path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kinfocenter/index.docbook
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Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kinfocenter/index.docbook')
1 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kinfocenter/index.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kinfocenter/index.docbook
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+++ b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdebase/kinfocenter/index.docbook
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY infocenter "<application
+<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE"
+> <!-- change language only here -->
+<book lang="&language;">
+>The &infocenter;</title>
+> <surname
+> <affiliation
+>This documentation describes &kde;'s information centre.</para>
+<chapter id="introduction">
+>The &infocenter;</title>
+>The &infocenter; (from now on referred to simply as <quote
+>the information centre</quote
+>) provides you with a centralised and convenient overview of your &kde; and system settings. </para>
+>The information centre is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information centre organises all of these programs into a convenient location. </para>
+<chapter id="info-center">
+>Using The &infocenter;</title>
+>This next section details the use of the information centre itself. For information on individual modules, please see <link linkend="module"
+>Info Centre Modules</link
+> </para>
+<sect1 id="information-center-starting">
+>Starting the &infocenter;</title>
+>The &infocenter; can be started 3 ways: </para>
+>By selecting <menuchoice
+>K Button</guimenu
+>Info Centre</guimenuitem
+> from the &kde; Panel. </para>
+>By pressing <keycombo action="simul"
+>. </para>
+>This will bring up a dialogue box. Type <userinput
+>, and click <guibutton
+> or press <keycap
+>. </para>
+>You can type <command
+>kinfocenter &amp;</command
+> at any command prompt. </para>
+>All three of these methods are equivalent, and produce the same result. </para>
+<sect1 id="information-center-screen"
+>The &infocenter; Screen</title>
+>When you start the information centre, you are presented with a window, which can be divided into 3 functional parts. </para>
+>Across the top is a menubar. The menubar will provide you with quick access to most of &infocenter;'s features. The menus are detailed in <link linkend="info-center-menus"
+>The &kde; Info Centre Menus</link
+>. </para>
+>Along the left hand side, is a column. This is a where you choose which module to investigate. You can learn how to navigate through the modules in the section called <link linkend="module-intro"
+>Navigating Modules</link
+>. </para>
+>The main panel shows you some system information. </para>
+In this example, we are running &kde; 2.99, we started &infocenter;
+as user <systemitem class="username"
+>, the computer is
+named <systemitem class="systemname"
+>, it is a
+FreeBSD system, Version 4.4-RELEASE, on a Pentium.
+> -->
+<sect1 id="info-center-menus">
+>The &infocenter; Menus</title>
+>This next section gives you a brief description of what each menu item does. </para>
+<sect2 id="info-center-menu-file">
+> Menu</title>
+>The <guimenu
+> menu has a single entry. </para>
+> <keycombo action="simul"
+> </shortcut
+> <guimenu
+> <guimenuitem
+> </menuchoice
+>Closes the info centre.</action>
+<sect2 id="info-center-menu-help">
+> Menu</title>
+&; </sect2>
+<sect1 id="info-center-exiting">
+>Exiting The &kde; Information Centre</title>
+>You can exit the info centre one of three ways: </para>
+>Select <menuchoice
+> <guimenuitem
+> from the menu bar. </para>
+>Type <keycombo action="simul"
+> on the keyboard. </para>
+>Click on the <guiicon
+> button on the frame surrounding the info centre. </para>
+<chapter id="module">
+>The &infocenter; Modules</title>
+<sect1 id="module-intro">
+>Navigating Modules</title>
+>This is a list of the <emphasis
+> configuration modules (sorted by category) provided by the <application role="package"
+>&kde; base</application
+> package. Please note that there may be many more modules on your system if you have installed additional software. </para>
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/dma/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/devices/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/ioports/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/interrupts/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/memory/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/nics/index.html"
+>Network Interfaces</ulink
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/pci/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/pcmcia/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/partitions/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/processor/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/protocols/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/scsi/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/samba/index.html"
+>Samba Status Information</ulink
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/sound/index.html"
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/usb/index.html"
+>USB Devices</ulink
+><ulink url="help:/kinfocenter/xserver/index.html"
+<chapter id="credits">
+>Credits and Licence</title>
+>Program copyright 1997-2001 The &infocenter; Developers</para>
+>Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <email
+>Matthias Elter <email
+>Documentation <trademark class="copyright"
+>copyright 2000 Michael McBride</trademark
+> <email
+>Paul Campbell <email
+>Helge Deller <email
+>Mark Donohoe </para
+>Pat Dowler</para
+>Duncan Haldane <email
+>Steffen Hansen <email
+>Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <email
+>Martin Jones <email
+>Jost Schenck <email
+>Jonathan Singer <email
+>Thomas Tanghus <email
+>Krishna Tateneni <email
+>Ellis Whitehead <email
+>Conversion to British English: Malcolm Hunter <email
+&underFDL; &underGPL; </chapter>
+Local Variables:
+mode: sgml