may be the :cmacro:`SIP_NOT_NONE` flag.
+ :param state:
+ the state of the returned C/C++ instance is returned via this pointer.
+ :param iserr:
+ the error flag is passed and updated via this pointer.
+ :return:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` then the ownership is unchanged.
+ If *transferObj* is ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python via
+ a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`.
+ Otherwise ownership is transferred to C/C++ and *obj* associated with
+ *transferObj* via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`.
+ If *state* is not ``NULL`` then the location it points to is set to
+ describe the state of the returned C/C++ instance and is the value returned
+ by any :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`. The calling code must then release
+ the value at some point to prevent a memory leak by calling
+ :cfunc:`sipReleaseMappedType()`.
+ If there is an error then the location *iserr* points to is set to a
+ non-zero value. If it was initially a non-zero value then the conversion
+ isn't attempted in the first place. (This allows several calls to be made
+ that share the same error flag so that it only needs to be tested once
+ rather than after each call.)
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()`
+.. cfunction:: void *sipConvertToType(PyObject *obj, const sipTypeDef *td, PyObject *transferObj, int flags, int *state, int *iserr)
+ This converts a Python object to an instance of a C structure, C++ class or
+ mapped type assuming that a previous call to :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToType()`
+ has been successful.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :param td:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :param transferObj:
+ this controls any ownership changes to *obj*.
+ :param flags:
+ any combination of the :cmacro:`SIP_NOT_NONE` and
+ :cmacro:`SIP_NO_CONVERTORS` flags.
+ :param state:
+ the state of the returned C/C++ instance is returned via this pointer.
+ :param iserr:
+ the error flag is passed and updated via this pointer.
+ :return:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ If *transferObj* is ``NULL`` then the ownership is unchanged. If it is
+ ``Py_None`` then ownership is transferred to Python via a call to
+ :cfunc:`sipTransferBack()`.
+ Otherwise ownership is transferred to C/C++ and *obj* associated with
+ *transferObj* via a call to :cfunc:`sipTransferTo()`.
+ If *state* is not ``NULL`` then the location it points to is set to
+ describe the state of the returned C/C++ instance and is the value returned
+ by any :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode`. The calling code must then release
+ the value at some point to prevent a memory leak by calling
+ :cfunc:`sipReleaseType()`.
+ If there is an error then the location *iserr* points to is set to a
+ non-zero value. If it was initially a non-zero value then the conversion
+ isn't attempted in the first place. (This allows several calls to be made
+ that share the same error flag so that it only needs to be tested once
+ rather than after each call.)
+.. cfunction:: void *sipConvertToVoidPtr(PyObject *obj)
+ This converts a Python object to a memory address.
+ :cfunc:`PyErr_Occurred()` must be used to determine if the conversion was
+ successful.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object which may be ``Py_None``, a :class:`sip.voidptr` or a
+ :ctype:`PyCObject`.
+ :return:
+ the memory address.
+.. cfunction:: int sipExportSymbol(const char *name, void *sym)
+ Python does not allow extension modules to directly access symbols in
+ another extension module. This exports a symbol, referenced by a name,
+ that can subsequently be imported, using :cfunc:`sipImportSymbol()`, by
+ another module.
+ :param name:
+ the name of the symbol.
+ :param sym:
+ the value of the symbol.
+ :return:
+ 0 if there was no error. A negative value is returned if *name* is
+ already associated with a symbol or there was some other error.
+.. cfunction:: sipWrapperType *sipFindClass(const char *type)
+ This returns a pointer to the :ref:`generated type object
+ <ref-type-objects` corresponding to a C/C++ type.
+ :param type:
+ the C/C++ declaration of the type.
+ :return:
+ the generated type object. This will not change and may be saved in a
+ static cache. ``NULL`` is returned if the C/C++ type doesn't exist.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipFindType()`.
+.. cfunction:: const sipMappedType *sipFindMappedType(const char *type)
+ This returns a pointer to an opaque structure describing a mapped type.
+ :param type:
+ the C/C++ declaration of the type.
+ :return:
+ the opaque structure. This will not change and may be saved in a
+ static cache. ``NULL`` is returned if the C/C++ type doesn't exist.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipFindType()`.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeObject *sipFindNamedEnum(const char *type)
+ This returns a pointer to the :ref:`generated Python type object
+ <ref-enum-type-objects>` corresponding to a named C/C++ enum.
+ :param type:
+ the C/C++ declaration of the enum.
+ :return:
+ the generated Python type object. This will not change and may be
+ saved in a static cache. ``NULL`` is returned if the C/C++ enum
+ doesn't exist.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipFindType()`.
+.. cfunction:: const sipTypeDef *sipFindType(const char *type)
+ This returns a pointer to the :ref:`generated type structure
+ <ref-type-structures>` corresponding to a C/C++ type.
+ :param type:
+ the C/C++ declaration of the type.
+ :return:
+ the generated type structure. This will not change and may be saved in
+ a static cache. ``NULL`` is returned if the C/C++ type doesn't exist.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipForceConvertToInstance(PyObject *obj, sipWrapperType *type, PyObject *transferObj, int flags, int *state, int *iserr)
+ This converts a Python object to an instance of a C structure or C++ class
+ by calling :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToInstance()` and, if it is successfull,
+ calling :cfunc:`sipConvertToInstance()`.
+ See :cfunc:`sipConvertToInstance()` for a full description of the
+ arguments.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipForceConvertToType()`.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipForceConvertToMappedType(PyObject *obj, const sipMappedType *mt, PyObject *transferObj, int flags, int *state, int *iserr)
+ This converts a Python object to an instance of a C structure or C++ class
+ which has been implemented as a mapped type by calling
+ :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToMappedType()` and, if it is successfull, calling
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertToMappedType()`.
+ See :cfunc:`sipConvertToMappedType()` for a full description of the
+ arguments.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipForceConvertToType()`.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipForceConvertToType(PyObject *obj, const sipTypeDef *td, PyObject *transferObj, int flags, int *state, int *iserr)
+ This converts a Python object to an instance of a C structure, C++ class or
+ mapped type by calling :cfunc:`sipCanConvertToType()` and, if it is
+ successfull, calling :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()`.
+ See :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()` for a full description of the arguments.
+.. cfunction:: void sipFree(void *mem)
+ This returns an area of memory allocated by :cfunc:`sipMalloc()` to the
+ heap.
+ :param mem:
+ the memory address.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipGetPyObject(void *cppptr, const sipTypeDef *td)
+ This returns a borrowed reference to the Python object for a C structure or
+ C++ class instance.
+ :param cppptr:
+ the pointer to the C/C++ instance.
+ :param td:
+ the :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>` corresponding
+ to the C/C++ type.
+ :return:
+ the Python object or ``NULL`` (and no exception is raised) if the
+ C/C++ instance hasn't been wrapped.
+.. cfunction:: int sipGetState(PyObject *transferObj)
+ The :directive:`%ConvertToTypeCode` directive requires that the provided
+ code returns an ``int`` describing the state of the converted value. The
+ state usually depends on any transfers of ownership that have been
+ requested. This is a convenience function that returns the correct state
+ when the converted value is a temporary.
+ :param transferObj:
+ the object that describes the requested transfer of ownership.
+ :return:
+ the state of the converted value.
+.. cfunction:: PyObject *sipGetWrapper(void *cppptr, sipWrapperType *type)
+ This returns a borrowed reference to the wrapped instance object for a C
+ structure or C++ class instance.
+ :param cppptr:
+ the pointer to the C/C++ instance.
+ :param type:
+ the :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>` corresponding to
+ the C/C++ type.
+ :return:
+ the Python object or ``NULL`` (and no exception is raised) if the
+ C/C++ instance hasn't been wrapped.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipGetPyObject()`.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipImportSymbol(const char *name)
+ Python does not allow extension modules to directly access symbols in
+ another extension module. This imports a symbol, referenced by a name,
+ that has previously been exported, using :cfunc:`sipExportSymbol()`, by
+ another module.
+ :param name:
+ the name of the symbol.
+ :return:
+ the value of the symbol. ``NULL`` is returned if there is no such
+ symbol.
+.. ctype:: sipIntTypeClassMap
+ This C structure is used with :cfunc:`sipMapIntToClass()` to define a
+ mapping between integer based RTTI and :ref:`generated type objects
+ <ref-type-objects>`. The structure elements are as follows.
+ .. cmember:: int typeInt
+ The integer RTTI.
+ .. cmember:: sipWrapperType **pyType.
+ A pointer to the corresponding generated type object.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8.
+.. cfunction:: int sipIsAPIEnabled(const char *name, int from, int to)
+ .. versionadded:: 4.9
+ This checks to see if the current version number of an API falls within a
+ given range. See :ref:`ref-incompat-apis` for more detail.
+ :param name:
+ the name of the API.
+ :param from:
+ the lower bound of the range. For the API to be enabled its version
+ number must be greater than or equal to *from*. If *from* is 0 then
+ this check isn't made.
+ :param to:
+ the upper bound of the range. For the API to be enabled its version
+ number must be less than *to*. If *to* is 0 then this check isn't
+ made.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the API is enabled.
+.. cfunction:: unsigned long sipLong_AsUnsignedLong(PyObject *obj)
+ This function is a thin wrapper around :cfunc:`PyLong_AsUnsignedLong()`
+ that works around a bug in Python v2.3.x and earlier when converting
+ integer objects.
+.. cfunction:: void *sipMalloc(size_t nbytes)
+ This allocates an area of memory on the heap using the Python
+ :cfunc:`PyMem_Malloc()` function. The memory is freed by calling
+ :cfunc:`sipFree()`.
+ :param nbytes:
+ the number of bytes to allocate.
+ :return:
+ the memory address. If there was an error then ``NULL`` is returned
+ and a Python exception raised.
+.. cfunction:: sipWrapperType *sipMapIntToClass(int type, const sipIntTypeClassMap *map, int maplen)
+ This can be used in :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code as a
+ convenient way of converting integer based RTTI to the corresponding
+ :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param type:
+ the integer RTTI.
+ :param map:
+ the table of known RTTI and the corresponding type objects (see
+ :ctype:`sipIntTypeClassMap`). The entries in the table must be sorted
+ in ascending order of RTTI.
+ :param maplen:
+ the number of entries in the table.
+ :return:
+ the corresponding type object, or ``NULL`` if *type* wasn't in *map*.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8.
+.. cfunction:: sipWrapperType *sipMapStringToClass(char *type, const sipStringTypeClassMap *map, int maplen)
+ This can be used in :directive:`%ConvertToSubClassCode` code as a
+ convenient way of converting ``'\0'`` terminated string based RTTI to the
+ corresponding :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param type:
+ the string RTTI.
+ :param map:
+ the table of known RTTI and the corresponding type objects (see
+ :ctype:`sipStringTypeClassMap`). The entries in the table must be
+ sorted in ascending order of RTTI.
+ :param maplen:
+ the number of entries in the table.
+ :return:
+ the corresponding type object, or ``NULL`` if *type* wasn't in *map*.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8.
+.. cfunction:: int sipParseResult(int *iserr, PyObject *method, PyObject *result, const char *format, ...)
+ This converts a Python object (usually returned by a method) to C/C++ based
+ on a format string and associated values in a similar way to the Python
+ :cfunc:`PyArg_ParseTuple()` function.
+ :param iserr:
+ if this is not ``NULL`` then the location it points to is set to a
+ non-zero value if there was an error.
+ :param method:
+ the Python method that returned *result*.
+ :param result:
+ the Python object returned by *method*.
+ :param format:
+ the format string.
+ :return:
+ 0 if there was no error. Otherwise a negative value is returned, and
+ an exception raised.
+ This is normally called by handwritten code specified with the
+ :directive:`%VirtualCatcherCode` directive with *method* being the supplied
+ ``sipMethod`` and *result* being the value returned by
+ :cfunc:`sipCallMethod()`.
+ If *format* begins and ends with parentheses then *result* must be a Python
+ tuple and the rest of *format* is applied to the tuple contents.
+ In the following description the first letter is the format character, the
+ entry in parentheses is the Python object type that the format character
+ will convert, and the entry in brackets are the types of the C/C++ values
+ to be passed.
+ ``ae`` (object) [char \*]
+ Convert a Python string-like object of length 1 to a C/C++ ``char``
+ according to the encoding ``e``. ``e`` can either be ``A`` for ASCII,
+ ``L`` for Latin-1, or ``8`` for UTF-8. For Python v2 the object may be
+ either a string or a unicode object that can be encoded. For Python v3
+ the object may either be a bytes object or a string object that can be
+ encoded. An object that supports the buffer protocol may also be used.
+ ``b`` (integer) [bool \*]
+ Convert a Python integer to a C/C++ ``bool``.
+ ``c`` (string/bytes) [char \*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string object or a Python v3 bytes object of length
+ 1 to a C/C++ ``char``.
+ ``d`` (float) [double \*]
+ Convert a Python floating point number to a C/C++ ``double``.
+ ``e`` (integer) [enum \*]
+ Convert a Python integer to an anonymous C/C++ ``enum``.
+ ``f`` (float) [float \*]
+ Convert a Python floating point number to a C/C++ ``float``.
+ ``g`` (string/bytes) [const char \*\*, :cmacro:`SIP_SSIZE_T` \*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string object or a Python v3 bytes object to a
+ C/C++ character array and its length. If the Python object is
+ ``Py_None`` then the array and length are ``NULL`` and zero
+ respectively.
+ ``h`` (integer) [short \*]
+ Convert a Python integer to a C/C++ ``short``.
+ ``i`` (integer) [int \*]
+ Convert a Python integer to a C/C++ ``int``.
+ ``l`` (long) [long \*]
+ Convert a Python long to a C/C++ ``long``.
+ ``m`` (long) [unsigned long \*]
+ Convert a Python long to a C/C++ ``unsigned long``.
+ ``n`` (long) [long long \*]
+ Convert a Python long to a C/C++ ``long long``.
+ ``o`` (long) [unsigned long long \*]
+ Convert a Python long to a C/C++ ``unsigned long long``.
+ ``s`` (string/bytes) [const char \*\*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string object or a Python v3 bytes object to a
+ C/C++ ``'\0'`` terminated string. If the Python object is ``Py_None``
+ then the string is ``NULL``.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use ``B``.
+ ``t`` (long) [unsigned short \*]
+ Convert a Python long to a C/C++ ``unsigned short``.
+ ``u`` (long) [unsigned int \*]
+ Convert a Python long to a C/C++ ``unsigned int``.
+ ``w`` (unicode/string) [wchar_t \*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string or unicode object or a Python v3 string
+ object of length 1 to a C/C++ wide character.
+ ``x`` (unicode/string) [wchar_t \*\*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string or unicode object or a Python v3 string
+ object to a C/C++ ``L'\0'`` terminated wide character string. If the
+ Python object is ``Py_None`` then the string is ``NULL``.
+ ``Ae`` (object) [int, const char \*\*]
+ Convert a Python string-like object to a C/C++ ``'\0'`` terminated
+ string according to the encoding ``e``. ``e`` can either be ``A`` for
+ ASCII, ``L`` for Latin-1, or ``8`` for UTF-8. If the Python object is
+ ``Py_None`` then the string is ``NULL``. The integer uniquely
+ identifies the object in the context defined by the ``S`` format
+ character and allows an extra reference to the object to be kept to
+ ensure that the string remains valid. For Python v2 the object may be
+ either a string or a unicode object that can be encoded. For Python v3
+ the object may either be a bytes object or a string object that can be
+ encoded. An object that supports the buffer protocol may also be used.
+ ``B`` (string/bytes) [int, const char \*\*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string object or a Python v3 bytes object to a
+ C/C++ ``'\0'`` terminated string. If the Python object is ``Py_None``
+ then the string is ``NULL``. The integer uniquely identifies the
+ object in the context defined by the ``S`` format character and allows
+ an extra reference to the object to be kept to ensure that the string
+ remains valid.
+ ``Cf`` (wrapped class) [:ctype:`sipWrapperType` \*, int \*, void \*\*]
+ Convert a Python object to a C structure or a C++ class instance and
+ return its state as described in :cfunc:`sipConvertToInstance()`.
+ ``f`` is a combination of the following flags encoded as an ASCII
+ character by adding ``0`` to the combined value:
+ 0x01 disallows the conversion of ``Py_None`` to ``NULL``
+ 0x02 implements the :fanno:`Factory` and :fanno:`TransferBack`
+ annotations
+ 0x04 suppresses the return of the state of the returned C/C++
+ instance. Note that the ``int *`` used to return the state is
+ not passed if this flag is specified.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use ``Hf``.
+ ``Df`` (wrapped instance) [const :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*, int \*, void \*\*]
+ Convert a Python object to a C structure, C++ class or mapped type
+ instance and return its state as described in
+ :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()`. ``f`` is a combination of the following
+ flags encoded as an ASCII character by adding ``0`` to the combined
+ value:
+ 0x01 disallows the conversion of ``Py_None`` to ``NULL``
+ 0x02 implements the :fanno:`Factory` and :fanno:`TransferBack`
+ annotations
+ 0x04 suppresses the return of the state of the returned C/C++
+ instance. Note that the ``int *`` used to return the state is
+ not passed if this flag is specified.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.10.1. Instead you should use
+ ``Hf``.
+ ``E`` (wrapped enum) [PyTypeObject \*, enum \*]
+ Convert a Python named enum type to the corresponding C/C++ ``enum``.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use ``F``.
+ ``F`` (wrapped enum) [:ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*, enum \*]
+ Convert a Python named enum type to the corresponding C/C++ ``enum``.
+ ``G`` (unicode/string) [wchar_t \*\*, :cmacro:`SIP_SSIZE_T` \*]
+ Convert a Python v2 string or unicode object or a Python v3 string
+ object to a C/C++ wide character array and its length. If the Python
+ object is ``Py_None`` then the array and length are ``NULL`` and zero
+ respectively.
+ ``Hf`` (wrapped instance) [const :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*, int \*, void \*\*]
+ Convert a Python object to a C structure, C++ class or mapped type
+ instance as described in :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()`. ``f`` is a
+ combination of the following flags encoded as an ASCII character by
+ adding ``0`` to the combined value:
+ 0x01 disallows the conversion of ``Py_None`` to ``NULL``
+ 0x02 implements the :fanno:`Factory` and :fanno:`TransferBack`
+ annotations
+ 0x04 returns a copy of the C/C++ instance.
+ ``N`` (object) [PyTypeObject \*, :PyObject \*\*]
+ A Python object is checked to see if it is a certain type and then
+ returned without any conversions. The reference count is incremented.
+ The Python object may be ``Py_None``.
+ ``O`` (object) [PyObject \*\*]
+ A Python object is returned without any conversions. The reference
+ count is incremented.
+ ``S`` [:ctype:`sipSimpleWrapper` \*]
+ This format character, if used, must be the first. It is used with
+ other format characters to define a context and doesn't itself convert
+ an argument.
+ ``T`` (object) [PyTypeObject \*, PyObject \*\*]
+ A Python object is checked to see if it is a certain type and then
+ returned without any conversions. The reference count is incremented.
+ The Python object may not be ``Py_None``.
+ ``V`` (:class:`sip.voidptr`) [void \*]
+ Convert a Python :class:`sip.voidptr` object to a C/C++ ``void *``.
+ ``Z`` (object) []
+ Check that a Python object is ``Py_None``. No value is returned.
+.. cfunction:: int sipRegisterAttributeGetter(const sipTypeDef *td, sipAttrGetterFunc getter)
+ This registers a handler that will called just before SIP needs to get an
+ attribute from a wrapped type's dictionary for the first time. The handler
+ must then populate the type's dictionary with any lazy attributes.
+ :param td:
+ the optional :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>` that
+ determines which types the handler will be called for.
+ :param getter:
+ the handler function.
+ :return:
+ 0 if there was no error, otherwise -1 is returned.
+ If *td* is not ``NULL`` then the handler will only be called for types with
+ that type or that are sub-classed from it. Otherwise the handler will be
+ called for all types.
+ A handler has the following signature.
+ int handler(const :ctype:`sipTypeDef` \*td, PyObject \*dict)
+ *td* is the generated type definition of the type whose dictionary is
+ to be populated.
+ *dict* is the dictionary to be populated.
+ 0 if there was no error, otherwise -1 is returned.
+ See the section :ref:`ref-lazy-type-attributes` for more details.
+.. cfunction:: int sipRegisterPyType(PyTypeObject *type)
+ This registers a Python type object that can be used as the meta-type or
+ super-type of a wrapped C++ type.
+ :param type:
+ the type object.
+ :return:
+ 0 if there was no error, otherwise -1 is returned.
+ See the section :ref:`ref-types-metatypes` for more details.
+.. cfunction:: void sipReleaseInstance(void *cpp, sipWrapperType *type, int state)
+ This destroys a wrapped C/C++ instance if it was a temporary instance. It
+ is called after a call to either :cfunc:`sipConvertToInstance()` or
+ :cfunc:`sipForceConvertToInstance()`.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param type:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type object <ref-type-objects>`.
+ :param state:
+ describes the state of the C/C++ instance.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipReleaseType()`.
+.. cfunction:: void sipReleaseMappedType(void *cpp, const sipMappedType *mt, int state)
+ This destroys a wrapped C/C++ mapped type if it was a temporary instance.
+ It is called after a call to either :cfunc:`sipConvertToMappedType()` or
+ :cfunc:`sipForceConvertToMappedType()`.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param mt:
+ the opaque structure returned by :cfunc:`sipFindMappedType()`.
+ :param state:
+ describes the state of the C/C++ instance.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use
+ :cfunc:`sipReleaseType()`.
+.. cfunction:: void sipReleaseType(void *cpp, const sipTypeDef *td, int state)
+ This destroys a wrapped C/C++ or mapped type instance if it was a temporary
+ instance. It is called after a call to either :cfunc:`sipConvertToType()`
+ or :cfunc:`sipForceConvertToType()`.
+ :param cpp:
+ the C/C++ instance.
+ :param td:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :param state:
+ describes the state of the C/C++ instance.
+.. cfunction:: const char *sipResolveTypedef(const char *name)
+ This returns the value of a C/C++ typedef.
+ :param name:
+ the name of the typedef.
+ :return:
+ the value of the typedef or ``NULL`` if there was no such typedef.
+.. ctype:: sipSimpleWrapper
+ This is a C structure that represents a Python wrapped instance whose type
+ is :class:`sip.simplewrapper`. It is an extension of the ``PyObject``
+ structure and so may be safely cast to it.
+ .. cmember:: PyObject *user
+ This can be used for any purpose by handwritten code and will
+ automatically be garbage collected at the appropriate time.
+.. cvar:: PyTypeObject *sipSimpleWrapper_Type
+ This is the type of a :ctype:`sipSimpleWrapper` structure and is the C
+ implementation of :class:`sip.simplewrapper`. It may be safely cast to
+ :ctype:`sipWrapperType`.
+.. ctype:: sipStringTypeClassMap
+ This C structure is used with :cfunc:`sipMapStringToClass()` to define a
+ mapping between ``'\0'`` terminated string based RTTI and
+ :ref:`ref-type-objects`. The structure elements are as follows.
+ .. cmember:: char *typeString
+ The ``'\0'`` terminated string RTTI.
+ .. cmember:: sipWrapperType **pyType.
+ A pointer to the corresponding generated type object.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8.
+.. cfunction:: void sipTransferBack(PyObject *obj)
+ This transfers ownership of a Python wrapped instance to Python (see
+ :ref:`ref-object-ownership`).
+ :param obj:
+ the wrapped instance.
+ In addition, any association of the instance with regard to the cyclic
+ garbage collector with another instance is removed.
+.. cfunction:: void sipTransferBreak(PyObject *obj)
+ Any association of a Python wrapped instance with regard to the cyclic
+ garbage collector with another instance is removed. Ownership of the
+ instance should be with C++.
+ :param obj:
+ the wrapped instance.
+.. cfunction:: void sipTransferTo(PyObject *obj, PyObject *owner)
+ This transfers ownership of a Python wrapped instance to C++ (see
+ :ref:`ref-object-ownership`).
+ :param obj:
+ the wrapped instance.
+ :param owner:
+ an optional wrapped instance that *obj* becomes associated with with
+ regard to the cyclic garbage collector. If *owner* is ``NULL`` then no
+ such association is made. If *owner* is the same value as *obj* then
+ any reference cycles involving *obj* can never be detected or broken by
+ the cyclic garbage collector. Responsibility for calling the C++
+ instance's destructor is always transfered to C++.
+.. cfunction:: PyTypeObject *sipTypeAsPyTypeObject(sipTypeDef *td)
+ This returns a pointer to the Python type object that SIP creates for a
+ :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :param td:
+ the type structure.
+ :return:
+ the Python type object. If the type structure refers to a mapped type
+ then ``NULL`` will be returned.
+ If the type structure refers to a C structure or C++ class then the
+ Python type object may be safely cast to a :ctype:`sipWrapperType`.
+.. cfunction:: const sipTypeDef *sipTypeFromPyTypeObject(PyTypeObject *py_type)
+ This returns the :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>` for
+ a Python type object.
+ :param py_type:
+ the Python type object.
+ :return:
+ the type structure or ``NULL`` if the Python type object doesn't
+ correspond to a type structure.
+.. cfunction:: int sipTypeIsClass(sipTypeDef *td)
+ This checks if a :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`
+ refers to a C structure or C++ class.
+ :param td:
+ the type structure.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the type structure refers to a structure or class.
+.. cfunction:: int sipTypeIsEnum(sipTypeDef *td)
+ This checks if a :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`
+ refers to a named enum.
+ :param td:
+ the type structure.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the type structure refers to an enum.
+.. cfunction:: int sipTypeIsMapped(sipTypeDef *td)
+ This checks if a :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`
+ refers to a mapped type.
+ :param td:
+ the type structure.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the type structure refers to a mapped type.
+.. cfunction:: int sipTypeIsNamespace(sipTypeDef *td)
+ This checks if a :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`
+ refers to a C++ namespace.
+ :param td:
+ the type structure.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the type structure refers to a namespace.
+.. cfunction:: const char *sipTypeName(const sipTypeDef *td)
+ This returns the C/C++ name of a wrapped type.
+ :param td:
+ the type's :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>`.
+ :return:
+ the name of the C/C++ type.
+.. cfunction:: const sipTypeDef *sipTypeScope(const sipTypeDef *td)
+ This returns the :ref:`generated type structure <ref-type-structures>` of
+ the enclosing scope of another generated type structure.
+ :param td:
+ the type structure.
+ :return:
+ the type structure of the scope or ``NULL`` if the type has no scope.
+.. cvar:: PyTypeObject *sipVoidPtr_Type
+ This is the type of a ``PyObject`` structure that is used to wrap a
+ ``void *``.
+.. ctype:: sipWrapper
+ This is a C structure that represents a Python wrapped instance whose type
+ is :class:`sip.wrapper`. It is an extension of the
+ :ctype:`sipSimpleWrapper` and ``PyObject`` structures and so may be safely
+ cast to both.
+.. cfunction:: int sipWrapper_Check(PyObject *obj)
+ This checks if a Python object is a wrapped instance.
+ :param obj:
+ the Python object.
+ :return:
+ a non-zero value if the Python object is a wrapped instance.
+ .. note::
+ This is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead you should use the
+ following::
+ PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, sipWrapper_Type)
+.. cvar:: PyTypeObject *sipWrapper_Type
+ This is the type of a :ctype:`sipWrapper` structure and is the C
+ implementation of :class:`sip.wrapper`. It may be safely cast to
+ :ctype:`sipWrapperType`.
+.. ctype:: sipWrapperType
+ This is a C structure that represents a SIP generated type object. It is
+ an extension of the ``PyTypeObject`` structure (which is itself an
+ extension of the ``PyObject`` structure) and so may be safely cast to
+ ``PyTypeObject`` (and ``PyObject``).
+.. cvar:: PyTypeObject *sipWrapperType_Type
+ This is the type of a :ctype:`sipWrapperType` structure and is the C
+ implementation of :class:`sip.wrappertype`.
+.. _ref-type-structures:
+Generated Type Structures
+SIP generates an opaque type structure for each C structure, C++ class, C++
+namespace, named enum or mapped type being wrapped. These are
+:ctype:`sipTypeDef` structures and are used extensively by the SIP API.
+The names of these structure are prefixed by ``sipType_``.
+For those structures that correspond to C structures, C++ classes, C++
+namespaces or named enums the remaining part of the name is the fully
+qualified name of the structure, class, namespace or enum name. Any ``::``
+scope separators are replaced by an underscore. For example, the type object
+for class ``Klass`` is ``sipType_Klass``.
+For those structure that correspond to mapped types the remaining part of the
+name is generated by SIP. The only way for handwritten code to obtain a
+pointer to a structure for a mapped type is to use :cfunc:`sipFindType()`.
+The type structures of all imported types are available to handwritten code.
+.. _ref-type-objects:
+Generated Type Objects
+SIP generates a :ctype:`sipWrapperType` type object for each C structure or
+C++ class being wrapped.
+These objects are named with the structure or class name prefixed by
+``sipClass_``. For example, the type object for class ``Klass`` is
+.. note::
+ Using these names is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead use the
+ corresponding generated type structure (see :ref:`ref-type-structures`) and
+ :cfunc:`sipTypeAsPyTypeObject()`.
+.. _ref-enum-type-objects:
+Generated Named Enum Type Objects
+SIP generates a type object for each named enum being wrapped. These are
+PyTypeObject structures. (Anonymous enums are wrapped as Python integers.)
+These objects are named with the fully qualified enum name (i.e. including any
+enclosing scope) prefixed by ``sipEnum_``. For example, the type object for
+enum ``Enum`` defined in class ``Klass`` is ``sipEnum_Klass_Enum``.
+.. note::
+ Using these names is deprecated from SIP v4.8. Instead use the
+ corresponding generated type structure (see :ref:`ref-type-structures`) and
+ :cfunc:`sipTypeAsPyTypeObject()`.
+.. _ref-derived-classes:
+Generated Derived Classes
+For most C++ classes being wrapped SIP generates a derived class with the same
+name prefixed by ``sip``. For example, the derived class for class ``Klass``
+is ``sipKlass``.
+If a C++ class doesn't have any virtual or protected methods in it or any of
+it's super-class hierarchy, or does not emit any Qt signals, then a derived
+class is not generated.
+Most of the time handwritten code should ignore the derived classes. The only
+exception is that handwritten constructor code specified using the
+:directive:`%MethodCode` directive should call the derived class's constructor
+(which has the same C++ signature) rather then the wrapped class's constructor.
+.. _ref-exception-objects:
+Generated Exception Objects
+SIP generates a Python object for each exception defined with the
+:directive:`%Exception` directive.
+These objects are named with the fully qualified exception name (i.e. including
+any enclosing scope) prefixed by ``sipException_``. For example, the type
+object for enum ``Except`` defined in class ``Klass`` is
+The objects of all imported exceptions are available to handwritten code.