/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: A KPart to display running jobs in KTTSD and permit user to stop, rewind, advance, change Talker, etc. ------------------- Copyright : (C) 2004,2005 by Gary Cramblitt ------------------- Current Maintainer: Gary Cramblitt ******************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // QT includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KTTS includes. #include "kspeech.h" #include "talkercode.h" #include "selecttalkerdlg.h" #include "kttsjobmgr.h" #include "kttsjobmgr.moc" K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libkttsjobmgrpart, KttsJobMgrFactory ) /** * We need one static instance of the factory for our C 'main' * function */ KInstance *KttsJobMgrFactory::s_instance = 0L; KttsJobMgrFactory::~KttsJobMgrFactory() { if (s_instance) { delete s_instance->aboutData(); delete s_instance; } s_instance = 0; } TQObject *KttsJobMgrFactory::createObject(TQObject *tqparent, const char *name, const char*, const TQStringList& ) { TQObject *obj = new KttsJobMgrPart((TQWidget*)tqparent, name); emit objectCreated(obj); return obj; } KInstance *KttsJobMgrFactory::instance() { if ( !s_instance ) s_instance = new KInstance( aboutData() ); return s_instance; } KAboutData *KttsJobMgrFactory::aboutData() { KAboutData *about = new KAboutData("kttsjobmgr", I18N_NOOP("KttsJobMgr"), "1.99"); return about; } KttsJobMgrPart::KttsJobMgrPart(TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name) : DCOPStub("kttsd", "KSpeech"), DCOPObject("kttsjobmgr_kspeechsink"), KParts::ReadOnlyPart(TQT_TQOBJECT(tqparent), name) { // Initialize some variables. m_selectOnTextSet = false; m_buttonBox = 0; setInstance(KttsJobMgrFactory::instance()); // All the ktts components use the same catalogue. KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("kttsd"); // Create a TQVBox to host everything. TQVBox* vBox = new TQVBox(tqparent); vBox->setMargin(6); // Create a splitter to contain the Job List View and the current sentence. TQSplitter* splitter = new TQSplitter(vBox); splitter->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); // Create Job List View widget. m_jobListView = new KListView(splitter, "joblistview"); m_jobListView->setSelectionModeExt(KListView::Single); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Job Num")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Owner")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Talker ID")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("State")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Position")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Sentences")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Part Num")); m_jobListView->addColumn(i18n("Parts")); // Do not sort the list. m_jobListView->setSorting(-1); TQString jobListViewWT = i18n( "

These are all the text jobs. The State column " "may be:" "

    " "
  • Queued - the job is waiting and will not be spoken until its state " "is changed to Waiting by clicking the Resume or Restart buttons.
  • " "
  • Waiting - the job is ready to be spoken. It will be spoken when the jobs " "preceding it in the list have finished.
  • " "
  • Speaking - the job is speaking. The Position column shows the current " "sentence of the job being spoken. You may pause a speaking job by clicking the " "Hold button.
  • " "
  • Paused - the job is currently paused. Paused jobs prevent jobs below them " "from speaking. Use the Resume or Restart buttons to resume speaking the " "job, or click Later to move the job down in the list.
  • " "
  • Finished - the job has finished speaking. When a second job finishes, " "this one will be deleted. You may click Restart to repeat the job.
  • " "
" "Note: Messages, Warnings, and Screen Reader Output do not appear in this list. " "See the Handbook for more information." "

"); TQWhatsThis::add(m_jobListView, jobListViewWT); // splitter->setResizeMode(m_jobListView, TQSplitter::Stretch); // Create a VBox to hold buttons and current sentence. TQVBox* bottomBox = new TQVBox(splitter); // Create a box to hold buttons. m_buttonBox = new TQVBox(bottomBox); m_buttonBox->setSpacing(6); // Create 3 HBoxes to host buttons. TQHBox* hbox1 = new TQHBox(m_buttonBox); hbox1->setSpacing(6); TQHBox* hbox2 = new TQHBox(m_buttonBox); hbox2->setSpacing(6); TQHBox* hbox3 = new TQHBox(m_buttonBox); hbox3->setSpacing(6); // Do not let button box stretch vertically. m_buttonBox->tqsetSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed)); // All the buttons with "job_" at start of their names will be enabled/disabled when a job is // selected in the Job List View. // All the buttons with "part_" at the start of their names will be enabled/disabled when a // job is selected in the Job List View that has multiple parts. TQPushButton* btn; TQString wt; btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("stop", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Hold"), hbox1, "job_hold"); wt = i18n( "

Changes a job to Paused state. If currently speaking, the job stops speaking. " "Paused jobs prevent jobs that follow them from speaking, so either click " "Resume to make the job speakable, or click Later to move it " "down in the list.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_hold())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("exec", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Resume"), hbox1, "job_resume"); wt = i18n( "

Resumes a paused job or changes a Queued job to Waiting. If the job is the " "top speakable job in the list, it begins speaking.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_resume())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("redo", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("R&estart"), hbox1, "job_restart"); wt = i18n( "

Rewinds a job to the beginning and changes its state to Waiting. If the job " "is the top speakable job in the list, it begins speaking.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_restart())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("edittrash", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Re&move"), hbox1, "job_remove"); wt = i18n( "

Deletes the job. If it is currently speaking, it stops speaking. The next " "speakable job in the list begins speaking.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_remove())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("down", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("&Later"), hbox1, "job_later"); wt = i18n( "

Moves a job downward in the list so that it will be spoken later. If the job " "is currently speaking, its state changes to Paused.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_move())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("2leftarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Pre&vious Part"), hbox2, "part_prevpart"); wt = i18n( "

Rewinds a multi-part job to the previous part.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_prev_par())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("1leftarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("&Previous Sentence"), hbox2, "job_prevsentence"); wt = i18n( "

Rewinds a job to the previous sentence.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_prev_sen())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("1rightarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("&Next Sentence"), hbox2, "job_nextsentence"); wt = i18n( "

Advances a job to the next sentence.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_next_sen())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("2rightarrow", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Ne&xt Part"), hbox2, "part_nextpart"); wt = i18n( "

Advances a multi-part job to the next part.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_next_par())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("klipper", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("&Speak Clipboard"), hbox3, "speak_clipboard"); wt = i18n( "

Queues the current contents of the clipboard for speaking and sets its state " "to Waiting. If the job is the topmost in the list, it begins speaking. " "The job will be spoken by the topmost Talker in the Talkers tab.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_speak_clipboard())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("fileopen", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Spea&k File"), hbox3, "speak_file"); wt = i18n( "

Prompts you for a file name and queues the contents of the file for speaking. " "You must click the Resume button before the job will be speakable. " "The job will be spoken by the topmost Talker in the Talkers tab.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_speak_file())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("translate", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("Change Talker"), hbox3, "job_changetalker"); wt = i18n( "

Prompts you with a list of your configured Talkers from the Talkers tab. " "The job will be spoken using the selected Talker.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_job_change_talker())); btn = new TQPushButton(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("reload_page", KIcon::Small, 0, true), i18n("&Refresh"), hbox3, "refresh"); wt = i18n( "

Refresh the list of jobs.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(btn, wt); connect (btn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_refresh())); // Disable job buttons until a job is selected. enableJobActions(false); enableJobPartActions(false); // Create a VBox for the current sentence and sentence label. TQVBox* sentenceVBox = new TQVBox(bottomBox); // Create a label for current sentence. TQLabel* currentSentenceLabel = new TQLabel(sentenceVBox); currentSentenceLabel->tqsetSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed)); currentSentenceLabel->setText(i18n("Current Sentence")); // Create a box to contain the current sentence. m_currentSentence = new KTextEdit(sentenceVBox); m_currentSentence->setReadOnly(true); m_currentSentence->setWordWrap(TQTextEdit::WidgetWidth); m_currentSentence->setWrapPolicy(TQTextEdit::AtWordOrDocumentBoundary); m_currentSentence->setHScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::AlwaysOff); m_currentSentence->setVScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::Auto); wt = i18n( "

The text of the sentence currently speaking.

"); TQWhatsThis::add(m_currentSentence, wt); // Set the main widget for the part. setWidget(vBox); connect(m_jobListView, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem* )), this, TQT_SLOT(slot_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem* ))); // Fill the Job List View. refreshJobListView(); // Select first item (if any). autoSelectInJobListView(); // Connect DCOP Signals emitted by KTTSD to our own DCOP methods. connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "kttsdStarted()", "kttsdStarted()", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "markerSeen(TQCString,TQString)", "markerSeen(TQCString,TQString)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "sentenceStarted(TQCString,uint,uint)", "sentenceStarted(TQCString,uint,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal(0, 0, "sentenceFinished(TQCString,uint,uint)", "sentenceFinished(TQCString,uint,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textSet(TQCString,uint)", "textSet(TQCString,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textStarted(TQCString,uint)", "textStarted(TQCString,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textFinished(TQCString,uint)", "textFinished(TQCString,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textStopped(TQCString,uint)", "textStopped(TQCString,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textPaused(TQCString,uint)", "textPaused(TQCString,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textResumed(TQCString,uint)", "textResumed(TQCString,uint)", false); connectDCOPSignal("kttsd", "KSpeech", "textRemoved(TQCString,uint)", "textRemoved(TQCString,uint)", false); m_extension = new KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension(this); m_jobListView->show(); // Divide splitter in half. ListView gets half. Buttons and Current Sentence get half. int halfSplitterSize = splitter->height()/2; TQValueList splitterSizes; splitterSizes.append(halfSplitterSize); splitterSizes.append(halfSplitterSize); splitter->setSizes(splitterSizes); } KttsJobMgrPart::~KttsJobMgrPart() { closeURL(); } bool KttsJobMgrPart::openFile() { return true; } bool KttsJobMgrPart::closeURL() { return true; } /** * This slot is connected to the Job List View selectionChanged signal. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) { // Enable job buttons. enableJobActions(true); enableJobPartActions((getCurrentJobPartCount() > 1)); } /** * Slots connected to buttons. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_hold() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { pauseText(jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_resume() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { resumeText(jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_restart() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_restart: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl; if (jobNum) { startText(jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_prev_par() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { // Get current part number. uint partNum = jumpToTextPart(0, jobNum); if (partNum > 1) jumpToTextPart(--partNum, jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_prev_sen() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { moveRelTextSentence(-1, jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_next_sen() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { moveRelTextSentence(1, jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_next_par() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { // Get current part number. uint partNum = jumpToTextPart(0, jobNum); jumpToTextPart(++partNum, jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_remove() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { removeText(jobNum); m_currentSentence->clear(); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_move() { uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); if (jobNum) { moveTextLater(jobNum); refreshJobListView(); // Select the job we just moved. TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_job_change_talker() { TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem(); if (item) { TQString talkerID = item->text(jlvcTalkerID); TQStringList talkerIDs = m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.values(); int ndx = talkerIDs.tqfindIndex(talkerID); TQString talkerCode; if (ndx >= 0) talkerCode = m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.keys()[ndx]; SelectTalkerDlg dlg(widget(), "selecttalkerdialog", i18n("Select Talker"), talkerCode, true); int dlgResult = dlg.exec(); if (dlgResult != KDialogBase::Accepted) return; talkerCode = dlg.getSelectedTalkerCode(); int jobNum = item->text(jlvcJobNum).toInt(); changeTextTalker(talkerCode, jobNum); refreshJob(jobNum); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_speak_clipboard() { // Get the clipboard object. TQClipboard *cb = kapp->tqclipboard(); // Copy text from the clipboard. TQString text; TQMimeSource* data = cb->data(); if (data) { if (data->provides("text/html")) { if (supportsMarkup(NULL, KSpeech::mtHtml)) { TQByteArray d = data->tqencodedData("text/html"); text = TQString(d); } } if (data->provides("text/ssml")) { if (supportsMarkup(NULL, KSpeech::mtSsml)) { TQByteArray d = data->tqencodedData("text/ssml"); text = TQString(d); } } } if (text.isEmpty()) text = cb->text(); // Speak it. if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { uint jobNum = setText(text, NULL); // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::slot_speak_clipboard: started jobNum " << jobNum << endl; startText(jobNum); // Set flag so that the job we just created will be selected when textSet signal is received. m_selectOnTextSet = true; } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_speak_file() { KEncodingFileDialog dlg; KEncodingFileDialog::Result result = dlg.getOpenFileNameAndEncoding(); if (result.fileNames.count() == 1) { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgr::slot_speak_file: calling setFile with filename " << // result.fileNames[0] << " and encoding " << result.encoding << endl; setFile(result.fileNames[0], NULL, result.encoding); } } void KttsJobMgrPart::slot_refresh() { // Clear TalkerID cache. m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.clear(); // Get current job number. uint jobNum = getCurrentJobNum(); refreshJobListView(); // Select the previously-selected job. if (jobNum) { TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true); } } /** * Convert a KTTSD job state integer into a display string. * @param state KTTSD job state * @return Display string for the state. */ TQString KttsJobMgrPart::stateToStr(int state) { switch( state ) { case KSpeech::jsQueued: return i18n("Queued"); case KSpeech::jsSpeakable: return i18n("Waiting"); case KSpeech::jsSpeaking: return i18n("Speaking"); case KSpeech::jsPaused: return i18n("Paused"); case KSpeech::jsFinished: return i18n("Finished"); default: return i18n("Unknown"); } } /** * Get the Job Number of the currently-selected job in the Job List View. * @return Job Number of currently-selected job. * 0 if no currently-selected job. */ uint KttsJobMgrPart::getCurrentJobNum() { uint jobNum = 0; TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem(); if (item) { TQString jobNumStr = item->text(jlvcJobNum); jobNum = jobNumStr.toUInt(0, 10); } return jobNum; } /** * Get the number of parts in the currently-selected job in the Job List View. * @return Number of parts in currently-selected job. * 0 if no currently-selected job. */ int KttsJobMgrPart::getCurrentJobPartCount() { int partCount = 0; TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem(); if (item) { TQString partCountStr = item->text(jlvcPartCount); partCount = partCountStr.toUInt(0, 10); } return partCount; } /** * Given a Job Number, returns the Job List View item containing the job. * @param jobNum Job Number. * @return TQListViewItem containing the job or 0 if not found. */ TQListViewItem* KttsJobMgrPart::findItemByJobNum(const uint jobNum) { return m_jobListView->tqfindItem(TQString::number(jobNum), jlvcJobNum); } /** * Refresh display of a single job in the JobListView. * @param jobNum Job Number. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::refreshJob(uint jobNum) { TQByteArray jobInfo = getTextJobInfo(jobNum); TQDataStream stream(jobInfo, IO_ReadOnly); int state; TQCString appId; TQString talker; int seq; int sentenceCount; int partNum; int partCount; stream >> state; stream >> appId; stream >> talker; stream >> seq; stream >> sentenceCount; stream >> partNum; stream >> partCount; TQString talkerID = cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(talker); TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcTalkerID, talkerID); item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(state)); item->setText(jlvcPosition, TQString::number(seq)); item->setText(jlvcSentences, TQString::number(sentenceCount)); item->setText(jlvcPartNum, TQString::number(partNum)); item->setText(jlvcPartCount, TQString::number(partCount)); } } /** * Fill the Job List View. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::refreshJobListView() { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::refreshJobListView: Running" << endl; m_jobListView->clear(); enableJobActions(false); enableJobPartActions(false); TQString jobNumbers = getTextJobNumbers(); // kdDebug() << "jobNumbers: " << jobNumbers << endl; TQStringList jobNums = TQStringList::split(",", jobNumbers); TQListViewItem* lastItem = 0; TQStringList::ConstIterator endJobNums(jobNums.constEnd()); for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = jobNums.constBegin(); it != endJobNums; ++it) { TQString jobNumStr = *it; // kdDebug() << "jobNumStr: " << jobNumStr << endl; uint jobNum = jobNumStr.toUInt(0, 10); TQByteArray jobInfo = getTextJobInfo(jobNum); TQDataStream stream(jobInfo, IO_ReadOnly); int state; TQCString appId; TQString talkerCode; int seq; int sentenceCount; int partNum; int partCount; stream >> state; stream >> appId; stream >> talkerCode; stream >> seq; stream >> sentenceCount; stream >> partNum; stream >> partCount; TQString talkerID = cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(talkerCode); // Append to list. if (lastItem) lastItem = new TQListViewItem(m_jobListView, lastItem, jobNumStr, appId, talkerID, stateToStr(state), TQString::number(seq), TQString::number(sentenceCount), TQString::number(partNum), TQString::number(partCount)); else lastItem = new TQListViewItem(m_jobListView, jobNumStr, appId, talkerID, stateToStr(state), TQString::number(seq), TQString::number(sentenceCount), TQString::number(partNum), TQString::number(partCount)); } } /** * If nothing selected in Job List View and list not empty, select top item. * If nothing selected and list is empty, disable job buttons. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::autoSelectInJobListView() { // If something selected, nothing to do. if (m_jobListView->selectedItem()) return; // If empty, disable job buttons. TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->firstChild(); if (!item) { enableJobActions(false); enableJobPartActions(false); } else // Select first item. Should fire itemSelected event which will enable job buttons. m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true); } /** * Return the Talker ID corresponding to a Talker Code, retrieving from cached list if present. * @param talkerCode Talker Code. * @return Talker ID. */ TQString KttsJobMgrPart::cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(const TQString& talkerCode) { // If in the cache, return that. if (m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs.tqcontains(talkerCode)) return m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs[talkerCode]; else { // Otherwise, retrieve Talker ID from KTTSD and cache it. TQString talkerID = talkerCodeToTalkerId(talkerCode); m_talkerCodesToTalkerIDs[talkerCode] = talkerID; return talkerID; } } /** * Enables or disables all the job-related buttons. * @param enable True to enable the job-related butons. False to disable. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::enableJobActions(bool enable) { if (!m_buttonBox) return; TQObjectList *l = m_buttonBox->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "job_*", true, true ); TQObjectListIt it( *l ); // iterate over the buttons TQObject *obj; while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) { // for each found object... ++it; ((TQPushButton*)obj)->setEnabled( enable ); } delete l; // delete the list, not the objects if (enable) { // Later button only enables if currently selected list item is not bottom of list. TQListViewItem* item = m_jobListView->selectedItem(); if (item) { bool enableLater = item->nextSibling(); l = m_buttonBox->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "job_later", false, true ); it = TQObjectListIt( *l ); // iterate over the buttons if ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) { // for each found object... ((TQPushButton*)obj)->setEnabled( enableLater ); } delete l; // delete the list, not the objects } } } /** * Enables or disables all the job part-related buttons. * @param enable True to enable the job par-related butons. False to disable. */ void KttsJobMgrPart::enableJobPartActions(bool enable) { if (!m_buttonBox) return; TQObjectList *l = m_buttonBox->queryList( TQPUSHBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "part_*", true, true ); TQObjectListIt it( *l ); // iterate over the buttons TQObject *obj; while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) { // for each found object... ++it; ((TQPushButton*)obj)->setEnabled( enable ); } delete l; // delete the list, not the objects } /** DCOP Methods connected to DCOP Signals emitted by KTTSD. */ /** * This signal is emitted when KTTSD starts or restarts after a call to reinit. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::kttsdStarted() { slot_refresh(); } /** * This signal is emitted when the speech engine/plugin encounters a marker in the text. * @param appId DCOP application ID of the application that queued the text. * @param markerName The name of the marker seen. * @see markers */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::markerSeen(const TQCString&, const TQString&) { } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a sentence begins speaking. * @param appId DCOP application ID of the application that queued the text. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. * @param seq Sequence number of the text. * @see getTextCount */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::sentenceStarted(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum, const uint seq) { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::sentencedStarted: jobNum = " << jobNum << " seq = " << seq << endl; TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking)); item->setText(jlvcPosition, TQString::number(seq)); m_currentSentence->setText(getTextJobSentence(jobNum, seq)); } } /** * This signal is emitted when a sentence has finished speaking. * @param appId DCOP application ID of the application that queued the text. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. * @param seq Sequence number of the text. * @see getTextCount */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::sentenceFinished(const TQCString& /*appId*/, const uint /*jobNum*/, const uint /*seq*/) { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::sentencedFinished: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl; /* TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking)); } */ } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a new text job is added to the queue. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textSet(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { TQByteArray jobInfo = getTextJobInfo(jobNum); TQDataStream stream(jobInfo, IO_ReadOnly); int state; TQCString appId; TQString talkerCode; int seq; int sentenceCount; int partNum; int partCount; stream >> state; stream >> appId; stream >> talkerCode; stream >> seq; stream >> sentenceCount; stream >> partNum; stream >> partCount; TQString talkerID = cachedTalkerCodeToTalkerID(talkerCode); TQListViewItem* item = new TQListViewItem(m_jobListView, m_jobListView->lastItem(), TQString::number(jobNum), appId, talkerID, stateToStr(state), TQString::number(seq), TQString::number(sentenceCount), TQString::number(partNum), TQString::number(partCount)); // Should we select this job? if (m_selectOnTextSet) { m_jobListView->setSelected(item, true); m_selectOnTextSet = false; } // If a job not already selected, select this one. autoSelectInJobListView(); } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a new part is appended to a text job. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. * @param partNum Part number of the new part. Parts are numbered starting * at 1. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textAppended(const TQCString& appId, const uint jobNum, const int /*partNum*/) { textSet(appId, jobNum); } /** * This signal is emitted whenever speaking of a text job begins. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textStarted(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking)); item->setText(jlvcPosition, "1"); } } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a text job is finished. The job has * been marked for deletion from the queue and will be deleted when another * job reaches the Finished state. (Only one job in the text queue may be * in state Finished at one time.) If @ref startText or @ref resumeText is * called before the job is deleted, it will remain in the queue for speaking. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textFinished(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::textFinished: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl; TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsFinished)); // Update sentence pointer, since signal may not be emitted for final CR. refreshJob(jobNum); } m_currentSentence->setText(TQString()); } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a speaking text job stops speaking. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textStopped(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::textStopped: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl; TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsQueued)); item->setText(jlvcPosition, "1"); } } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a speaking text job is paused. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textPaused(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { // kdDebug() << "KttsJobMgrPart::textPaused: jobNum = " << jobNum << endl; TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsPaused)); } } /** * This signal is emitted when a text job, that was previously paused, resumes speaking. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textResumed(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); if (item) { item->setText(jlvcState, stateToStr(KSpeech::jsSpeaking)); } } /** * This signal is emitted whenever a text job is deleted from the queue. * The job is no longer in the queue when this signal is emitted. * @param appId The DCOP senderId of the application that created the job. * @param jobNum Job number of the text job. */ ASYNC KttsJobMgrPart::textRemoved(const TQCString&, const uint jobNum) { TQListViewItem* item = findItemByJobNum(jobNum); delete item; autoSelectInJobListView(); } KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension::KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension(KttsJobMgrPart *tqparent) : KParts::BrowserExtension(tqparent, "KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension") { } KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension::~KttsJobMgrBrowserExtension() { }