path: root/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain')
17 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/assistant-qt3.desktop b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/assistant-qt3.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42a16e80e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/assistant-qt3.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt3 Assistant
+Name[de]=Qt3 Assistent
+Comment=Qt3 Helpcenter
+Comment[de]= Qt3 Hilfezentrum
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b56d51e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3
+# first copy over the build configuration of .qmake.cache
+cp /usr/share/qt3/.qmake.cache ./.qmake.cache
+# Now compile the examples. The themes example
+# won't work since qconfig.h is not really correct with the
+# ifdef's for the QT_NO_xyz_STYLE, so we use make -k to continue
+cd examples; qmake -o Makefile; make -k
+# Now compile the tutorial.
+cd $BUILDDIR/tutorial; qmake -o Makefile; make
+# Then the designer examples.
+cd $BUILDDIR/tools/designer/examples
+for a in `find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1`; do
+ cd $a && qmake -o Makefile $; make; cd ..;
+# There is a bigger sql example in book/ with more subdirectories:
+cd book
+for a in `find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1`; do
+ cd $a && qmake -o Makefile $; make; cd ..;
+# Finally, build the linguist tutorials:
+cd $BUILDDIR/tools/linguist/tutorial
+for a in `find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1`; do
+ cd $a && qmake -o Makefile $; make; cd ..;
+# Return to the build directory
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/designer-qt3.desktop b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/designer-qt3.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc9f4394c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/designer-qt3.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt3 Designer
+Name[bg]=Qt3 Дизайнер
+Name[br]=Ergrafer Qt3
+Name[ca]=Dissenyador Qt3
+Name[cs]=Qt3 designer
+Name[es]=Diseñador Qt3
+Name[et]=Qt3 disainer
+Name[eu]=Qt3 Diseinatzailea
+Name[gl]=Deseñador de Qt3
+Name[he]=Qt בצעמ
+Name[it]=Designer Qt3
+Name[ko]=Qt 디자이너
+Name[lv]=Qt3 Dizainers
+Name[mk]=Qt дизајнер
+Name[oc]=Dessinador Qt3
+Name[pl]=Projektant Qt3
+Name[sk]=Qt3 Dizajnér
+Name[sl]=Snovalnik Qt3
+Name[ta]=Qt À¨¼ôÀ¡Ç÷
+Name[uk]=Дизайнер Qt
+Name[zh_CN.GB2312]=Qt 设计者
+Name[zh_TW.Big5]=Qt 設計器
+Comment=Qt3 interface designer
+Comment[az]=Qt3 axtar üz dizayn proqramı
+Comment[bg]=Qt3 interface дизайнер
+Comment[br]=Ergrafer etrefas Qt3
+Comment[ca]=Dissenyador d'interfícies Qt3
+Comment[cs]=Editor UI pro Qt3
+Comment[da]=Qt3 grænseflade designer
+Comment[de]=Schnittstellen-Designer für Qt3
+Comment[el]=Σχεδιασμός περιβάλλοντων Qt
+Comment[es]=Diseñador de interfaces de Qt3
+Comment[et]=Qt3 dialoogide redaktor
+Comment[eu]=Qt3 interfaze diseinatzailea
+Comment[fi]=Qt:n käyttöliittymäsuunnittelija
+Comment[fr]=Conception d'interfaces avec Qt3
+Comment[gl]=Editor de interfaces de Qt3
+Comment[he]=Qt-ל םיקשממ בצעמ
+Comment[hu]=Qt3 felülettervező
+Comment[is]=Viðmótshönnunartól fyrir Qt3
+Comment[it]=Editor per le interfaccie Qt3
+Comment[ko]=Qt 인터페이스 디자이너
+Comment[lt]=Qt3 sąsajos redaktorius
+Comment[lv]=Qt3 starsejas dizainers
+Comment[mk]=Дизајнер на Qt дијалози
+Comment[nl]=Qt3 interface-ontwerper
+Comment[no_NY]=Redigering av Qt3-miljø
+Comment[oc]=Dessinador d'interfacies Qt3
+Comment[pl]=Projektant interfejsu Qt3
+Comment[pt]=Editor de interfaces do Qt3
+Comment[pt_BR]=Designer de interface Qt3
+Comment[ro]=Dezvoltator de interfeţe Qt3
+Comment[ru]=редактор интерфейсов приложений Qt
+Comment[sk]=Qt3 dizajnér rozhrania
+Comment[sl]=Snovalnik vmesnikov za Qt3
+Comment[sr]=Dizajner Qt3 interfejsa
+Comment[sv]=Editor för gränssnitt till Qt3
+Comment[ta]=Qt À¨¼ôÀ¡Ç÷
+Comment[tr]=Qt3 arayüz tasarım programı
+Comment[uk]=Редактор інтерфейсу для Qt
+Comment[zh_CN.GB2312]=Qt 界面设计程序
+Comment[zh_TW.Big5]=Qt 介面編輯器
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/linguist-qt3.desktop b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/linguist-qt3.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0094dbd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/linguist-qt3.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt3 Linguist
+Name[es]=Lingüista Qt3
+Name[ko]=Qt 언어학자
+Name[lv]=Qt3 Lingvists
+Comment=Tool for translating message catalogues of Qt3 based programs
+Comment[da]=Redskab til at oversætte Qt3 baserede programmer
+Comment[de]=Dienstprogramm zur Übersetzung von Programmen, die auf Qt3 basieren
+Comment[eo]=Ilo por tradukado de mesaĝaroj de Qt3-bazitaj programoj
+Comment[es]=Herramienta para la traducción de catálogos de mensajes de programas basados en Qt3
+Comment[he]=Qt תוססובמ תוינכות לש תועדוה יגולטק םוגרתל ילכ
+Comment[hu]=Segédprogram a Qt3-alapú programok üzenetfájljainak lefordításához
+Comment[ko]=Qt를 바탕으로 하는 프로그램에서 쓸 번역된 메세지 목록을 관리하는 도구
+Comment[lv]=Rīks ziņojumu katalogu tulkošanai uz Qt3 bāzētās programmās
+Comment[pt]=Ferramenta para traduzir os catálogos de mensagens de programas do Qt3
+Comment[pt_BR]=Ferramenta para traduzir os catálogos de mensagens de programas do Qt3
+Comment[sv]=Verktyg för att översätta meddelandekataloger från Qt3-baserade program
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/createcw.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/createcw.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0959a2df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/createcw.1
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.TH "createcw" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+createcw \- custom widget description creater for Qt Designer
+createcw <\\fP>
+This small application makes it much easier to create
+custom widget descriptions for the Qt Designer. Using
+them you can use custom widgets in the Qt Designer
+including their signals, slots and properties.
+To do that normally you would have to enter all that
+information in the custom widget dialog in the Qt
+Designer for each widget. But this small tool can create
+for you these description files for your custom widgets
+which you then can simply import into the Qt Designer. So
+you can use your custom widgets without any additional
+work in your forms in the Qt Designer then.
+To do that you have to modify the sourcecode (main.cpp) a
+bit and recompile it afterwards.
+STEP1: Include header files of the widgets for which a
+description should be created here. If you have a widget
+which is defined in the file mycustomwidget.h in
+/home/joedeveloper/src, write here
+#include "/home/joedeveloper/src/mycustomwidget.h"
+STEP2: Instantiate all widgets for which a description
+should be created here and add them to the list wl. If
+your custom widget is e.g. called MyCustomWidget you
+would write here
+ Widget w;
+ w.w = new MyCustomWidget( 0, 0 );
+ w.include = "mycustomwidget.h";
+ w.location = "global";
+ wl.append( w );
+After that compile the program, link it with your custom
+widget (library or object file) and run it like this:
+ (unix): ./createcw
+ (win32): createcw
+After that you can import this description file into the
+Qt Designer using the Custom\-Widget Dialog (See
+Tools\->Custom\->Edit Custom Widgets... in the Qt Designer)
+and use these custom widget there in your forms.
+Troll Tech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/designer.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/designer.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4151e94a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/designer.1
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+.TH "qt-designer" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+qt\-designer \- Visual user interface designer for Qt.
+Qt Designer simplifies the process of designing and
+creating graphical user interfaces (GUI) using the
+award\-winning Qt toolkit. Qt Designer is easy to learn.
+There are tutorials, walkthrough examples and the
+reference documentation accelerating you through the
+learning phase. After that, Qt Designer greatly reduces
+the time and effort needed to develop even the most
+complex dialogs with an easy\-to\-use GUI and an integrated
+help system.
+ Qt Designer provides a rich set of features aimed at
+making the creation of dialogs as easy and smooth as
+possible without reducing the power of Qt. It offers all
+the strength of the Qt layout system with a well\-designed
+user interface. This, combined with the Qt Designer's
+undo/redo system makes it simple to try different
+arrangements of the widgets until the result satisfies
+ Using Qt Designer's convenient property editor along
+with the dynamic Qt property system it is easy to set the
+initial state of your widgets. Special editors for some
+widgets (like listboxes, comboboxes, etc.) allow you to
+fill these widgets with content without writing any code.
+Using the object hierarchy view, the parent\-child
+relationship between the widgets of a dialog can be
+understood at a glance.
+ Integrating dialogs into a Qt project is straightforward
+thanks to the User Interface Compiler (UIC), which
+generates C++ code from the XML dialog description on the
+fly. The programmer can easily extend the functionality
+of the generated classes by subclassing without touching
+generated code at all or running the risk of loosing
+their changes.
+Specifies the Qt base directory. On Debian systems this
+should be set to /usr/share/qt. The /usr/bin/designer
+wrapper script takes care of this.
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/findtr.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/findtr.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1d3a87d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/findtr.1
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.TH "findtr" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+findtr \- Extracts information about text to be translated
+findtr *.cpp *.h >myapp.po
+Extracts information about text to be translated. It
+recognizes the tr() constructs described above and
+produces a file in ".po" format, a simple text format
+that your translation team will copy and edit. For
+example, the base .po file might be myapp.po and
+translated versions of the file would then be
+myapp_de.po, myapp_fr.po, and myapp_ja.po for
+translations in German, French and Japanese respectively.
+ findtr *.cpp *.h >myapp.po
+ copy myapp.po myapp_de.po
+ edit myapp_de.po
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/linguist.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/linguist.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0f99133b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/linguist.1
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.TH LINGUIST 1 "28 August 2004"
+linguist \- Translation tool for Qt.
+.B linguist
+.B Qt Linguist
+is a tool for adding translations to Qt applications. It
+introduces the concept of a translation "context" which
+means a group of phrases that appear together on the
+screen e.g. in the same menu or dialog.
+The only parameter accepted on the command line is
+wich is the name of the translation file you wish to open.
+.I ~/.qt/qt_designerrc
+Per user configuration file.
+.B Qt Linguist
+is too complex to be described completely in the "man" page
+format. If your system is properly configured, you can access
+the full documentation within
+.B Qt Linguist
+under the Help menu.
+This manual page was written by Jeremy Laine <>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/makeqpf.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/makeqpf.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37ddcfd4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/makeqpf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.TH "makeqpf" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+makeqpf \- Create qpf files from TTF and BDF files.
+Qt Prerendered Font (QPF) is a light\-weight non\-scalable
+font format specific to Qt/Embedded. makeqpf is a tool
+that assists producing QPF files from TTF and BDF files.
+qembed [ \fIgeneral\-files\fP ] <[ \fI\-\-images image\-files \fP]>
+ These files can be any type of file.
+\-\-images image\-files
+ These files must be in image formats supported by Qt.
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/mergetr.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/mergetr.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ed2a9f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/mergetr.1
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.TH "mergetr" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+mergetr \- Merge changes in translations
+mergetr myapp_de.po myapp.po
+When the texts in your program change as it is developed,
+a the base .po file can be regenerated using findtr,
+then mergetr can be used to merge the changes into the
+other .po files:
+ mergetr myapp_de.po myapp.po
+ mergetr myapp_fr.po myapp.po
+ mergetr myapp_ja.po myapp.po
+The translation team then edits the new .po files to
+translate the new or changed texts. When texts change,
+the old text is included in the .po file as a comment to
+guide the new translation (no "fuzzy" matching is done).
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/msg2qm.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/msg2qm.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d22bbb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/msg2qm.1
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.TH "msg2qm" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+msg2qm \- Converts translated .po files to a Qt\-specific binary format.
+msg2qm myapp_de.po myapp_de.qm
+Converts translated .po files to a Qt\-specific binary
+format (".qm" Qt message files). The Qt message files
+are platform and locale independent, containing
+translations in Unicode and various hash tables to
+provide fast look\-up.
+ msg2qm myapp_de.po myapp_de.qm
+ msg2qm myapp_fr.po myapp_fr.qm
+ msg2qm myapp_ja.po myapp_ja.qm
+In your application, use QTranslator::load() to load
+translation files appropriate for the user's language.
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qembed.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qembed.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9b262f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qembed.1
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.TH "qembed" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+qembed \- Converts arbitrary files into C++ code.
+The QEmbed tool, found in qt/tools/qembed, converts
+arbitrary files into C++ code. This is useful for
+including image files and other resources directly into
+your application rather than loading the data from
+external files.
+QEmbed can also generate uncompressed versions of images
+that can be included directly into your application,
+thus avoiding both the external file and the need to
+parse the image file format. This is useful for small
+images such as icons for which compression is not a
+great gain.
+qembed [ \fIgeneral\-files\fP ] <[ \fI\-\-images image\-files \fP]>
+ These files can be any type of file.
+\-\-images image\-files
+ These files must be in image formats supported by Qt.
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qt20fix.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qt20fix.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..352921be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qt20fix.1
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.TH "qt20fix" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+qt20fix \- Helps clean namespace when porting an app from Qt1 to Qt2
+qt20fix myapp.cpp
+Qt 2.x is namespace\-clean, unlike 1.x. Qt now uses very
+few global identifiers. Identifiers like red, blue,
+LeftButton, AlignRight, Key_Up, Key_Down, NoBrush etc.
+are now part of a special class Qt (defined in
+qnamespace.h), which is inherited by most Qt classes.
+Member functions of classes that inherit from QWidget,
+etc. are totally unaffected, but code that is not in
+functions of classes inherited from Qt, you must qualify
+these identifiers like this: Qt::red, Qt::LeftButton,
+Qt::AlignRight, etc.
+The qt/bin/qt20fix script helps to fix the code that
+needs adaption, though most code does not need changing.
+Compiling with \-DQT1COMPATIBILITY will help you get going
+with Qt 2.x \- it allows all the old "dirty namespace"
+identifiers from Qt 1.x to continue working. Without it,
+you'll get compile errors that can easily be fixed by
+searching this page for the clean identifiers.
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qtconfig.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qtconfig.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e03bf49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qtconfig.1
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.TH "qtconfig" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+qtconfig \- Configuration tool for Qt
+QConfig allows for GUI based configuration of Qt and
+ other Qt based sources.
+Specifies the base Qt dir
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qvfb.1 b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qvfb.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ae800d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/man/qvfb.1
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+.TH "qvfb" "1" "3.0.3" "Troll Tech AS, Norway." ""
+qvfb \- Virtual framebuffer for Qt
+The virtual framebuffer allows Qt/Embedded programs to be
+developed on your desktop machine, without switching
+between consoles and X11.
+Start a Qt/Embedded master application (i.e., construct
+QApplication with QApplication::GuiServer flag or use the
+\-qws command line parameter). You will need to specify to
+the server that you wish to use the virtual framebuffer
+driver, e.g.:
+ widgets \-qws \-display QVFb:0
+You may prefer to set the QWS_DISPLAY environment
+variable to be QVFb:0.
+qvfb supports the following command line options:
+ \-width width: the width of the virtual framebuffer
+ (default: 240).
+ \-height height: the height of the virtual framebuffer
+ (default: 320).
+ \-depth depth: the depth of the virtual framebuffer (1, 8
+ or 32; default: 8).
+ \-nocursor: do not display the X11 cursor in the
+ framebuffer window.
+ \-qwsdisplay :id the Qt/Embedded display id to provide
+ (default: 0).
+ Virtual Framebuffer Design
+The virtual framebuffer emulates a framebuffer using a
+shared memory region (the virtual frame buffer) and a
+utility to display the framebuffer in a window (qvfb).
+The regions of the display that have changed are updated
+periodically, so you will see discrete snapshots of the
+framebuffer rather than each individual drawing
+operation. For this reason drawing problems such as
+flickering may not be apparent until the program is run
+using a real framebuffer.
+The target refresh rate can be set via the "View|Refresh
+Rate" menu item. This will cause qvfb to check for
+updated regions more quickly. The rate is a target only.
+If little drawing is being done, the framebuffer will not
+show any updates between drawing events. If an
+application is displaying an animation the updates will
+be frequent, and the application and qvfb will compete
+for processor time.
+Mouse and keyboard events are passed to the Qt/Embedded
+master process via named pipes.
+The virtual framebuffer is a development tool only. No
+security issues have been considered in the virtual
+framebuffer design. It should be avoided in a production
+environment; QT_NO_QWS_VFB should always be defined in
+production libraries.
+TrollTech <>
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..609a44bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -Nru -x Makefile.cvs -x README.qt-copy -x upgrade_script.qt -x .cvsignore -x CVS -x include -x debian -x doc -x examples -x 3rdparty -x images -x mkspecs -I '^\*\*\( $\| \$Id\)' -I '^\#\( $\| \$Id\)' qt-x11-free-3.1.1.old/ qt-x11-free-3.1.1/ > qtcopy.diff
diff --git a/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/qt3config.desktop b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/qt3config.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22d0ca6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu/maverick/dependencies/qt3/debian/maintain/qt3config.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Qt3 Configuration
+Name[de]=Qt3 Konfiguration
+Comment=A graphical configuration tool for programs using Qt 3
+Comment[de]=Ein grafisches Konfigurationstool für Qt3-Programme