.TH PERLQT 1 "July 31, 2002" .SH NAME puic \- Perl-QT User Interface Compiler .SH SYNOPSIS .B puic .RI " [ " options " ] [ " mode " ] " <uifile.ui> " Generate implementation: .B puic .RI " [ " options " ] " <input.ui> " Generate image collection: .B puic .RI " [ " options " ] " -embed " " <project> " " <image1> " " ... " Generate subclass implementation: .B puic .RI " [ " options " ] " -subclass " " <classname> " " <uifile.ui> " .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page documents briefly the .B puic command. .PP \fBpuic\fP is a program that generates a Perl package from a User Interface file created with the Qt Designer package. This will generate the package defined in the UI file and a basic main package for testing purposes. For more information, please see the documentation on the PerlTQt website http://perlqt.sourceforge.net/ .SH OPTIONS A summary of options is included below. .TP .B \-o <output filename> Specify the name of the output file. If no output file is specified, stdout will be used. .TP .B \-p <indent> Set the indent in spaces (0 to use a tab) .TP .B \-nofwd Omit imports of custom widgets .TP .B \-tr <func> Use func(...) rather than trUtf8(...) for i18n .TP .B \-x Generate extra code to test the class. .TP .B \-version Display version information. .TP .B \-help Display usage information. .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Peter Hawkins <peter@hawkins.emu.id.au>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).