The File Manager and Web Browser The file manager and web browser of &kde; is &konqueror;. The &konqueror; home page is located at where a &konqueror; specific FAQ can be found. How do I use &konqueror; as a web browser with a proxy? &konqueror; can be used with &HTTP; and &FTP; proxies. To set up the proxy server in &konqueror;, just select SettingsConfigure &konqueror;... from the &konqueror; menu and go to the Proxy tab. How can I change the appearance of a folder in &konqueror;? Right-click the folder, select Properties, click on the large icon in the dialogue which appears and choose another icon. To change the icon displayed for entries in the TDE Menu, use the Menu Editor, located at SettingsMenu Editor. How can I do non-anonymous &FTP; transfers with &konqueror;? Normally, if you enter a &URL; like, &konqueror; will attempt an anonymous login to the &FTP; server. If you want to login as a particular user, enter a &URL; like instead. &konqueror; will ask for your password and connect to the server. What are and in the Execute line? They are used by all &kde; applications (since they are implemented in KApplication and all good &kde; programs create a KApplication object before they even look at the command line arguments). A standard line for a &kde; application looks like this: foo . Pretty confusing, but it has been designed in that way so that it can integrate legacy, non-&kde; applications as smoothly as possible. &konqueror;, when executing the line above, will extend the command to foo . Both the icon and the mini-icon as well as "The Foo" are properties defined in the .desktop file. If the icons are not defined, they simply default to the executable name foo. This way a user can change these things in &kmenuedit; for his or her applications. The option is important, because no user will accept that the menu item Editor starts something called kedit-0.9pl4-build47. Instead, he expects a window called Editor. Furthermore these names are localised, i.e. an American user launches CD-Player and gets a window called CD-Player while a German user launches CD-Spieler and gets a window called CD-Spieler. How do I specify the startup folder for &konqueror;? Using the &RMB;, click on the Home icon and choose Properties. Under the Application tab you will probably find something like kfmclient openProfile filemanagement; just append file:/whereever/you/want with the folder you would like &konqueror; to start in. How do I import &Netscape; bookmarks? There is no need to import anything at all. &Netscape; bookmarks are automatically available under the Bookmarks menu in &konqueror; with no configuration on your part necessary. The Bookmark Editor is able to convert &Netscape; bookmarks to the format used by &konqueror;, if you want this. How do I fool a site into believing &konqueror; is &Netscape; or some other browser? In &konqueror;, select SettingsConfigure Konqueror... and in the configuration dialogue, select Browser Identification. Default and site-specific browser identifications can be set from here. How do I configure &konqueror; to run &Java; applets? Choose SettingsConfigure &konqueror;... from &konqueror;'s menubar and then select Java & Javascript. Set the Path to Java executable correctly. If it doesn't work, please check the Konqueror + Java HOWTO. What is this new Smart policy for JavaScript web popups? This new policy attempts to block intrusive JavaScript popup windows. If the user does not click on a button or submit a form to trigger the popup, then the popup is not permitted. Some sites will open a second new window from within the first and in that case, the second window will not show. Why doesn't my banking site work with &konqueror;? It pops up a new window with the login screen in other browsers, but not in &konqueror;. Make sure you have Javascript enabled, and the default JavaScript web popups policy set to Ask or Allow. The Smart policy is not always sufficient for some banks. Many banks also require &Java; support. You can find more help on enabling this at Why can't &konqueror; render &GIF; images? It is because you did not enable &GIF; support in &Qt;. Please see for more details. How do I rename files? Simply right click on the file and select Rename or click once on an already selected file. The default keyboard shortcut to rename a file is F2.