HadifixConfigUI HadifixConfigUI 0 0 578 388 Hadifix Configuration This is the configuration dialog for the Hadifix (txt2pho and Mbrola) speech synthesizer. unnamed 0 6 GroupBox4 5 5 0 0 Had&ifix Configuration This is the configuration dialog for the Hadifix (txt2pho and Mbrola) speech synthesizer. unnamed 11 6 basicOptions 5 0 0 0 Box Sunken &Basic Options unnamed voiceLabel 0 5 0 0 &Voice file: voiceCombo Select a voice for speaking text. If no voices are listed, check your Mbrola configuration. You must install at least one voice. voiceCombo 1 0 1 0 Select a voice for speaking text. If no voices are listed, check your Mbrola configuration. You must install at least one voice. voiceButton 1 1 0 0 &Select... volumeLabel 0 5 0 0 Volume &ratio: volumeBox Adjusts the volume of speech. Slide to left for softer speech; to the right for louder. volumeBox true 0 0 0 0 % 200 50 100 Adjusts the volume of speech. Slide to left for softer speech; to the right for louder. volumeSlider true NoFocus 0 1000 10 100 500 Horizontal NoMarks Adjusts the volume of speech. Slide to left for softer speech; to the right for louder. timeLabel 0 5 0 0 Speed: timeBox Adjusts the speed of speech. Slide to left for slower speech; to the right for faster. timeBox true 0 0 0 0 % 200 50 100 Adjusts the speed of speech. Slide to left for slower speech; to the right for faster. timeSlider true NoFocus 1000 10 100 500 Horizontal Adjusts the speed of speech. Slide to left for slower speech; to the right for faster. frequencyLabel 0 5 0 0 &Pitch: frequencyBox Adjusts the pitch (tone) of speech. Slide to left for lower speech; to the right for higher. frequencyBox 0 0 0 0 % 200 50 100 Adjusts the pitch (tone) of speech. Slide to left for lower speech; to the right for higher. frequencySlider NoFocus 1000 10 100 500 Horizontal Adjusts the pitch (tone) of speech. Slide to left for lower speech; to the right for higher. advancedOptions 5 0 0 0 &Advanced Options unnamed 11 6 hadifixBinLabel txt2pho e&xecutable: hadifixURL If the txt2pho program is in your PATH environment variable, simply enter "txt2pho", otherwise specify the full path to the txt2pho executable program. hadifixURL 5 5 0 0 If the txt2pho program is in your PATH environment variable, simply enter "txt2pho", otherwise specify the full path to the txt2pho executable program. mbrolaBinLabel &Mbrola executable: mbrolaURL If the Mbrola program is in your PATH environment variable, simply enter "mbrola", otherwise specify the full path to the Mbrola executable program. mbrolaURL 5 5 0 0 If the Mbrola program is in your PATH environment variable, simply enter "mbrola", otherwise specify the full path to the Mbrola executable program. layout5 unnamed characterCodingLabel 5 5 0 0 Character &encoding: characterCodingBox characterCodingBox 7 0 0 0 This combo box specifies which character encoding is used for passing the text. For most western languages, use ISO-8859-1. For Hungarian, use ISO-8859-2. spacer1 Horizontal Preferred 240 20 testButton 0 0 0 0 &Test Click to test the configuration. You should hear a spoken sentence. volumeBox valueChanged(int) HadifixConfigUI volumeBox_valueChanged(int) volumeSlider valueChanged(int) HadifixConfigUI volumeSlider_valueChanged(int) timeBox valueChanged(int) HadifixConfigUI timeBox_valueChanged(int) timeSlider valueChanged(int) HadifixConfigUI timeSlider_valueChanged(int) frequencyBox valueChanged(int) HadifixConfigUI frequencyBox_valueChanged(int) frequencySlider valueChanged(int) HadifixConfigUI frequencySlider_valueChanged(int) voiceCombo activated(const QString&) HadifixConfigUI changed(const QString&) volumeBox valueChanged(const QString&) HadifixConfigUI changed(const QString&) timeBox valueChanged(const QString&) HadifixConfigUI changed(const QString&) frequencyBox valueChanged(const QString&) HadifixConfigUI changed(const QString&) hadifixURL textChanged(const QString&) HadifixConfigUI changed(const QString&) mbrolaURL textChanged(const QString&) HadifixConfigUI changed(const QString&) qradiobutton.h qpixmap.h kurl.h qmap.h kglobal.h qstringlist.h math.h kiconloader.h class QStringList; QMap<QString,int> maleVoices; QMap<int,QString> defaultVoices; QPixmap female; QPixmap male; QMap<QString,int> femaleVoices; changed(bool) volumeBox_valueChanged( int percentValue ) timeBox_valueChanged( int percentValue ) frequencyBox_valueChanged( int percentValue ) volumeSlider_valueChanged( int sliderValue ) timeSlider_valueChanged( int sliderValue ) frequencySlider_valueChanged( int sliderValue ) changed( const QString & ) percentToSlider( int percentValue ) sliderToPercent( int sliderValue ) init() addVoice( const QString &filename, bool isMale ) addVoice( const QString &filename, bool isMale, const QString &displayname ) setVoice( const QString &filename, bool isMale ) getVoiceFilename() isMaleVoice() kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h kpushbutton.h