KCMKttsMgrWidget Gary Cramblitt KCMKttsMgrWidget 0 0 638 382 7 7 0 0 unnamed mainTab 7 7 0 0 tab &General unnamed enableKttsdCheckBox &Enable Text-to-Speech System (KTTSD) Check to start the KTTS Deamon and enable Text-to-Speech. embedInSysTrayCheckBox Always em&bed Text-to-Speech Manager in system tray true When checked, KTTSMgr displays an icon in the system tray, and clicking OK or Cancel buttons does not stop KTTSMgr. Use system tray context menu to quit KTTSMgr. This setting takes effect when KTTSMgr is next started. This setting has no effect when running in the TDE Control Center. spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 20 layout5 unnamed spacer5_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 showMainWindowOnStartupCheckBox Show &main window on startup true When checked, the KTTSMgr window is displayed when KTTSMgr starts. When unchecked, click on the icon in the system tray to display the KTTSMgr window. layout5_2 unnamed spacer5_2_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 autoexitMgrCheckBox E&xit when speaking is finished true When checked, and KTTSMgr was automatically started when speech began, automatically exits when speech has finished. Does not automatically exit if KTTSMgr was started manually or started from the Control Center. autostartMgrCheckBox Sta&rt minimized in system tray when speaking true When checked, if KTTSMgr is not already running and speech begins, starts KTTSMgr and displays an icon in the system tray. <em>Note<em>: KTTSMgr only automatically starts for text jobs having 5 sentences or more. TabPage &Talkers unnamed ID true true Language true true Speech Synthesizer true true Voice true true Gender true true Volume true true Rate true true talkersList This is a list of all the configured Talkers. A Talker is a speech synthesizer that has been configured with a language, voice, gender, speaking rate, and volume. Talkers higher in the list have higher priority. The topmost Talker will be used when no talker attributes have been specified by an application. layout9 unnamed addTalkerButton 1 0 0 0 Add... Click to add and configure a new Talker (speech synthesizer). What's this text higherTalkerPriorityButton 5 0 0 0 U&p lowerTalkerPriorityButton 5 0 0 0 Do&wn configureTalkerButton false 1 0 0 0 &Edit... false Click to configure options for the highlighted Talker. removeTalkerButton false 1 0 0 0 &Remove false Click to remove the highlighted Talker. spacer11 Vertical Expanding 20 20 TabPage &Notifications unnamed notifyGroup NoFrame unnamed 0 Application/Event true true Action true true Talker true true notifyListView true This is a list of configured application events and actions to be taken when received. The "default" event governs all events not specifically configured. layout21 unnamed notifyPresentLabel 0 5 0 0 Notifications to speak: notifyWhatComboBox Applies only to the default event. Does not affect application-specific events. Only events that display in the manner which you select will be spoken. notifyPresentComboBox Applies only to the default event. Does not affect application-specific events. Only events that display in the manner which you select will be spoken. layout28 unnamed notifyAddButton Add... Click to configure notification for a specific application event. notifyRemoveButton Re&move Click to remove a specific notification event from the list. You cannot remove the default event. spacer16 Horizontal Expanding 152 20 notifyClearButton Cl&ear Removes all the application specific events. The default event remains. notifyLoadButton &Load... Click to read configured notification events from a file. notifySaveButton &Save... Click to write all the configured application events to a file. notifyExceptionActionLayout unnamed notifyTestButton Click to test notification Click this button to test the notification. A sample message will be spoken. Note: The Text-to-Speech system must be enabled. notifyActionLabel 0 5 0 0 Ac&tion: notifyActionComboBox <qt>Specifies how KTTS should speak the event when received. If you select "Speak custom text", enter the text in the box. You may use the following substitution strings in the text:<dl><dt>%e</dt><dd>Name of the event</dd><dt>%a</dt><dd>Application that sent the event</dd><dt>%m</dt><dd>The message sent by the application</dd></dl></qt> notifyMsgLineEdit <qt>Specifies how KTTS should speak the event when received. If you select "Speak custom text", enter the text in the box. You may use the following substitution strings in the text:<dl><dt>%e</dt><dd>Name of the event</dd><dt>%a</dt><dd>Application that sent the event</dd><dt>%m</dt><dd>The message sent by the application</dd></dl></qt> notifyActionComboBox 0 0 0 0 <qt>Specifies how KTTS should speak the event when received. If you select "Speak custom text", enter the text in the box. You may use the following substitution strings in the text:<dl><dt>%e</dt><dd>Name of the event</dd><dt>%a</dt><dd>Application that sent the event</dd><dt>%m</dt><dd>The message sent by the application</dd></dl></qt> layout19_2 unnamed notifyTalkerLabel 0 5 0 0 Talke&r: notifyTalkerLineEdit The Talker that will speak the notification. The "default" Talker is the topmost talker listed on the Talkers tab. notifyTalkerLineEdit false 0 0 0 The Talker that will speak the notification. The "default" Talker is the topmost talker listed on the Talkers tab. notifyTalkerButton ... Click to select the Talker to speak the notification. layout17 unnamed notifyEnableCheckBox Speak notifications (&KNotify) When checked and KTTS is enabled, notification events from applications sent via KNotify will be spoken according to the options you set on this tab. spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 notifyExcludeEventsWithSoundCheckBox E&xclude notifications with a sound true When checked, notification events that have a sound will not be spoken. TabPage &Filters unnamed layout14 unnamed Filter true true filtersList true This is a list of all the configured Filters. Filters higher in the list are applied first. Filters modify text before it is spoken. They can be used to substitute for mispronounced words, transform XML from one form to another, or change the default Talker to be used for speech output. layout9_2 unnamed addFilterButton 1 0 0 0 Add... Click to add and configure a new Filter. What's this text higherFilterPriorityButton 5 0 0 0 U&p Click to move selected filter up in the list. Filters higher in the list are applied first. lowerFilterPriorityButton 5 0 0 0 Do&wn Click to move a filter down in the list. Filters lower in the list are applied last. configureFilterButton false 1 0 0 0 &Edit... false Click to configure options for the highlighted Filter. removeFilterButton false 1 0 0 0 &Remove false Click to remove the highlighted Filter. spacer11_2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 layout18 unnamed Sentence Boundary Detector true true sbdsList true This is a list of all the configured Sentence Boundary Detector (SBD) Filters. SBDs break long text jobs up into sentences, which reduces the time before a job begins speaking, and permits you to advance or rewind through a job. SBDs are applied in the order listed (top to bottom) after all the normal filters at the top of this screen have been applied. Filtering stops when the first SBD modifies the text. layout16 unnamed sbdButton 5 0 0 0 Co&nfigure Click this button to edit the Sentence Boundary Detector (SBD) configuration or add additional SBD filters. spacer11_2_2 Vertical Expanding 20 11 TabPage &Interruption unnamed layout15 unnamed textPreSnd true 7 5 0 0 Check the Pre-sound box and choose a Pre-sound audio file, which will sound when a text job is interrupted by another message. textPostMsg Check the Post-message box and enter a Post-message, which will be spoken when a text job resumes after being interrupted by another message. What's this text textPostMsgCheck Post-&message: false Check the Post-message box and enter a Post-message, which will be spoken when a text job resumes after being interrupted by another message. textPreSndCheck 1 0 0 0 Pre-sou&nd: false Check the Pre-sound box and choose a Pre-sound audio file, which will sound when a text job is interrupted by another message. textPreMsgCheck &Pre-message: false false Check the Pre-message box and enter a Pre-message, which will be spoken whenever a text job is interrupted by another message. textPostSnd true 7 5 0 0 Check the Post-sound and choose a Post-sound audio file, which will sound before a text job resumes after being interrupted by another message. textPostSndCheck Post-s&ound: false Check the Post-sound and choose a Post-sound audio file, which will sound before a text job resumes after being interrupted by another message. textPreMsg true Check the Pre-message box and enter a Pre-message, which will be spoken whenever a text job is interrupted by another message. What's this text spacer4 Vertical Expanding 21 180 TabPage A&udio unnamed layout12 unnamed keepAudioCheckBox &Keep audio files: Check this if you want to keep the generated audio (wav) files. You will find them in the indicated directory. keepAudioPath true 7 5 0 0 Specify the directory in which the audio files will be copied. layout13 unnamed timeLabel 0 5 0 0 &Speed: timeBox Sets the speed of speech. Slide the slider to the left to slow speech down; to the right to increase talking speed. Anything less than 75 percent is considered "slow", and anything greater than 125 percent is considered "fast". You cannot change the speed of MultiSyn voices. timeBox true 0 0 0 0 % 200 50 100 Sets the speed of speech. Slide the slider to the left to slow speech down; to the right to increase talking speed. Anything less than 75 percent is considered "slow", and anything greater than 125 percent is considered "fast". You cannot change the speed of MultiSyn voices. timeSlider true NoFocus 1000 10 100 500 Horizontal Sets the speed of speech. Slide the slider to the left to slow speech down; to the right to increase talking speed. Anything less than 75 percent is considered "slow", and anything greater than 125 percent is considered "fast". You cannot change the speed of MultiSyn voices. spacer8 Vertical Expanding 20 40 spacer9 Horizontal Expanding 90 20 audioButtonGroup 3 5 0 0 Out&put Using <p>Select the audio output method desired. If you select <b>GStreamer</b>, you must also select a <b>Sink</b>.</p><p><em>Note</em>: You must have GStreamer >= 0.87 to use GStreamer.</p> unnamed layout8 unnamed sinkLabel false Sink: Select the sound sink to be used for GStreamer output. sinkComboBox false 7 0 0 0 Select the sound sink to be used for GStreamer output. layout8_2_2 unnamed akodeSinkLabel false Sink: Select the sound sink to be used for aKode output. akodeComboBox false 7 0 0 0 Select the sink to be used for aKode output. Select "auto" to let aKode pick the best output method. gstreamerRadioButton false GStrea&mer 0 <p>Check to use the GStreamer audio output system. You must also select a <b>Sink</b> plugin.</p> artsRadioButton a&Rts true 0 Check to use the KDE aRts system for audio output. akodeRadioButton false aKode false 0 <p>Check to use aKode for audio output. You must also select a <b>Sink</b>.</p> layout21 unnamed alsaRadioButton false ALSA false -1 Check to use Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for audio output. layout8_2 unnamed pcmLabel false Device: Select the sound sink to be used for GStreamer output. pcmComboBox false 7 0 0 0 Select the PCM device to be used for ALSA output. Select "default" to use the default ALSA device. pcmCustom enableKttsdCheckBox clicked() KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() embedInSysTrayCheckBox toggled(bool) showMainWindowOnStartupCheckBox setEnabled(bool) embedInSysTrayCheckBox clicked() KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() showMainWindowOnStartupCheckBox clicked() KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() artsRadioButton toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() gstreamerRadioButton toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() sinkComboBox activated(int) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() autostartMgrCheckBox toggled(bool) autoexitMgrCheckBox setEnabled(bool) autostartMgrCheckBox clicked() KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() autoexitMgrCheckBox clicked() KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() pcmComboBox activated(int) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() alsaRadioButton toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() akodeRadioButton toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() akodeComboBox activated(int) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPreMsg textChanged(const TQString&) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPreMsgCheck toggled(bool) textPreMsg setEnabled(bool) textPreMsgCheck toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPreSndCheck toggled(bool) textPreSnd setEnabled(bool) textPreSndCheck toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPreSnd textChanged(const TQString&) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPostMsgCheck toggled(bool) textPostMsg setEnabled(bool) textPostMsgCheck toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPostMsg textChanged(const TQString&) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPostSndCheck toggled(bool) textPostSnd setEnabled(bool) textPostSndCheck toggled(bool) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() textPostSnd textChanged(const TQString&) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() pcmCustom textChanged(const TQString&) KCMKttsMgrWidget slotConfigChanged() mainTab enableKttsdCheckBox embedInSysTrayCheckBox showMainWindowOnStartupCheckBox autostartMgrCheckBox autoexitMgrCheckBox talkersList addTalkerButton higherTalkerPriorityButton lowerTalkerPriorityButton configureTalkerButton removeTalkerButton notifyEnableCheckBox notifyExcludeEventsWithSoundCheckBox notifyAddButton notifyRemoveButton notifyClearButton notifyLoadButton notifySaveButton notifyListView notifyPresentComboBox notifyActionComboBox notifyTestButton notifyMsgLineEdit notifyTalkerLineEdit notifyTalkerButton filtersList addFilterButton higherFilterPriorityButton lowerFilterPriorityButton configureFilterButton removeFilterButton sbdsList sbdButton textPreMsgCheck textPreMsg textPreSndCheck textPreSnd textPostMsgCheck textPostMsg textPostSndCheck textPostSnd artsRadioButton sinkComboBox pcmComboBox akodeComboBox timeBox keepAudioCheckBox keepAudioPath tdelocale.h tdelocale.h kdebug.h configChanged() slotConfigChanged() tdecmodule.h tdelistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h knuminput.h kcombobox.h kcombobox.h kcombobox.h