/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: This file is the template for the configuration plug ins. ------------------- Copyright : (C) 2002-2003 by José Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fernández ------------------- Original author: José Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fernández Current Maintainer: Gary Cramblitt ******************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _PLUGINCONF_H_ #define _PLUGINCONF_H_ // Qt includes. #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include "kdeexportfix.h" // KTTS includes. #include "testplayer.h" /** * @interface PlugInConf * * pluginconf - the KDE Text-to-Speech Deamon Plugin Configuration API. * * @version 1.0 Draft 2 * * This class defines the interface that plugins to KTTSMGR must implement. * * @warning The pluginconf interface is still being developed and is likely * to change in the future. * * A KTTSD Plugin interfaces between KTTSD and a speech engine. * A PlugInConf provides an on-screen widget for configuring the plugin for use * with KTTSD. * * @section guidelines General Guidelines * * - The configuration widget should be no larger than TODO pixels. * - Do not supply Load, Save, Cancel, or OK buttons. Those are provided by KTTSMGR. * - Try to supply a Test button so that users can test the configuration before * saving it. * - Your configuration widget will be running inside a KPart. * - Whenever the user changes something in your on-screen widget, emit the * @ref changed signal. * - If a plugin can automatically configure itself, i.e., locate voice files, * set default values, etc., it should do so when it is first added to KTTSMGR. * * @section multiinstance Multiple Instances * * If it is possible to run multiple simultaneous instances of your synthesis engine, * return True from the @ref supportsMultiInstance method. The user will be able to * configure multiple instances of your plugin, each with a different set of * talker attributes. * * If you cannot run multiple simultaneous instances of your synthesis engine, * or your plugin has a fixed set of talker attributes (only one language, voice, * gender, volume, and speed), return False from @ref supportsMultiInstance. * * @section language Language Support * * Some plugins support only one language. For them, return the appropriate language * code when @ref getSupportedLanguages is called. * * If your plugin can support multiple languages, your task is a little more * complicated. The best way to handle this is to install a @e voices file with * your plugin that lists all the supported languages, voice files, genders, etc. * that are possible. When your plugin is added to KTTSMGR, * @ref getSupportedLanguages will be called. Return a list of all the possible * languages supported, even if the user hasn't yet picked a voice file in your * configuration, or even told your where the voice files are. * * There are three ways that users and applications pick a language code for your * plugin: * - The user picks a code from among the languages you returned in * @ref getSupportedLanguages, or * - The user picks your plugin and uses your configuration widget to pick a voice * file or other configuration option that determines the language, or * - An application requests a plugin with specific language support. * * If possible, avoid making the user pick a language code in your plugin. * * In the first and third cases, the chosen language code will be passed to your * plugin when @ref setDesiredLanguage is called. If you can satisfy this * language code, good, but it is possible that once the user has begun * configuring your plugin, you find that you cannot support the desired * language. Perhaps a needed voice file is missing. That is OK. * You'll inform KTTSMGR of the actual language code when KTTSMGR * calls @ref getTalkerCode (see below). Note that you should not limit the * users choices based on the @ref setDesiredLanguage. A user might start * out configuring your plugin for one language, and then change his or her * mind to a different language. * * Also note that language codes may also include an appended country code. * For example, "en_GB" for British English. When @ref getSupportedLanguages is * called, you should return as specific a list as possible. For example, * if your plugin supports both American and British English, your returned * list would include "en_GB" and "en_US". When @ref setDesiredLanguage is * called, a country code may or may not be included. If included and your * plugin supports the language, but not the specific country variant, * your plugin should nevertheless attempt to satisfy the request, returning * the actual supported language and country when @ref getTalkerCode is called. * * @section talkercodes Talker Codes * * Review the section on Talkers in kspeech.h. * * When your plugin is added to the KTTSMGR, @ref getSupportedLanguages * will be called followed by @ref setDesiredLanguage and @ref load. * Note that the configuration file will most likely be empty when * @ref load is called. * Next, @ref getTalkerCode * will be called. If your plugin can automatically configure itself to the desired * language, it should do so and return a fully-specified talker code. If your * plugin is not yet ready and requires user help, return TQString::null. Note that * @ref setDesiredLanguage may be Null, in which case, you should allow the * user to configure your plugin to any of your supported languages. * * When your plugin has been configured enough to begin synthesis, return a * fully-specified talker code in @ref getTalkerCode(). * * Here is guidance for what you should return for each of the talker attributes * when @ref getTalkerCode is called: * * - @e lang. If user has completed configuring your plugin, i.e., it is * ready to begin synthesizing, return the ISO 639-1 language code * for the language it can synthesize. If your plugin is not yet * fully configured, you should return TQString::null for the entire * talker code. If your plugin supports a specific national version * of a language, that should also be included using the ISO 3166 * country code separated from the language code by underscore (_). * For example, if your plugin synthesizes American English, you would * return "en_US". If British English, "en_BR". And if * non-specific English, just "en". * - @e synthesizer. The name of your plugin. Keep short, but long enough to * distinquish different implementations. For example, * Festival Int, Flite, Hadifix. Use only letters, numbers * spaces, and underscores (_) in your plugin name. * - @e gender. May be "male", "female", or "neutral". * - @e name. The voice code. If your plugin does not support voices, * return "fixed". * - @e volume. May be "medium", "loud", or "soft". If your plugin does not support * configurable volume, return "medium". * - @e rate. May be "medium", "fast", or "slow". If your plugin does not support * configurable speed, return "medium". * * The order of the attributes you return does not matter. Here is an example of * a fully-specified talker code. * * lang="en" name="Kal" gender="male" volume="soft" rate="fast" * synthesizer="Festival Interactive" * * Do not return translated values for the Talker Code attributes. All English. * * Each time your plugin emits the @ref changed signal, @ref getTalkerCode will be called. * The configuration dialog OK button will be disabled until you return a non-null * Talker Code. * * It is possible that your plugin does not know the language supported. The generic * Command plugin is example of such a case, since the user enters an arbitrary command. * In this case, return the value from the @ref setDesiredLanguage call. It is possible * that @ref setDesiredLanguage is Null. That is OK. In this case, KTTSMGR will prompt * the user for the language code. * * @section loadandsavemethods Load and Save Methods * * The @ref load and @ref save methods are called by KTTSMGR so that your plugin * can load and save configuration options from the configuration file. * These methods have two parameters, a @e config object and a @e configGroup string. * * Plugins that do not support multiple instances (return False from * @ref supportsMultiInstance), should simply call config->setGroup(configGroup) * before loading or saving their configuration. * * If your plugin supports multiple instances, it is slightly more complicated. * Typically, there will be configuration options that apply to all instances * of the plugin and there will be options that apply only to the specific * configured instance of the plugin. To load or save the instance-specific * options, call config->setGroup(configGroup). For options that apply * to all instances of the plugin, call config->setGroup() with a group name * that contains your plugin's name. For example, * config->setGroup("Festival Defaults"). * * For example, when first added to KTTSMGR, the Festival plugin needs to know the path to * the directory containing all the installed voice files. It is best for a plugin * to try to locate these resources automatically, but if it can't find them, * when the user has told it where they are, it is a good idea to save this information * in the all-instances group. In this way, the next time the plugin * is added to KTTSMGR, or another instance is added, it will be able to find them * automatically. * * @ref setDesiredLanguage is always called just prior to @ref load, therefore * it is not necessary to save the language code, unless your plugin needs it in * order to synthesize speech. */ class KDE_EXPORT PlugInConf : public QWidget{ Q_OBJECT public: /** * Constructor */ PlugInConf( TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~PlugInConf(); /** * This method is invoked whenever the module should read its * configuration (most of the times from a config file) and update the * user interface. This happens when the user clicks the "Reset" button in * the control center, to undo all of his changes and restore the currently * valid settings. Note that KTTSMGR calls this when the plugin is * loaded, so it not necessary to call it in your constructor. * The plugin should read its configuration from the specified group * in the specified config file. * @param config Pointer to a KConfig object. * @param configGroup Call config->setGroup with this argument before * loading your configuration. * * When a plugin is first added to KTTSMGR, @e load will be called with * a Null @e configGroup. In this case, the plugin will not have * any instance-specific parameters to load, but it may still wish * to load parameters that apply to all instances of the plugin. * * @see loadandsavemethods */ virtual void load(KConfig *config, const TQString &configGroup); /** * This function gets called when the user wants to save the settings in * the user interface, updating the config files or wherever the * configuration is stored. The method is called when the user clicks "Apply" * or "Ok". The plugin should save its configuration in the specified * group of the specified config file. * @param config Pointer to a KConfig object. * @param configGroup Call config->setGroup with this argument before * saving your configuration. * * @ref setDesiredLanguage is always called just prior to @ref load, therefore * it is not necessary to save the language code, unless your plugin needs it in * order to synthesize speech. */ virtual void save(KConfig *config, const TQString &configGroup); /** * This function is called to set the settings in the module to sensible * default values. It gets called when hitting the "Default" button. The * default values should probably be the same as the ones the application * uses when started without a config file. Note that defaults should * be applied to the on-screen widgets; not to the config file. */ virtual void defaults(); /** * Indicates whether the plugin supports multiple instances. Return * False if only one instance of the plugin can run at a time, or * if your plugin is limited to a single language, voice, gender, volume, * and speed. * @return True if multiple instances are possible. */ virtual bool supportsMultiInstance(); /** * This function informs the plugin of the desired language to be spoken * by the plugin. The plugin should attempt to adapt itself to the * specified language code, choosing sensible defaults if necessary. * If the passed-in code is TQString::null, no specific language has * been chosen. * @param lang The desired language code or Null if none. * * If the plugin is unable to support the desired language, that is OK. * Language codes are given by ISO 639-1 and are in lowercase. * The code may also include an ISO 3166 country code in uppercase * separated from the language code by underscore (_). For * example, en_GB. If your plugin supports the given language, but * not the given country, treat it as though the country * code were not specified, i.e., adapt to the given language. */ virtual void setDesiredLanguage(const TQString &lang); /** * Return fully-specified talker code for the configured plugin. This code * uniquely identifies the configured instance of the plugin and distinquishes * one instance from another. If the plugin has not been fully configured, * i.e., cannot yet synthesize, return TQString::null. * @return Fully-specified talker code. */ virtual TQString getTalkerCode(); /** * Return a list of all the languages possibly supported by the plugin. * If your plugin can support any language, return Null. * @return A TQStringList of supported language and optional country * codes, or Null if any. * * The languge codes are given in ISO 639-1. Lowercase should be used. * If your plugin supports various national forms of a language, ISO 3166 * country codes should also be include in upperase and separated from * the language code with underscore (_). Examples: * en * en_US * en_GB * es * es_CL * The list you return should be as specific as practicable. */ virtual TQStringList getSupportedLanguages(); /** * Player object that can be used by the plugin for testing playback of synthed files. */ void setPlayer(TestPlayer* player); TestPlayer* getPlayer(); static TQString realFilePath(const TQString &filename); static TQString testMessage(const TQString& languageCode); public slots: /** * This slot is used internally when the configuration is changed. It is * typically connected to signals from the widgets of the configuration * and should emit the @ref changed signal. */ void configChanged(){ kdDebug() << "PlugInConf::configChanged: Running"<< endl; emit changed(true); }; signals: /** * This signal indicates that the configuration has been changed. * It should be emitted whenever user changes something in the configuration widget. */ void changed(bool); protected: /** * Searches the $PATH variable for any file. If that file exists in the PATH, or * is contained in any directory in the PATH, it returns the full path to it. * @param name The name of the file to search for. * @returns The path to the file on success, a blank QString * if its not found. */ TQString getLocation(const TQString &name); /** * Breaks a language code into the language code and country code (if any). * @param languageCode Language code. * @return countryCode Just the country code part (if any). * @return Just the language code part. */ TQString splitLanguageCode(const TQString& languageCode, TQString& countryCode); /// The system path in a TQStringList. TQStringList m_path; TestPlayer* m_player; }; #endif //_PLUGINCONF_H_