#!/bin/bash # # Create/update TDE local debian repository # # Load common code and initialization . ./internals/_build_common.sh init_common #---------------------------- # Check command line arguments parm_MAKE_BACKUP="n" for arg in $@; do if [ "$arg" = "-b" ]; then # backup old repository parm_MAKE_BACKUP="y" fi done #---------------------------- # Create/update TDE local debian repository echo -e "${CLightCyan}#### TDE local repository creation begin ####${CNone}" ARCH_PATH="dists/$DISTRO_NAME/main/binary-$ARCHITECTURE" REPO_DIR="$TDE_DIR/$CFG_REPO_DIR" REPO_DIR_BACKUP="$REPO_DIR.backup" REPO_PKG_DIR="$REPO_DIR/$ARCH_PATH" TDE_DEBS_DIR="$TDE_DIR/$CFG_TDE_DEBS_DIR" # Backup if [ "$parm_MAKE_BACKUP" = "y" ] && [ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]; then echo -e "${CYellow}> Backing up old repository${CNone}" rm -R "$REPO_DIR_BACKUP" &>/dev/null mv "$REPO_DIR" "$REPO_DIR_BACKUP" &>/dev/null echo "Copy of the old repository available at \"$REPO_DIR_BACKUP\"" fi # Create repository echo -e "${CYellow}> Creating new repository${CNone}" if [ -d "$REPO_DIR" ]; then rm -R "$REPO_DIR" &>/dev/null fi mkdir -p "$REPO_PKG_DIR" rsync -aHS --exclude="*/src/*.xz" --exclude="*/src/*.dsc" --exclude="*/src/*.changes" --exclude="*/src/*.buildinfo" --exclude="Packages*" "$TDE_DEBS_DIR/" "$REPO_PKG_DIR/" # Create package index file echo -e "${CYellow}> Creating package index file${CNone}" cd "$REPO_DIR" dpkg-scanpackages "./$ARCH_PATH" | gzip -9c > "./$ARCH_PATH/Packages.gz" #---------------------------- # Repository created echo -e "${CLightGreen}#### TDE local repository created ####${CNone}" cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" exit 0