Daniel Naber
David Rugge
Michel Boyer de la Giroday
British English English
2004-07-13 1.7
Getting Started This is a short introduction to &kmail; and its usage so you can start working with it right away. For more in-depth information see the Using &kmail; section. Note that &kmail;'s installation is described in the appendix. Invoking &kmail; for the first time creates a folder called Mail in your home folder. This folder contains the initial folders (inbox, outbox, sent-mail, wastebin and drafts). Use Settings Configure &kmail;... to enter some initial information so &kmail; will be able to properly retrieve and send your messages. The Configure window consists of six sections: Identities, Network, Appearance, Composer, Security and Misc. To begin sending and receiving messages you will only have to change some settings in the Identities and Network pages. Setting your Identity The settings in the Identities page are fairly straightforward. Select your default identity and click Modify. Fill in the Your name field with your full name (⪚ John Doe) and the Organisation field (optional) with the appropriate information. Next, fill in the Email address field with your email address (⪚ john@example.net). If you are using PGP or GnuPG you can set your &openpgp; keys and/or &smime; certificates in the Cryptography tab. Optionally, go to the Signature tab and enter your signature. This is a short text that will be automatically appended to all your messages. It has nothing to do with digital signatures. Setting up your Account The Network page contains the settings that tell &kmail; how to send and receive your email messages. Many of these settings can vary greatly depending on the setup of your system and on the kind of network that your mail server is located in. If you do not know what setting to choose or what to put in a field, consult your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or system administrator. Sending Messages The Sending tab provides a list of ways to send messages. The first item in the list is the default way to send messages. Using the Add... button you can choose between two different ways of sending messages: SMTP and Sendmail. &Sendmail; here means a local software installation -- this has a reputation of being difficult to set up, so if you do not already have a working &Sendmail; configuration, choose SMTP and fill in the Name field with a descriptive name (⪚ My Mail Account) and the Host field with the name and domain of your mail server (⪚ smtp.provider.com). You will probably not need to change the Port setting (the default is 25). If you do want to use &Sendmail; and you are using a dial-up connection, follow the instructions for setting up sendmail for a dial-up connection in the &FAQ; section. The way of sending messages configured here will be used for your default identity and for all other identities that have no own way of sending messages. You can use different ways of sending messages for different identities by selecting the Special transport checkbox in the Advanced tab of the Identities section. A description of the other options can be found in the Configuration chapter. Options relevant to <acronym >Kolab</acronym > server When configuring a SMTP account with a Kolab server Host, you need to check the Server requires authentification option and to fill in your Kolab user's email address and password in the Login and Password fields. Select then the Security tab and click on the Check What the Server Supports for automated setup of your Security configuration. The default should be TLS/PLAIN. The Kolab server supports SSL/PLAIN as well. Those settings may of course be configured manually. Receiving Messages To set up an account so you can receive mail, press the Add... button in the Receiving tab. You will then be prompted for the type of your email account. Most users should select POP3 or IMAP. If you want to use a local mailbox file, please see the FAQ about file locking. You will then be presented with the Add account window. First, fill in the Name field to name your account. You can choose any name you like. Login, Password, and Host should be filled in with the appropriate information from your ISP or system administrator. You should not need to change the Port setting (the default for POP3 is 110, the default for IMAP is 143). Options relevant to <acronym >Kolab</acronym > server select Disconnected IMAP when choosing your Account Type. Fill in the Login and Password fields with respectively your user email address and password on the Kolab server. In the Security section click on the Check What the Server Support button for automated set-up of your Security configuration. The default should be TLS/PLAIN. The Kolab server supports SSL/PLAIN as well. Those settings may of course be configured manually. If you want to use the "Out of Office" Replies functionality of the Kolab server, set-up the Filtering section of you DIMAP account by checking the Server supports Sieve option as well as Reuse host and login configuration, Managesieve port should be set to 2000 as default. Options only relevant to DIMAP (<acronym >Kolab</acronym > server) After having configured your Disconnect IMAP account, you need to activate the Groupware functionalities and set-up the Misc page for KMail. In the Misc page, of the Configure dialogue, choose the Groupware tab. Check the Enable IMAP resource functionality option and select Kolab (XML) as Format used for the groupware folders. The Resource folders are in account combo-box should be set on the Receiving (kolab user) account of your choice (if you happen to have several accounts).You may if you wish hide the groupware folder by checking this option. It is recommended to check both Groupware Compatibility and Legacy Options for compatibility with an eventual Kolab Microsoft Outlook client for sending invitations and replies from a Kolab KDE client. Options only relevant to <acronym >IMAP</acronym > If you are using IMAP, you can optionally specify a path in the Prefix to folders field. This tells &kmail; where it can find your folders on the server. If you also have a shell account on the server and the messages are stored in your home folder it might be useful to store the messages in a subfolder Mail. Use this as a value in the Prefix to folders field so that &kmail; does not mix up mailbox files and other files. If you are not interested in this feature, simple leave the field blank. If you check Automatically compact folders &kmail; removes the messages you deleted from the server as soon as you leave a folder. Otherwise the messages are only marked as deleted and it is up to you to compact the folders manually by using the menu item FileCompact All Folders. If you check Show hidden folders, folders whose name starts with a dot are also displayed. Options only relevant to POP3 Select Leave fetched messages on the server if you want to leave your messages on the server after you downloaded them. Select Exclude from "Check Mail" if you do not want to check this account whenever you use FileCheck Mail. You can still check for new messages on this account with FileCheck Mail In. Select Enable interval mail checking if you want &kmail; to check for new messages automatically. The interval can be specified below under Check interval. inbox is the default folder for incoming messages. If you want to change that for some reason, you can do so with Destination folder. But what you probably want is a filter, which has nothing to do with this option. With Precommand you can specify any program that &kmail; will execute just before fetching mail. Please specify the full path (do not use ~) and note that &kmail; will not continue until the program returns. On the Extras tab you can select Use pipelining for faster mail download if this is supported by your server. You should carefully test this to make sure it works safely. Options for both <acronym >IMAP</acronym > and POP3 If you select Store POP password in configuration file or Store IMAP password in configuration file &kmail; will remember your password so you will not have to type it every time you start &kmail; and fetch new mail. Be warned that &kmail; cannot really encrypt your password, so people who can access your configuration files (⪚ system administrators) can easily get your password if you select this option. &kmail; supports encryption via SSL and TLS (TLS should be preferred if it is available). For POP3 &kmail; supports: Clear text, PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5 (recommended if DIGEST-MD5 is not available), DIGEST-MD5 (recommended) and APOP authentication. DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5 and APOP are secure on their own, the other options are only secure when used together with SSL or TLS. You should only use Clear text if your server does not support any of the other authentication methods. Additionally, for IMAP Anonymous is supported, but APOP is not. Use the Check what the server supports button on the Extras or Security tab to automatically select the most secure settings supported by your server. You are now ready to send and receive mail. For IMAP, just open your folders in the folder tree in &kmail;'s main window. &kmail; then connects to your server and displays the messages it finds. For POP3 use FileCheck Mail. Testing your Setup First, you should send yourself a message to test your configuration. To send a message, either hit &Ctrl;N, select the New Message icon or select the MessageNew Message... menu item. The composer window will appear. Fill in the To: field with your email address and type something in the Subject field. Send the message by selecting Message Send . To check your email, select FileCheck Mail. In the lower right corner of the main window, a progress bar will indicate how many messages are being downloaded. If you receive the message you just sent, then congratulations! If, however, you receive any error messages while testing your setup, make sure that your network connection is working and recheck your settings at Settings Configure &kmail;....