path: root/kicker-applets/ktimemon/confdlg.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kicker-applets/ktimemon/confdlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kicker-applets/ktimemon/confdlg.cpp b/kicker-applets/ktimemon/confdlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..337f5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kicker-applets/ktimemon/confdlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+/* TimeMon (c) 1994 Helmut Maierhofer */
+/* KDE-ified M. Maierhofer 1998 */
+ * confdlg.h
+ *
+ * Definitions for the timemon configuration dialog.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <tqgroupbox.h>
+#include <tqlineedit.h>
+#include <tqslider.h>
+#include <tqlayout.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqvgroupbox.h>
+#include <tqcheckbox.h>
+#include <tqcombobox.h>
+#include <kcolorbutton.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <tdemessagebox.h>
+#include <kurlrequester.h>
+#include "confdlg.h"
+#include "timemon.h"
+// -- KConfDialog definition ---------------------------------------------
+KConfDialog::KConfDialog(KTimeMon *t)
+ : KDialogBase( Tabbed, i18n("Configuration" ),
+ Ok|Cancel|Apply, Ok, t, 0, false ),
+ timemon(t)
+ TQFrame *page;
+ TQBoxLayout *bl;
+ TQGridLayout *gl;
+ TQLabel *l;
+ TQGroupBox *b;
+ KColorButton *cb;
+ unsigned i, j;
+ setIcon( SmallIcon( "ktimemon" ) );
+ // first tab: general
+ page = addPage( i18n( "&General" ) );
+ bl = new TQVBoxLayout(page, 0, spacingHint());
+ b = new TQVGroupBox(i18n("Sample &Rate"), page);
+ bl->addWidget(b);
+ intervalEdit = new KIntNumInput(250, b);
+ intervalEdit->setRange(20, 1000, 10);
+ intervalEdit->setSuffix(i18n(" msec"));
+ // scaling group box
+ b = new TQVGroupBox(i18n("Scaling"), page);
+ bl->addWidget(b);
+ bl->addStretch();
+ autoScaleBox = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Automatic"), b);
+ connect(autoScaleBox, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(toggle(bool)));
+ pageScaleEdit = new KIntNumInput(intervalEdit, 1000, b);
+ pageScaleEdit->setRange(10, 10000, 10);
+ pageScaleEdit->setLabel(i18n("&Paging:"), AlignVCenter | AlignLeft);
+ swapScaleEdit = new KIntNumInput(pageScaleEdit, 1000, b);
+ swapScaleEdit->setRange(1, 10000, 5);
+ swapScaleEdit->setLabel(i18n("&Swapping:"), AlignVCenter | AlignLeft);
+ ctxScaleEdit = new KIntNumInput(swapScaleEdit, 10000, b);
+ ctxScaleEdit->setLabel(i18n("&Context switch:"), AlignVCenter | AlignLeft);
+ ctxScaleEdit->setRange(1, 10000, 30);
+ bl->addStretch(1);
+ // second tab: colours
+ page = addPage( i18n( "C&olors" ) );
+ gl = new TQGridLayout(page, 12, 10, 0, spacingHint());
+ gl->setColStretch(3, 1); gl->setColStretch(6, 1); // eat up horizontal space
+ gl->setRowStretch(11, 1); // eat up vertical space
+ gl->addRowSpacing(0, 20); gl->addRowSpacing(4, 20); gl->addRowSpacing(8, 20);
+ gl->addRowSpacing(2, 8); gl->addRowSpacing(6, 8); gl->addRowSpacing(10, 8);
+ gl->addColSpacing(0, 10); gl->addColSpacing(9, 25);
+ TQString cpuColourLabels[4];
+ cpuColourLabels[0] = i18n("Kernel:");
+ cpuColourLabels[1] = i18n("User:");
+ cpuColourLabels[2] = i18n("Nice:");
+ cpuColourLabels[3] = i18n("IOWait:");
+ TQString memColourLabels[4];
+ memColourLabels[0] = i18n("Kernel:");
+ memColourLabels[1] = i18n("Used:");
+ memColourLabels[2] = i18n("Buffers:");
+ memColourLabels[3] = i18n("Cached:");
+ KColorButton **cpuColourButtons[4] = { &kernelCB, &userCB, &niceCB, &iowaitCB };
+ b = new TQGroupBox(i18n("CPU"), page);
+ gl->addMultiCellWidget(b, 0, 2, 0, 13);
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ l = new TQLabel(cpuColourLabels[j], page);
+ gl->addWidget(l, 1, 3*j+1, AlignVCenter | AlignRight);
+ cb = *cpuColourButtons[j] = new KColorButton(white, page);
+ gl->addWidget(cb, 1, 3*j+2, AlignCenter);
+ connect(cb, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)),
+ this, TQT_SLOT(updateSampleWidget(const TQColor &)));
+ }
+ KColorButton **memColourButtons[4] = { &mkernelCB, &usedCB, &buffersCB, &cachedCB };
+ b = new TQGroupBox(i18n("Memory"), page);
+ gl->addMultiCellWidget(b, 4, 6, 0, 13);
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ l = new TQLabel(memColourLabels[j], page);
+ gl->addWidget(l, 5, 3*j+1, AlignVCenter | AlignRight);
+ cb = *memColourButtons[j] = new KColorButton(white, page);
+ gl->addWidget(cb, 5, 3*j+2, AlignCenter);
+ connect(cb, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)),
+ this, TQT_SLOT(updateSampleWidget(const TQColor &)));
+ }
+ b = new TQGroupBox(i18n("Swap"), page);
+ gl->addMultiCellWidget(b, 8, 10, 0, 6);
+ l = new TQLabel(i18n("Swap:"), page);
+ gl->addWidget(l, 9, 1, AlignVCenter | AlignRight);
+ cb = swapCB = new KColorButton(red, page);
+ gl->addWidget(cb, 9, 2);
+ connect(cb, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)),
+ this, TQT_SLOT(updateSampleWidget(const TQColor &)));
+ l = new TQLabel(i18n("Backgd:"), page);
+ gl->addWidget(l, 9, 4, AlignVCenter | AlignRight);
+ cb = bgCB = new KColorButton(blue, page);
+ gl->addWidget(cb, 9, 5);
+ connect(cb, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)),
+ this, TQT_SLOT(updateSampleWidget(const TQColor &)));
+ //b = new TQGroupBox(i18n("Sample"), page);
+ //gl->addMultiCellWidget(b, 8, 10, 7, 9);
+ // third tab: interaction
+ page = addPage( i18n( "&Interaction" ) );
+ bl = new TQVBoxLayout(page, 0, spacingHint());
+ b = new TQGroupBox(i18n("Mouse Events"), page);
+ b->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Vertical );
+ bl->addWidget(b);
+ bl->addStretch();
+ TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout( b->layout() );
+ gl = new TQGridLayout(b, MAX_MOUSE_ACTIONS + 1, 3, 0, 6 );
+ vbox->addLayout( gl );
+ for (i = 1; i < MAX_MOUSE_ACTIONS + 1; i++)
+ gl->setRowStretch(i, 1);
+ gl->setColStretch(2, 1);
+ TQString buttonText[MAX_MOUSE_ACTIONS] = { i18n("Left button:"),
+ i18n("Middle button:"),
+ i18n("Right button:") };
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) MAX_MOUSE_ACTIONS; i++) {
+ l = new TQLabel(buttonText[i], b);
+ gl->addWidget(l, i+1, 0);
+ mouseC[i] = new KComboBox(false, b);
+ mouseC[i]->insertItem(i18n("Is Ignored"), KTimeMon::NOTHING);
+// SWITCH doesn't DO anything. remove it from config dialog for now
+// mouseC[i]->insertItem(i18n("Switches Mode"), KTimeMon::SWITCH);
+ mouseC[i]->insertItem(i18n("Pops Up Menu"), KTimeMon::MENU - 1);
+ mouseC[i]->insertItem(i18n("Starts"), KTimeMon::COMMAND - 1);
+ gl->addWidget(mouseC[i], i+1, 1);
+ connect( mouseC[ i ], TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this,
+ TQT_SLOT( mouseCommandEnable() ) );
+ mouseLE[i] = new KURLRequester(b);
+ mouseLE[i]->lineEdit()->setText(t->mouseActionCommand[i]);
+ gl->addWidget(mouseLE[i], i+1, 2);
+ }
+ gl->activate();
+ resize(380, 300);
+ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(applyClicked()), timemon, TQT_SLOT(apply()));
+ connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(okClicked()), timemon, TQT_SLOT(apply()));
+// Adjust the colours of the sample widget in the configuration dialog.
+void KConfDialog::updateSampleWidget(const TQColor &)
+#if 0
+ sample->kernelColour = kernelCB->color();
+ sample->userColour = userCB->color();
+ sample->niceColour = niceCB->color();
+ sample->iowaitColour = iowaitCB->color();
+ sample->kernelColour = kernelCB->color();
+ sample->cachedColour = cachedCB->color();
+ sample->usedColour = usedCB->color();
+ sample->buffersColour = buffersCB->color();
+ sample->swapColour = swapCB->color();
+ sample->bgColour = bgCB->color();
+ sample->update();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// enable/disable the scale widgets
+void KConfDialog::toggle(bool state)
+ swapScaleEdit->setEnabled(!state);
+ pageScaleEdit->setEnabled(!state);
+ ctxScaleEdit->setEnabled(!state);
+void KConfDialog::mouseCommandEnable()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSE_ACTIONS; i++ ) {
+ unsigned action = mouseC[ i ]->currentItem();
+ // the - 1 is for compat with the no longer shown Switch option
+ mouseLE[ i ]->setEnabled( action == KTimeMon::COMMAND - 1);
+ }
+// update the dialog fields
+void KConfDialog::update()
+ intervalEdit->setValue(timemon->interval);
+ kernelCB->setColor(timemon->kernelColour);
+ userCB->setColor(timemon->userColour);
+ niceCB->setColor(timemon->niceColour);
+ iowaitCB->setColor(timemon->iowaitColour);
+ buffersCB->setColor(timemon->buffersColour);
+ mkernelCB->setColor(timemon->mkernelColour);
+ usedCB->setColor(timemon->usedColour);
+ cachedCB->setColor(timemon->cachedColour);
+ swapCB->setColor(timemon->swapColour);
+ bgCB->setColor(timemon->bgColour);
+ pageScaleEdit->setValue(timemon->pageScale);
+ swapScaleEdit->setValue(timemon->swapScale);
+ ctxScaleEdit->setValue(timemon->ctxScale);
+ autoScaleBox->setChecked(timemon->autoScale);
+ for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSE_ACTIONS; i++ )
+ {
+ int action = timemon->mouseAction[i];
+ if (action > 0)
+ --action; // compat for the no longer shown Switch action
+ mouseC[i]->setCurrentItem(action);
+ }
+ mouseCommandEnable();
+ updateSampleWidget(white); // fake colour
+unsigned int KConfDialog::getMouseAction(int i) const
+ int action = mouseC[i]->currentItem();
+ if (action > 0)
+ ++action; // compat for the no longer shown Switch action
+ return action;
+#include "confdlg.moc"