path: root/kttsd/plugins/festivalint/festivalintconf.h
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1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kttsd/plugins/festivalint/festivalintconf.h b/kttsd/plugins/festivalint/festivalintconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a367682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kttsd/plugins/festivalint/festivalintconf.h
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+/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ Configuration widget and functions for Festival (Interactive) plug in
+ -------------------
+ Copyright:
+ (C) 2004 by Gary Cramblitt <>
+ -------------------
+ Original author: Gary Cramblitt <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// Qt includes.
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+// KDE includes.
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+// KTTS includes.
+#include "pluginconf.h"
+// FestivalInt includes.
+#include "festivalintconfwidget.h"
+#include "festivalintproc.h"
+class KProgressDialog;
+class QDomNode;
+typedef struct voiceStruct{
+ QString code; // Code as sent to Festival
+ QString name; // Name as displayed and returned in Talker Code.
+ QString languageCode; // Language code (en, es, etc)
+ QString codecName; // Character encoding codec name (eg. ISO 8859-1)
+ QString gender; // male, female, or neutral
+ bool preload; // Start Festival and load this language when KTTSD is started.
+ bool volumeAdjustable; // True if the voice supports volume adjustments.
+ bool rateAdjustable; // True if the voice supports rate adjustments.
+ bool pitchAdjustable; // True if the voice supports pitch adjustments.
+} voice;
+class FestivalIntConf : public PlugInConf {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor */
+ FestivalIntConf( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const QStringList &args = QStringList());
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~FestivalIntConf();
+ /** This method is invoked whenever the module should read its
+ * configuration (most of the times from a config file) and update the
+ * user interface. This happens when the user clicks the "Reset" button in
+ * the control center, to undo all of his changes and restore the currently
+ * valid settings. NOTE that this is not called after the modules is loaded,
+ * so you probably want to call this method in the constructor.
+ */
+ void load(KConfig *config, const QString &configGroup);
+ /** This function gets called when the user wants to save the settings in
+ * the user interface, updating the config files or wherever the
+ * configuration is stored. The method is called when the user clicks "Apply"
+ * or "Ok".
+ */
+ void save(KConfig *config, const QString &configGroup);
+ /** This function is called to set the settings in the module to sensible
+ * default values. It gets called when hitting the "Default" button. The
+ * default values should probably be the same as the ones the application
+ * uses when started without a config file. */
+ void defaults();
+ /**
+ * This function informs the plugin of the desired language to be spoken
+ * by the plugin. The plugin should attempt to adapt itself to the
+ * specified language code, choosing sensible defaults if necessary.
+ * If the passed-in code is QString::null, no specific language has
+ * been chosen.
+ * @param lang The desired language code or Null if none.
+ *
+ * If the plugin is unable to support the desired language, that is OK.
+ * Language codes are given by ISO 639-1 and are in lowercase.
+ * The code may also include an ISO 3166 country code in uppercase
+ * separated from the language code by underscore (_). For
+ * example, en_GB. If your plugin supports the given language, but
+ * not the given country, treat it as though the country
+ * code were not specified, i.e., adapt to the given language.
+ */
+ void setDesiredLanguage(const QString &lang);
+ /**
+ * Return fully-specified talker code for the configured plugin. This code
+ * uniquely identifies the configured instance of the plugin and distinquishes
+ * one instance from another. If the plugin has not been fully configured,
+ * i.e., cannot yet synthesize, return QString::null.
+ * @return Fully-specified talker code.
+ */
+ QString getTalkerCode();
+ private slots:
+ /** Scan for the different voices in festivalPath/lib */
+ void scanVoices();
+ void configChanged(){
+ // kdDebug() << "FestivalIntConf::configChanged: Running" << endl;
+ emit changed(true);
+ };
+ void slotTest_clicked();
+ void slotSynthFinished();
+ void slotSynthStopped();
+ void volumeBox_valueChanged(int percentValue);
+ void timeBox_valueChanged(int percentValue);
+ void frequencyBox_valueChanged(int percentValue);
+ void volumeSlider_valueChanged(int sliderValue);
+ void timeSlider_valueChanged(int sliderValue);
+ void frequencySlider_valueChanged(int sliderValue);
+ void slotFestivalPath_textChanged();
+ void slotSelectVoiceCombo_activated();
+ void slotQueryVoicesFinished(const QStringList &voiceCodes);
+ private:
+ int percentToSlider(int percentValue);
+ int sliderToPercent(int sliderValue);
+ /**
+ * Given an XML node and child element name, returns the string value from the child element.
+ * If no such child element, returns def.
+ */
+ QString readXmlString(QDomNode &node, const QString &elementName, const QString &def);
+ /**
+ * Given an XML node and child element name, returns the boolean value from the child element.
+ * If no such child element, returns def.
+ */
+ bool readXmlBool(QDomNode &node, const QString &elementName, bool def);
+ /**
+ * Given a voice code, returns index into m_voiceList array (and voiceCombo box).
+ * -1 if not found.
+ */
+ int voiceCodeToListIndex(const QString& voiceCode) const;
+ /**
+ * Chooses a default voice given scanned list of voices in m_voiceList and current
+ * language and country code, and updates controls.
+ * @param currentVoiceIndex This voice is preferred if it matches.
+ */
+ void setDefaultVoice(int currentVoiceIndex);
+ // Configuration Widget.
+ FestivalIntConfWidget* m_widget;
+ // Language code.
+ QString m_languageCode;
+ // Language country code (if any).
+ QString m_countryCode;
+ // List of voices */
+ QValueList<voice> m_voiceList;
+ // Festival synthesizer.
+ FestivalIntProc* m_festProc;
+ // Synthesized wave file name.
+ QString m_waveFile;
+ // Progress dialog.
+ KProgressDialog* m_progressDlg;
+ // List of voice codes supported by Festival.
+ QStringList m_supportedVoiceCodes;
+ // List of displayed codec names.
+ QStringList m_codecList;
+ // Whether Festival supports SSML or not.
+ FestivalIntProc::SupportsSSML m_supportsSSML;