/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Geometer Plus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "CHMPlugin.h" #include "CHMFile.h" #include "CHMFileImage.h" #include "CHMReferenceCollection.h" #include "HHCReader.h" #include "HHCReferenceCollector.h" #include "../txt/PlainTextFormat.h" #include "HtmlSectionReader.h" #include "../util/MergedStream.h" #include "../html/HtmlReaderStream.h" #include "../../bookmodel/BookModel.h" #include "../../library/Book.h" bool CHMPlugin::acceptsFile(const ZLFile &file) const { return file.extension() == "chm"; } class CHMTextStream : public MergedStream { public: CHMTextStream(CHMFileInfo &chmFile, shared_ptr base); private: void resetToStart(); shared_ptr nextStream(); private: CHMFileInfo &myCHMFile; shared_ptr myBase; std::vector myEntryNames; std::size_t myIndex; }; CHMTextStream::CHMTextStream(CHMFileInfo &chmFile, shared_ptr base) : myCHMFile(chmFile), myBase(base) { } void CHMTextStream::resetToStart() { myIndex = 0; if (!myEntryNames.empty()) { return; } CHMFileInfo::FileNames names = myCHMFile.sectionNames(myBase); if (names.empty()) { return; } CHMReferenceCollection referenceCollection; referenceCollection.addReference(names.Start, false); referenceCollection.addReference(names.Home, false); shared_ptr tocStream = myCHMFile.entryStream(myBase, names.TOC); if (!tocStream.isNull() && tocStream->open()) { referenceCollection.setPrefix(names.TOC); HHCReferenceCollector(referenceCollection).readDocument(*tocStream); } while (referenceCollection.containsNonProcessedReferences()) { myEntryNames.push_back(referenceCollection.nextReference()); } } shared_ptr CHMTextStream::nextStream() { while (myIndex < myEntryNames.size()) { shared_ptr stream = myCHMFile.entryStream(myBase, myEntryNames[myIndex++]); if (!stream.isNull()) { return new HtmlReaderStream(stream, 50000); } } return 0; } bool CHMPlugin::readMetaInfo(Book &book) const { const ZLFile &file = book.file(); shared_ptr stream = file.inputStream(); if (stream.isNull() || !stream->open()) { return false; } CHMFileInfo chmFile(file); if (!chmFile.init(*stream)) { return false; } CHMFileInfo::FileNames names = chmFile.sectionNames(stream); if (names.empty()) { return false; } /* shared_ptr entryStream = chmFile.entryStream(stream, names.Start); if (entryStream.isNull()) { entryStream = chmFile.entryStream(stream, names.Home); } if (entryStream.isNull()) { entryStream = chmFile.entryStream(stream, names.TOC); } / * if (entryStream.isNull()) { chmFile.entryStream(stream, names.Index); } * / if (entryStream.isNull()) { return false; } */ CHMTextStream textStream(chmFile, stream); detectEncodingAndLanguage(book, textStream); if (book.encoding().empty()) { return false; } return true; } bool CHMPlugin::readLanguageAndEncoding(Book &book) const { (void)book; return true; } class CHMHyperlinkMatcher : public BookModel::HyperlinkMatcher { public: BookModel::Label match(const std::map &lMap, const std::string &id) const; }; BookModel::Label CHMHyperlinkMatcher::match(const std::map &lMap, const std::string &id) const { std::map::const_iterator it = lMap.find(id); if (it != lMap.end()) { return it->second; } std::size_t index = id.find('#'); if (index != std::string::npos) { it = lMap.find(id.substr(0, index)); } return (it != lMap.end()) ? it->second : BookModel::Label(0, -1); } bool CHMPlugin::readModel(BookModel &model) const { model.setHyperlinkMatcher(new CHMHyperlinkMatcher()); const Book &book = *model.book(); const ZLFile &file = book.file(); shared_ptr stream = file.inputStream(); if (stream.isNull() || !stream->open()) { return false; } shared_ptr info = new CHMFileInfo(file); if (!info->init(*stream)) { return false; } CHMFileInfo::FileNames names = info->sectionNames(stream); if (names.empty()) { return false; } CHMReferenceCollection referenceCollection; referenceCollection.addReference(names.Start, false); referenceCollection.addReference(names.Home, false); const std::string &encoding = book.encoding(); shared_ptr tocStream = info->entryStream(stream, names.TOC); HHCReader hhcReader(referenceCollection, model, encoding); if (!tocStream.isNull() && tocStream->open()) { referenceCollection.setPrefix(names.TOC); hhcReader.readDocument(*tocStream); } /* if (!tocStream.isNull() && tocStream->open()) { std::string buf; buf.append(tocStream->sizeOfOpened(), '\0'); tocStream->read((char*)buf.data(), buf.length()); std::cerr << "[ " << names.TOC << " ]\n" << buf << "\n"; } */ int contentCounter = 0; PlainTextFormat format(file); HtmlSectionReader reader(model, format, encoding, info, referenceCollection); while (referenceCollection.containsNonProcessedReferences()) { const std::string fileName = referenceCollection.nextReference(); if (ZLStringUtil::stringEndsWith(fileName, ".jpg") || ZLStringUtil::stringEndsWith(fileName, ".gif")) { std::string lowerCasedFileName = ZLUnicodeUtil::toLower(fileName); BookReader bookReader(model); bookReader.setMainTextModel(); bookReader.addHyperlinkLabel(lowerCasedFileName); bookReader.pushKind(REGULAR); bookReader.beginParagraph(); bookReader.addImageReference(lowerCasedFileName); bookReader.addImage(fileName, new CHMFileImage(info, fileName)); bookReader.endParagraph(); bookReader.insertEndOfTextParagraph(); } else { shared_ptr entryStream = info->entryStream(stream, fileName); if (!entryStream.isNull() && entryStream->open()) { /* std::string buf; buf.append(entryStream->sizeOfOpened(), '\0'); entryStream->read((char*)buf.data(), buf.length()); std::cerr << "[ " << fileName << " ]\n" << buf << "\n"; entryStream->open(); */ reader.setSectionName(fileName); reader.readDocument(*entryStream); ++contentCounter; } } } if (contentCounter == 0) { return false; } hhcReader.setReferences(); return true; }