path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/konqueror/faq.docbook
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/konqueror/faq.docbook')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/konqueror/faq.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/konqueror/faq.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/konqueror/faq.docbook
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-<chapter id="faq">
-<othercredit role="translator"
->Conversion to British English</contrib
-> <releaseinfo
-> </chapterinfo>
->Questions and Answers</title>
-<!-- Link is dead, unfortunately. I suppose this is a more general thing anyway
->How can I browse web sites using non latin
- scripts?</para
->Detailed instructions can be found at <ulink
->Can I run &konqueror; from another window manager?</para
->Just install &Qt;, tdelibs and tdebase, and from your favourite window manager, launch &konqueror;. It should work just fine, but if it doesn't (&kde; developers don't test that case often), report it to <ulink url=""
-> and try running <application
-> before running &konqueror;, it usually helps.</para
->Where does &konqueror; keep all its configuration data?</para
->Generally in the <filename
-> folder (this may be <filename
-> on your system, depending on how &kde; 3 was installed). Do not alter these files unless you really know what you are doing.</para>
->The <filename class="directory"
-> folder holds individual files containing settings for each of your <link linkend="save-settings"
->profiles. </link
->Your bookmarks are held in <filename class="directory"
->Cookies are held in <filename class="directory"
->Your history, as used for the auto-completion feature, is in <filename
->In the folder <filename class="directory"
-> the files <filename
->, <filename
-> and <filename
-> hold a whole lot of general configuration settings.</para
->The folder <filename class="directory"
-> contains the browser cache.</para
->The Navigation Panel uses the files and subfolders in <filename class="directory"
->Any folder specific view settings are put into <literal role="extension"
-> files in the individual folders.</para
->How do I clear out the history file?</para
->There are two <quote
->One is used for text completion in the Location Toolbar text entry box. To clear this <mousebutton
-> click on the text entry box and select <guimenuitem
->Clear History </guimenuitem
->The other is the log of visited locations. Select the History page in the Navigation Panel, <mousebutton
-> click on an entry and choose <guimenuitem
->Remove Entry</guimenuitem
-> to remove just that entry or <guimenuitem
->Clear History</guimenuitem
-> to delete all entries.</para
->How do I enable, disable or clear the browser cache?</para
-> <answer>
->If you select <guimenuitem
-> in the dialogue launched by selecting <menuchoice
->Configure Konqueror... </guimenuitem
->, you will be presented with a dialogue box that lets you disable the cache, clear it or set its size, and change the caching policy.</para>
->How can I change the timeout values used by &konqueror; when web browsing?</para
-> <answer>
->In the Control Centre <menuchoice
->Internet &amp; Network</guimenu
-> <guimenuitem
-> page.</para>
->How do I set my <quote
-> page - the page loaded on startup?</para
->Start &konqueror; with the <guiicon
->Web Browser</guiicon
-> icon on the panel. Open the page you want to be loaded in any new <quote
->Web Browser</quote
-> window and select <guimenuitem
->Save View Profile "Web Browsing"</guimenuitem
-> from the <guimenu
-> menu.</para>
->All new &konqueror; windows that are started with the <guiicon
->Web Browser</guiicon
-> icon on the panel, or from the <guimenu
-> menu, and new empty tabs, will now start at this page.</para>
->This does not change the behaviour of the <guiicon
-> button on the &konqueror; toolbar, which will continue to take you to the &URI; defined in the &konqueror; configuration module. You can reach that module from within &konqueror;, via <menuchoice
->Configure Konqueror</guimenuitem
->. By default this is set to <userinput
->, which is your Home folder. You may set this to any &URI;, either local or remote, and pressing the <guiicon
-> icon on the toolbar will display it.</para
->To have &konqueror; start up with no page loaded, use <userinput
->I can't find the answer to my question here.</para
->Take a look at <ulink url=""
-> or <ulink url=""
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