The Menu EntriesThe File Menu&Ctrl;NFileNewStarts a new Plot by clearing the coordinate system and resetting the function parser.&Ctrl;SFileSaveSaves the documentFileSave As...Saves the document to a specific file&Ctrl;PFilePrint...Sends the plot to the printer or to a file&Ctrl;QFileQuitQuits &kmplot;The Functions MenuFunctions Functions Shows the Functions Dialogue Window where you can enter the function equations and some attributes of the plot.The Settings MenuIt contains the standard entries for enabling/disabling the toolbar and the statusbar. In addition there are the following options: SettingsAxes......SettingsScale......SettingsGrid......SettingsStep......The Help Menu&kmplot; has a standard &kde; Help as described below, with one addition:HelpNames...Opens a window with a list of function names, to help you remember them.The standard &kde; Help entries are: