]> The &knotes; Handbook Fabian Dal Santo
Greg M. Holmes Lauri Watts Reviewer AndrewColes
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2000 Greg M. Holmes 2001 Fabian Del Santo &FDLNotice; 2003-09-18 3.0 &knotes; is a sticky notes application for the desktop. KDE Knotes tdeutils notes popup pop-up knotes
Introduction &knotes; is a program that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes. The notes are saved automatically when you exit the program and they display when you open the program. You may print and mail your notes if you configure &knotes; to use helper applications. Display features of notes such as colour and font may be customised for each note. You may also customise the defaults. Using &knotes; Creating a new note: To create a new note &RMB; click on the &knotes; panel icon and select New Note or using the shortcut &Alt;&Shift;N. You can create a new note containing the contents of the clipboard by selecting New Note From Clipboard or using the shortcut &Alt;&Shift;C. Writing your note: To write your note, simply type the note in the space provided. Normal keyboard and mouse editing functions are supported. Right clicking in the editing space provides the following menu options: Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Clear Select All Text may be selected by holding down the &LMB; and moving the mouse, or by holding down the &Shift; key and using the arrow keys. Inserting the date: To insert the current date in the Note &RMB; click on the title bar of the note and select Insert Date. The current date and time will be inserted at the cursor position in the text of the note. Renaming a note: To rename a note &RMB; click on the note title bar and select Rename.... Type the new name of the note in the dialogue that appears. To accept the new name, press the OK button. To exit the dialogue without renaming the note, press the Cancel button. To clear what you have typed and start over, click the Clear button. Mailing a note: To mail a note &RMB; click on the note title bar and select Mail.... What happens next depends on how you configured the Mail action in the Preferences... dialogue. Printing a note: To print a note &RMB; click on the note title bar and select Print. A standard &kde; print dialogue will open. Deleting a note: To delete a note &RMB; click on the note title bar and select Delete. Hiding a note: To hide a note, click the X in the upper right corner of the title bar of the note. The note will no longer be displayed on the screen. The note itself will not be deleted. Displaying notes: When you start &knotes;, all notes will display on the screen. If you hide a note and later want to display it, &LMB; on the &knotes; panel icon and select the note you wish to display. Desktop functions: To send a note to a specific desktop, &RMB; click on the title bar of the note and select To Desktop. Choose the desktop desired, or alternatively, All desktops To make the note remain on top of other windows &RMB; click on the title bar of the note and select Always On Top. To return the note to more normal window behaviour, simply repeat this process. Quitting &knotes; To quit &knotes; &RMB; click on the panel icon and select Quit. Configuration Configuring &knotes; Default Settings To configure &knotes; &RMB; click on the panel icon. Select Configure KNotes... The &knotes; KNotes Defaults dialogue will open. The <guilabel >Display</guilabel > Section Text colour: The colour square shows the current text colour. By clicking this colour square you open the standard &kde; colour selection dialogue. Background colour: The colour square shows the current background colour. By clicking this colour square you open the standard &kde; colour selection dialogue. Default width: The width of the note in pixels. Edit this number as desired. Default height: The height of the note in pixels. Edit this number as desired. Show note in taskbar By default, &knotes; notes do not show an entry in the taskbar for each note. If you prefer they do so, enable this option. The <guilabel >Editor</guilabel > Section Tab Size This is the size of the indent produced by the key in spaces. Edit this number as desired. Auto Indent This is a check box. If selected, auto-indenting is on. Rich Text Not yet implemented Title Font: Click to Change You can change the font used for the title of your notes. Click this button to open the standard &kde; font selection dialogue. Text Font: Click to Change You can change the font used for the text of your notes. Click this button to open the standard &kde; font selection dialogue. The <guilabel >Actions</guilabel > Section Mail Action Type a mail command and any required command line switches in this box. By using %f in the command line you can pass the filename of the note body to the mail command. Customising a Single Note Display You can customise each note independently of the global settings. The settings you can customise are identical to those described in the Configuration section, but they will apply only to the note you are changing. Any other open notes, and any new notes you create, will use the default settings. To customise a single note display &RMB; click on the note title bar and select Preferences.... The Local Settings dialogue will open, allowing you to configure the note. Credits and License &knotes; Program copyright 1997 Bernd Wuebben wuebben@kde.org Contributors: Wynn Wilkeswynnw@calderasystems.com Documentation copyright 2000 Greg M. Holmes holmegm@earthlink.net Documentation updated 2001 by Fabian Del Santo linuxgnu@yahoo.com.au and 2003 by &Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;. Andrew Colesandrew_coles@yahoo.co.uk &underFDL; &underGPL; &documentation.index;