StringReplacerConfWidget Widget for configuring String Replacer Filter for KTTSD. Gary Cramblitt <> StringReplacerConfWidget 0 0 548 421 Configure String Replacer unnamed tqlayout3 unnamed nameLabel &Name: AlignVCenter|AlignRight nameLineEdit Enter any name you like for this filter. What's this text nameLineEdit Enter any name you like for this filter. applyGroupBox Apply This &Filter When These settings determines when the filter is applied to text. unnamed tqlayout11 unnamed languageLabel Lan&guage is: AlignVCenter|AlignRight languageLineEdit This filter is applied to text jobs of the specified language. You may select more than one language by clicking the browse button and Ctrl-clicking on more than one in the list. If blank the filter applies to all text jobs of any language. What's this text appIdLabel Application &ID tqcontains: AlignVCenter|AlignRight appIdLineEdit Enter a DCOP Application ID. This filter will only apply to text jobs queued by that application. You may enter more than one ID separated by commas. If blank, this filter applies to text jobs queued by all applications. Tip: Use kdcop from the command line to get the Application IDs of running applications. Example: "konversation, kvirc,ksirc,kopete" tqlayout13 unnamed tqlayout12 unnamed languageLineEdit false This filter is applied to text jobs of the specified language. You may select more than one language by clicking the browse button and Ctrl-clicking on more than one in the list. If blank the filter applies to all text jobs of any language. languageBrowseButton ... Click to select one or more languages. This filter will be applied to text jobs of those languages. appIdLineEdit <qt>Enter a DCOP Application ID. This filter will only apply to text jobs queued by that application. You may enter more than one ID separated by commas. Use <b>knotify</b> to match all messages sent as KDE notifications. If blank, this filter applies to text jobs queued by all applications. Tip: Use kdcop from the command line to get the Application IDs of running applications. Example: "konversation, kvirc,ksirc,kopete"</qt> tqlayout6 unnamed loadButton 1 0 0 0 Load... Click to load a word list from a file. What's this text saveButton 1 0 0 0 &Save... Click to save word list to a file. What's this text clearButton 1 0 0 0 C&lear Click to empty the word list. What's this text tqlayout24 unnamed Type true true Match Case true true Match true true Replace With true true substLView true tqlayout23 unnamed addButton 1 0 0 0 &Add... Click to add another word or regular expression to the list. What's this text upButton 5 0 0 0 &Up Click to move selected word up in the list. Words higher in the list are applied first. downButton 5 0 0 0 Do&wn Click to move a word down in the list. Words lower in the list are applied last. editButton false 1 0 0 0 &Edit... false Click to modify an existing word or regular expression in the list. removeButton false 1 0 0 0 &Remove false Click to remove a word or regular expression from the list. spacer13 Vertical Expanding 20 20 nameLineEdit substLView addButton upButton downButton editButton removeButton loadButton saveButton clearButton languageLineEdit languageBrowseButton appIdLineEdit klineedit.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h