path: root/tde-i18n-ca/data/kdeedu/kanagram/informatica_pri.kvtml
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-21 02:23:03 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-21 02:23:03 -0600
commit9b58d35185905f8334142bf4988cb784e993aea7 (patch)
treef83ec30722464f6e4d23d6e7a40201d7ef5b6bf4 /tde-i18n-ca/data/kdeedu/kanagram/informatica_pri.kvtml
Initial import of extracted KDE i18n tarballs
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-ca/data/kdeedu/kanagram/informatica_pri.kvtml')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-ca/data/kdeedu/kanagram/informatica_pri.kvtml b/tde-i18n-ca/data/kdeedu/kanagram/informatica_pri.kvtml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..713bfb5058e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tde-i18n-ca/data/kdeedu/kanagram/informatica_pri.kvtml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
+This is a machine generated file.
+Be careful when editing here.
+Short definition:
+lesson lesson group
+ desc name
+ %no its index
+ %query is in query selection
+ %current is current lesson
+type type group
+ desc name
+ %no its index
+e entry of dictionary
+ %s is selected
+ %m lesson member
+ %t common expression type
+ o original
+ %q in query ("o" is given, "t" is wanted)
+ %l language code
+ %r remark
+ %p pronunciation
+ %width column width
+ %t expression type (see QueryManager.h)
+ %tf false friend from
+ %ff false friend to
+ %a antonym
+ %y synonym
+ %x example
+ %u usage label
+ %h paraphrase
+ t translation ..
+ %q in query ("t" is given, "o" is wanted)
+ %l language code
+ %r remark
+ %p pronunciation
+ %width column width
+ %t expression type
+ %tf false friend from
+ %ff false friend to
+ %a antonym
+ %y synonym
+ %x example
+ %u usage label
+ %h paraphrase
+ %d last query date (from;to)
+ %w dito, compressed and deprecated
+ %g grade (from;to)
+ %c count (from;to)
+ %b bad count (from;to)
+Valid xml means:
+ - Close all tags
+ - Keep proper hierarchy
+ - All attributes are quoted
+--><kvtml title="Informàtica" remark="Aparells que trobareu a l'Aula d'Informàtica" cols="0" generator="kanagram" lines="11" encoding="UTF-8" >
+ <options>
+ <sort on="1" />
+ </options>
+ <e>
+ <o width="150" l="original" r="On veiem la feina que fem, o els jocs que estem usant" >pantalla</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Per escoltar la música i els sons" >altaveus</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Et permet traspassar la teva feina al paper" >impressora</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="T'ajudarà a seleccionar arxius, arrossegar-los i clicar sobre ells" >ratolí</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Et permet escriure amb les lletres i els números que vulguis" >teclat</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Qualsevol aparell que es connecta a un altre, sense cables" >sense fils</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Aparell que connecta el teu ordinador a internet" >módem</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Conjunt d'ordinadors connectats entre sí" >xarxa</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Antic sistema per guardar informació fora de l'ordinador" >disquet</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="T'ajuda a passar una imatge des del paper, a l'ordinador" >escànner</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Et permet escoltar música sense molestar a ningú" >auriculars</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Et podran veure i sentir els teus amics, per internet" >càmera web</o>
+ </e>
+ <e>
+ <o r="Grava la teva veu dintre de l'ordinador" >micròfon</o>
+ </e>