/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --- Copyright (C) 2004, Anders Lund */ //BEGIN Includes #include "filetemplates.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //END Includes //BEGIN plugin + factory stuff class PluginView : public KXMLGUIClient { friend class KateFileTemplates; public: Kate::MainWindow *win; }; extern "C" { void* init_katefiletemplates() { KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("katefiletemplates"); return new KatePluginFactory; } } KatePluginFactory::KatePluginFactory() { s_instance = new KInstance( "kate" ); } KatePluginFactory::~KatePluginFactory() { delete s_instance; } TQObject* KatePluginFactory::createObject( TQObject* parent, const char* name, const char*, const TQStringList & ) { return new KateFileTemplates( parent, name ); } KInstance* KatePluginFactory::s_instance = 0L; //END //BEGIN TemplateInfo class TemplateInfo { public: TemplateInfo( const TQString& fn, const TQString &t, const TQString &g ) : filename( fn ), tmplate ( t ), group( g ) { ; } ~TemplateInfo() { ; } TQString filename; TQString tmplate; TQString group; TQString description; TQString author; TQString highlight; TQString icon; }; //END TemplateInfo //BEGIN KateFileTemplates KateFileTemplates::KateFileTemplates( TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : Kate::Plugin ( (Kate::Application*)parent, name ), m_actionCollection( new KActionCollection( this, "template_actions", new KInstance("kate") ) ) { // create actions, so that they are shared. // We plug them into each view's menus, and update them centrally, so that // new plugins can automatically become visible in all windows. (void) new KAction ( i18n("Any File..."), 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotAny() ), m_actionCollection, "file_template_any" ); // recent templates m_acRecentTemplates = new KRecentFilesAction( i18n("&Use Recent"), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenTemplate(const KURL &)), m_actionCollection, "file_templates_recent" ); m_acRecentTemplates->loadEntries( kapp->config(), "Recent Templates" ); // template menu m_dw = new KDirWatch( this, "template_dirwatch" ); TQStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates"); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it ) { m_dw->addDir( *it, true ); } connect( m_dw, TQT_SIGNAL(dirty(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(updateTemplateDirs(const TQString&)) ); connect( m_dw, TQT_SIGNAL(created(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(updateTemplateDirs(const TQString&)) ); connect( m_dw, TQT_SIGNAL(deleted(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(updateTemplateDirs(const TQString&)) ); m_templates.setAutoDelete( true ); updateTemplateDirs(); m_user = 0; m_emailstuff = 0; } /** * Called whenever the template dir is changed. Recreates the templates list. */ void KateFileTemplates::updateTemplateDirs(const TQString &d) { kdDebug()<<"updateTemplateDirs called with arg "<findAllResources( "data","kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates/*.katetemplate", false,true); m_templates.clear(); TQRegExp re( "\\b(\\w+)\\s*=\\s*(.+)(?:\\s+\\w+=|$)" ); re.setMinimal( true ); KConfig *config = kapp->config(); TQStringList hidden; config->readListEntry( "Hidden", hidden, ';' ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it=templates.begin(); it != templates.end(); ++it ) { TQFile _f( *it ); if ( _f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQString fname = (*it).section( '/', -1 ); // skip if hidden if ( hidden.contains( fname ) ) continue; // Read the first line of the file, to get the group/name TemplateInfo *tmp = new TemplateInfo( *it, fname, "Other" ); bool trymore ( true ); TQTextStream stream(&_f); while ( trymore ) { TQString _line = stream.readLine(); trymore = _line.startsWith( "katetemplate:" ); if ( ! trymore ) break; int pos ( 0 ); while ( ( ( pos = re.search( _line, pos ) ) >= 0 ) ) { pos += re.cap( 1 ).length(); if ( re.cap( 1 ).lower() == "template" ) tmp->tmplate = re.cap( 2 ); if ( re.cap( 1 ).lower() == "group" ) tmp->group = re.cap( 2 ); if ( re.cap( 1 ).lower() == "description" ) tmp->description = re.cap( 2 ); if ( re.cap( 1 ).lower() == "author" ) tmp->author = re.cap( 2 ); if ( re.cap( 1 ).lower() == "highlight" ) tmp->highlight = re.cap( 2 ); if ( re.cap( 1 ) == "icon" ) tmp->icon = re.cap( 2 ); } } m_templates.append( tmp ); _f.close(); } } // update the menus of all views for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++) { PluginView *view = m_views.at(z); refreshMenu( view ); } } KateFileTemplates::~KateFileTemplates() { m_acRecentTemplates->saveEntries( kapp->config(), "Recent Templates" ); delete m_emailstuff; delete m_user; } void KateFileTemplates::addView(Kate::MainWindow *win) { PluginView *view = new PluginView (); (void) new KAction( i18n("&Manage Templates..."), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotEditTemplate()), view->actionCollection(), "settings_manage_templates" ); (void)new KActionMenu( i18n("New From &Template"), "make", view->actionCollection(), "file_new_fromtemplate" ); refreshMenu( view ); view->setInstance (new KInstance("kate")); view->setXMLFile("plugins/katefiletemplates/ui.rc"); win->guiFactory()->addClient (view); view->win = win; m_views.append (view); } void KateFileTemplates::removeView(Kate::MainWindow *win) { for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++) if (m_views.at(z)->win == win) { PluginView *view = m_views.at(z); m_views.remove (view); win->guiFactory()->removeClient (view); delete view; } } TQStringList KateFileTemplates::groups() { TQStringList l; TQString s; for ( uint i = 0; i < m_templates.count(); i++ ) { s = m_templates.at( i )->group; if ( ! l.contains( s ) ) l.append( s ); } return l; } void KateFileTemplates::refreshMenu( PluginView *v ) { TQPopupMenu *m = (TQPopupMenu*)(((KActionMenu*)(v->actionCollection()->action("file_new_fromtemplate")))->popupMenu()); // clear the menu for templates m->clear(); // restore it m_actionCollection->action( "file_template_any" )->plug( m ); m_acRecentTemplates->plug( m ); m->insertSeparator(); TQDict submenus; // ### QMAP for ( uint i = 0; i < m_templates.count(); i++ ) { if ( ! submenus[ m_templates.at( i )->group ] ) { TQPopupMenu *sm = new TQPopupMenu(); submenus.insert( m_templates.at( i )->group, sm ); m->insertItem( m_templates.at( i )->group, sm ); } kdDebug()<<"=== ICON: '"<icon<<"'"<icon.isEmpty() ) submenus[m_templates.at( i )->group]->insertItem( SmallIconSet( m_templates.at( i )->icon ), m_templates.at( i )->tmplate, this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenTemplate( int )), 0, i ); else submenus[m_templates.at( i )->group]->insertItem( m_templates.at( i )->tmplate, this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenTemplate( int )), 0, i ); // add whatsthis containing the description and author TQString w ( m_templates.at( i )->description ); if( ! m_templates.at( i )->author.isEmpty() ) { w.append( "

Author: " ); w.append( m_templates.at( i )->author ); } if ( ! w.isEmpty() ) w.prepend( "

" ); if ( ! w.isEmpty() ) submenus[m_templates.at( i )->group]->findItem( i )->setWhatsThis( w ); } } /** * Action slot: use any file as a template. * Get a URL and pass it on. */ void KateFileTemplates::slotAny() { if (!application()->activeMainWindow()) return; // get a URL and pass that to slotOpenTemplate TQString fn = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "katefiletemplate", TQString::null, application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView(), i18n("Open as Template") ); if ( ! fn.isEmpty() ) slotOpenTemplate( KURL( fn ) ); } /** * converts template [index] to a URL and passes that */ void KateFileTemplates::slotOpenTemplate( int index ) { kdDebug()<<"slotOpenTemplate( "< m_templates.count() ) return; slotOpenTemplate( KURL( m_templates.at( index )->filename ) ); } void KateFileTemplates::slotOpenTemplate( const KURL &url ) { // check if the file can be opened TQString tmpfile; TQString filename = url.fileName(); kdDebug()<<"file: "<activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView(), i18n("Error opening the file
for reading. The document will not be created.
").arg(filename), i18n("Template Plugin"), 0 ); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpfile ); return; } // this may take a moment.. kapp->setOverrideCursor( TQCursor(TQCursor::WaitCursor) ); // create a new document application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openURL( KURL() ); Kate::View *view = application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView(); Kate::Document *doc = view->getDoc(); TQTextStream stream(&file); TQString str, tmp; uint numlines = 0; uint doneheader = 0; while ( !stream.eof() ) { tmp = stream.readLine(); if ( ! numlines && isTemplate && tmp.startsWith( "katetemplate:" ) ) { // look for document name, highlight if ( ! (doneheader & 1) ) { TQRegExp reName( "\\bdocumentname\\s*=\\s*(.+)(?:\\s+\\w+\\s*=|$)", false ); reName.setMinimal( true ); if ( reName.search( tmp ) > -1 ) { docname = reName.cap( 1 ); docname = docname.replace( "%N", "%1" ); doneheader |= 1; } } if ( ! (doneheader & 2) ) { TQRegExp reHl( "\\bhighlight\\s*=\\s*(.+)(?:\\s+\\w+\\s*=|$)", false ); reHl.setMinimal( true ); kdDebug()<<"looking for a hl mode"< -1 ) { kdDebug()<<"looking for a hl mode -- "<hlModeCount() ) { if ( doc->hlModeName( _i ) == hlmode ) { doc->setHlMode( _i ); break; } _i++; } doneheader |= 2; } } continue; // skip this line } if ( numlines ) str += "\n"; str += tmp; numlines++; } file.close(); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpfile ); uint line, col; line = col = 0; if ( ! isTemplate ) { int d = filename.findRev('.'); docname = i18n("Untitled %1"); if ( d > 0 ) docname += filename.mid( d ); } else if ( docname.isEmpty() ) docname = filename.left( filename.length() - 13 ); // check for other documents matching this naming scheme, // and do a count before chosing a name for this one TQString p = docname; p.replace( "%1", "\\d+" ); p.replace( ".", "\\." ); p.prepend( "^" ); p.append( "$" ); TQRegExp reName( p ); int count = 1; for ( uint i=0; i < application()->documentManager()->documents(); i++ ) if ( ( reName.search ( application()->documentManager()->document( i )->docName() ) > -1 ) ) count++; if ( docname.contains( "%1" ) ) docname = docname.arg( count ); doc->setDocName( docname ); doc->setModified( false ); kapp->restoreOverrideCursor(); m_acRecentTemplates->addURL( url ); // clean up delete m_user; m_user = 0; delete m_emailstuff; m_emailstuff = 0; if (isTemplate) { KTextEditor::TemplateInterface *ti=KTextEditor::templateInterface(doc); ti->insertTemplateText(0,0,str,TQMap()); } else { doc->insertText( 0, 0, str ); view->setCursorPosition( line, col ); } } } TQWidget *KateFileTemplates::parentWindow() { return dynamic_cast(application()->activeMainWindow()); } // The next part are tools to aid the creation and editing of templates // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Steps to produce a template // * Choose a file to start from (optional) // * Ask for a location to store the file -- suggesting either the file // directory, or the local template directory. // Set the URL // * Get the template properties -- provide a dialog, which has filled in what // we already know -- the author name, list of known groups // // Combine those data into the editor, and tell the user to position the cursor // and edit the file as she wants to... void KateFileTemplates::slotCreateTemplate() { KateTemplateWizard w( parentWindow(), this ); w.exec(); updateTemplateDirs(); } // Tools for editing the existing templates // Editing a template: // * Select the template to edit // * Open the template // * Set the URL to a writable one if required void KateFileTemplates::slotEditTemplate() { KDialogBase dlg( parentWindow(), "templatemanager", false, i18n("Manage File Templates"), KDialogBase::Close); dlg.setMainWidget( new KateTemplateManager( this, &dlg ) ); dlg.exec(); } //END KateFileTemplates //BEGIN KateTemplateInfoWidget // This widget can be used to change the data of a TemplateInfo object KateTemplateInfoWidget::KateTemplateInfoWidget( TQWidget *parent, TemplateInfo *info, KateFileTemplates *kft ) : TQWidget( parent ), info( info ), kft( kft ) { TQGridLayout *lo = new TQGridLayout( this, 6, 2 ); lo->setAutoAdd( true ); lo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); TQLabel *l = new TQLabel( i18n("&Template:"), this ); TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox( this ); hb->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); leTemplate = new TQLineEdit( hb ); l->setBuddy( leTemplate ); TQWhatsThis::add( leTemplate, i18n("

This string is used as the template's name " "and is displayed, for example, in the Template menu. It should describe the " "meaning of the template, for example 'HTML Document'.

") ); ibIcon = new KIconButton( hb ); TQWhatsThis::add( ibIcon, i18n( "Press to select or change the icon for this template") ); l = new TQLabel( i18n("&Group:"), this ); cmbGroup = new TQComboBox( true, this ); cmbGroup->insertStringList( kft->groups() ); l->setBuddy( cmbGroup ); TQWhatsThis::add( cmbGroup, i18n("

The group is used for chosing a " "submenu for the plugin. If it is empty, 'Other' is used.

" "

You can type any string to add a new group to your menu.

") ); l = new TQLabel( i18n("Document &name:"), this ); leDocumentName = new TQLineEdit( this ); l->setBuddy( leDocumentName ); TQWhatsThis::add( leDocumentName, i18n("

This string will be used to set a name " "for the new document, to display in the title bar and file list.

" "

If the string contains '%N', that will be replaced with a number " "increasing with each similarly named file.

For example, if the " "Document Name is 'New shellscript (%N).sh', the first document will be " "named 'New shellscript (1).sh', the second 'New shellscipt (2).sh', and " "so on.

") ); l = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Highlight:"), this ); btnHighlight = new TQPushButton( i18n("None"), this ); l->setBuddy( btnHighlight ); TQWhatsThis::add( btnHighlight, i18n("

Select the highlight to use for the " "template. If 'None' is chosen, the property will not be set.

") ); l = new TQLabel( i18n("&Description:"), this ); leDescription = new TQLineEdit( this ); l->setBuddy( leDescription ); TQWhatsThis::add( leDescription, i18n("

This string is used, for example, as " "context help for this template (such as the 'whatsthis' help for the " "menu item.)

") ); l = new TQLabel( i18n("&Author:"), this ); leAuthor = new TQLineEdit( this ); l->setBuddy( leAuthor ); TQWhatsThis::add( leAuthor, i18n("

You can set this if you want to share your " "template with other users.

" "

the recommended form is like an Email " "address: 'Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk>'

") ); // if we have a object ! null if ( info ) { if ( ! info->icon.isEmpty() ) ibIcon->setIcon( info->icon ); leTemplate->setText( info->tmplate ); cmbGroup->setCurrentText( info->group ); leDescription->setText( info->description ); leAuthor->setText( info->author ); if ( ! info->highlight.isEmpty() ) btnHighlight->setText( info->highlight ); } // fill in the Hl menu Kate::Document *doc = kft->application()->documentManager()->activeDocument(); if ( doc ) { TQPopupMenu *m = new TQPopupMenu( btnHighlight ); connect( m, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotHlSet( int ) ) ); TQDict submenus; for ( uint n = 0; n < doc->hlModeCount(); n++ ) { // create the sub menu if it does not exist TQString text( doc->hlModeSectionName( n ) ); if ( ! text.isEmpty() ) { if ( ! submenus[ text ] ) { TQPopupMenu *sm = new TQPopupMenu(); submenus.insert( text, sm ); connect( sm, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotHlSet( int ) ) ); m->insertItem( text, sm ); } // create the item submenus[ text ]->insertItem( doc->hlModeName( n ), n ); } else m->insertItem( doc->hlModeName( n ), n ); } btnHighlight->setPopup( m ); } } void KateTemplateInfoWidget::slotHlSet( int id ) { btnHighlight->setText( kft->application()->documentManager()->activeDocument()->hlModeName( id ) ); } //END KateTemplateInfoWidget //BEGIN KateTemplateWizard // A simple wizard to help create a new template :-) KateTemplateWizard::KateTemplateWizard( TQWidget *parent, KateFileTemplates *kft ) : KWizard( parent ), kft( kft ) { // Hide the help button for now helpButton()->hide(); // 1) Optionally choose a file or existing template to start from TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( this ); TQGridLayout *glo = new TQGridLayout( page ); //lo->setAutoAdd( true ); glo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( new TQLabel( i18n("

If you want to base this " "template on an existing file or template, select the appropriate option " "below.

"), page ), 1, 1, 1, 2); bgOrigin = new TQButtonGroup( page ); bgOrigin->hide(); bgOrigin->setRadioButtonExclusive( true ); TQRadioButton *rb = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Start with an &empty document" ), page ); bgOrigin->insert( rb, 1 ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 2, 2, 1, 2 ); rb->setChecked( true ); rb = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Use an existing file:"), page ); bgOrigin->insert( rb, 2 ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 3, 3, 1, 2 ); int marg = rb->style().subRect( TQStyle::SR_RadioButtonIndicator, rb ).width(); glo->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( marg, 1, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ), 4, 1 ); urOrigin = new KURLRequester( page ); glo->addWidget( urOrigin, 4, 2 ); rb = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Use an existing template:"), page ); bgOrigin->insert( rb, 3 ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 5, 5, 1, 2 ); glo->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( marg, 1, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ), 6, 1 ); btnTmpl = new TQPushButton( page ); glo->addWidget( btnTmpl, 6, 2 ); TQPopupMenu *m = new TQPopupMenu( btnTmpl ); connect( m, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTmplateSet( int ) ) ); TQDict submenus; for ( uint i = 0; i < kft->templates().count(); i++ ) { if ( ! submenus[ kft->templates().at( i )->group ] ) { TQPopupMenu *sm = new TQPopupMenu(); connect( sm, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTmplateSet( int ) ) ); submenus.insert( kft->templates().at( i )->group, sm ); m->insertItem( kft->templates().at( i )->group, sm ); } submenus[kft->templates().at( i )->group]->insertItem( kft->templates().at( i )->tmplate, i ); } btnTmpl->setPopup( m ); connect( bgOrigin, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStateChanged(int)) ); connect( urOrigin, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStateChanged(const TQString&)) ); glo->addMultiCell( new TQSpacerItem( 1, 1, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ), 7, 7, 1, 2 ); addPage( page, i18n("Choose Template Origin") ); kdDebug()<<"=== Adding template origin page at "< map; map[ "fullname" ] = ""; map[ "email" ] = ""; KTextEditor::TemplateInterface::expandMacros( map, parent ); TQString sFullname = map["fullname"]; TQString sEmail = map["email"]; TQString _s = sFullname; if ( ! sEmail.isEmpty() ) _s += " <" + sEmail + ">"; kti->leAuthor->setText( _s ); // 3) choose a location - either the template directory (default) or // a custom location page = new TQWidget( this ); glo = new TQGridLayout( page, 7, 2 ); glo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( new TQLabel( i18n("

Choose a location for the " "template. If you store it in the template directory, it will " "automatically be added to the template menu.

"), page ), 1, 1, 1, 2); bgLocation = new TQButtonGroup( page ); bgLocation->hide(); bgLocation->setRadioButtonExclusive( true ); rb = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Template directory"), page ); bgLocation->insert( rb, 1 ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 2, 2, 1, 2 ); rb->setChecked( true ); glo->addMultiCell( new TQSpacerItem( marg, 1, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ), 3, 4, 1, 1 ); leTemplateFileName = new TQLineEdit( page ); TQLabel *l = new TQLabel( leTemplateFileName, i18n("Template &file name:"), page ); glo->addWidget( l, 3, 2 ); glo->addWidget( leTemplateFileName, 4, 2 ); rb = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Custom location:"), page ); bgLocation->insert( rb, 2 ); glo->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 5, 5, 1, 2 ); glo->addItem( new TQSpacerItem( marg, 1, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ), 6, 1 ); urLocation = new KURLRequester( page ); glo->addWidget( urLocation, 6, 2 ); connect( bgLocation, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStateChanged(int)) ); connect( urLocation, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStateChanged(const TQString&)) ); connect( leTemplateFileName, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStateChanged(const TQString &)) ); glo->addMultiCell( new TQSpacerItem( 1, 1, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ), 7, 7, 1, 2 ); addPage( page, i18n("Choose Location") ); kdDebug()<<"=== Adding location page at "<setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); lo->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n( "

You can replace certain strings in the text with " "template macros.

If any of the data below is incorrect or missing, " "edit the data in the KDE email information."), page ) ); cbRRealname = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Replace full name '%1' with the " "'%{fullname}' macro").arg( sFullname ), page ); cbRRealname->setEnabled( ! sFullname.isEmpty() ); lo->addWidget( cbRRealname ); cbREmail = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Replace email address '%1' with the " "'%email' macro").arg( sEmail ), page); cbREmail->setEnabled( ! sEmail.isEmpty() ); lo->addWidget( cbREmail ); lo->addStretch(); addPage( page, i18n("Autoreplace Macros") ); kdDebug()<<"=== Adding autoreplace page at "<setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); TQString s = i18n("

The template will now be created and saved to the chosen " "location. To position the cursor put a caret ('^') character where you " "want it in files created from the template.

"); lo->addWidget( new TQLabel( s, page ) ); cbOpenTemplate = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Open the template for editing"), page ); lo->addWidget( cbOpenTemplate ); lo->addStretch(); addPage( page, i18n("Create Template") ); kdDebug()<<"=== Adding summary page at "<setText( kft->templates().at( idx )->tmplate ); selectedTemplateIdx = idx; slotStateChanged(); } /** * When the state of any button in any setup page is changed, set the * enabled state of the next button accordingly. * * Origin: * if file is chosen, the URLRequester must have a valid URL in it * if template is chosen, one must be selected in the menu button. * * Props: * anything goes, but if the user wants to store the template in the template * directory, she should be encouraged to fill in information. */ void KateTemplateWizard::slotStateChanged() { bool sane( true ); switch ( indexOf( currentPage() ) ) { case 0: // origin { int _t = bgOrigin->selectedId(); sane = ( _t == 1 || ( _t == 2 && ! urOrigin->url().isEmpty() ) || ( _t == 3 && ! btnTmpl->text().isEmpty() ) ); setAppropriate( page(3), _t == 2 ); } break; case 1: // template properties // if origin is a existing template, let us try setting some of the properties if ( bgOrigin->selectedId() == 3 ) { TemplateInfo *info = kft->templateInfo( selectedTemplateIdx ); kti->cmbGroup->setCurrentText( info->group ); } break; case 2: // location { // If there is a template name, and the user did not enter text into // the template file name entry, we will construct the name from the // template name. int _t = bgLocation->selectedId(); sane = ( ( _t == 1 && (! leTemplateFileName->text().isEmpty() || ! kti->leTemplate->text().isEmpty() ) ) || ( _t == 2 && ! urLocation->url().isEmpty() ) ); } break; case 4: // summary setFinishEnabled( currentPage(), true ); break; default: break; } nextButton()->setEnabled( sane ); } /** * This will create the new template based on the collected information. */ void KateTemplateWizard::accept() { // TODO check that everything is kosher, so that we can get a save location // etc. // check that we can combine a valid URL KURL templateUrl; if ( bgLocation->selectedId() == 1 ) { TQString suggestion; if ( ! leTemplateFileName->text().isEmpty() ) suggestion = leTemplateFileName->text(); else suggestion = kti->leTemplate->text(); suggestion.replace(" ", ""); if ( ! suggestion.endsWith(".katetemplate") ) suggestion.append(".katetemplate"); TQString dir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "data", "kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates/", true ); templateUrl = dir + suggestion; if ( TQFile::exists( templateUrl.path() ) ) { if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n( "

The file
already exists; if you " "do not want to overwrite it, change the template file name to " "something else.").arg( templateUrl.prettyURL() ), i18n("File Exists"), i18n("Overwrite") ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return; } } else { templateUrl = urLocation->url(); } TQWizard::accept(); // The following must be done: // 1) add the collected template information to the top uint ln = 0; TQString s, str; if ( ! kti->leTemplate->text().isEmpty() ) s += " Template=" + kti->leTemplate->text(); if ( ! kti->cmbGroup->currentText().isEmpty() ) s += " Group=" + kti->cmbGroup->currentText(); if ( ! kti->leDocumentName->text().isEmpty() ) s += " Documentname=" + kti->leDocumentName->text(); if ( ! kti->ibIcon->icon().isEmpty() ) s += " Icon=" + kti->ibIcon->icon(); if ( ! kti->btnHighlight->text().isEmpty() ) s += " Highlight=" + kti->btnHighlight->text(); str = "katetemplate:" + s; if ( ! (s = kti->leAuthor->text()).isEmpty() ) str += "\nkatetemplate: Author=" + s; if ( ! (s = kti->leDescription->text()).isEmpty() ) str += "\nkatetemplate: Description=" + s; // 2) If a file or template is chosen, open that. and fill the data into a string int toid = bgOrigin->selectedId(); // 1 = blank, 2 = file, 3 = template kdDebug()<<"=== create template: origin type "< 1 ) { KURL u; if ( toid == 2 ) // file u = KURL( urOrigin->url() ); else // template u = KURL( kft->templates().at( selectedTemplateIdx )->filename ); TQString tmpfile, tmp; if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( u, tmpfile, 0L ) ) { TQFile file(tmpfile); if ( ! file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "Error opening the file
for reading. " "The document will not be created
").arg(u.prettyURL()), i18n("Template Plugin"), 0 ); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpfile ); return; } TQTextStream stream(&file); TQString ln; bool trymore = true; while ( !stream.eof() ) { // skip template headers ln = stream.readLine(); if ( trymore && ln.startsWith("katetemplate:") ) continue; trymore = false; tmp += "\n" + ln; } file.close(); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpfile ); } if ( toid == 2 ) // file { // 3) if the file is not already a template, escape any "%" and "^" in it, // and try do do some replacement of the authors username, name and email. tmp.replace( TQRegExp("%(?=\\{[^}]+\\})"), "\\%" ); tmp.replace( TQRegExp("\\$(?=\\{[^}]+\\})"), "\\$" ); //tmp.replace( "^", "\\^" ); if ( cbRRealname->isChecked() && ! sFullname.isEmpty() ) tmp.replace( sFullname, "%{realname}" ); if ( cbREmail->isChecked() && ! sEmail.isEmpty() ) tmp.replace( sEmail, "%{email}" ); } str += tmp; } // 4) Save the document to the suggested URL if possible bool succes = false; if ( templateUrl.isValid() ) { if ( templateUrl.isLocalFile() ) { TQFile file( templateUrl.path() ); if ( file.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { kdDebug()<<"file opened with succes"<application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openURL( KURL() ); Kate::View *view = kft->application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->activeView(); Kate::Document *doc = view->getDoc(); doc->insertText( ln++, 0, str ); } else if ( cbOpenTemplate->isChecked() ) kft->application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openURL( templateUrl ); } //END KateTemplateWizard //BEGIN KateTemplateItem class KateTemplateItem : public KListViewItem { public: KateTemplateItem( KListViewItem *parent, TemplateInfo *templateinfo ) : KListViewItem( parent, templateinfo->tmplate ), templateinfo( templateinfo ) { } TemplateInfo *templateinfo; }; //END KateTemplateItem //BEGIN KFTNewStuff class KFTNewStuff : public KNewStuff { public: KFTNewStuff( const TQString &type, TQWidget *parent=0 ) : KNewStuff( type, parent ), m_win( parent ) {} ~KFTNewStuff() {} bool install( const TQString &/*filename*/ ) { return true; } bool createUploadFile( const TQString &/*filename*/ ) { return false; } TQString downloadDestination( KNS::Entry *entry ) { TQString dir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "data", "kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates/", true ); return dir.append( entry->payload().filename() ); } private: TQWidget *m_win; }; //END KTNewStuff //BEGIN KateTemplateManager KateTemplateManager::KateTemplateManager( KateFileTemplates *kft, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ) , kft( kft ) { TQGridLayout *lo = new TQGridLayout( this, 2, 6 ); lo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() ); lvTemplates = new KListView( this ); lvTemplates->addColumn( i18n("Template") ); lo->addMultiCellWidget( lvTemplates, 1, 1, 1, 6 ); connect( lvTemplates, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateState()) ); btnNew = new TQPushButton( i18n("New..."), this ); connect( btnNew, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), kft, TQT_SLOT(slotCreateTemplate()) ); lo->addWidget( btnNew, 2, 2 ); btnEdit = new TQPushButton( i18n("Edit..."), this ); connect( btnEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditTemplate()) ); lo->addWidget( btnEdit, 2, 3 ); btnRemove = new TQPushButton( i18n("Remove"), this ); connect( btnRemove, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRemoveTemplate()) ); lo->addWidget( btnRemove, 2, 4 ); btnUpload = new TQPushButton( i18n("Upload..."), this ); connect( btnUpload, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpload()) ); lo->addWidget( btnUpload, 2, 5 ); btnDownload = new TQPushButton( i18n("Download..."), this ); connect( btnDownload, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDownload()) ); lo->addWidget( btnDownload, 2, 6 ); lo->setColStretch( 1, 1 ); reload(); slotUpdateState(); } void KateTemplateManager::apply() { // if any files were removed, delete them unless they are not writeable, in // which case a link .filename should be put in the writable directory. } void KateTemplateManager::reload() { lvTemplates->clear(); TQDict groupitems; // FIXME QMAP for ( uint i = 0; i < kft->templates().count(); i++ ) { if ( ! groupitems[ kft->templates().at( i )->group ] ) { groupitems.insert( kft->templates().at( i )->group , new KListViewItem( lvTemplates, kft->templates().at( i )->group ) ); groupitems[ kft->templates().at( i )->group ]->setOpen( true ); } new KateTemplateItem( groupitems[ kft->templates().at( i )->group ], kft->templates().at( i ) ); } } void KateTemplateManager::slotUpdateState() { // enable/disable buttons wrt the current item in the list view. // we are in single selection mode, so currentItem() is selected. bool cool = false; if ( dynamic_cast( lvTemplates->currentItem() ) ) cool = true; btnEdit->setEnabled( cool ); btnRemove->setEnabled( cool ); btnUpload->setEnabled( cool ); } void KateTemplateManager::slotEditTemplate() { // open the template file in kate // TODO show the properties dialog, and modify the file if the data was changed. KateTemplateItem *item = dynamic_cast( lvTemplates->currentItem() ); if ( item ) kft->application()->activeMainWindow()->viewManager()->openURL( item->templateinfo->filename ); } void KateTemplateManager::slotRemoveTemplate() { KateTemplateItem *item = dynamic_cast( lvTemplates->currentItem() ); if ( item ) { // Find all instances of filename, and try to delete them. // If it fails (there was a global, unwritable instance), add to a // list of removed templates KConfig *config = kapp->config(); TQString fname = item->templateinfo->filename.section( '/', -1 ); TQStringList templates = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "data", fname.prepend( "kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates/" ), false,true); int failed = 0; int removed = 0; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it=templates.begin(); it!=templates.end(); ++it ) { if ( ! TQFile::remove(*it) ) failed++; else removed++; } if ( failed ) { config->setGroup( "KateFileTemplates" ); TQStringList l; config->readListEntry( "Hidden", l, ';' ); l << fname; config->writeEntry( "Hidden", l, ';' ); } // If we removed any files, we should delete a KNewStuff key // for this template, so the template is installable again. // ### This assumes that the knewstuff name is similar to the template name. kdDebug()<<"trying to remove knewstuff key '"<templateinfo->tmplate<<"'"<setGroup("KNewStuffStatus"); config->deleteEntry( item->templateinfo->tmplate ); kft->updateTemplateDirs(); reload(); } } // KNewStuff upload void KateTemplateManager::slotUpload() { // TODO something nicer, like preparing the meta data from the template info. KateTemplateItem *item = dynamic_cast( lvTemplates->currentItem() ); if ( item ) { KFTNewStuff *ns = new KFTNewStuff( "katefiletemplates/template", this ); ns->upload( item->templateinfo->filename, TQString::null ); } } // KNewStuff download void KateTemplateManager::slotDownload() { KFTNewStuff *ns = new KFTNewStuff( "katefiletemplates/template", this ); ns->download(); kft->updateTemplateDirs(); reload(); } //END KateTemplateManager // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; #include "filetemplates.moc"